multinomial logistic regression analysis
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Tampanatu Parengkuan Fransiscus Sompie

Good infrastructure and transportation facilities move people and goods take place safely and economically in terms of time and cost. The trips made by people on weekdays or weekends affect environmental conditions in the area. The purpose of this paper is to find out the influence of socioeconomic status on modes choice of transportation both on weekdays and weekends. The study location is in Manado Municipality. There are 3 (three) modes of transportation reviewed, i.e. private cars, motorcycles, and public transportation. Indicators of socioeconomics status of transportation users are age, education, occupation, income, number of family members, and vehicle ownership. Data regarding the modes of transportation and socioeconomic status of travelers were obtained through questionnaire surveys. SEM-AMOS was used to measure the validity and reliability of the data. The probability of the mode choice on weekdays and weekends was analyzed using multinomial logistic regression analysis. The results showed that the socioeconomic status of the traveler has an influence on the mode choice of transportation by 49.2% on weekends and 49.5% on weekdays. Furthermore, the probability of transportation mode choice on weekends is the car by 88.4%, and on weekdays is motorcycles by 71.6%.

Aron Laxdal ◽  
Andreas Ivarsson

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between legal stops and winning in team handball. Real-time analysis was performed on all games played in the Icelandic elite division for both males and females (regular season and playoffs) between 2017–2021 (854 games [570 male games, 284 female games], 32,392 legal stops in total). Legal stops were assessed as any physical action by a defensive player that resulted in the stop of play, without the defensive player being penalized or the offensive player receiving a 7-meter throw. The results from a multinomial logistic regression analysis indicated that legal stops were significantly associated with winning games in the male league. No statistically significant relationship was found between illegal stops and game outcome for either sex. However, 2-minute suspensions were found to be positively associated with winning in the male league.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Veerabhadrappa Bellundagi ◽  
K.B. Umesh ◽  
B.C. Ashwini ◽  
K.R. Hamsa

PurposeIndia is facing a double burden of malnutrition, i.e. undernutrition and obesity. Women and adolescent health and nutrition are very relevant issues which have not received much attention it deserves in India, especially in the context of a girl child. Hence, the purpose of this study is to assess malnutrition among women and adolescent girls as well as the associated factors.Design/methodology/approachAn attempt was made to assess malnutrition among women and adolescent girls and associated factors. The required data was collected from the north (616) and south transects (659) sample households of Bangalore constituting a total sample size of 1,275. The data was analyzed by adopting multiple linear regression and multinomial logistic regression analysis using STATA software.FindingsThe effects of this study simply confirmed that, urbanization had an instantaneous effect on dietary repute of women and adolescent girls, while transferring throughout the gradient from rural to urban with the growing significance of weight problems and obese. In adolescent girls, about 31% were underweight followed by normal weight and overweight across rural–urban interface of Bangalore. The factors such as education, consumption of meat and animal products, a dummy for urban, diabetes and blood pressure were significantly and positively influencing the nutritional status (Body Mass Index) of women across rural–urban interface. While consumption of vegetables, wealth index and per capita income had a positive and significant influence on the nutritional status of adolescent girls.Originality/valueWith limited studies and data available in Karnataka, especially in Bengaluru, one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Against this backdrop, the study was conducted to assess the prevalence of malnutrition among women and adolescents and its association with various socio-economic variables.

2022 ◽  
pp. 000313482110234
Bülent Çomçalı ◽  
Buket A. Özdemir ◽  
Hakan Ataş ◽  
Egemen Özdemir ◽  
Deniz Tikici ◽  

Background The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting procedure failure in revision thyroidectomy surgery. Methods A total of 148 patients applied with revision surgery were separated into 2 groups according to the surgical success status. Comparisons were made of the 2 groups of patients where residual tissue was totally excised (Group 1, n:132) and patients where residual tissue could not be completely excised (Group 2, n:16). The patients were examined in respect of factors affecting the success of the procedure. Results The patients comprised 133 (89.9%) females and 15 (10.1%) males with a mean age of 49.68±12.02 years. Surgical failure was observed in 7 patients as the lesion could not be determined despite the use of intraoperative USG, and in 9 patients because of weak signal or signal loss. The determination of residual tissue ≤25mm on preoperative USG examination was seen to have a significant negative effect on surgical success (r=-0.329, p0.001). The patient having undergone ≥3 previous operations was determined to have a negative effect on surgical success (r=-0.229, p=0.005), and nerve damage on the opposite side to the lesion in a previous surgical procedure was determined to be the most important factor with a negative effect on surgical success (r=-0.571, p<0.001). In multinomial logistic regression analysis of the factors affecting success, the preoperative presence of nerve damage in the contralateral lobe to the lesion (OR: 33.11, 95% CI: 4.22-192.28, p<0.001) and lesion size ≤25 mm (OR: 10.10, 95% CI: 3.54-75.01, p=0.001) were determined to contribute significantly to surgical failure. Conclusion The results of this study clearly showed that as residual tissue size ≤25mm and contralateral nerve damage in the preoperative ultrasonographic evaluation are associated with surgical failure, alternative treatment methods such as radioactive iodine ablation may be preferred in these patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (04) ◽  
pp. 376-387
Chin Tee Suan ◽  
Anwar Khan ◽  
Muhammad Anwar

In nowadays competitive environment, students face challenges and intense pressure both from social and university lives, which is perceived stressful, and it ultimately develop feelings of depression. Keeping this in view, the current study aims to know prevalence of depressive feelings and its associated risk factors among Malaysian university students. Utilizing a cross-sectional design, data were collected by an online-self-reported- questionnaire from 210 students. Demographic data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, while linkages between depression and its risk-factors were determined by multinomial-logistic regression analysis. Results show that depressive symptoms were moderately elevated among 19-to-22 years old students, female students, unmarried, having past-trauma and financially poor status. Depressive symptoms had impeded academic life of students and academic performance. This study recommends that the menace of depression should be dealt collectively by parents, teachers, and university administration by providing a conducive environment to students, which will prevent students from detrimental impacts of depression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 593-599
Armel Obiandong Eyivono ◽  
Thiery Ndong Mba ◽  
Junior Eymard Ondo Nang ◽  
Patrick Mickala ◽  

Objective: In order to implement a targeted strategy during communication campaigns, this study defines the socio-demographic profile of blood donors and the factors that can promote their loyalty to blood donation in the northeast region of Gabon. Material And Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from March to September 2021 and enrolled 252 blood donors with a mean age of 29.6 ± 7 years, ranging from 19 to 51 years. After an interview based on a pre-established pre-donation questionnaire, each donor deemed suitable underwent a sampling that was then analyzed through an infectious workup and a blood count (CBC). Data collected from the questionnaire were entered into a spreadsheet in Excel 2016 and processed with R software in its R Commander interface and results were considered significant if p < 0.05. Results: Using Pearsons Chi-square test of independence, this study indicated an association between blood donation and many sociodemographic parameters. Thus, being a former donor was statistically associated with firstly male gender, secondly being a parent, thirdly having a job, and finally being 30 years or older. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was able to establish that: Being a parent, Having a job and Being male, increased the probability of being a faithful blood donor. Conclusion:. The profile of the blood donor at the Omar Bongo Ondimba Regional Hospital of Makokou corresponds to A man of about 30 years old, single, unemployed, with at least one child coming for a family type donation and the factors of loyalty to blood donation are the male sex, the status of worker and that of being a family member.

Laura William ◽  
Wim Vandekerckhove

AbstractIn Britain, Employment Tribunals (ET) adjudicate on whistleblowing legislation. They do so with the overriding aim to adjudicate cases fairly and justly, by hearing parties on an equal footing. This paper presents research questioning this rule-of-law assumption vis-a-vis power imbalances that relate to whistleblowing. Using multinomial logistic regression analysis, we analyse all cases at ET in England and Wales between 2015 and 2018, that included a whistleblowing claim and that went to preliminary hearing or beyond. We find that several variables have an effect on the relative representational strength (RRS) at ET, but not on the outcome of the whistleblowing claim. However, whistleblowing claims brought in combination of discrimination claims (41%) have lower RRS and less favourable outcomes for the whistleblowing claim.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yifei Ren ◽  
Yi Dong ◽  
Tingting Hou ◽  
Xiaolei Han ◽  
Rui Liu ◽  

Background: Few studies have examined occurrence and progression of cognitive impairment, no dementia (CIND) in rural China. Objective: To determine the prevalence and incidence of CIND in rural-dwelling Chinese older adults, and to examine risk and protective factors associated with progression to CIND and dementia. Methods: This population-based study included 2,781 dementia-free participants (age≥65 years) who were examined at baseline (2014) and followed in 2018. Demographic, epidemiological, clinical, and neuropsychological data were collected following a structured questionnaire. We defined CIND according to subjective cognitive complaints and the age- and education-specific Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score. Data were analyzed with the multinomial logistic regression models. Results: The overall prevalence of CIND was 10.54% and the incidence was 28.26 per 1,000 person-years. CIND at baseline was associated with the multi-adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 2.06 (95% confidence interval = 1.23–3.47) for incident dementia. Multinomial logistic regression analysis suggested that compared with no CIND, the multi-adjusted OR of incident CIND was 2.21 (1.51–3.23) for women and 0.62 (0.38–0.99) for high social support, whereas the multi-adjusted OR of incident dementia was 1.14 (1.09–1.18) for older age, 0.29 (0.16–0.53) for high education, and 2.91 (1.47–5.74) for having a stroke history. Conclusion: CIND affects over one-tenth of older adults living in rural communities of western Shandong province. People with CIND are twice as likely to progress to dementia as people without CIND. Female sex, low education, stroke history, and low social support are associated with an increased risk of progression from normal cognition to CIND or dementia.

Sarah Butter ◽  
Jamie Murphy ◽  
Philip Hyland ◽  
Orla McBride ◽  
Mark Shevlin ◽  

Abstract Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way many individuals go about their daily lives. This study attempted to model the complexity of change in lifestyle quality as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its context within the UK adult population. Methods Data from the COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium Study (Wave 3, July 2020; N = 1166) were utilised. A measure of COVID-19-related lifestyle change captured how individuals’ lifestyle quality had been altered as a consequence of the pandemic. Exploratory factor analysis and latent profile analysis were used to identify distinct lifestyle quality change subgroups, while multinomial logistic regression analysis was employed to describe class membership. Results Five lifestyle dimensions, reflecting partner relationships, health, family and friend relations, personal and social activities, and work life, were identified by the EFA, and seven classes characterised by distinct patterns of change across these dimensions emerged from the LPA: (1) better overall (3.3%), (2) worse except partner relations (6.0%), (3) worse overall (2.5%), (4) better relationships (9.5%), (5) better except partner relations (4.3%), (6) no different (67.9%), and (7) worse partner relations only (6.5%). Predictor variables differentiated membership of classes. Notably, classes 3 and 7 were associated with poorer mental health (COVID-19 related PTSD and suicidal ideation). Conclusions Four months into the pandemic, most individuals’ lifestyle quality remained largely unaffected by the crisis. Concerningly however, a substantial minority (15%) experienced worsened lifestyles compared to before the pandemic. In particular, a pronounced deterioration in partner relations seemed to constitute the more severe pandemic-related lifestyle change.

2021 ◽  
dryzzhang not provided ◽  
Hongzhi Lv

Background: Nursing care service is an important part of the healthcare system; however, patients’ favorite type of nursing care remains unknown. This study aims to investigate inpatients’ and nurses’ favorite types of nursing care and identify nurses' learning needs. Method: The study selected a province-representative sample of inpatients and nurses using a stratified random sampling method from 18 selected hospitals, including 9 Level Ⅱhospitals and 9 Level Ⅲ hospitals in 9 cities of Hebei province. All participants were personally interviewed about their favorite type of nursing care. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was applied to analyze the potential associations between favorite nursing care and factors about inpatients and nurses.

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