advanced education
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2021 ◽  
pp. 32-46
Svetlana Nikolaevna Sporykhina

The paper considers the relation between giving a proactive character to the education system and the requirements of modern social and economic social processes. The stages of managing the process of creating a system of advanced education are described, a scheme for managing advanced education is developed.

M K Srivastava

Abstract: The spread of pandemic Covid-19 has definitely upset each part of human life including training. It has made an extraordinary test on training. In numerous instructive organizations around the globe, grounds are shut and educating learning has moved on the web. Internationalization has eased back down significantly. In India, around 32 crore students halted to move schools/universities and every instructive action finished. Regardless of every one of these difficulties, the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have responded emphatically and figured out how to guarantee the congruity of instructing learning, exploration and administration to the general public with certain devices and methods during the pandemic. A few estimates taken by HEIs and instructive specialists of India to offer consistent instructive types of assistance during the emergency are examined. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, numerous new methods of learning, new points of view, new patterns rise and the equivalent may proceed as we proceed to another tomorrow. The Covid-19 pandemic encouraged the whole society on how need is the mother of development by permitting instructive organizations to embrace internet learning and present a virtual learning society. The pandemic has been guiding the instruction area forward with mechanical development and headways. The pandemic has essentially upset the advanced education segment. An enormous number of Indian understudies who have tried out numerous Universities abroad, particularly in most noticeably awful influenced nations are currently leaving those nations and if the circumstance continues, over the long haul, there will be a critical decrease in the interest for worldwide advanced education moreover. The ongoing pandemic made an open door for change in instructive methodologies and presentation of virtual training in all degrees of training. As we don’t have a clue how long the pandemic circumstance will proceed, a steady move towards the on the web/virtual training is the interest of the current emergency. UGC and MHRD have eaten numerous virtual stages with online vaults, digital books and other web-based educating/learning materials. A mix of the conventional innovations (radio, TV, landline telephones) with portable/web advancements to a solitary stage with all vaults would upgrade better openness and adaptability to training. Virtual training is the most favoured method of instruction during this season of emergency because of the flare-up of Covid-19. The post-Covid-19 instruction is by all accounts training with broadly The COVID-19 scare is giving sleepless nights to students who were to appear in entrance examslike JEE for B. Tech admissions and/ or to class 12 students appearing for Board exams. KCET, GUJCET & MHT CET (supposed to be conducted in April) are expected to be postponed to May tentatively. CBSE has also postponed its exam for now and will release the revised dates on March 31, 2020. It is not incorrect to assume that we will soon see many other organisations follow suit and a whole lot of entrance exams in India be further postponed due to Coronavirus. Looking at the state of affairs, it is a matter of concern what the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) will have on the higher education system in India.

S. T. Antipov ◽  
V. A. Panfilov

The article is devoted to some aspects of creating technologies and equipment for the future agro-industrial complex of Russia. The focus is on the dependence of the solution to the issues of the accelerated development of the agro-industrial complex on the intellectualization of the educational process in higher education. The range of issues discussed includes: the role of fundamental science in the development of the country's agro-industrial complex; a new paradigm of scientific activity; close relationship of agricultural scientists and scientists of the food and processing sectors of the agro-industrial complex; quality of engineering education; the concept of advanced education and its fundamental orientation towards the future; the transition from the sum of scattered special knowledge to a system of knowledge in the form of a set of textbooks in special disciplines; description of a set of 19 books "Engineering of food technology". Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the future of the agro-industrial complex and the system of advanced engineering education. What does it take to achieve the goals of advanced engineering education? First, to expand the vector of work of professors, teachers and students from the transfer and assimilation of pragmatic knowledge to the formulation and solution of the problems of the agro-industrial complex. Secondly, to widely introduce methods of self-education based on information and telecommunication technologies, which is especially important for Russia, which has a huge territory. Third, to implement the ideas of advanced education in order to prepare students for the perception of the agro-industrial complex of the future. Therefore, the intellectualization of the educational process should be considered as a problem of today and a key to the country's food security.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-40
Cynthia Estlund

Chapter 2 digs more deeply into the outlook for job destruction and job creation, and adds some theory and data to Chapter 1’s anecdotes about how machines can replace human workers. It reports an emerging consensus among leading scholars that automation is already contributing to the polarization, or hollowing out, of the labor market by destroying more middle-skill jobs than it is creating. And it reports on the more concerning prediction—still a minority view though more than plausible—that machines are destined to produce overall net job losses as they continually whittle away at humans’ comparative advantages. The chapter arrives at a working premise for the rest of the book that straddles those two forecasts: We are facing a future of less work—at least less work for those with ordinary human skills and without advanced education, and perhaps less work overall. While that straddle might seem untenable, either forecast is similarly bleak for most workers—if we do not respond constructively; and when it comes to the shape of a constructive response, both forecasts point largely in the same direction.

Dr. Pham Thi Quynh

However, Confucian education in the Mac dynasty, besides its great achievements, also contributed significantly to the stagnation in economics, science, and technology, as well as negative thoughts that were still deeply rooted. in the minds of the people in our country. Today's era is far different from the Mac era, so besides the positive values that can be inherited and promoted, there are still many inadequacies, outdated, inappropriate, even possible become a hindrance to the cause of Vietnamese education today. That is also the reason why we must have a dialectical point of view when studying back to the traditional Confucian education to see its significance in the development of Vietnamese education today. This is also a prerequisite for building an advanced education, imbued with national identity with the noble purpose of training people who are fully developed, have enough virtue, enough talent, participate in winning force into the construction and defense of the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland. Keywords: Exam issues, Mac dynasty, Exams in Vietnam, Confucianism, Feudalism in Vietnam.

Тетяна Мостова

Статтю присвячено емпіричному виявленню особливостей психологічної готовності учителів початкових класів до професійної діяльності в умовах реалізації Концепції «Нова українська школа». Методи дослідження: застосовано теоретичні (аналіз, синтез, класифікація, узагальнення, абстрагування, конкретизація) й емпіричні (опитування) методи; методи інтерпретації даних. В опитуванні взяли участь 46 вчителів початкових класів різних закладів освіти Запорізької області. Респонденти є працівниками закладів загальної середньої освіти віком від 25 до 65 років. В статті подано результати опитування учителів початкових класів щодо психологічних особливостей професійної діяльності в умовах реалізації Концепції «Нова українська школа». За результатами проведеного опитування отримано такі дані: 1) вчителі зауважують про такі психологічні бар’єри, як нестача внутрішніх ресурсів до змін і невпевненість; 2) у процесі опитування виявлено, що значна частина респондентів має нестабільний психоемоційний стан, внаслідок суттєвого зростання вимог до професійної діяльності. Отримані результати опитування дозволяють стверджувати про необхідність надання учителям початкових класів психологічної допомоги в аспекті усвідомлення та прийняття ними нових вимог до їх професійної діяльності, що, в свою чергу, надасть змогу мінімізувати фрустраційний вплив на особистість та попередити деструктивні психоемоційні стани загалом. Також результати дослідження вказують на можливу тенденцію до професійного та емоційного вигорання. Хоча й педагоги стверджують про високий рівень власної готовності до нового формату діяльності відповідно Концепції НУШ, проте їхній психоемоційний стан вказує на протилежне. Отже, одержані результати, засвідчують про наявність суперечностей, які вказують на те, що вчителі психологічно не сприймають швидкий темп реформування і появу інновацій у професійній діяльності. Література Гура, Т.Є., & Рома, О.Ю. (2019). Підготовка вчителів початкових класів Запорізької області до впровадження ігрових методів навчання: від діагностики до розвитку ігрової компетентності. Запоріжжя : ФОП К.С. Советнікова. Вітюк, В. (2016). Професійний розвиток педагогів в умовах інноваційного освітнього середовища післядипломної освіти регіону. Педагогічний пошук, 1(89), 3–6. Дичківська, І. (2004). Інноваційні педагогічні технології. Київ : Академвидав. Гриневич, Л. (2019). План впровадження реформи загальної середньої освіти «Нова українська школа» на період до 2029 року.Режим доступу: Концепція реалізації державної політики у сфері реформування загальної середньої освіти “Нова українська школа” на період до 2029 року / схвалено розпорядженням Кабінету Міністрів України від 14 грудня 2016 р. №988-р. Режим доступу: Лунячек, В. (2019). Нова українська школа: практична реалізація. Режим доступу: Марухина, І. (2019). Основні завдання та зміст діяльності спеціаліста психологічної служби в умовах упровадження Нової української школи. Суми : НВВ КЗ СОІППО. Остополець, І. (2000). До проблеми вивчення стану фрустрації вчителів в їх професійній діяльності. Психологія: збірник наукових праць, 2(9), (Частина 2), 287–290. Тукаев, С., Паламарь, Б., Вашека, Т., & Мишиев, В. (2020). Синдром эмоционального выгорания. Психофизиологические аспекты. Международный научно-практический журнал «Психиатрия, психотерапия и клиническая психология», 11(4), 791–801. Чебыкин, А.Я. (1995). Проблема эмоциональной устойчивости. (Монография). Одесса : Южноукраинский педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского. Яценко, Т., Кмит, Я., & Олексієнко, Б. (2002). Активне соціально-психологічне навчання: теорія, процес, практика. Хмельницький : Вид-во НАПВУ. Grinyova, V., & Rezvan, O. (2016). Modernization of primary school teachers’ training: from knowledge to competence approach. Advanced Education, 6, 111–114. Safdari S., & Maftoon, P. (2017). The development of motivation research in educational psychology: the transition from early theories to self-related approaches. Advanced Education, 7, 95–101.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-183
Kh. Rzayeva ◽  

The article attempts to reveal the essence of advanced education, notes the role of predictive studies, all aspects of the interpretation of the content are listed with reference to B.S. Gorshunsky. Particular attention is paid to the value aspect, since it is of a general nature, since the value of education is determined by the attitude of a person to his own education, and the attitude of the state and society to education does not always coincide. Pointing to the reasons for this attitude, the author focuses on literacy, education, professional competence as qualitative indicators of the educational results of an individual. The article also provides an overview of research by scholars who have made a great contribution to the development of value education. The author analyzes the concept of advanced professional pedagogical education as a methodological system for training future teachers and the process of its implementation, aimed at developing certain professional qualities of an individual, focused on the future needs of education, including technology teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-99
Мухаммад Аршад

Students’ engagement in a traditional classroom setting has been occurring for so long with several traditional tools such as textbooks, lectures, video, and group activities. Nowadays, globally and locally connected classes are the target of advanced education intellects. The Learning Management System (LMS) has become a basic tool for all institutions of advanced education, and the main thrust in web-based learning. The significance of the learning management system is defined by its role in building up instructive and educational development, so it is considered the most significant new tool for e-learning. As per a report by the Educause Research Center of U.S higher education institutions, almost 100% of advanced training institutions have an LMS setup, the LMS is utilized by 85% of faculty members, 56% of faculty use it daily, 83% of undergraduate and postgraduate students use the LMS and 56% say they use it in most or all courses. Learning Management System (LMS) is now not only becoming a critical tool for most higher education institutions but is also being seen as a driving force in online learning. Blackboard Learning Management System is a technologically improved learning platform within the context of the e-learning and aimed to investigate the use of Blackboard for training, learning, and examination purposes. In turn, this study is designed to explore the efficient utilization and evaluation of the students’ academic performance and the use of a Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard, among academics at Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The primary aim of this research is to investigate how the faculty employs the features and communication tools in an online learning management system to facilitate the students in learning practice and to engage them in the material at hand. Through the findings obtained, both the faculty and the administrators are expectedly able to develop the online learning environment more effectively. It is also expected that the findings of this study can be a significant stimulus for other higher learning institutions in the Kingdom and the rest of the world to use the Blackboard for improved academic performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-107
M. Vignesh ◽  
V. Padmaja

Advanced education is getting extremely severe in the globalised world of the present century,and large colleges must advance their own organisations both locally and internationally. Advanced curriculum is one of the most important aspects of a nation's preparation. The key objective of advanced education is to produce fresh knowledge, to analyse study chips on different topics of social progress,to anticipate the needs of the economy and to train extremely talented professionals.The study would investigate the methods of ads submitted by higher educational bases in India.The basic aim of this review is to explore the essence of higher education in India. In any event, the report underlines the discernment and conclusions of the analysis about the current accessible and private company education structures and emerging problems and challenges explored by specialised education organisations. For the analysis of knowledge, both subjective and quantitative techniques were used.The study results demonstrate the different facets of advanced schooling, their efficiency and their present affordability as well as their obvious higher-education advantages. This paper further examines the implications of the expanded distance paradigm for evaluating the essence of instruction (EduQual).The regular five Holes in institutional Deficiencies contain two new Differences.It was observed that the two additional Differences are connected to the organisation of higher educational foundations.The success of understudies with the direction provided greatly impacts the verbal correspondence of the understudies. The layout of the examination was noticed that two essential factor events had an effect on the choices of the understudies: human variables and structural components.This research also reveals the impact of 8Ps frameworks.The factor results of the 8Ps segments are radical in ensuring the completion of the analysis. Estimating the essence of their governments is therefore a big move for all organisations who relate to the components of importance which should be discussed and that give foundations the chance to increase an essential position in the knowledge view.

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