emigre literature
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LingVaria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2(32)) ◽  
pp. 301-316
Elżbieta Sękowska

Multilingualism in the Literature of Personal Document: Functions of Transcode Markers The article is dedicated to semantic functions of transcode markers in Polish émigré literature. Two diaries, written respectively by Gustaw Herling-Grudziński and Jan Lechoń, constitute the exemplification material. The diary genre, similarly to letters and memoirs, lends itself to introducing this kind of markers. Their presence reflects the multilingual competence of the author, as well as his mental, social, and psychological experience. The second language enables broadening the referential space of the first language and conveying emotions. The strategy of code switching depends on the motivation and goal of writing a given text. In Herling-Grudziński’s Journal Written by Night, foreign words from different languages abound. They fulfill several functions in the text, namely: metalinguistic, index and stylistic function. Their presence is justified by the content and by the role adopted by the author – the one of an interpreter of the political and social reality. The Diary by Lechoń is different in terms of types of predominant functions which can be distinguished in his text. Besides commenting on the émigré life, the author focuses on his emotions and experiences. Therefore, index and metalinguistic functions turn out to be the most important. Pointing out different strategies of introducing transcode markers in a text by its author is fundamental for the research on bilingualism in émigré writing.

2021 ◽  
Vol XII (3 (36)) ◽  
pp. 207-221
Dominika Gruntkowska

This article is devoted to the issue of one of the methods of informal education in the Romantic period, namely literature. Polish modern national consciousness was formed during the partitions, and the place of its formation was the émigré literature. The ideas flowing from it penetrate into the literature created in the country, the latter being more involved in the creation and dissemination of national patterns in society. The issue of imitating in domestic literature the patterns developed by bards is also raised.

2021 ◽  
pp. 288-293
L. M. Borisova

The review is concerned with a collection of hitherto unknown prose by B. Zaytsev that uncovers new aspects of his oeuvre. The collection covers literary variants of famous essays, hitherto unpublished short stories from before the October Revolution, and travelogues showing the writer's attitude to the spiritual and creative culture of the West. The reviewer points out the problem of the interaction between Russian literature and its European counterparts (particularly French literature) and defines the criteria (the Christian ideal and ‘common human compassion') used by Zaytsev for its assessment. Mentioned are the authors especially favoured by Zaytsev (F. Mauriac, A. Maurois, and G. Duhamel). Also noted is the writer's polemic with Western authors. The collection offers a treasure trove for scholarly reflections on literature and religion, as well as on Russian emigre literature versus Soviet and Western literatures.

Wu Yanqiu ◽  
Nurbanu A. Abuyeva

The article is devoted to the study of the general and different aspects of the presentation of Chinese culture discursive elements in the literature of the Russian diaspora in China. The perception of a large number of “Chinese elements” by the emigration literature determines not only the specificity of this layer of the literary creativity, but also the production of the whole series of traditions that are receptive by their nature. Tradition markers, various signs of the Chinese culture, as well as the problems of the traditional Chinese philosophy and a special process of plot making - these are the aspects that the literature of the Russian diaspora perceives creatively. Traditional Chinese symbols (lotus, fan, etc.) play a special role in the creation of special traditions of the Russian emigration literature, which convey inspiration and depth to the works, and to the literature of the Russian diaspora as a whole, that is an appeal to the world cultural values, that are all-embracing in nature. The purpose of the article is a multifaceted analysis of the discursive elements of Chinese culture in the literature of the Russian diaspora of China from the standpoint of the traditional foundations perception of the Chinese culture and the development of their own traditions within the literature of the Russian emigration, which makes it possible to reveal the artistic features of the works created by the Russian writers and poets outside the influence of the native culture. The relevance of the study is determined by the insufficient study of the role of the traditional Chinese culture in the formation of new imagery in the works of representatives of the Russian emigration literature in China. It is necessary to analyze the discursive elements of Chinese culture in the artistic world of the Russian emigration literature, using the capabilities of an interdisciplinary complex of research methods to identify the nationally-specific and individual-author’s perception of Chinese traditional culture and develop on this basis its own traditions of Russian emigre literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 222-243
Evgeny R. Ponomarev

This is the first attempt at analyzing philosophical works about Motherland by Ivan Ilyin (written in the 1920s) as the solid ideological structure, which influenced literature of the Russian emigration of the 1920s as well as Russian émigré selfawareness. The article describes the system of Ilyin’s thought in its dynamics: from his first speeches, delivered in Berlin in 1922, towards the speeches (and articles) of the second half of the 1920s. It highlights certain changes in the definition of the Motherland: in the beginning of his philosophical career, Ilyin understands Motherland as related to the Civil War and the interests of the White Army; later, he moves this concept to religious sphere; by the end of the 1920s he relegates Motherland to the context of world history and Russian culture. Several examples show how Ilyin’s philosophy influenced (or sounds in consonance with), main ideas of the early émigré literature (including novels and political articles by Ivan Bunin, Nina Berberova, Vladimir Nabokov, and Marina Tsvetaeva). That Ivan Ilyin, a former professor of law turned into the greatest ideologist of Russia Abroad is a typical sign of the time and the proof of politicization of Russian philosophy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. 656-660
Stanisław Dłuski ◽  

The article is an attempt to discuss the most important issues raised in the publication titled “Światy poetyckie Edwarda Zymana”, edited by Marian Kisiel and Bożena Szałasta-Rogowska. The author refreshes the readers’ memory of Edward Zyman, a poet, prose writer, journalist, and literary critic, and then briefly discusses the articles included in the book. New contexts allow for a reinterpretation of Zyman’s work and enrich the studies on Polish émigré literature.

Zhurakivska O.O.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to discover the specificity of Bohdan Kravtsiv’s artistic thinking, to present modern interpretation of author’s lyric poetry, to analyze the folklore-mythological image-symbols, to explain their meaning and etymology considering national outlook and individual poetic thinking; to highlight the genre-style peculiarity of Bohdan Kravtsiv’s lyrics. Methods. The integrated approach of the article includes analysis, synthesis and generalization, hermeneutic and comparative methods and also the method of mythological analysis. The complex methodology allowed us to compare and summarize different approaches to understanding poetic text. Results. The article attempts to characterize Bohdan Kravtsiv’s individual style, analyze the genres and the stylistic manner of his lyric poetry. The folkloristic and mythological background of Kravtsiv’s poems and the variety of colours are highlighted. Marine poetry, colorful images, rich in associations, are analyzed. The image-symbol of the road is prevalent in the early poems of Bohdan Kravtsiv. The stylistics of the poetic book “The Road” is represented by the romantic of vitalism. Among the dominant means, special attention is paid to the folklore basis and associative thinking of the artist. Bohdan Kravtsiv’s book “Glossary: Sonnets” presents three cycles: historical, family, mythological. The author chose the sonnet as a perfect form of poetry, skillfully adapted it to the Ukrainian basis. It is worth noting that Bohdan Kravtsiv’s poems are thoroughly intertextual. The artist valued highly the neoclassicists, but adapted the canonized stanzas to his own individual style: he combined the sonnet form with elements of folk style.Conclusions. The research presents the first attempt of the analysis of the artistic instruments, individual style, genre-style matrix, that characterize the poetic creation of Bohdan Kravtsiv, which is satiated with filk motives and represents mythological world outlook and Ukrainian national originality. Thus, the creation of the poet-emigrant is multifaceted, because it absorbed European and Ukrainian cultural achievements. The interpretation of the author’s individual style gives the panoramic vision of his creation in the common literary context. It should be noted that a unique phenomenon of Bohdan Kravtsiv’s individual style is the using of oxymoron as the dominant artistic means, semimetaphors representing the artist’s emotional feelings during the existential search for energy and creative forces. The results of the scientific research could be used for further scientific comprehension of Bohdan Kravtsiv’s creation in the context of émigré literature. These materials could be used for the report of scientific conference and for writing articles, diploma, master’s and Phd works.Key words: individual style, sonnet, colours, euphony, image, symbol, myth, folklore.Мета статті – розкрити специфіку художнього мислення Богдана Кравціва, представити сучасну інтерпретацію поетич-ного тексту митця, проаналізувати фольклорно-міфологічні образи-символи, пояснити їхню семантику, походження з ура-хуванням як народного світогляду, так і авторського індивідуального поетичного мислення; розглянути жанрово-стильову своєрідність лірики поета. Методи. У дослідженні застосовано комплексний підхід, у який входять аналіз, синтез і узагальнення, герменевтичний та порівняльний методи, а також метод міфологічного аналізу. Комплексна методологія дозволила зіставити й узагальнити різні підходи до розуміння поетичного тексту. Результати. У статті здійснено спробу схарактеризувати індивідуально-авторський стиль Богдана Кравціва, проаналізу-вати жанрово-стильову своєрідність лірики митця та її змістові пласти. Висвітлено фольклорно-міфологічну основу творчос-ті Богдана Кравціва, багатство колористики поезії. Досліджено поезії мариністичної тематики, колоритні образи, насичені багатими асоціаціями. Образ – символ дороги є ключовим у ранній творчості Богдана Кравціва. Стилістика збірки «Дорога» представлена романтикою вітаїзму. Серед домінантних засобів особливу увагу звернено на фольклорну основу й асоціативне мислення митця. У книзі Богдана Кравціва «Ґлоссарій : Сонети» представлено три цикли: історичний, родинно-побутовий, міфологічний. Автор обрав сонет як досконалу форму вірша, майстерно адаптував його до українського ґрунту. Варто зазначи-ти, що творчість Богдана Кравціва наскрізь інтертекстуальна. Митець високо цінував неокласиків, однак канонізовані строфи адаптував до власного ідіостилю: поєднав сонетну форму з елементами фольклорного стилю. Висновки. У статті вперше запропоновано аналіз художнього інструментарію, ідіостилю, жанрово-стильової матриці, що характеризують поетичну творчість Богдана Кравціва, яка насичена фольклорними мотивами та репрезентує міфологічний світогляд і водночас українську національну самобутність. Дослідження ідіостилю окремого митця дає панорамне бачення його творчості в літературному контексті загалом. Варто зазначити, що унікальним явищем індивідуального стилю Богдана Кравціва є використання оксиморона як домінантного художнього засобу, семіметафор, що репрезентують душевний стан митця в його екзистенційному пошуку енергії та творчих сил. Отже, творчість поета-емігранта багатогранна, адже увібрала в себе європейські й українські здобутки культури. Результати дослідження можуть бути використані для подальшого науково-го осмислення творчості Богдана Кравціва в контексті еміграційної літератури, а також під час написання статей, дипломних, магістерських та кандидатських робіт, у доповідях наукових конференцій.Ключові слова: ідіостиль, сонет, колористика, евфонія, образ, символ, міф, фольклор.

2020 ◽  
pp. 284-289
Yu. V. Matveeva

The review is devoted to Diana Nikiforoff. De La Russie en révolution à la Cité interdite, a documentarybiographical work by Hélène Menegaldo, a renowned French scholar of Russian émigré literature and professor at the University of Poitiers, dedicated to her mother, a fi st-wave Russian emigrant Diana Nikiforova (Nikiforoff ). Both in terms of the plot and the form (fi st person narration), this book is the author’s experiment combining research and creative writing, and analytical approach and documentary quality, on the one hand, and philosophical lyricism, on the other.The fact that the book and its likes spring into existence is evidence of the intense, profound and enduring emotions and experiences that characterize the fi st-wave Russian emigration.

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