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Mykola Pototskyy

Key words: intellectual property law, legislation, material norms, proceduralnorms, codification The article is devoted to the study oflegislative problems that determine the appropriateness of the codification of Ukrainianlegislation on intellectual property. The current state of legislation in this area,the results of the reforms of procedural legislation of 20218 and special legislation of2020 are analysed. It is concluded that the special legislation of Ukraine on intellectualproperty requires further systemic improvement, unification, taking into accountthe development of the enforcement of European legislation in this area. The currentstructure of special laws is complex, dubbed norms and legal and technical shortcomings.Considering the number of tasks, the solution of which is advisable when improvinglegislation, it is obvious that the introduction of individual point changes isineffective. Another significant factor requiring recourse to the legislative procedureis the creation in Ukraine of the High Court for Intellectual Property Issues, and ascientific discussion regarding the procedural rules by which this court should administerjustice. The current legislative field contains certain rules governing the activitiesof this court, however, the presence of special procedural provisions in the legislationof the European Union, along with non-compliance with certain provisions of theAgreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the AssociationAgreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, thecommunity on nuclear energy and their member states, on the other hand, makes itnecessary to supplement national procedural legislation with appropriate norms.Based on the characteristics of the structure of the legislative landscape, it is proposedto consider the possibility of incorporating material, procedural and proceduralnorms in a single legislative act. Approaches to defining the goals and principles ofsystematization of legislation are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 381-395
Jana Péliová

Currently we are facing Covid 19 pandemics and it opens many questions about willingness of individuals to give up some private pleasure to contribute to public wellbeing. Theoretical economic research suggest that methodology of group account distribution does affect the contribution size. Lawyers, politicians and economists try to answer these questions using various scientific approaches and methods. One of them is to examine the willingness of individuals to contribute to public goods. Using a laboratory classroom experiment, we test various situations through public goods game. We examine whether economic entities are willing to contribute in situations when it is not advantageous for them from an individual point of view, but it is advantageous for society.

Kevin Greason

The results of a meta-analysis are more than just the reported odds ratio, 95% confidence interval, and P value. Of equal importance is the fine print of the study which should include assessment of risk of bias, certainty in evidence, and heterogeneity in the individual point estimates and confidence intervals. These areas all have influence on the quality of the data in the analysis. Reading and understanding the fine print is important.

Eka Kobiashvili

This article is about 1924 rebellion, which is valued differently by historieans of diferent times.In modern Georgian historiography, two conflicting assessments have been made about the failure of 1924 and its consequences. The vast majority of the authors emphasize the heroic episodes of the rebellion in their research, positively remembering and praising the patriots who sacrificed their lives for the independence of Georgia, condemning and at the same time expressing their sorrow and grief. The issues of the national struggle against the Soviets, in particular the history of 1924, were reflected relatively broadly from the position of national interests, however, sometimes by the authors from an individual point of view. It is well known that one of the main roles in the study of any historical problem and its scientific solution is based on source science.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 45-58
Riitta-Liisa Kinni ◽  
Helena Taskinen ◽  
Elsa Paronen ◽  
Katja Pesonen ◽  
Sari Rissanen

Ikääntyvien työurien odotetaan pitenevän niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Aikaisempi tutkimus on tarkastellut monipuolisesti työurien pitenemiseen yhteydessä olevia yksilö- ja organisaatiotason tekijöitä. Tässä artikkelissa kuvaamme jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysin keinoin, millaisina ikääntyvät työntekijät näkevät itsensä eläkkeelle jääjinä tai työssä jatkajina. Lisäksi tarkastelemme, näkyvätkö työkykyyn, terveyteen tai kuntoutukseen liittyvät teemat kategorisoinneissa. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää työelämässä jatkamiseen tai eläkkeelle siirtymiseen liittyviä tekijöitä yksilöiden näkökulmista. Aineistona oli 35 yli 40-vuotiaan työntekijän tai toimihenkilön haastattelua neljästä eri yrityksestä. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti jäsenkategorisoinnin analyysillä. Aineistosta löytyi neljä tapaa järkeillä suhdetta työhön ja eläköitymiseen: leiväntienaajien, velvollisuudentuntoisten, tekemistä tarvitsevien ja työstä nauttivien. Nämä kategoriat sisältävät myös käsityksiä työkyvyn ja kuntoutuksen merkityksestä. Ainoastaan työstä nauttivat ovat kiinnostuneita jatkamaan työuraa eläkeiän jälkeen. Heille työn sisällöllä on suuri merkitys. Leiväntienaajille työllä on välineellinen merkitys toimeentulon lähteenä – jonka myös lottovoitto toisi. Velvollisuudentuntoisille työelämässä pysyminen asetettuun eläkeikärajaan saakka näyttäytyy itsestäänselvyytenä. Tekemistä tarvitsevilla taas esimerkiksi omaisten hoivaaminen voisi korvata työelämän.  Eri kategorioissa tehdään päätöksiä työssä jatkamisesta erilaisin perustein. Kaikissa kategorioissa tuotiin kuitenkin esille terveyden, työssä jaksamisen ja työkyvyn merkitys. Tutkimuksessa on tärkeä keskittyä arvioimaan erilaisten kannusteiden merkitystä työssä jatkamiselle erilaisissa ryhmissä. Jaksamisen tukemiseen sekä työkyvyn ylläpitoon ja parantamiseen tarvitaan henkilökohtaistettuja ratkaisuja. Abstract Ageing employees reasoning work and retirement Working careers of ageing employees are expected to extend in Finland, as well as internationally. Previous research has revealed various factors on individual and organisational level that have an impact on longer working careers. This article describes how ageing employees see themselves as retiring or continuing at work by the means of category analysis. It also explores if the themes of work ability, health or rehabilitation are found in categorisations. The aim of the study is to understand factors related to retiring or continuing work from the individual point of view.  The data consists of 35 interviews of employees 40 years of age or above in four enterprises.  Data were analysed data-driven by membership category analysis. Four different ways to reason one’s attitude to work and retirement were found:  those of breadwinners, dutiful ones, those who need activities and those who enjoy working. These categories also include perceptions on the significance of an ability to work and rehabilitation. Only those who enjoy working are interested to continue in working life beyond their retirement age. The content and meaning of work is very important to them. To a breadwinner work is instrumental in earning one’s living – which would also be fulfilled by winning in lottery. Dutiful ones think it is self-evident to stay in working life until the institutional retirement age but not beyond. Those who need activities could compensate paid work for caring.  People in different categories make decisions on continuing in working life on different grounds. However, the significance of health, coping at work and ability to work were mentioned as decisive factors in all categories. It is suggested that it is important to focus on evaluating the meaning of incentives for continuing work in different groups. In addition, personalised solutions are needed in supporting workers to cope at work and also in maintaining and improving their working ability.  Keywords: continuing at work, retirement, vocational rehabilitation, membership category analysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 3146
Dong Chen ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Shaoning Di ◽  
Jiju Peethambaran ◽  
Guiqiu Xiang ◽  

This paper proposes a building façade contouring method from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) scans and photogrammetric point clouds. To this end, we calculate the confidence property at multiple scales for an individual point cloud to measure the point cloud’s quality. The confidence property is utilized in the definition of the gradient for each point. We encode the individual point gradient structure tensor, whose eigenvalues reflect the gradient variations in the local neighborhood areas. The critical point clouds representing the building façade and rooftop (if, of course, such rooftops exist) contours are then extracted by jointly analyzing dual-thresholds of the gradient and gradient structure tensor. Based on the requirements of compact representation, the initial obtained critical points are finally downsampled, thereby achieving a tradeoff between the accurate geometry and abstract representation at a reasonable level. Various experiments using representative buildings in Semantic3D benchmark and other ubiquitous point clouds from ALS DublinCity and Dutch AHN3 datasets, MLS TerraMobilita/iQmulus 3D urban analysis benchmark, UAV-based photogrammetric dataset, and GeoSLAM ZEB-HORIZON scans have shown that the proposed method generates building contours that are accurate, lightweight, and robust to ubiquitous point clouds. Two comparison experiments also prove the superiority of the proposed method in terms of topological correctness, geometric accuracy, and representation compactness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-45
Sakinah Sakinah ◽  
Nur Aslami

This review is expected to be ableto dissect the procedure of promotion work through the combination of 7Ps implemented by PT. General Insurance Bumiputera Muda 1967 Medan is now ready to compete in the field, this exam uses a fascinating exploration technique. This inspection was led by an organization engaged in the protection sector, namely PT. Bumiputera Muda General Insurance 1967 Medan. The methods of collecting information from this examination are (perception), documentation and meetings. Information obtained from the consequences of essential information and optional information. The information checking strategy used is an enlightening investigation that clarifies the actual conditions that occur substantially and significantly and explains exploratory information. The side effect of this expressive review is that the agreement is shaky and will often diminish with each passing year at PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 General Insurance Medan was caused by the absence of the largest 7P advertising mix job vacancy applied by PT. Bumiputera Muda General Insurance 1967 Medan. The job of assisting the promotion procedure through the 7P advertising blend carried out by PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 General Insurance Medan from the part (goods) offered to be competitive in search and very good, in terms of value it can compete in search, part of the circulation channel (place) is still not ideal and there are still weaknesses, part of progress (forward) ) is still not ideal and still uses the old strategy, the individual point of view is very large, the cycle perspective is sufficient, the point of view of tangible evidence is still poor in times of serious market competition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-160
Tatyana Kicheva ◽  

In a dynamic crisis situation such as the current one, the forecasts for the impact of COVID-19 on the world economy and the development of individual countries and cities are constantly changing. The impact of COVID-19 has turned many industries upside down in unexpected ways. More organizations switch to remote working environments for their employees due to the current world health crisis. The purpose of this article is to outline the opportunities and challenges facing Bulgarian employees working from home during the MarchApril 2020 state of mergency and beyond. We discuss the many advantages and disadvantages of remote work from an individual point of view.

R. Paul Wiegand

Novelty search is a powerful tool for finding sets of complex objects in complicated, open-ended spaces. Recent empirical analysis on a simplified version of novelty search makes it clear that novelty search happens at the level of the archive space, not the individual point space. The sparseness measure and archive update criterion create a process that is driven by a clear pair of objectives: spread out to cover the space, while trying to remain as efficiently packed as possible driving these simplified variants to converge to an

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