tomsk region
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Л.И. Иванкина ◽  
Е.И. Клемашева ◽  
Э.Р. Кашапова ◽  
Е.А. Аникина

В работе проведен эмпирический анализ влияния на уровень жизнестойкости параметров социально-экономического положения людей пожилого возраста на основе данных социологического опроса. Моделирование исследования включало выбор переменных с учетом критерия комплексности измеряемых параметров. Эмпирической базой для исследования являлись результаты анкетирования лиц пожилого возраста (выборочная совокупность 400 человек), проживающих в городах и сельской местности Томской обл. Для тестирования гипотез использовали моделирование и корреляционный анализ. Для выявления зависимости применена формальная модель взаимосвязи жизнестойкости с выделенными параметрами социально-экономического положения как системы показателей, к которым применимы методы математической статистики для выявления их влияния на укрепление жизнестойкости пожилых людей. Результаты исследования подтверждают влияние удовлетворенности материальным достатком на жизнестойкость людей пожилого возраста. Выявлены корреляции жизнестойкости и разных параметров, в том числе пола, места проживания и высшего образования. The work carried out an empirical analysis of the impact on the level of vitality of the parameters of the socio-economic situation of elderly people based on the data of a sociological survey. The modeling of the study of the influence included the choice of variables taking into account the criterion of the complexity of the measured parameters. The empirical basis for the study was the results of a survey (n=400) of elderly people living in cities and rural areas of the Tomsk region. Modeling and correlation analysis are used to test hypotheses. To identify the dependence, a formal model of the relationship of resilience with the selected parameters of the socio-economic situation is used as a system of indicators, to which the methods of mathematical statistics are applied to identify their impact on strengthening the resilience of older people. The results of the study confirm the influence of satisfaction with material prosperity on the resilience of elderly people. Correlations of resilience with different parameters, including gender, place of residence and higher education, were revealed.

Е. А. Фролова ◽  
В. А. Маланина

В статье впервые представлены результаты оценки влияния пандемии на жизнестойкость старшего поколения на примере Томской обл. На основе данных опроса (400 респондентов 55-92 лет) с использованием шкалы Коннор-Дэвидсона (CD-RISC-25) проведена оценка жизнестойкости старшего поколения и выявлены ее предикторы. Установлена статистически значимая зависимость жизнестойкости, материального благосостояния и эмоционального состояния пожилых респондентов в условиях пандемии коронавируса. Результаты исследования дополняют существующие подходы к оценке и измерению параметров качества жизни старшего поколения и могут быть использованы для проектирования инструментов укрепления жизнестойкости в русле концепции активного долголетия. The article presents pioneer results of assessing the impact of the pandemic on the resilience of the older adults of the Tomsk region. We assessed the resilience of older adults and its predictors basing upon the survey of 400 respondents aged 55-92 using the Connor-Davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC-25). The results reveal statistically significant relationship between the resilience, material well-being and emotional state of elderly respondents in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The results of the study complement the existing approaches to assessing and measuring the parameters of the quality of life of the older adults, and can be used to design tools for strengthening the resilience in line with the concept of active ageing.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 920-928
O. V. Filippenko

The research featured special reports from the Tomsk Department of State Security about the “anti-Soviet” protest movement of Tomsk deportees in the first months after Joseph Stalin's death. The analysis revealed how the deportees adapted to the authority demands and imitated their loyalty to the system, even when the regime positions was clearly weakened. The author analyzed the sanctions imposed on the deportees and the behavior of the local punitive officials, who received no instructions from Moscow. Most likely, the “anti-Soviet” behavior was not so much a purposeful protest as an irrational reaction to such an extraordinary event as Joseph Stalin's death. The responsive actions of the Regional Department of State Security did not follow the new course of Soviet policy but rather the behavioral patterns formed during the Stalin era: violators were identified and punished severely and demonstratively.

2021 ◽  
pp. 45-52
Татьяна Васильевна Галкина

Подведены первые итоги реализации Всероссийского патриотического мегапроекта «Карта Победы – 2025» применительно к г. Томску и Томской области на примере локального патриотического проекта «Тыловой Томск на Карте Победы». Одна из целей проекта – выявление неучтенных потерь мирного населения Томской области в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Впервые в научный оборот введены архивные сведения Департамента записи актов гражданского состояния (ЗАГС) Томской области о количестве записей актов о смерти, зарегистрированных территориальными отделами ЗАГС за период с 1940 по 1945 г. При этом количество человеческих потерь оказалось настолько чудовищным, что сравнимо с военными потерями Томской области за годы Великой Отечественной войны: военных потерь – 60 619 человек, тыловых – 59 159. В свете этих данных представляется необходимым дальнейшее изучение феномена «тыл как социально ответственная территория». Полученные данные открывают новый пласт исторических реалий военного времени в глубоком сибирском тылу, которые необходимо оценивать с позиций нацистского геноцида против народов СССР в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Представлены организационно-педагогические технологии реализации проекта «Тыловой Томск на Карте Победы», содержащего научно-исследовательскую (историческую) и презентационную (с использованием технологии дополненной реальности – QR-кодирования) части. Многоплановость и сложность реализации патриотического проекта по тыловой проблематике являются незаменимым «полигоном» для закрепления профессиональных компетенций будущего учителя-патриота. The article is devoted to the first results of the implementation of the All-Russian Patriotic Mega-Project “Victory Map – 2025” in relation to the city of Tomsk and the Tomsk region on the example of the local patriotic project “Rear Tomsk on the Victory Map”. One of the goals of the project was to identify unaccounted losses of the civilian population of the Tomsk region during the Great Patriotic War. The article for the first time introduces into scientific circulation archival information of the Department of Civil Registration of the Tomsk region on the number of death records registered by the territorial departments of the registry office for the period from 1940 to 1945. At the same time, the number of human losses was so mon strous that it is comparable to the military losses of the Tomsk region during the Great Patriotic War: military losses – 60,619 people, rear losses – 59159 people. In the light of these data, it seems necessary to further study the phenomenon of “rear as a socially responsible territory”. The obtained figures open a new layer of historical realities of wartime in the deep Siberian rear, which was one of the bridgeheads of an invisible, but no less terrible war with huge human losses among the civilian population. The article presents organizational and pedagogical technologies for the implementation of the project “Rear Tomsk on the Victory Map”, containing research (historical) and presentation (using augmented reality technology – QR-coding) parts. The multifaceted and complexity of the implementation of the patriotic project on logistics issues is an indispensable “testing ground” for consolidating the professional competencies of the future patriotic teacher.

2021 ◽  
pp. 84-94
Юрий Владимирович Калинюк

Показаны современные направления развития системы среднего профессионального образования (СПО) в России. Обозначены особенности СПО Томской области и стратегические цели его преобразования в контексте их взаимосвязи с приоритетами социально-экономического развития региона. Представлено экспертно-теоретическое обоснование целесообразности использования кластерного подхода для развития региональных систем СПО. Аргументированы необходимость и продуктивность управления изменениями в региональной системе СПО средствами кластерной политики. Предложено проектное видение нового дизайна инфраструктуры СПО Томской области в логике кластерной политики. Доказательно заданы базовые характеристики кластеров двух видов: образовательного и образовательно-отраслевого, приведены научно обоснованные гипотезы о закономерностях их эффективного функционирования. Обоснованы проектные предложения, отражающие организационно-педагогические механизмы интеграции практик СПО и непрерывной профессионализации действующих кадров реального сектора экономики в кластерном формате. Обозначены способы такой интеграции. Предложено экспертное авторское видение условий реализации образовательного потенциала взаимодействия субъектов, включенных в кластерно-отраслевые сообщества. Обобщен имеющийся практический опыт, отражающий проектирование изменений в управлении развитием СПО на основе кластерного подхода в Томской области. Спрогнозированы социально-экономические и образовательные перспективы кластерно-сетевого взаимодействия в региональной практике СПО для решения актуальных и перспективных задач его развития на региональном уровне. Материалы статьи основаны на результатах образовательного проектирования и подготовлены при использовании исследовательских методов теоретического анализа, опроса, экспертного метода. The article discusses modern trends in Russia’s secondary vocational education (SPE) system development. Features of SPE in the Tomsk Region and strategic objectives of its transformation as opposed to their relationship with the priorities of the region’s socioeconomic advancement are outlined. An expert-theoretical justification of the expediency in using the cluster approach for the SPE regional system development is presented. Necessity and productivity in the SPE regional system change management by means of cluster policy are argued. A project vision of Tomsk Region’s SPO new infrastructure design in the logic of cluster policy is proposed. Basic characteristics of the clusters’ two types are educational and educational-industrial; scientifically substantiated hypotheses on the regularities of their effective functioning are proved. Project proposals reflecting organizational and pedagogical mechanisms of SPE practice integration and continuous professionalization of the current economy’s real sector personnel in a cluster format are substantiated. Paths of such integration are outlined. The authors’ expert vision of conditions for implementing educational potential in the interaction between the subjects included in the cluster-branch communities is offered. The current practical experience reflecting the design of changes in the SPO development management on the basis of cluster approach in the Tomsk Region is generalized. Socio-economic and educational prospects of cluster-network interaction in the SPO regional practice for solving urgent and prospective problems of its development at the regional level are predicted. Materials of the article are based on the results of educational design and prepared using research methods of theoretical analysis, survey, and the expert method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2140 (1) ◽  
pp. 012038
A S Myagkov ◽  
A V Solovyov ◽  
D A Fomin

Abstract The article describes the organization of a digital network for collection and analysis of agrometeorological data. This digital network is based on the concept of an integrated approach to the collection, systematization and analysis of agrometeorological data for forecasting and developing recommendations for agricultural producers. The digital network is three-tiered and consists of meteorological stations, agrometeorological posts and agrometeorological probes installed directly on the fields. The presented modern network for monitoring meteorological parameters is an important tool of modern agricultural production, which is especially relevant in a dynamically changing climate. It is reasonable to build such systems in the ideology of the Internet of Things (IoT).

2021 ◽  
Vol 928 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
I V Russkikh ◽  
E B Strel’nikova ◽  
O V Serebrennikova ◽  
Yu A Kharanzhevskaya

Abstract A lipid compositions were determined in water and plant samples taken in natural and burnt-out areas of the Bakchar bog (northeastern part of Great Vasyugan Mire) located in the basin of the Gavrilovka River within Tomsk region and were analyzed via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The following main groups of organic compounds have been identified: acyclic n-alkanes, fatty acids, and n-alkan-2-ones. Among cyclic compounds steroids, sesquiterpenoids, and pentacyclic triterpenoids have been identified. It was shown that lipids in waters contained biomolecules of plants grown in the areas under study. Chemical indicators reflecting the disappearance of plants since a fire and their restricted distribution or replacement of some plant species with others were found out. These indicators can be used in paleoclimatic reconstructions to fix post-pyrogenic layers in the sedimentary rock strata.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 44-50
L. D. Urazova ◽  
O. V. Litvinchuk

One reliable way to restore eroded soils and technogenic land is to reclaim it by sowing perennial grasses. Samples of reed canary grass suitable for reclamation of coal dumps in the Kemerovo region have been studied and identified. Experimental work was carried out in the Tomsk region (5811 N, 8300 E) during the period of 2017-2020. The research subjects are represented by samples of reed canary grass taken in 2016. A nursery of study samples suitable for reclamation of coal dumps was laid in 2017 with six numbers - KM-1, KM-2, KM-3, KM-4, KM-5 (Tomsk region), the variety Vityaz (Tomsk region) was used as a standard. The soils of the experimental plots were sod-podzolic acidic loamy sandy loam and loamy with a humus content of no more than 2% in the arable horizon. When evaluating the samples, the main attention is paid to studying the traits and properties that limit their cultivation under taiga conditions: grass density, plant height, foliage, winter hardiness, lodging resistance, seed productivity, green mass yield, resistance to the most common diseases. Over a 3-year study of selections of reed canary grass based on a set of the main economically important traits, the KM-5 sample has been identified. This specimen has a complex of valuable features in creating an adaptive variety suitable for reclamation of coal dumps (foliage - 61.4%, green matter yield - 38.5 t/ha, dry matter - 11.9, seeds - 0.21 t/ha). The selected number has annual reliable additions to the standard in terms of green matter yield of 8.5 t/ha, dry matter yield of 3.3, and seed yield of 0.04 t/ha. Samples KM-1, KM-5 showed high resistance to these diseases: helminthosporiosis - 6.0-6.1%, septoriosis - 2.6-4.2%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 16-24
Anton E. Antonov ◽  
Andrei S. Shadrin ◽  
Dmitrii V. Konoshonkin ◽  
Valerii S. Rukavishnikov ◽  

Introduction. The World Stress Map project proves that horizontal stress orientation determination is a global task essential for the majority of geomechanical calculations. However, there is scant data on stress orientations in the territory of Russia at the moment. The task is therefore highly relevant. Research objective is to determine the orientations of maximum and minimum horizontal stresses by separate areas of the Tomsk region and build a map of horizontal stresses. Method of research. The basis for determining the orientations of horizontal stresses is the theory of drilling-induced fracture and borehole breakouts occurrence. The maximum stress orientation coincides with the drilling-induced fracture orientation, whereas the minimum stress orientation coincides with the borehole breakouts orientation or is perpendicular to the maximum stresses. Results. Research results are compiled in a summary table containing mean orientations of horizontal stresses by areas and a map of horizontal stress orientations. Conclusions. A summary map of maximum horizontal stress strike azimuths has been constructed. The stresses are of similar orientation in every well under consideration, except for a well in the North-Shingin area. The average value of maximum horizontal stress orientation has made up 337° northwest and 157° southeast.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (5) ◽  
pp. 495-511
Boris V. Ilyukhin ◽  
Elena A. Banks ◽  
Natalya P. Serbina ◽  
V. I. Guslyakova ◽  

Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the contradiction between the presence of common strategic objectives for the education development to ensure the competitiveness of Russian schoolchildren in international comparative studies and the lack of a mechanism that allows one to objectively assess the differences between educational organizations due to the peculiarities of the student body and the characteristics of the territory where they are located. The research purpose is to form a list of characteristics that are consistent with international and Russian monitoring studies and forms of statistical reporting, making it possible to identify educational organizations operating in different socio-economic conditions. Materials and methods. The study was carried out on the databases of the results of monitoring studies and procedures for assessing the quality of general education in the Tomsk region. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to assess the statistical significance of differences in data. Research results. An information base has been formed, including aggregated socio-economic characteristics correlated with the educational achievements of the student body from 273 general education organizations of the Tomsk region (data as of 2019). The revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.001) between small, rural and urban educational organizations will make it possible to objectively analyze the educational achievements of a particular educational organization, specifically identify deficiencies and effective management practices, as well as coordinate the socio-economic policy of the Tomsk region. Discussion and conclusion. The agreement of the list of socio-economic characteristics with international studies initiated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will allow regional education authorities, regardless of participation in international comparative studies, to calculate a quantitative index reflecting educational advantages or disadvantages due to external factors relating to the educational organization. The index calculation in Russian practice is a new urgent task, which is difficult and resource-intensive without special software tools.

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