concept lattice
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2021 ◽  
Aopeng Xu ◽  
Tao Xu ◽  
Xiaqing Ma ◽  
Zixiang Zhang

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2363
Ning Lan ◽  
Shuqun Yang ◽  
Ling Yin ◽  
Yongbin Gao

The application of knowledge graphs has been restricted in some domains, especially the industrial and academic domains. One of the reasons is that they require a high reliability of knowledge, which cannot be satisfied by the existing knowledge graph research. By comparison, traditional knowledge engineering has a high correctness, but low efficiency is an inevitable drawback. Therefore, it is meaningful to organically connect traditional knowledge engineering and knowledge graphs. Therefore, we propose a theory from Attribute Implications to Knowledge Graphs, named AIs-KG, which can construct knowledge graphs based on implications. The theory connects formal concept analysis and knowledge graphs. We firstly analyze the mutual transformation based on the ideas of symmetry with a strict proof among the attribute implication, the formal context and the concept lattice, which forms the closed cycle between the three. Particularly, we propose an Augment algorithm (IFC-A) to generate the Implication Formal Context through the attribute implication, which can make knowledge more complete. Furthermore, we regard ontology as a bridge to realize the transformation from the concept lattice to the knowledge graph through some mapping methods. We conduct our experiments on the attribute implication from the rule base of an animal recognition expert system to prove the feasibility of our algorithms.

2021 ◽  
Yu Hu ◽  
Yan Zhu Hu ◽  
Zhong Su ◽  
Xiao Li Li ◽  
Zhen Meng ◽  

Abstract As an effective tool for data analysis, Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is widely used in software engineering and machine learning. The construction of concept lattice is a key step of the FCA. How to effectively update the concept lattice is still an open, interesting and important issue. The main aim of this paper is to provide a solution to this problem. So, we propose an incremental algorithm for concept lattice based on image structure similarity (SsimAddExtent). In addition, we perform time complexity analysis and experiments to show effectiveness of algorithm.

2021 ◽  
Tao Xu ◽  
Aopeng Xu ◽  
Joseph Mango ◽  
Pengfei Liu ◽  
Xiaqing Ma ◽  

Abstract The rapid popularization of high-speed mobile communication technology and the continuous development of mobile network devices have given spatial textual big data (STBD) new dimensions due to their ability to record geographical objects from multiple sources and with complex attributes. Data mining from spatial textual datasets has become a meaningful study. As a popular topic for STBD, the top-k spatial keyword query has been developed in various forms to deal with different retrievals requirements. However, previous research focused mainly on indexing locational attributes and retrievals of few target attributes, and these correlations between large numbers of the textual attributes have not been fully studied and demonstrated. To further explore interrelated-knowledge in the textual attributes, this paper defines the top-k frequent spatial keyword query (tfSKQ) and proposes a novel hybrid index structure, named RCL-tree, based on the concept lattice theory. We also develop the tfSKQ algorithms to retrieve the most frequent and nearest spatial objects in STBD. One existing method and two baseline algorithms are implemented, and a series of experiments are carried out using real datasets to evaluate its performance. Results demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed RCL-tree in tfSKQ with the complex spatial multi keyword query conditions.

2021 ◽  
Naomie Sandra Noumi Sandji ◽  
Djamal Abdoul Nasser Seck

The general purpose of this paper is to propose a distributed version of frequent closed itemsets extraction in the context of big data. The goal is to have good performances of frequent closed itemsets extraction as frequent closed item-sets are bases for frequent itemsets. To achieve this goal, we have extended the Galois lattice technique (or concept lattice) in this context. Indeed, Galois lattices are an efficient alternative for extracting closed itemsets which are interesting approaches for generating frequent itemsets. Thus we proposed Dist Frequent Next Neighbour which is a distributed version of the Frequent Next Neighbour concept lattice construction algorithm, which considerably reduces the extraction time by parallelizing the computation of frequent concepts (closed itemsets).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Bingjie Zhang ◽  
Yiming Liu

With the rapid development of information society, a large amount of vague or uncertain English interpretation information appears in daily life. Uncertain information processing is an important research content in the field of artificial intelligence. In this paper, we combine the three-branch concept lattice and linguistic values with the digital elevation model and propose the three-branch fuzzy linguistic concept lattice as well as the attribute approximation method. In this paper, an improved serial algorithm for sink accumulation is proposed. The improved algorithm changes the order of cell calculation; after the cumulative amount of a “sub-basin” is calculated, all cells of the next “sub-basin” are calculated until all cells are calculated. The improved algorithm reduces the overhead space in the calculation process, reduces the pressure of cells entering and leaving the queue, and improves the calculation efficiency. The improved cumulant algorithm is compared with the commonly used recursive cumulant algorithm and the nonrecursive cumulant algorithm, and the improved algorithm improves by about 17% compared with the nonrecursive algorithm at 106 cell level, and the computation time of the recursive algorithm is about 3 times of the improved algorithm. Because the sink accumulation serial algorithm is an important part of the parallel calculation of sink accumulation, and the execution time is shorter by using the improved algorithm, this paper applies the proposed improved accumulation serial algorithm to the process of parallel calculation of accumulation.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 1397
Ting Qian ◽  
Yongwei Yang ◽  
Xiaoli He

Three-way concept analysis (3WCA) is extended research of formal concept analysis (FCA) by combining three-way decision. The three-way object oriented concept lattice (OEOL) is one of the important data structures which integrates rough set, concept lattice and three-way decision in 3WCA. In the paper, we investigate the characteristics of formal context based on the isomorphic relationship among the kinds of concept lattices with OEOL. Firstly, II-dual intersectable attributes and II-dual intersectable context are proposed and the relationship between the type I-dual intersectable context(dual intersectable context) and the type II-dual intersectable context are studied. In addition, the relationship among the kinds of concept lattices with OEOL are studied when the formal context is both I-dual intersectable context and II-dual intersectable context. Finally, the inverse problems of the above conclusions are discussed and the following two conclusions are obtained: (1) the formal context is the type II-dual intersectable context, when the object oriented concept lattice and OEOL are isomorphic. (2) In addition, the formal context is the type I-dual intersectable context, when the concept lattice and OEOL are anti-isomorphic.

2021 ◽  
Yidong Lin ◽  
Jinjin Li ◽  
Ju Huang

Abstract Three-way concept lattice extracts knowledge from positive and negative information separately. However, some applications require to mix positive and negative information for management and representation explicitly. In this paper, rule acquisition of FCA is extended based on mixed information. Firstly, two types of mixed concept lattices are studied. Then the relationships between mixed concept and classical concept, three-way concept are explored in depth. Secondly, mixed decision rules are investigated thoroughly. And the weak-basis is put forward to approximate to the basis of mixed decision rules. Finally, the comparison of mixed decision rules and three-way decision rules is perfectly discussed.

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