penalty factor
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Manxiang Yang ◽  
Baopeng Ye ◽  
Yuling Chen ◽  
Tao Li ◽  
Yixian Yang ◽  

AbstractK-anonymity has been gaining widespread attention as one of the most widely used technologies to protect location privacy. Nevertheless, there are still some threats such as behavior deception and service swing, since utilizing distributed k-anonymity technology to construct an anonymous domain. More specifically, the coordinate of the honest node will be a leak if the malicious nodes submit wrong locations coordinate to take part in the domain construction process. Worse still, owing to service swing, the attacker increases the reputation illegally to deceive honest nodes again. To overcome those drawbacks, we propose a trusted de-swinging k-anonymity scheme for location privacy protection. Primarily, we introduce a de-swinging reputation evaluation method (DREM), which designs a penalty factor to curb swinging behavior. This method calculates the reputation from entity honesty degree, location information entropy, and service swing degree. Besides, based on our proposed DREM, a credible cloaking area is constructed to protect the location privacy of the requester. In the area, nodes can choose some nodes with a high reputation for completing the construction process of the anonymous domain. Finally, we design reputation contracts to calculate credit automatically based on smart contracts. The security analysis and simulation results indicate that our proposed scheme effectively resists malicious attacks, curbs the service swing, and encourages nodes to participate honestly in the construction of cloaking areas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 2193-2205
Jian-xue Tian ◽  
Jue Zhang

<abstract><p>To overcome the two class imbalance problem among breast cancer diagnosis, a hybrid method by combining principal component analysis (PCA) and boosted C5.0 decision tree algorithm with penalty factor is proposed to address this issue. PCA is used to reduce the dimension of feature subset. The boosted C5.0 decision tree algorithm is utilized as an ensemble classifier for classification. Penalty factor is used to optimize the classification result. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method, it is implemented on biased-representative breast cancer datasets from the University of California Irvine(UCI) machine learning repository. Given the experimental results and further analysis, our proposal is a promising method for breast cancer and can be used as an alternative method in class imbalance learning. Indeed, we observe that the feature extraction process has helped us improve diagnostic accuracy. We also demonstrate that the extracted features considering breast cancer issues are essential to high diagnostic accuracy.</p></abstract>

Dongmei Wang ◽  
Lijuan Zhu ◽  
Jikang Yue ◽  
Jingyi Lu ◽  
Gongfa Li

To eliminate noise interference in pipeline leakage detection, a signal denoising method based on an improved variational mode decomposition algorithm is proposed. This work adopts a standard variational mode decomposition algorithm with decomposition level K and the penalty factor α. The improvements consist of using a two-dimensional sparrow search algorithm to find K and α. To verify the superiority of the sparrow search algorithm to find K and α, it is compared with three earlier studies. These studies used the firefly algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and whale optimization algorithm to perform the optimization. The main result of this study is to demonstrate that the variational mode decomposition improved by sparrow search algorithm gives a much improved signal-to-noise ratio compared to the other methods. In all other respects, the results are comparable.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8295
Huaqing Xu ◽  
Tieding Lu ◽  
Jean-Philippe Montillet ◽  
Xiaoxing He

To improve the reliability of Global Positioning System (GPS) signal extraction, the traditional variational mode decomposition (VMD) method cannot determine the number of intrinsic modal functions or the value of the penalty factor in the process of noise reduction, which leads to inadequate or over-decomposition in time series analysis and will cause problems. Therefore, in this paper, a new approach using improved variational mode decomposition and wavelet packet transform (IVMD-WPT) was proposed, which takes the energy entropy mutual information as the objective function and uses the grasshopper optimisation algorithm to optimise the objective function to adaptively determine the number of modal decompositions and the value of the penalty factor to verify the validity of the IVMD-WPT algorithm. We performed a test experiment with two groups of simulation time series and three indicators: root mean square error (RMSE), correlation coefficient (CC) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). These indicators were used to evaluate the noise reduction effect. The simulation results showed that IVMD-WPT was better than the traditional empirical mode decomposition and improved variational mode decomposition (IVMD) methods and that the RMSE decreased by 0.084 and 0.0715 mm; CC and SNR increased by 0.0005 and 0.0004 dB, and 862.28 and 6.17 dB, respectively. The simulation experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Finally, we performed an analysis with 100 real GPS height time series from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC). The results showed that the RMSE decreased by 11.4648 and 6.7322 mm, and CC and SNR increased by 0.1458 and 0.0588 dB, and 32.6773 and 26.3918 dB, respectively. In summary, the IVMD-WPT algorithm can adaptively determine the number of decomposition modal functions of VMD and the optimal combination of penalty factors; it helps to further extract effective information for noise and can perfectly retain useful information in the original time series.

2021 ◽  
Manyu Xiao ◽  
Jun Ma ◽  
Dongcheng Lu ◽  
Balaji Raghavan ◽  
Weihong Zhang

Abstract Most of the methods used today for handling local stress constraints in topology optimization, fail to directly address the non-self-adjointness of the stress-constrained topology optimization problem. This in turn could drastically raise the computational cost for an already large-scale problem. These problems involve both the equilibrium equations resulting from finite element analysis (FEA) in each iteration, as well as the adjoint equations from the sensitivity analysis of the stress constraints. In this work, we present a paradigm for large-scale stress-constrained topology optimization problems, where we build a multi-grid approach using an on-the-fly Reduced Order Model (ROM) and the p-norm aggregation function, in which the discrete reduced-order basis functions (modes) are adaptively constructed for both the primal and dual problems. In addition to reducing the computational savings due to the ROM, we also address the computational cost of the ROM learning and updating phases. Both reduced-order bases are enriched according to the residual threshold of the corresponding linear systems, and the grid resolution is adaptively selected based on the relative error in approximating the objective function and constraint values during the iteration. The tests on 2D and 3D benchmark problems demonstrate improved performance with acceptable objective and constraint violation errors. Finally, we thoroughly investigate the influence of relevant stress constraint parameters such as the coagulation factor, stress penalty factor, and the allowable stress value.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147592172110574
Jun Gu ◽  
Yuxing Peng ◽  
Hao Lu ◽  
Xiangdong Chang ◽  
Shuang Cao ◽  

The performance of the rolling bearing of a spindle device is directly related to the safety and reliability of the operation of a mine hoist. To extract bearing vibration signal features effectively for fault diagnosis, a feature extraction method based on the parameter optimization of a variational mode decomposition (VMD) method and permutation entropy (PE) is proposed. In addition, a support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used to identify bearing fault types. An analogue signal is used to test the effect of noise and sampling frequency on VMD performance. Focused on the problem of the VMD method needing to determine the number of mode components K and a penalty factor α during the signal decomposition process, a genetic algorithm is used to optimize the parameter combination [K,α] with the minimum sample entropy as the indicator. By using mean squared error (MSE) and correlation coefficient, an evaluation indicator is constructed to determine the decomposition effects of the optimized VMD, centre frequency, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and ensemble EMD (EEMD) methods. The normalized PE of the five mode components is used as an eigenvalue, which is used as the input parameter of the SVM. Two different experimental datasets are used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method has better diagnostic accuracy than EMD, EEMD and a BP neural network in the case of limited samples and unknown sample inputs. It can provide a good reference for the diagnosis of a rolling bearing and has practical application value.

Kalyan Sagar Kadali ◽  
Moorthy Veeraswamy ◽  
Marimuthu Ponnusamy ◽  
Viswanatha Rao Jawalkar

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to focus on the cost-effective and environmentally sustainable operation of thermal power systems to allocate optimum active power generation resultant for a feasible solution in diverse load patterns using the grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm. Design/methodology/approach The economic dispatch problem is formulated as a bi-objective optimization subjected to several operational and practical constraints. A normalized price penalty factor approach is used to convert these objectives into a single one. The GWO algorithm is adopted as an optimization tool in which the exploration and exploitation process in search space is carried through encircling, hunting and attacking. Findings A linear interpolated price penalty model is developed based on simple analytical geometry equations that perfectly blend two non-commensurable objectives. The desired GWO algorithm reports a new optimum thermal generation schedule for a feasible solution for different operational strategies. These are better than the earlier reports regarding solution quality. Practical implications The proposed method seems to be a promising optimization tool for the utilities, thereby modifying their operating strategies to generate electricity at minimum energy cost and pollution levels. Thus, a strategic balance is derived among economic development, energy cost and environmental sustainability. Originality/value A single optimization tool is used in both quadratic and non-convex cost characteristics thermal modal. The GWO algorithm has discovered the best, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable generation dispatch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2132 (1) ◽  
pp. 012016
Haihua Xing ◽  
Huannan Chen ◽  
Hongyan Lin ◽  
Xinghui Wu

Abstract In this paper, we aim at the fuzzy uncertainty caused by noise in pattern data. The advantages of PCM algorithm to deal with noise and interval type-2 fuzzy sets to deal with high-order uncertainties are used, respectively. An interval type-2 probability C-means clustering (IT2-PCM) based on penalty factor is proposed. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by two sets of data sets and two groups of images segmentation experiments. The results show that IT2-PCM algorithm can assign proper membership degrees to clustering samples with noise, and it can detect noise points effectively, and it has good performance in image segmentation.

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2143
Wenjin Zhou ◽  
Kashif Iqbal ◽  
Xiaoming Lv ◽  
Chun Deng

A water supply network is an essential part of industrial and urban water systems. The water intake in a conventional water supply network varies periodically over time, depending on the amount of available water resources and the demand at water sinks or water-using units. This paper establishes a super-structural mathematical model for the optimal design and operation of a multi-period water supply network with multiple water sources. It considers the flow rate fluctuation of raw water availability and the demand of water sinks during different periods. The influence of multi-period demand variation on technology and the capacity selection of desalination water stations is examined, which affects the overall cost of the water supply network. The operating cost penalty factor is introduced, which quantitatively clarifies how the network operating status influences the operating costs. The comparison results of three scenarios considering with and without multi-period variation of water demand verify the validity of the proposed model, i.e., for a municipal water price of 4 CNY·t−1 and penalty factor of 0.3, one reverse osmosis desalination unit of capacity 800 t·h−1 is selected. However, in the multi-period case, two reverse osmosis desalination units with capacities of 500 t·h−1 and 300 t·h−1 are selected. In both cases, the operating costs are different because of the different operating status of the network. The work can guide the design and operation of industrial and urban water supply networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Yuanxin Wang

Variational mode decomposition is an adaptive nonrecursive signal decomposition and time-frequency distribution estimation method. The improper selection of the decomposition number will cause under decomposition or over decomposition, and the improper selection of the penalty factor will affect the bandwidth of modal components, so it is very necessary to look for the optimal parameter combination of the decomposition number and the penalty factor of variational mode decomposition. Hence, differential evolution algorithm is used to look for the optimization combination of the decomposition number and the penalty factor of variational mode decomposition because differential evolution algorithm has a good ability at global searching. The method is called adaptive variational mode decomposition technique with differential evolution algorithm. Application analysis and discussion of the adaptive variational mode decomposition technique with differential evolution algorithm are employed by combining with the experiment. The conclusions of the experiment are that the decomposition performance of the adaptive variational mode decomposition technique with differential evolution algorithm is better than that of variational mode decomposition.

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