bitter gourd
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2024 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
B. C. Kundu ◽  
G. M. Mohsin ◽  
M. S. Rahman ◽  
F. Ahamed ◽  
A. K. Mahato ◽  

Abstract Combining ability analysis provides useful information for the selection of parents, also information regarding the nature and magnitude of involved gene actions. Crops improvement involves strategies for enhancing yield potentiality and quality components. Targeting the improvement of respective characters in bitter gourd, combining ability and genetic parameters for 19 characters were estimated from a 6×6 full diallel analysis technique. The results revealed that the variances due to general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were highly significant for most of the important characters. It indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive gene actions. GCA variances were higher in magnitude than SCA variances for all the characters studied indicating the predominance of the additive gene effects in their inheritance. The parent P2 (BG 009) appeared as the best general combiner for earliness; P1 (BG 006) for number of fruits, average single fruit weight and fruit yield; P4 (BG 027) for node number of first female flower and days to seed fruit maturity; P3 (BG 011) for fruit length and thickness of the fruit flesh; P5 (BG 033) for 100-seed weight; and P6 for number of nodes per main vine. The SCA effect as well as reciprocal effect was also significant for most of the important characters in different crosses.

K.P. Aiswarya V. Dev ◽  
M. Rafeekher ◽  
S. Sarada

Background: Commercial cultivation of bitter gourd is affected by biotic stresses like mosaic disease, fusarium wilt and root-knot nematode as well as abiotic stress like drought. Grafting with resistant rootstocks can be a tool to control these problems. In vegetable production, grafting is exploited commercially in many parts of the world. The cultivated area of grafted solanaceae and cucubitaceae plants has increased tremendously in recent years because of the advantages of grafted plants. Commercial use of vegetable grafting is a relatively recent innovation in India and scientific information on grafting in bittergourd is meager. In this context, identification of suitable rootstocks and standardization of grafting techniques that do not have adverse effect on yield and fruit quality not only lay foundation for further evaluation on tolerance to different biotic and abiotic stresses but also enhance the area and production of bitter gourd especially in sustainable production systems. Methods: Grafting in bitter gourd was carried out with three grafting methods such as hole insertion grafting, one cotyledon grafting and cleft grafting using growth regulators viz., alar and CCC to control height of rootstocks in order to identify suitable method, growth regulator and its concentration. The grafting experiment was done independently to four cucurbitaceous rootstocks viz., sponge gourd, pumpkin, bottle gourd and bitter gourd using bittergourd var. Preethi as scion. Height and diameter of the rootstocks before grafting were recorded and then the growth regulators alar and CCC each at 10 mgL-1 and 50 mgL-1 along with distilled water as control were sprayed on rootstocks in order to prevent the lodging of the root stocks and then grafted using different methods. Days taken for graft union and percentage success were also evaluated after grafting. Result: Our study of grafting bitter gourd scion into four cucurbitaceous rootstocks utilizing three methods and two growth regulators at two different concentration along with control exhibited significant difference in graft success among the methods as well as concentration of growth regulator in all four experiments. This work can be further utilized for imparting resistance against abiotic and biotic stresses in bitter gourd by selecting suitable rootstocks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Ayuh Firlana ◽  
La Karimuna ◽  
Muhammad Syukri Sadimantara

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of the formulation of brown rice (Oryza nivaraL) flour and bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L) flour on the organoleptic and nutritional values of cookies as a snack for diabetics. This study was arranged based on a completely randomized design (CRD). This study used five treatments, namely brown rice flour: bitter gourd flour A0 (100%: 0%), A1 (97%: 3%), A2 (94%: 6%), A3 (91%: 9%), and A4 (88% : 12%). The data were analyzed using analysis of variances (ANOVA) and if it had a significant effect on the observed variables, then Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was conducted at a 95% confidence level (α=0.05). The results showed that the most preferred product was found in A2 treatment with organoleptic scores of color, texture, taste, and aroma reached 3.61 (like), 3.70 (like), 3.29 (like), and 3.57 (like), respectively. The nutritional value of cookies produced in A2 treatment shows that it has 3.30% water, 0.81% ash, 32.54% fat, 7.76% protein, and 18.20% glucose. The brown rice and bitter gourd cookies products met the national quality standards for water, ash, and protein contents.Keywords: brown rice, bitter gourd, cookies, snack, proximate value.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk pengaruh formulasi tepung beras merah (Oryza nivaraL) dan tepung buah pare (Momordica charantia L) terhadap nilai organoleptik dan nilai gizi cookies sebagai makanan selingan pada penderita diabetes. Penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Penelitian ini menggunakan lima perlakuan yang yaitu Tepung beras merah : Tepung Buah Pare A0 (Tepung 100 % : 0%), A1 (97% : 3 %), A2 (94%: 6%), A3 (91%: 9%), A4 (88% : 12%). Data dianalisis menggunakan analysis of variances (ANOVA) dan apabila berpengaruh nyata terhadap variabel pengamatan, maka dilakukan uji duncan’s multiple range Test (DMRT) pada taraf kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian organoleptik terhadap cookies dengan penambahan beras merah (Oryza nivara L) dan buah pare (Momordica charantia L) yang disukai panelis terdapat pada perlakuan A2 dengan skor organoleptik warna 3,61 (suka), organoleptik tekstur 3,70 (suka), organoleptik rasa 3,29 (suka), organoleptik aroma 3,57(suka). Nilai gizi cookies yang dihasilkan pada perlakuan A2 mengandung kadar air sebesar 3.30%, kadar abu sebesar 0,81%, kadar lemak sebesar 32,54 %, kadar protein 7,76%, kadar glukosa sebesar 18,20%. Berdasarkan standar mutu SNI cookies bahwa produk cookies beras merah dan buah pare sudah memenuhi standar mutu SNI untuk kadar air, kadar abu, dan kadar protein.Kata kunci : beras merah, buah pare, cookies, makanan selingan, nilai proksimat.

Yi-Sun Yang ◽  
Nian-Yi Wu ◽  
Edy Kornelius ◽  
Chien-Ning Huang ◽  
Nae-Cherng Yang

Background: The fruits of Momordica charantia L., also named as bitter gourd or bitter melon in popular, is a common tropical vegetable that is traditionally used to reduce blood glucose. A peptide derived from bitter gourd, Momordica charantia insulin receptor binding peptid-19 (mcIRBP-19), had been demonstrated to possess an insulin-like effect in vitro and in the animal studies. However, the benefit of the mcIRBP-19-containing bitter gourd extracts (mcIRBP-19-BGE) for lowering blood glucose levels in humans is unknown. Objective: This aim of this study was to evaluate the hypoglycemic efficacy of mcIRBP-19-BGE in subjects with type 2 diabetes who had taken antidiabetic medications but failed to achieve the treatment goal. Whether glucose lowering efficacy of mcIRBP-19-BGE could be demonstrated when the antidiabetic medications were ineffective was also studied. Design: Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups: mcIRBP-19-BGE treatment group (N = 20) and placebo group (N = 20), and were orally administered 600 mg/day investigational product or placebo for 3 months. Subjects whose hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) continued declining before the trial initiation with the antidiabetic drugs were excluded from the subset analysis to further investigate the efficacy for those who failed to respond to the antidiabetic medications. Results: The oral administration of mcIRBP-19-BGE decreased with a borderline significance at fasting blood glucose (FBG; P = 0.057) and HbA1c (P = 0.060). The subgroup analysis (N = 29) showed that mcIRBP-19-BGE had a significant effect on reducing FBG (from 172.5 ± 32.6 mg/dL to 159.4 ± 18.3 mg/dL, P = 0.041) and HbA1c (from 8.0 ± 0.7% to 7.5 ± 0.8%, P = 0.010). Conclusion: All of these results demonstrate that mcIRBP-19-BGE possesses a hypoglycemic effect, and can have a significant reduction in FBG and HbA1c when the antidiabetic drugs are ineffective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 196
Yutong Han ◽  
Ya Yang ◽  
Yan Li ◽  
Xin Yin ◽  
Zhiyu Chen ◽  

The triterpenes in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) show a variety of medicinal activities. Oxidosqualene cyclase (OSC) plays an indispensable role in the formation of triterpene skeletons during triterpene biosynthesis. In this study, we identified nine genes encoding OSCs from bitter gourd (McOSC1–9). Analyses of their expression patterns in different tissues suggested that characteristic triterpenoids may be biosynthesized in different tissues and then transported. We constructed a hairy root system in which McOSC7 overexpression led to an increased accumulation of camaldulenic acid, enoxolone, and quinovic acid. Thus, the overexpression of McOSC7 increased the active components content in bitter gourd. Our data provide an important foundation for understanding the roles of McOSCs in triterpenoid synthesis.

J. Mangi ◽  
A. Jat ◽  
N. Soomro ◽  
A. J. Pirzada ◽  
A. R. Sidhu

Phytochemicals are compounds derived from plants that are assumed to have defensive role against certain disease. They have antioxidants, anticancer, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antithrombic and anti-inflammatory properties. They have a high specificity to boost the immune system and play important role in the metabolism of hormones. The current study is based on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of total phenolics contents, phenolic compounds, antioxidant potential, free and bound phenolic acids in selected vegetables available at the local market of Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Two different extraction procedures ultrasonic-assisted base hydrolysis extraction and sonication extraction were used. Total 13 phenolic compounds were found and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), in which Ferulic acid was quantified in a higher amount of 16.71 mg/g in bitter gourd. Total phenolic contents were determined by using Perklin-Elmer lambda UV/Visible spectrophotometer and higher concentration was found in Bitter gourd 92.56 mg 100/g as compared to Luffa and Brinjal with 79.03 and 66.56 mg 100/g, respectively. The antioxidant activity (DPPH assay) was measured at ?max of 517 nm, results revealed that Bitter gourd possessed the higher antioxidant activity with 182.61 µMol/g followed by Luffa and Brinjal with 112.94 and 82.96 µMol/g. The total Flavonoid contents were higher in Brinjal with 44.32 mg g-1 whereas Luffa and Bitter gourd possess the Flavonoid concentration in the range 38.02 and 34.64mg g-1 respectively, the total tannin contents also higher in Brinjal 31.40 mg/g follwed by in Luffa and Bitter gourd with 25.17 and 21.19 mg/g respectively. Antimicrobial activity showed that, all the extracts are the highly effective against S. aureus as compared to E. coli. Finally, it is concluded that all the selected vegetables are very good sources of Phenolic compounds as well as phytochemicals and should be included in the daily human diet for good health. On the basis of obtained results, it is also suggested that these samples will be further investigated for the determination of fatty acids by GC-MS and liquid chromatography-mass spectrum (LC-MS).

Food Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 238-246
A. Rahman ◽  
A. Kaium ◽  
M.S.I. Khan ◽  
M.A. Islam ◽  
N. Begum ◽  

Organophosphorus pesticides are one of the most commonly used pesticide classes in agriculture in the management of insect pests due to their high efficacy. The extensive use of organophosphorus pesticides can contaminate both the atmosphere and food, which may lead to health problems. In this study, the residue level of organophosphorus pesticides, and their health risk assessment was evaluated on country bean and bitter gourd. Out of forty analysed samples of the country bean, two samples contained multiple residues, seven samples contained single residue. On the other hand, out of forty samples of bitter gourd, one sample contained multiple residues and three samples contained single residue. Among the organophosphorus pesticides, diazinon was the most frequently detected organophosphorus pesticide in country bean and bitter gourd. The highest short-term risks or acute risk (aHI) was below 1.83%, and the highest long-term risk or chronic risk (HQs) was below 10.46% for the country bean and bitter gourd, respectively. Short- and long-term risk assessment results showed that the intake risks of country bean and bitter gourd were acceptable. The health hazard results showed that country bean and bitter gourd consumption in Cumilla, Bangladesh does not pose an acute or chronic risk to human health. However, a routine monitoring system must be established to control the contamination of vegetables with pesticides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Petru Iliev ◽  
Irina Ilieva ◽  
Constantin Staci ◽  

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