Market Infrastructure
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Published By Black Sea Research Institute Of Economics And Innovation


Irina Godniuk ◽  
Ljudmyla Kushnir

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for comprehensive legislative, organizational and financial support of the market circulation of agricultural lands, as an important factor in the competitive development of the agricultural complex of Ukraine. Research methodology. In the process of research were used: general and special methods of scientific knowledge - in the system of land relations; logical method - to determine socio-economic trends; systematic approach, observation, specification, analogy - to determine the procedure for assessing and market value of land resources and areas for improvement of land legislation. Results of the research. It is proved that the development of land reform would not lead to the land market and attract investment in the country's economy. The buyers of the land would actually be the tenant farmers, who will never give the highest price. The necessity of revision of methods for determining estimates of normative value of land is substantiated, development of the legislative basis for the control over the vicarious lands. In the process, it has been established that the main buyer of the land is a power as the most powerful owner and manager. The country will try to force the state policy and legislate the base can easily be done with a land asset that will trim the majestic incomes to the budget, and by themselves, will save the skin of the bulk of Ukraine. For all, only the will of the people and the bazhanya of pratsyuvati to the land are needed. For the sake of the transfer of the State Land Bank, the regulation of land management in Ukraine, the development of the national infrastructure of geospatial data, and the unified methodology of the normative penny assessment of lands were transferred. Elements of scientific novelty. A systematic substantiation of the ways of further development of land reform in Ukraine has been obtained. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the development of legislation on the land market, regulation of market turnover of agricultural land, deepening research, use in the educational process and in the practice of government agencies and agricultural enterprises.

Alona Poltoratska

The paper defines the essential characteristics of the concept of "talent management" as a factor in increasing the level of development of the organization, highlights the typology of talents according to Howard Gardner: verbal-linguistic; digital; auditory; spatial; physical; personal or emotional; interpersonal. The set of personality traits and characteristics is formed by natural preconditions and social environment, but the decisive role in their development is played by the ability to self-development and the disclosure of their potential in their activities. The article defines that now one of the main tasks in management is to identify especially useful for the company talented, talented and promising employees. First of all, the presence of such people and their skillful management is a huge additional competitive advantage for the company. The study argues that a talented worker is a symbiosis of natural human skills, his ability to work, potential capacity and their effective use in performing tasks. The main tools, methods and approaches to talent management at the enterprise are considered. The components of the intellectual capital of the organization are visualized as one of the possible tools for solving the problems of enterprise management. The author has systematized the main characteristics of Hipo workers. The paper found that when working with Hipo employees, attention should be paid to the following characteristics: - ambitions that reflect the employee's willingness to take leadership positions and take on key roles, be a formal or informal leader in the team, seek to inspire others and himself systematically to grow and develop; - opportunities that can be interpreted as a set of skills, knowledge, skills, experience and other important for the leading tasks in the organization of indicators; - involvement, which shows the desire and ability of the employee to participate in the life of the company Analyzed employees by category. Scientific approaches to the definition of the essence of the category "talent management" have been investigated. The paper visualized the life cycle of a talented employee. The features of the formation of the talent management system of an enterprise in the context of management levels are proposed.

Olena Shevchenko ◽  
Svitlana Shcherbinina

The article uses methods of quantitative evaluation of economic risks that allow in conditions of uncertainty to provide an industrial enterprise with information on a less risky investment project for the adoption of a managerial decision. Several methods for assessing the risk of investing are used: the size of the dispersion, the value of the coefficient variation, the size of the semivariation, the size of the coefficient of semivariation, the value of the coefficient of asymmetry. Dispersion is a statistical term that describes the value range values expected for a particular variable. Dispersion is used in studying the variability of profits from a specific trading strategy or investment portfolio. This is often interpreted as a degree of uncertainty and, therefore, the risk associated with a certain portfolio of securities or investments. Semiivariation is an indicator of data that can be used to assess potential investment risks. Semivarianity is calculated by measuring the dispersion of all observations that fall below the middle or target data set. Neoclassical theory goes out for understanding that risks are just unfavorable scenarios for an investor company. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the unfavorable deviations. When the management subject is loyal to risk, then it is necessary to use the coefficient of semivariation, which can also be determined which of the projects. If the company wants to successfully investigate the project, it is important to identify situations where the probability and magnitude of a positive (or negative) result is much larger than the opposite result. Understanding asymmetric risk is crucial for making correct decisions. The ability to identify asymmetric risk helps to avoid potentially dangerous situations where there are not enough errors. It also allows you to use the opportunities for investments where there are several ways to win. The criterion of maximum asymmetry is the minimum risk criterion. The results of the quantitative assessment of economic risks enable to substantiate the economic efficiency of investment projects.

Viktoriia Bokovets ◽  
Nataliia Korzh ◽  
Lyudmila Davidyuk

It is noted that knowledge of all cross-cultural aspects of behavior in international business, namely understanding the national characteristics of people's behavior in different countries, value systems, negotiation patterns, traditions and customs, increase business efficiency and enable mutual understanding during business negotiations and meetings.The article considers the approaches to determining the role of the cultural factor, the importance of national culture in planning international activities and conducting international business. It is considered that religion seriously affects the nature of business relations, moral attitudes of employees, appearance, consumer behavior and work schedules. The parameters that allow to identify cultural differences between countries are considered and a number of universal elements of behavior in international business, knowledge of which is important for effective cooperation and communication. The significant influence of cross-cultural aspects of behavior on activities in international business is determined. The necessity of research of such parameters of national culture as religion, language, attitude to formalities and importance of personal space in business relations is substantiated. It is also noted that an important parameter in doing business is language. Knowledge of the language of foreign partners increases the efficiency of communication, promotes better communication.It is indicated that an important parameter is the understanding of social and personal space. After all, in different countries there is a certain business distance between the partners, which must be observed in order not to create certain inconveniences. The importance of international business etiquette and its main categories is revealed, as well as the code of business communication, ie a number of rules that must be followed to establish strong relationships between foreign partners. Knowing all the cultural features of the partner country will allow you to establish a strong business relationship. Having studied the parameters that determine the cultural features of the country, a number of universal elements that need to be known to establish cooperation at the international level are presented.

Оleksii Zoria ◽  
Tetiana Bardina ◽  
Yana Radionova

The article provides a scientific and theoretical justification of strategic directions to ensure the investment attractiveness of rural areas on the basis of innovative development of agricultural production. It is determined that the specifics of innovation processes that take place in the agricultural sector, indicates the diversity of regional, sectoral, functional, technological and organizational features of rural development. It is noted that the elimination of factors that negatively affect the innovation process would ensure the accelerated development of innovation infrastructure and intensify innovation to invest in socio-economic, organizational, managerial and technical-technological re-equipment of production in rural areas. To understand the essence of innovation processes in agricultural production and to reveal some of their features, a scheme is proposed that reflects the stages, content and subjects of the innovation process in the agricultural sector. It is established that the innovative development of agricultural production and the mechanism of its management should consist in working out possibilities of stimulation of introduction of innovations for the purpose of radical transformation of rural territories for their orientation on innovative type of development. To do this, it is necessary to ensure financial investment in the development and implementation of innovations in agricultural production, both by the state and by private investors and large enterprises using the tools of public-private partnership. Develop a stable regulatory framework that allows you to clearly regulate the implementation of innovations and successfully address legal issues related to this activity. Provide training for highly qualified personnel capable of creating and implementing innovations, as well as effectively managing the innovative development of rural areas. Provide businesses with information support to better understand the latest developments in the agricultural sector, as well as to respond more quickly to changes and improve the efficiency of the management decision-making process.

Iryna Lutsenko

The world economy is characterized by linearity, namely the model "product of raw materials-production-consumption". This concept has already lost itsviabilitydue to a number of factors, namely: the depleted global ecological system, socio-economic and resource constraints. Through various environmental contaminants sharply reducedand thequality of life disappear goals populations of animal and plant life. Today, there is an alternative to the linear model of the economy - a circular economy, the main task of which is to restore the ecosystem, saving resource potential, financial and human resources through reverse and careful treatment.To form a new model of economy, governments of developed countries use different tools, but there is not always an understanding of the importance and effectiveness of this concept. The article considers the essence and basic principles of circular economy. As a basis for the implementation of the concept of circular economy are considered closed supply chains and as the main tool for the implementation of tasks - reversible logistics.Managing reverse logistics is a complex task that requires a systematic approach and significant resources.The goal of building reverse flows is to reduce costs and increase profits.The author's interpretation of the essence and content of reverse flows in closed supply chains, which include return and return flows, is presented in the article..The constituent elements of reversible material flows in closed supply chains are investigated.The main problems in the formation of closed supply chains are identified, namely the optimization of inventory management throughout the chain.A methodical approach to inventory management in closed supply chains, which provide for multilevel inventorymanagement, is proposed.The use of a set of inventory management modelsthat allow to coordinate actions for inventory management and are adequate to the practice of doing business in a circular economy.Conclusions and recommendations on the peculiarities of the formation of closed supply chains, the list of flows as elements of reversible logistics, methodological approaches to the use of inventory management models in complex logistics systems built on a circular basis (circular).

Oleksandra Ovsyanyuk-Berdadina

Modern realities of enterprises operation actualize the need to optimize logistics chains by intensifying administration actions of managers to detail logistics expenditures and automate the business process. At the same time, the functional focus of the company's interaction with partners in supply logistics is to perform tasks aimed at minimizing logistics costs. Minimization of logistics costs, as well as the introduction into management practice of other principles of logistics (timeliness of deliveries, assurance of quality and declared deadlines) creates additional competitive advantages of the enterprise and optimizes its entire business process. Under these conditions, the issue of management approaches is actualized, which makes it possible to increase production flexibility, adapt the enterprise to competitive conditions, optimize flow processes, integrate elements of the production management system, ensure maximum capacity of production facilities, optimize basic and auxiliary operations, manufacture products in accordance with existing orders and fully meet the expectations of the main stakeholders of the enterprise. The vector of application of management approaches should be based on definite, specific for a particular business unit, measurable parameters of operating activities, which would be indicators of overall performance of the enterprise and informationally integrate the effectiveness of logistics and operating systems as a whole. The article proposes a methodical approach to the formation of a system of indicators for a comprehensive assessment of raw material procurement (cost of the procurement process; quality of raw materials; the degree of satisfaction of final users) as well as an algorithm for their calculation. The practical significance of calculating such indicators is the synthesized application of indicators of efficiency of logistic and production systems of the enterprise as a whole, as well as the application of differentiated assessment of significance of indicators according to the established rating scale depending on the functional orientation of purchased products for the production process.

Ihor Alieksieiev ◽  
Andriana Mazur

Sustainable development is an extremely important area of activity for all businesses - the environmental component. This means that along with the main goal of any business - to make a profit while meeting the needs of the consumer - entrepreneurs must pay attention to the environmental consequences of their production activities. Of great importance for solving the problems of environmental safety, ensuring sustainable development is the preparation of production, which would guarantee the maximum effect from the introduction of innovative technologies and products, at least at a certain level of technological excellence. Such issues are already being developed and implemented in European and North American countries. In Ukraine, on the other hand, these aspects are still insufficiently studied and require both environmental and economic justification. The article is devoted to the study of the basic principles of the formation of sustainable development projects in enterprises, the establishment of cooperation between economic entities and financial institutions in order to ensure the effective achievement of the goals of the strategy of sustainable transformation of the state. The object of research in the article is the substantiation of methodological and applied recommendations for the creation of a special intermediary fund between enterprises and financial institutions for scientific, technological and environmental preparation of production (STEPP). Each enterprise that conducts work on the development of innovative projects, and therefore organizes the preparation of production, should form an appropriate fund for STEPP, which should be responsible for the quality of projects of product designs and production schemes that will ensure environmental safety of the enterprise. Such a fund, created directly at the production plant, would be an accumulator of funds received for the development of technologies, taking into account the requirements of sustainable development. Accordingly, such a fund should act on behalf of the company with the initiative to obtain the necessary credit resources and enter into relations with commercial banks or credit unions. Employees of the fund should cooperate with credit institutions in order to obtain the necessary loans. Research methods: dialectical method and methods of analysis and synthesis - to study the features of the implementation of innovative works at the stage of scientific, technological and environmental preparation of production in the formation of sustainable development projects; structural and logical analysis - development of theoretical and methodological principles of the fund to ensure cooperation in financing sustainable development projects. The article proposes the formation of the stage of scientific-technological-environmental preparation of production for enterprises that are working on the development of innovative projects. The environmental component should be added to the development of structures and technologies in the technical and economic aspect.

Eleonora Tereshchenko ◽  
Darya Semenova

The development of the domestic exchange market is constrained by the imperfection of legislative and regulatory regulation of the activities of market participants, the suboptimal infrastructure of the market and the lack of a coherent, fully debugged mechanism for assessing financial instability. Stock market indices of financial stress are used as an important indicator of economic processes, they are the most acceptable tools for financial analysis in world practice, and also reflect fluctuations in supply and demand for securities and are used by investors to form an effective investment strategy. It is proposed to use the method for calculating a structured index of financial stress, which includes a set of factors and indicators as key indicators of the exchange market. The features of filling of each of the constituent elements of this index are disclosed. The indicator characterizing trigger events is separately highlighted, its relationship with stress testing is shown, which makes it possible to assess the vulnerability of the system to shocks of various nature. The presented methodology for calculating the financial stress index, including a set of individual and general financial indicators, will make it possible to respond in a timely and timely manner to periods of exacerbation of instability in the financial sector, identify threats and vulnerabilities. The article proposes a method for determining the general economic index, which is carried out by aggregating indicators of sectoral imbalances in indicators of general economic nature. The use of aggregation tools implies the fact that the excess reserve (stock) of liquidity in a particular sector is not able to balance or mitigate its lack to others. Of course, this is rational, because when trigger events occur, which implies the need for expectations, uncertainty about the credit quality of counterparties often increases. This means that financial markets cannot always provide liquidity flows. The main advantages of the proposed method of calculating the general economic index, which aggregates the indicators of sectoral imbalances in the indicators of general economic nature of modern stock markets should include the ability to prevent and prevent crises at all levels of management decisions. This system can and should become a common tool for maintaining the necessary sustainable economic processes. The highlighted features of determining the imbalances in the development of stock markets will allow to relevantly reflect the main periods of growing instability in the financial sector of Ukraine.

Nataliya Shyriaieva

During the operation of infrastructure assets excessive action of transport and natural vibrations, water-heat and low-temperature fluctuations, soil leaching leads to undesirable changes in the current criteria of their safety, premature technical wear of surfaces, cracks, irregularities, subsidence, increased seismic fluctuations and floods. sustainability of infrastructure assets. Taking into account the above negative trends, the article analyzes the positive and negative factors of the impact of innovation – human capital on management in the construction industry. Innovative – human capital of labor resources in the context of global digitalization requires constant professional development, human ability to effective research and innovation, it emphasizes the importance of updating educational programs in the global context and the principles of sustainable development. Therefore in the specified conditions harmonization of university business – education in the field of processes and technologies of management in building construction is a priority. In general, the strategies, technologies and processes of corporate management of infrastructure assets operating in the latest global conditions are actively used in such projects as interdisciplinary cooperation and partnership of stakeholders, including universities; city, departments for infrastructure asset management; international corporations; transfer of intellectual capital, exponential training of the young generation and transprofessionalization of the working population; "green" clean cities; protection and preservation / preservation of cultural heritage; design and operation of "smart" road systems; digital infrastructure; conservation / preservation of the marine ecosystem; rehabilitation / rejuvenation of existing funds. It is expected that the results of research should contribute to the real provision of quality management in the construction industry, innovative technologies and processes of urban management, planning, development, reconstruction and operation of settlements and regions to meet the needs of the population and business – production.

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