Jurnal Bilqolam Pendidikan Islam
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Published By STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

2746-5462, 2746-5454

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Mesiono Mesiono ◽  
Roslaeni Roslaeni

This study aims to describe the basic concepts of education financing and education financing models. The research methodology used is the library research method with analytic descriptive data analysis techniques. The results show that an effective and efficient financing model that can be developed is the Power Equalizing model and the Foundation Plan model because the Power Equalizing model is imposed on very rich districts to pay part of the school taxes they collect back into the state's pocket. The factors that influence the financing of school education are influenced by: 1) rising prices; 2) relative changes in teacher salaries (teacher's sallaries); 3) changes in population and an increase in the percentage of children in public schools; 4) increasing educational standards; 5) increasing age of children leaving school; and 6) increasing demands for higher education (higher education).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78
Syaripuddin Daulay

Since the 16th century the colonizers came to Indonesia one after another. Starting with the Portuguese, then moving on to the Netherlands and ending with the Japanese. After that, actually there was colonialism carried out by the British before Indonesia's independence. Although briefly, but enough to swallow many victims and various losses. Indeed, until the end of the 19th century colonialism was still visible in various parts of the world. This paper is qualitative, with a library research approach. The struggle of Muslims with colonialism in the field of education was when the Dutch discriminated against Islamic educational institutions (pesantren). In the field of the Dutch economy managed to make the Muslim economy slumped. At first the Muslim profession was located in the center of trade but was taken over by the Dutch by spreading false Hadith that "it is better to linger in the mosque than in the market. In the Dutch political sector, two methods were used to colonize Muslims. These methods are the method of ethical politics (reciprocity) and the politics of fighting sheep (devide et impera). Many Muslims, especially kings and sultans, chose the "safe way" to join the Netherlands because they considered the Dutch to have done a great job

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-37
Muslim Muslim

The presence and emergence of Islamic education in Indonesian soil is closely related to the entry of Islam on earth. The process of Islamization of society at that time was an integral part of the implementation of Islamic education. This paper is of a qualitative type, with a library research approach. Several early education institutions in Indonesia. First, pesantren may have originated from India (Hindu influence in Java), but the education system is certain to come from the Islamic tradition that originated in Arabic. There is an argument to support this hypothesis that Islam came to Java for the first time brought by Shaykh Malik Ibrahim or Maulana Maghribi (one of the songo guardians) and he had studied in the Kingdom of Pasai. Both Surau come from elements of the indigenous Malay culture and are related to the belief at that time as an Islamic educational institution. The three Dayahs are the oldest Islamic educational institutions in Aceh and even in the archipelago. Dayah was born, grew and developed along with the entry and development of Islam in Acehnese society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-93
Parlaungan Parlaungan ◽  
Haidar Putra Daulay ◽  
Zaini Dahlan
Ibn Sina ◽  

The aims of this study are (1) to find out the biography of the Islamic philosopher, Ibn Sina. (2) To know the famous works of Ibn Sina. (3) To find out how the philosophical views of Ibn Sina. Ibn Sina's full name is Abu Ali Husayn bin Abdullah bin Hasan bin Ali bin Sina. He was born in the month of Safar 370 H or August-September 980 AD in Afsyanah, a small town in the current Uzbekistan region. He died in the city of Hamadan at the age of 58 to coincide in the year 428 AD or 1037 H. Ibn Sina has written a number of 276 works, both in the form of letters, books, and encyclopedias which he wrote during his short life. His most popular works are: First, Kitab Al-Qanun Fith Thib (Canon of Medicine). Second, the Book of Al-Juzah Ibn Sina Ath-Tibbiyah, Third, An-Najat, Fourth, Al-Isign wat-Tanbiat, Fifth, Al-Hikmat al-Masyriqiyyah. In the field of philosophy, Ibn Sina divides philosophy into three parts: (1) Philosophy of Emanation or Al-Faidh, (2) Philosophy of Being/Divinity and (3) Philosophy of Soul/Breath.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-64
Lusinta Rehna Ginting ◽  
Mely Nadia

In the beginning, Sufism and philosophy were fused, so the two had a very close relationship. Of course, in an effort to reach the knowledge of God, it takes unusual thinking and is able to penetrate the spaces of physics. But lately many consider the two as contradictory things. In simple terms, Sufism is defined as the lifestyle of a Sufi which mostly leads to the purification of the soul in order to be closer to God. This paper is qualitative, with a library research approach. Philosophical Sufism began to develop since the 6th and 7th centuries Hijri. In Indonesia, philosophical Sufism was popularized by several well-known Sufi figures, for the Sumatra region philosophical Sufism was disseminated by Hamzah al-Fansuri, Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani, Abd al-Ra'uf al-Singkili. As for the Java region, the figure who is famous for popularizing philosophical Sufism is Shaykh Siti Jenar. The figures and doctrines of philosophical Sufism are: Al-Hallaj with the concept of Hulul, Suhrawardi with the concept of Illumination, Ibn 'Arabi with the concept of Wahdah Al-Wujud, and Abu Yazid Al-Bustami with the concept of Fana' and Baqo'.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Juli Iswanto

The journey and progress of Islam in Indonesia has finally brought about changes in social fields that are different in social construction and encourage political points of view. This development can be seen from the problems of language, teaching, and socio-government. The language change was distinguished by a change in names which were mostly taken from Arabic, such as Abdul, Syah and Malik. Moreover, the pesantren contains about sharia, tashawuf, and development organizations. The presence of Islam in Southeast Asia at that time may not have an impact on the world today. After an episode of workers' resistance in the South China region against the Chief of Hey Tsung (878-889 AD) which killed many Muslims, they began to seek asylum in Kedah (around that time Kedah was remembered as Sriwijaya territory). This paper is of a qualitative type, with a library research approach. The entry of Islam to Indonesia changed the social and political conditions based on Islam as brought by the preachers. Second, the presence of the Islamic kingdom in Indonesia had a great influence on the development and spread of Islam in Indonesia. Third Some of the Islamic kingdoms that contributed to the spread of Islam in Indonesia were the Samudera Pasai Kingdom, the Banten Kingdom, the Malacca Kingdom, and the Mataram Kingdom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-97
Ahmad Sukri Harahap ◽  
Nurul Hafizhoh ◽  
Agustian Agustian ◽  
Dinna Utami

The purpose of this research was to describe educational innovation in managing instructional media in SMP Baitul Aziz Tembung. The formulation of the research problems are (1) Do teachers have educational innovations? and (2) What educational innovations are applied by teachers in managing learning media. The results of this study indicate that based on the description of the research results in the field, the authors can draw conclusions, namely: (1) Educational innovation using learning media is through video calls to see students' ability to understand the material being taught, showing videos to teach students to understand the material and especially wudhu and shalat. (2) Educational innovation through video and video calls carried out in groups and privately (3) Constraints experienced in teaching students through educational innovations using learning media are network problems, package problems, and understanding of the learning media used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-71
M. Iqbal ◽  
Abdurrahman Siahaan ◽  
Ahmad Mustafa ◽  
Bertha Zulmiadi Ramadhan

In a pandemic like today, alternative strategies in learning are needed by utilizing technology which for now can be said to be advanced and sophisticated, but we cannot rule out the possibility of learning that is carried out online which causes pros and cons both from teachers, students and parents of students, especially those who have a poor economy, innovation and creativity of teachers as educators are needed, at least with the innovation in learning strategies during Covid-19 this can make it easier for students to understand and get education even though they cannot learn face-to-face with teachers or educators. So the teachers, especially the PAI teachers at Mts. N simuelue Aceh, has tried to make several innovations in learning strategies during the Covid-19 period. If before the Covid-19 pandemic the learning strategy carried out at Mts. N 02 simuelue, is a deductive and inductive strategy. A deductive learning strategy is a strategy that is carried out by studying the concepts first, then looking for conclusions and illustrations from the material learned from abstract things then going to concrete things and commonly called general to specific learning strategies. In contrast, the inductive learning strategy is learning done from understanding concrete things and then being exposed to complex and difficult material and is commonly called a special to general learning strategy. However, after the Covid-19 pandemic the teachers pursued innovation and adopted alternative strategies, namely by applying the cooperative e-learning method, carrying out learning by prioritizing student activity and cooperation with one another to keep students enthusiastic and to maintain solidarity and feeling. mutual respect even when learning is done online. This study aims to make us understand the extent of innovation of the Pai teachers at Mts. N 02 Simuelue on creativity in learning amid the covid-19 outbreak.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Dairina Yusri ◽  
Jangky Dausat ◽  
Ali Yukla Adnin ◽  
Sahrul Sahrul

This study aims to analyze: (1) The ability of MTs students. Private Zakiyun Najah Sei Rampah in learning independently during online learning, (2) Model and application of online learning at Zakiyun Najah Private School, (3) constraints on the application of online learning at MTs Zakiyun Najah Sei Rampah. This research uses qualitative research methods, based on descriptive studies. With data collection techniques used include interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the independent learning of students through online learning is created slowly; this is due to the various limitations possessed by teachers and students. The model and application of online learning is carried out by providing subject matter through assignments given through remote arak with the android application system, WA and video calls. Many obstacles faced by students in implementing online learning include ownership of an android, network limitations, and the inability to buy packages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-54
Syahrul Sitorus ◽  
Delvi Andriadi ◽  
Syarah Juwita ◽  
Wahyu Dian Nasution

This study aims to analyze: (1) the pattern of cooperation between teachers and parents in improving students 'religious character, (2) supporting factors for teachers' efforts in improving students 'religious character, (3) inhibiting factors in improving students' religious character. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive phenomenology approach. The results of this study indicate that finding the communication patterns of teachers and parents is carried out with secondary communication patterns or two-way or reciprocal communication patterns (Two way traffic communication). Besides, this study also found two things, namely supporting factors and inhibiting factors that affect the cooperation of teachers and parents. Supporting factors consist of: 1) Awareness of the teacher's responsibility in teaching students, 2) Awareness of the responsibility of parents in giving and guiding their children to have a religious character, (3) a strong willingness of students to learn and change be better, (4) Between teachers and parents have attention and time to communicate, (5) Between teachers and parents of students get online media that is easy and comfortable to communicate, (6) A harmonious relationship between teachers, parents and pupils. While the inhibiting factors consist of (1) Lack of awareness of the teacher's responsibility (2) Lack of awareness of the responsibilities of parents in giving and guiding their children to have a religious character.

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