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Published By Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego


2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 79-95
Aušra Navickienė

Successfully profiting from textbook publishing as the typographer at Vilnius University, Józef Zawadzki (1781‒1838) established one of the most important and most successful book publishing, production, and distribution companies of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century in the territories of former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealt. The Zawadzki firm represented the new category of professional publishers. Over the first seventy years of the firm’s existence at the firm’s expense were published 122 Lithuanian books, as well as printed about 50 Lithuanian publications at their authors finances. The attitude of the members of Zawadzki family regarding the publishing of Lithuanian books essentially changed. While the Józef Zawadzki was indifferent towards them, in the middle of the 19th century Adam Zawadzki (1814‒1875) outcompeted other professional book publishers and distributors, and monopolized the publishing of Lithuanian books in the Samogitian Diocese, becoming not only the most important publisher of Lithuanian books, but also their printer and distributor. The successful realization of Adam Zawadzki’s business plans was partly due to his longstanding contacts with the most active figures of Lithuanian written culture, with whom he maintained a new form of cooperation based on authorial royalties, partly due effectively distribution of published matter, using first stationary bookstore in the periphery, located in the west of Lithuania (which served as a retail and wholesale trade enterprise), various ways of non-stationary book trade, services of a commercial library and advertising. Owing to Adam’s efforts, the Zawadzki firm made a significant contribution uniting main forces of authors and publishers of Lithuanian books in 19th century Lithuania, renewing the repertoire of Lithuanian books, as well as giving Lithuanian book publishing, production and distribution features characteristic for a modern business. A model of dealing with censorship through illegal publishing, developed with the publication Apej brostwą błaiwistes arba nusiturieima, was used throughout all the forty years of the press ban and helped raising several generations of literate Lithuanians and bringing Lithuania and Lithuania Minor closer together. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 145-161
Andrzej Albiniak ◽  
Elżbieta S. Monika Albiniak

Przyczyny zainteresowania władz komunistycznych gromadzeniem egzemplarzy obowiązkowych. Biblioteka im. Łopacińskiego w czasie „Polski Lubelskiej”. Miejsce gromadzenia egzemplarzy obowiązkowych w czasach funkcjonowania PKWN. Biblioteki Lublina w okresie tuż po II wojnie światowej. Działalność Kazimierza Zieleniewskiego. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 29-47
Richard Šípek

Prague Nostitz Library hides among its 14 000 books 60 volumes from the library fragment once belonging to Matthias Stoius Jr (1526–1583), the personal physician of the first Duke of Prussia Albert of Hohenzollern. The most interesting volume from the Stoius’s heritage is a copy of an astronomical calendar Almanach novum by Pietro Pitati used by Stoius as a diary containing his handwritten notes and comments about weather, income, his activity at the Königsberg University and, the most importantly, his medical records concerning the health condition and problems of his noble patient Albert of Hohenzollern. Stoius also took detailed notes about medicaments he delivered to the ill Duke as well as about treatments he applied especially in November 1559 and December 1560 when the physical condition of the duke of Prussia apparently worsened. In 1572, Stoius published in print his report about the last days of Duke Albert and although the handwritten sources on which the report is based are missing they were presumably recorded in the similar diaries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 183-228
Jan Kaczorowski

Fenomen powstawania różnego rodzaju spółek i partnerstw artystycznych w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. Organizacja i typy spółek. Kooperacje artystyczne o charakterze okazjonalnym. Spółki autorskie. Studia i działy graficzne. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 5-28
Krzysztof Nierzwicki

De humani corporis fabrica w zbiorach polskich. Charakterystyka księgozbioru i życiorys Georga Reicha starszego. Życiorys pierwszego właściciela cieszyńskiego egzemplarza De humani corporis fabrica — Ezechiasa Reicha (1532–1572). Życiorys pierwszego spadkobiercy egzemplarza — Georga Reicha młodszego (1568–1616/1620).

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 309-330
Jakub Maciej Łubocki

Bibliografia zawartości czasopism jako rodzaj spisu bibliograficznego. Bieżąca ogólna bibliografia zawartości czasopism w Polsce. Korzyści powstałe na marginesie tworzenia bibliografii zawartości „Zeszytów Żagańskich”. Dokumentacyjny i poznawczy sens publikowania bibliografii zawartości czasopism regionalnych i lokalnych. Układ bibliografii zawartości „Zeszytów Żagańskich” jako wzorzec układu bibliografii zawartości czasopisma regionalnego/lokalnego. Program prac dokumentacyjnych dla Żagania i ziemi żagańskiej 

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 163-182
Danuta Stanulewicz

Klasyfikacja książek/utworów dla dzieci wydawanych po kaszubsku. Czytelnicy — dzieci uczące się języka kaszubskiego w szkole. Listy bestsellerów księgarni Kaszubska Książka i Księgarni Kaszubsko-Pomorskiej Czec. Popularność książek w języku kaszubskim wśród czytelników korzystających z bibliotek w Gdańsku, Gdyni i Wejherowie.

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