Jurnal Kimia
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Published By Universitas Udayana

2599-2740, 1907-9850

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 142
I G. A. G. Bawa ◽  
I G. A. G. C. A. Perbhawa

       The bark extract of Michelia alba was able to inhibit the growth of Curvularia verruculosa fungus which was isolated from leaf spot disease in rice. Separation of the active compound was carried out by column chromatography method using the stationary phase of silica gel and the mobile phase of a mixture of n-hexane-acetone (3: 1). Separation of the active extracts resulted in 10 combined fractions, where 4 fractions showed very strong inhibition, namely the HAE fraction (31.50 mm), HAF (30.13), HAG (48.50), and HAH (34.88). The composition of terpenoid compounds in these fractions was analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. The compound ledenoxid (II) and isoaromadendrene epoxide werefound in almost all of the active fractions, while spathulenol wasfound in the HAF and HAG fractions. Other terpenoid compounds found werecis-farnesol, trans-p-mentha-1 (7), 8-dien-2-ol, and neoclovenoxid-alcohol in the HAE fraction, (-)-caryophyllene oxide and tomentosin in the fraction of HAG. All of the detected terpenoid compounds were compounds from the sesquiterpene group. Keywords: Michelia alba extract, inhibitory power, Curvularia verruculossa, sesquiterpenes

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 147
A. T. Lema ◽  
J. M. Jacob

Nowadays, the use of formalin as a preservative in fish is often found in society. Besides, the consumption of fresh fish products containing heavy metals will potentially cause various diseases both short and long-term. The aims of this study were to assess the knowledge of society about formalin, detect the presence of formalin, and analyze the heavy metal content of Pb, Cd, and Hg in Yellow striped fish, Tuna and Mackerel fish. The qualitative detection was done using Schiff reagents, while the quantitative detection was done by using the Spectrophotometry based on the reaction of formaldehyde and Nash reagents. The results showed that 50 percent of society did not know about the use of formaldehyde and its characteristics in fish. The Qualitative testing on 9 samples found that 2 samples contained positive formalin, while 7 samples were negative. The quantitative test showed that the highest formalin content was found in Tuna and Mackerel fish with concentration of 3.36 ppm, and 1.26 ppm, respectively. Also, mercury was found as the highest concentration in fish roughly 1 to 1.60 ppm for those samples from three different markets.                                                                                                                                                 Keywords: formalin, heavy metal, fresh fish, market, Kupang city

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 119
N. P. Y. A. Dewi ◽  
N. L. G. W. Pebriani ◽  
P. A. Duarsa ◽  
P. C. I. Warnaya ◽  
I. D. A. A. D. Candraningrat ◽  

Guava leaves contain quercetin which can inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acne. Thus, guava leaves have the potential to be anti-acne. Based on the benefits of guava leaves, it is necessary to formulate the ethanol extract of guava leaves in cream preparation and its characterization as well as to know the rate of releasing active substances. Preparation and standardization of guava leaf simplicia was carried out. After that, maceration, standardization and phytochemical screening of guava leaf ethanol extract were done. Positive extracts containing flavonoids were formulated into cream preparation. The concentration of stearic acid as emulgator of 14% and 18% was optimized. The formula was tested for physical and chemical properties such as organoleptic, spreadability, adhesion, viscosity and pH. The optimum formula was characterized using Franz diffusion test to determine the release of the active substance. The results showed that concentration of stearic acid as emulgator influenced the physical and chemical properties of the cream. Based on the results of this study it could be concluded that the optimum formula was stearic acid concentration of 14% with the release active substances for 3 hours of 2,5882 mg. Keywords: Guava leaves, acne, cream, stearic acid, diffusion

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 169
V. A. Devianti ◽  
L. Sa'diyah ◽  
A. R. Amalia

The need for pectin in Indonesia is inscreasing every year. Indonesia relies on pectin import to fulfill domestic pectin needs. So it is necessary to search for sources of raw materials that contain pectin, one of which is banana peel waste. Pectin in banana peels can be extracted using acid solvents. This study aims to determine the effect of the ratio of banana peel powder and solvents (1:40, 1:50, and 1:60) to the yield and quality of pectin extracted. The acid solvent used was 5% citric acid, and the extraction was conditioned at 90 °C for 120 minutes. Pectin which has been extracted from banana peels is in powdered form, brownish, and odorless. The results showed that the optimum solvent/solid ratio was 1:50 with a quantity of yield, equivalent weight, methoxyl content, galacturonic acid content, and esterification degree were 10,68%, 958 mg, 3,54%, 196% and 14,84% respecively. FTIR analysis indicated that pectin from banana peels extract had characteristic near to comercial pectin. Keyword: pectin extraction, ratio peel powder and solvents, citric acid volume Kebutuhan pektin di Indonesia cenderung meningkat di setiap tahun dan lebih mengandalkan pektin impor untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pektin dalam negeri. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pencarian sumber bahan baku yang memiliki kandungan pektin, diantaranya adalah kulit pisang. Pektin dalam kulit pisang dapat diekstrak menggunakan pelarut asam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh volume asam yang ditambahkan pada serbuk kulit pisang raja nangka dengan rasio 1:40, 1:50, dan 1:60. Pelarut asam yang digunakan adalah asam sitrat 7% dengan suhu estraksi 90 °C dan lama waktu ekstraksi 120 menit. Pektin yang telah diekstrak dari kulit buah pisang ini berbentuk serbuk, berwarna kecoklatan, dan tidak berbau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio bahan/pelarut adalah 1:50 dengan hasil rendemen, berat ekivalen, kadar metoksil, kadar galakturonat, dan derajat esterifikasi berturut-turut adalah 10,68%, 958 mg, 3,54%, 196% dan 14,84%. Analisis dengan FTIR menunjukkan bahwa bilangan gelombang yang muncul pada pektin dari kulit pisang ini memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan pektin komersial. Kata kunci: ekstraksi pektin, volume asam sitrat, rasio bahan dan pelarut

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 206
N. M. Puspawati ◽  
P. P. Dewi ◽  
N. W. Bogoriani ◽  
N. K. Ariati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas antioksidan hidrolisat protein yang dihasilkan dari proses hidrolisis enzimatik protein kulit ayam dengan menggunakan variasi konsentrasi enzim papain. Proses hidrolisis dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi enzim 1, 3,dan 5% (b/b protein), pada pH 7, suhu 50oC dan waktu hidrolisis 24 jam. Parameter yang diukur meliputi derajat hidrolisis, persen peredaman radikal DPPH (diphenylpicryl hidrazyl), dan komposisi asam amino hidrolisat protein yang paling aktif antioksidan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan konsentrasi enzim yang berbeda menghasikan hidrolisat protein dengan derajat hidrolisis dan persen peredaman DPPH yang berbeda.  Penggunaan konsentrasi enzim papain 1, 3, dan 5% menghasilkan hidrolisat protein dengan derajat hidrolisis berturut-turut sebesar 9,3±1,8, 18,09±5,6, dan 23,15±6.33%, dan persentase hambatan radikal DPPH pada konsentrasi uji 100 ppm berturut-turut sebesar 16,75±0,07, 58,35±0,00, dan 52,99±0,07%. Hidrolisat protein yang diperoleh menggunakan enzim papain 3% (b/b protein) menunjukkan persen peredaman tertinggi dengan nilai IC50 92,98 ppm, memiliki komposisi asam amino tertiggi asam glutamat dan terendah valine. Kata kunci: antioksidan, enzim papain, hidrolisat protein, kulit ayam This study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity of protein hydrolyzate produced from the enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken skin protein by using variations of the enzyme papain concentration. The hydrolysis process was carried out with variations in the concentration of the enzymes 1, 3, and 5% (w/w protein base), at pH 7, temperature 50oC, and hydrolysis time 24 hours. The parameters measured including degree of hydrolysis, percentage of inhibition of DPPH radical (diphenylpicryl hydrazyl) and amino acid composition of the protein hydrolyzate with the highest antioxidant activity. The results showed that the use of different enzyme concentrations resulted in protein hydrolyzate with different degrees of hydrolysis and percentage of inhibition of DPPH. The use of papain enzymes 1, 3, and 5% produced protein hydrolyzate with the degree of hydrolysis of 9.3 ± 1.8, 18.09 ± 5.6, and 23.15 ± 6.33%, and the percentage of inhibition of DPPH radical at a concentration of 100 ppm 16.75 ± 0.07,  58.35 ± 0.00, and 52.99 ± 0.07% respectively. Protein hydrolyzate obtained using the enzyme papain 3% (w/w protein) exhibited the highest percentage of inhibition of DPPH with an IC50 value of 92.98 ppm, having the highest amino acid composition of glutamic acid and the lowest valine. Keywords: antioxidant, enzyme papain, protein hydrolyzate, chicken skin

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 113
N. K. A. Meiantari ◽  
I. A. S. Deviyanti ◽  
N. K. N. A. Ari ◽  
M. D. Abimanyu ◽  
N. P. D. K. Dewi ◽  

Difusi didefinisikan sebagai suatu proses perpindahan molekul karena adanya perbedaan kosentrasi molekul melalui suatu membran semipermeable. Uji difusi sediaan gel vitamin C bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari jumlah gelling agent terhadap difusi vitamin C. Uji difusi sediaan vitamin gel dilakukan dengan menggunakan sel difusi Franz serta kadar dianalisis dengan metode titrasi iodometri. Bedasarkan hasil diperoleh bahwa dalam waktu 5,10, 20 dan 30 menit, jumlah terdifusi sediaan gel vitamin C 1%  berturut-turut yaitu 378,5 mg; 108,71 mg; 223,33 mg; 3442,13 mg sementara untuk sampel 2% yaitu 269 mg; 431,64 mg; 475,07 mg; 574,11 mg dan untuk sampel 3% yaitu 543 mg; 594,08 mg; 646,27 mg; dan 700,77 mg. Bedasarkan hal tersebut pelepasan dari sediaan gel vitamin C sebanding dengan waktu yang diberikan, semakin lama waktu yang diberikan maka pelepasan sedian gel vitamin C semakin meningkat. Dapat disimpulkan, pengaruh dari jumlah gelling agent terhadap difusi sediaan gel vitamin C adalah semakin tinggi konsentrasi gelling agent maka semakin meningkat kadar pada kompartemen reseptor yang diperoleh. Kata kunci : difusi, kosentrasi, gelling agent, gel vitamin C

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 175
N. M. Suaniti ◽  
I W. Wiratama ◽  
I. E. Suprihatin

Fatty acid ethyl ester (FAEE) merupakan salah satu biomarker konsumsi etanol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis senyawa FAEE dalam sampel rambut secara kualitatif dengan GC-MS. Pada penelitian ini dibuat campuran standar FAEE (Etil Pamlitat dan Etil Oleat) 100 ppm dengan perbandingan 1:1 kemudian dibuat variasi konsentrasi. Metode validasi standar FAEE diukur menggunakan GC-MS. Sampel rambut dipreparasi dengan cara didekontaminasi kemudian diekstraksi dan diinjeksikan ke sistem GC-MS. Hasil validasi diperoleh persamaan regresi linier yaitu, y = 240713,507x-147471,2353 untuk etil palmitat dan y = 58361,45x+242,5 untuk etil oleat dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r2) berturut-turut sebesar 0,9996 dan 0,9999. Batas deteksi diperoleh sebesar 2,5522 ppm dan 0,0189 ppm, dengan batas kuantitasi sebesar 8,5073 ppm dan 0,0630 ppm. Nilai koefisien variansi diperoleh sebesar 3,59% dan 8,65 x 10-4%, dengan persen perolehan kembali sebesar 100,05% dan 100,08%. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, sampel rambut semua sukarelawan mengandung etil palmitat dan etil oleat pada waktu retensi 22,03 menit dan 23,83 menit. Kata kunci: Fatty acid ethyl esters, Etil Palmitat, Etil Oleat, Alkohol, Etanol, Biomarker, GC-MS

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 161
R. E. Y. Adu

Esterification and deacidification of waste cooking oil using alkali neutralization for biodiesel production using corncob ash as an alternative base catalyst was carried out. This study aimed to attainone of the desired transesterification conditionsby reducing free fatty acids content of waste cooking oil. Esterification was carried out by reacting waste cooking oil and methanol with certain volume ratio and acid catalyst (H2SO4) at 50oC for 4 hours. Deacidification was carried out by adding 0.5 N NaOH solution (15% excess alkali) at 60oC for 30 minutes. Esterification of waste cooking oil using acid catalyst before transesterification with corn cobs ash catalyst significantly increased the efficiency of free fatty acid conversion (92.69%) under volume ratio of 25% methanol /oil and 0.5% acid catalyst for 4 hours reaction. Deacidification of esterified oil with FFA content of 2.29 mg KOH /g oil through alkali neutralization at 55oC using alkaline content of 0.8 N reduces free fatty acid content to 0.47 mg KOH /g oil. Transesterification results showed that biodiesel component of waste cooking oil was dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid / C18-2), monounsaturated fatty acids (palmitic acid / C16-1 and oleic acid / C18-1) and saturated acids (palmitic / C16-0 and stearic acid / C18-0). Most of the biodiesel products were similar to those of the diesel physical characters. Biodiesel made of waste cooking oil meets the biodiesel quality standard (SNI 7182: 2015) for such parameters of density, viscosity, acid number, saponification value, iodine number and cetane. Esterification and neutralization process are effective in reducing free fatty acids content of waste cooking oil before being used in transesterification with corn cobs ash catalyst. Keywords: esterification, neutralization, alkali, waste cooking oil, biodiesel, corn cobs ash

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 153
I M. Siaka ◽  
W. A. Rozin ◽  
K. G. D. Putra

Aliran Sungai Roomo telah tercemar oleh bahan-bahan organik terutama dari limbah domestik dan industri.Cemaran logam berat juga dipastikan ada dalam sungai tersebut.Logam berat ini masuk ke dalam sedimen dan biota yang hidup di lingkungan tersebut dan dapat terakumulasi pada seluruh bagian tubuhnya.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tingkat pencemaran logam Pb, Cd, dan Cu dalam air dan sedimen Sungai Roomo Gresik serta menganalisis biovailabilitas logam berat tersebut.Metode ekstraksi bertahap dan digesti basah digunakan untuk melakukan spesiasi dan ekstraksi logam dari sedimen serta konsentrasi logamnya diukur menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (AAS). Kandungan logam Pb, Cd, dan Cu dalam aliran sungai Roomo Gresik telah melebihi batas yang diperbolehkan, yaitu  berturut-turut 1,6038-7,8365 mg/L; 0,0251–0,0798 mg/L; dan 0,1709–0,2249 mg/L dalam air dan 213,7750–539,0763 mg/kg; 3,3467–39,7071 mg/kg; dan 36,9168-190,7079 mg/kg dalam sedimen. Pola spesiasi logam berat tersebut sebagai F1 atau fraksi EFLE (easily, freely, leachable, exchangeable), F2 (reducible), F3 (oxidisable), dan F4 (resistant) adalah sebagai berikut: F4 > F2 > F1 > F3 untuk Pb dan Cd, sedangkan Cu dengan pola F3 > F4 > F2 > F1. Logam Pb, Cd, dan Cu yang bioavailable berturut-turut 2,78-7,11%, 1,98-20,44%, dan 2,48-13,66%, sementara yang berpotensi bioavailable berturut-turut 10,05-16,81%; 9,41-54,44%; dan 15,18-94,19%. Logam Pb, Cd, dan Cu yang non bioavailable berturut-turut 79,53-84,22%, 25,11-86,04%, dan 1,84-80,67%. Dengan demikian, Sungai Roomo Gresik telah tergolong sebagai sungai yang tercemar. Kata kunci: biavailabilitas, logam berat, sedimen, spesiasi, sungai The Roomo River Stream has been polluted by organic materials which were mainly from domestic and industrial waste. Heavy metals were also ensured contaminated the river. These heavy metals enter sediments and can accumulate in the biota living in the river. This study was aimed to determine the level of pollution of Pb, Cd, and Cu metals in the water and sediments of the Roomo Gresik River and to analyze the biovability of these heavy metals. The sequential extraction and wet digestion method were used to perform a speciation and extraction of the metals from sediments. The concentration of the metals was measured by the use of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The contents of Pb, Cd, and Cu metals in the river were exceeded the allowed limit, which were 1.6038-7.8365 mg/L; 0.0251-0.0798 mg/L; and 0.1709-0.2249 mg/L, respectively in water and 213.7750-539763 mg/kg; 3.3467–39.7071 mg/kg; and 36.9168-190.7079 mg/kg, respectively in sediments. The pattern of heavy metal speciations as F1 or EFLE fraction (easily, freely, leachable, exchangeable), F2 (reducible), F3 (oxidizable), and F4 (resistant) were as follows: F4>F2>F1>F3 for Pb and Cd, whereas Cu with the pattern of F3>F4>F2>F1. The percentages of bioavailability of Pb, Cd, and Cu metals including readily biavailable were 2.78-7.11%, 1.98-20.44%, and 2.48-13.66%, potentially bioavailable were 10.05-16.81%, 9.41-54.44%, and 15.18-94.19%. Non-bioavailable were 79.53-84.22%, 25.11-86.04% and 1.84-80.67%, respectively. Therefore, the Roomo Gresik River has been classified as a polluted river. Keywords: bioavailability, heavy metals, river, sediment, speciation

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 181
A. I. Artania ◽  
I K. G. G. G. Harta ◽  
G. W. A. P. Pratama ◽  
N. P. A. S. Ayu ◽  
I. G. A. P. Sukmarani ◽  

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has a pharmacological effect to be an antitussive which has been proven empirically and through in vivo activity testing. The use of ginger directly has a spicy and bitter taste, so it is not very popular. Based on this, it is necessary to formulate it into syrup preparation which has met the physical stability test to obtain the best formula. In this study, ginger rhizome water extract that had been standardized and screened was formulated into syrup preparations. The formulation was carried out by optimizing the amount of propylene glycol as co-solvents and anti-cap locking which was 15, 20, and 25% of syrup preparation. The results showed that the concentration of propylene glycol in ginger rhizome extract syrup preparation affected the physical stability of the preparation. The three formulas obtained have not met the physical stability tests (pH and viscosity), but formula 3 with 25% of propylene glycol was the optimum formula of ginger rhizome syrup. Keywords: Antitussives, Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Syrup, Propylenglycol, Viscosity Rimpang jahe (Zingiber officinale) memiliki efek farmakologi sebagai antitusif yang telah dibuktikan secara empiris dan melalui uji aktivitas secara in vivo. Penggunaan jahe secara langsung memiliki rasa pedas dan getir sehingga tidak begitu disukai. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu diformulasikan ke dalam sediaan sirup yang telah memenuhi uji kestabilan fisik untuk memperoleh formula terbaik. Pada penelitian ini, ekstrak air rimpang jahe yang telah terstandar dan telah dilakukan skrining diformulasikan menjadi sediaan sirup. Formulasi dilakukan dengan optimasi jumlah propilen glikol yaitu 15, 20, dan 25% sebagai kosolven dan anti-caplocking terhadap sediaan sirup. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah konsentrasi propilenglikol dalam sediaan sirup ekstrak rimpang jahe berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas fisik sediaan. Tiga formula yang dikerjakan belum memenuhi persyaratan uji kestabilan fisik, namun formula 3  dengan 25% propilen glikol merupakan formula terbaik dari sirup rimpang jahe. Kata kunci: Antitusif, Rimpang jahe (Zingiber officinale), Sirup, Propilenglikol, Viskositas

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