Omsk Scientific Bulletin Series Society History Modernity
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Published By Fsb Eihe Omsk State Technical University

2541-7983, 2542-0488

V. A. Sermaksheva ◽  

According to animalism, each of us is numerically identical to a human animal. Disunity cases – cases in which a human animal lacks some form of mental unity – are often thought to pose a problem for animalism. Tim Bayne has recently offered some novel arguments against animalism based on one particular disunity case, namely Cerberus: a single animal with two heads, each housing its own stream of consciousness. I show that Bayne’s arguments are flawed, and that animalism is capable of handling the case.

V. A. Maslennikova ◽  

Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX–early XX centuries gradually entered the era of modernization of political, economic and social institutions. The disintegration of the patriarchal family entailed a massive exodus of women to cities, which in turn turned out to be on the quantitative indicators of illegitimate births. Lack of funds for food, prompted mothers to leave the child to the mercy of fate. Statistical data is stating that the foundlings grew from year to year. By the end of the XIX century each issue of the periodical press, published in the territory of the Tauride province, contained several reports about foundlings. All children were sent to an orphanage. A wet nurse was assigned to the child, who was supposed to replace his mother. The direction of the research is to describe the patronage system in the Tauride province of the late XIX–early XX centuries

V. P. Shpaltakov ◽  

The main problems of the state of the Russian economy, which give rise to serious threats to economic security, are considered. The topic is relevant due to the growing risks and threats to our economy. The purpose of the article is to analyze the nature and methods of state management of conditions affecting the level of economic security in the country. The tasks of the analysis are to identify deficiencies in the management system and ways to eliminate them. The novelty of the article consists in a comprehensive analysis of the main reasons and factors of the growing danger for the intensification of stagnation and the economy lagging behind the advanced countries. The main weaknesses and shortcomings of state management of the process of ensuring economic security are revealed: the growth of bureaucracy, corruption, the preservation of a backward resource-export model of the economy. A number of necessary reforms of the state apparatus and diversification of economies are proposed

S. P. Volf ◽  

The article highlights the ways of resolving family conflicts nobles and peasants in the first third of the XIX century in the Russian Empire, against the background of the ongoing systematization of legislation. Based on examination of the letters and memoirs of the nobles and peasants we highlighted the methods, which are actually used to solve family conflicts. I conclude that nobles and peasants rarely used help of the state in resolving family conflicts. The sphere of family relations was sacred for these estates; therefore, they did not rope the authorities into family conflicts. I have identified the following ways to resolve family conflicts: duel; marriage, often in the form of a secret wedding; going to the monastery and punishing the unfaithful wife; different approaches to raising children by peasants and nobles. The author of the article pays attention to passivity of the peasants in resolving their family conflicts. The results of the study allow exploring the alternative ways of resolving family conflicts based on representatives of other classes of Russian society in the first third of the 19th century (clergy, merchants, philistines, foreigners) as well, using wider range of sources (journalism, normative acts, fiction, paperwork). This analysis contributes to the discussion about the limits of the government intervention into family affairs. The author of the article redlines that people did not trust the law and resorted to the personally legitimate sources of dealing with family conflicts. This conclusion presents a new perspective in the discussion of legal nihilism and real application of the law in life

E. V. Yakovleva ◽  
A. R. Terentyeva ◽  

Ensuring the economic reliability of industrial enterprises in the modern conditions of technological dynamics is a necessary and indispensable condition for the successful development and functioning of the enterprise in the long term. The results of the study aimed at substantiating the methodological approach to the formation of the mechanism of economic reliability of technological development of industrial enterprises are presented, which determines the theoretical significance and novelty of the results are shown. The basis of the study is general scientific methods of classification, generalization, comparison, analysis

A. A. Zdanovich ◽  

Aleksander Aleksandrovich Zdanovich — Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, veteran of the KGB of the USSR and the FSB of Russia, retired lieutenant general, professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the author of several monographs on the history of Russian special services and the Great Patriotic War. He is one of the founding fathers and president of the Society for the Study of the History of Russian Special Services and active organizer of the scientific conference «Historical Readings in the Lubyanka». This interview was agreed upon during the scientific trip of A. A. Zdanovich to Omsk in September 2020. The interview was given remotely and then edited by Aleksander Aleksandrovich from Moscow in September 2021. The conversation is devoted to the current state and prospects of studying the history of the Russian special services.

Yu. A. Biryukova ◽  

The article examines the congresses of clergy and laity that took place after the February Revolution of 1917 in the South of Russia — on the Don, Stavropol and Kuban, which were the part of the movement propagated throughout the country. It marked the broad inclusion of clergy and laity in the reform of the synodal system of relations and the solution of accumulated intra-church problems. The author examines the nature of the expansion of the participation of parish clergy and laity in church administration, the participation of diocesan bishops in these processes, the question of how the participants of the congresses imagined combining these ideas with the traditional hierarchical structure of the Church. The study is based on the protocols of the congresses of the clergy and laity and the discussion of their decisions on the pages of the periodical press of that time. The author comes to the conclusion that the congresses of the South of Russia have shown a desire to unite all members of the church community, without violating the traditional right of diocesan bishops to church governance. The revolt against the episcopal authority has passed the Cossack territories. In the inclusion of lower clergy and laity in the church administration, their participants saw the implementation of the principles of conciliarity. The most important component of the reform was the inclusion of laypeople in the church administration bodies of different levels, which took place at the initiative of the clergy as a whole.

S. A. Velichko ◽  
V. A. Kutepov ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of the reasons for the beginning of perestroika in the USSR (1985–1991). The purpose of the article is to show that democratic transformations began not as a result of the backwardness of isolation in the USSR, but in connection with urbanization, the growth of the level of education and international communications. Also, the beginning of perestroika is associated with the crisis phenomena of the Soviet system, which are considered in the article both on the basis of all-Russian and Siberian materials.

S. E. Novikov ◽  
A. V. Sushko ◽  

This archaeographic publication is devoted to the study of the history of one of the many defensive battles that took place on the territory of Belarus at the end of June 1941. The article introduces into scientific circulation two documents previously unknown to researchers of the Soviet special services on the state of the 47th Rifle Corps. The commentary, based on the use of little-known documentary information, reveals the content of the traditional and new historiographic narratives about the defensive battles of the Red Army in the context of solving local problems of keeping one of the defensive lines on the Berezina River near the Belarusian city of Bobruisk by Soviet troops. The work is intended for specialists in the history of the Great Patriotic War

V. V. Ogleznev ◽  

Dennis Patterson, modern American legal theorist, is one of the active supporters of the importance and significance of later Wittgenstein’s ideas for resolving legal philosophy problems, including legal indeterminacy problem. On the basis of Wittgenstein’s ideas about rule-following and acting in accordance with rule, he developed his own special approach to law and legal interpretation. Although there are some doubts and possible objections that he understood and interpreted «Philosophical Investigations» correctly, it should be recognized that Patterson made a full-scale (and sometimes very convincing) attempt to explicate Wittgenstein’s thoughts in a quite different context, namely, in the context of legal theory. His treatment of wittgensteinian philosophy of language continues to be interesting and sound, despite the criticisms that have been made against his approach. It is in fact very hard to find among modern legal philosophers or theorists someone who could interpret Wittgenstein in a more sophisticated way than Patterson has done

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