Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law
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Published By "Al Manhal Fz, Llc"

2590-4396, 1985-7454

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-65
Naimah Mohamad ◽  
Najibah Mohd Zin ◽  
Miszairi Sitiris

ABSTRAK Ḥaḍānah atau hak penjagaan anak ini merupakan satu isu yang sering timbul setelah berlakunya penceraian sehingga hari ini. Pelbagai inisiatif dijalankan oleh pihak berautoriti seperti Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah, Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia (JKSM) dan Majlis Agama Islam bagi setiap negeri di Malaysia bagi mengatasi masalah ini. Hal ini kerana, isu ini melibatkan kebajikan kanak-kanak Muslim yang terkesan daripada penceraian begitu juga hak anggota keluarga yang lain iaitu ibu dan bapa yang perlu dititikberatkan. Jesteru, sorotan literatur ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti isu-isu berbangkit, perkembangan dan hala tuju penyelesaian Mahkamah Syariah dalam isu haḍānah ini. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif dengan mengambil pendekatan analisis kandungan secara deskriptif dengan menilai fakta dan hujah dari pelbagai sumber primer dan sekunder yang berkaitan dengan kajian. Hasil tinjauan mendapati, terdapat beberapa isu berbangkit di Mahkamah Syariah seperti kewujudan Konvensyen Antarabangsa memberi kesan kepada Undang-undang Keluarga Islam, pengamalan hak penjagaan tunggal yang bermasalah, ketiadaan tafsiran khusus untuk kebajikan kanak-kanak Muslim, isu penentuan agama kanak-kanak bagi ibu bapa yang berbeza agama dalam ḥaḍānah, isu peruntukkan ḥaḍānah dianggap bias kepada wanita. Kajian ini juga mengenalpasti perkembangan positif dalam penyelesaian kes haḍānah dari sudut pengaplikasiannya iaitu cadangan konsep maslahah sebagai kayu ukur kebajikan kanak-kanak, pemberian hak bersama kepada ibu bapa, fungsi sulh dalam ḥaḍānah, cadangan penubuhan Mahkamah Keluarga, penglibatan pakar kanak-kanak dalam pelbagai disiplin. Walau bagaimanapun, secara umumnya terdapat sebahagian cadangan ini masih ada yang belum dijalankan dan masih di tahap penilaian.  Maka, kajian ini mencadangkan aspek-aspek ini perlu dikaji dan panduan khusus perlu dibentuk dan diharmonikan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip kebajikan haḍānah bagi mencapai Maqāṣid Al-Sharī ̒ah disebalik hukum ini bersesuaian dengan tuntutan peredaran zaman, masa dan sosial di Malaysia. Kata Kunci: Haḍānah; Hak Jagaan Anak; Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah; Undang-undang Keluarga Islam    

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-87
Khairil Anwar Al Jufri ◽  
Mohd Soberi Awang ◽  
Mualimin Mochammad Sahid

Undoubtedly, Imam al-Ghazali is the founder of the Maqasid Sharia knowledge framework. This is marked by the work of Imam al-Ghazali in the 5th century entitled "al-Mustasfa min ‘Ilm al-Usul" and "al-Mankhul min Ta’liqat al-Usul". Therefore, this study aims to determine the theory of Maqasid Sharia according to Imam Al Ghazali and its application in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) in Indonesia. This study is based on a library research which is sourced directly from al-Ghazali’s books; al-Mustasfa and al-Mankhul, as well as the Compilation of Islamic Law manuscript, particularly in marriage chapter. The results of this study indicate that the Maqasid Sharia concept has been applied in several cases in the marriage chapter, such as cases in marriage registration law of taklik talak and pregnancy marriage. The categories of Maqasid Sharia used in the enforcement of these laws are Maqsad ad-Daruriyyah namely Hifz ad- Din (protecting religion), Hifz an-Nafs (protecting soul), Hifz al-Aql (Protecting intellect), Hifz an-Nasl (protecting lineage) and Hifz al-Mal (protecting property)   Abstrak Tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa Imam al-Ghazali merupakan pelopor yang melakar kerangka ilmu Maqasid Syariah. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan wujudnya karya Imam al-Ghazali pada abad ke-5 yang berjudul “al-Mustasfa min ‘Ilm al-Usul” dan “al-Mankhul min Ta’liqat al-Usul”. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana teori Maqasid Syariah menurut Imam al-Ghazali dan bagaimana aplikasinya dalam Penyusunan Undang-Undang Islam di Indonesia.  Kajian ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research) yang bersumber langsung daripada  kitab al-Mustasfa dan al-Mankhul karya Imam al-Ghazali serta naskah Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) dalam bab perkahwinan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa konsep Maqasid Syariah telah diterapkan pada beberapa perkara pada bab perkahwinan, seperti dalam perkara hukum berkaitan pendaftaran perkahwinan dan hukum taklik talak. Adapun jenis Maqasid Syariah yang  digunakan dalam penentuan hukum-hukum tersebut ialah Maqsad ad-Daruriyyah dengan menjaga harta (hifz al-mal), menjaga nyawa (hifz an-nafsi), dan menjaga keturunan (hifz an-nasl).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-155
Saheed Abdullahi Busari ◽  
Miszairi Sitris ◽  
Luqman Zakariyah

Real estate remains one of the most significant properties for personal use and investment purposes. Individual institutions and corporate bodies operate on real estate properties. In recent times, there have been several concerns among zakatable individuals and organizations on the shariah criteria for identifying zakatable real estate properties because of the difference between assets for personal use and commercial purposes. There is 'arūd tijārah (commodities for sale) such as real estate, land, car, and goods in real estate investment. On the other hand, 'arūd quniyyah, (durable properties) are intended for personal use such as a private house, private car, private vacation home. This study aims to conceptually analyze the concept of intention in Islam and its juristic interpretations to distinguish between zakatable and non- zakatable real estate properties. This study relies on the inductive approach in gathering and arranging data from classical and modern literature. It also uses the descriptive method in explaining the basic terms in the research. The study found that real estate owners' intent influences the asset's zakat status. First, 'arūd quniyyah (real estate) are durable assets, meant for personal use, are Zakat free, while the real 'arūd tijārah (estate commercial assets) are subject to Zakat. The commercial assets can also be for sale and rental. The study finally suggests that zakat calculations of zakatable real estate should be subjected to supervision and validation of competent contemporary Shariah scholars to ascertain juristic position on the distinctions between zakatable and non-zakatable assets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Fithriah Wardi

Crimes committed by underage children are worsening day by day, starting from homicide, molestation, property damage, to abuse. In 2017, an upsetting tragedy happened, a tahfiz school was burned and killed 23 students. Authorities then found out that the tragedy was caused by 7 underage teenagers. There are a lot of similar tragedies that involve underage teenagers that caused property loss. As an example, some burglary cases that were committed by children aged 12. These crimes involving underage children need to be handled by all different parties. In Islamic Law, there are discussions about the sentences for the underage criminals. Through this paperwork, the writer will discuss the methods used in Islamic law, in dealing with crimes committed by underage children from various fiqh madhab.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Muhamad Rafiqi Hehsan ◽  
Wan Fadzlina Wan Muhd Shukeri

Withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments is one of the hot topics discussing in intensive care unit as most of the death occurs as a result of it. This point of transition from active intervention to the palliation process required a crucial decision-making process. The decision conveys information to families to be well prepared beforehand especially during the process of withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. Once the final decision to withdraw the treatment has been made, procedure of cessation of care, treatment withdrawal and nature of follow-up support will be informed to the family members. This article aims to explore the relationship between decision in withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment based on Malaysian intensive care unit protocol and the related fatwa in Malaysia. The methodology chosen for this study is content analysis of the relevant published literatures. This study reveals the decision for withholding and withdrawal life sustaining treatment in intensive care unit has correlation between the protocol and related fatwa in Malaysia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Nahid Ferdousi

Muslim wife has a legal right of maintenance which devolves upon her husband. This rights exclusively created by the marriage and wife is entitled to maintenance during the subsistence of the marriage and after divorce for iddat period under the Islamic Shariah and Muslim personal law in Bangladesh. Usually, the Muslim women enforces the claim for her maintenance while obtaining divorce. Divorce brings distress in her life and it also creates  jeopardized situation in the society. In doing so, the controversy arises regarding the post-divorce maintenance beyond iddat period of Muslim women under Islamic Shariah. Though the judiciary of many countries are trying to reform on the post-divorce maintenance but judicial activism of the country have not much advancement in this issue. Hence, the divorced Muslim women are not entitled post-divorce maintenance beyond iddat period in the country. In addition, often women are not get access to family justice rather they suffered adversely for difficulties of legal procedure, male oriented society and non implementation of Islamic values. Therefore, majority divorced woman face many challenges of social justice and not being protected in the present legal system. The study focuses how and to what extent Muslim wife's are being protected through maintenance under the Islamic Shariah as well as  the Muslim personal law in Bangladesh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-29
Mohamed Negasi ◽  
Idris Abubeker Jamel

The present study provides a general overview of the concept of Waqf, and an in-depth discussion of how cash Waqf can fund, educational institutions such as Islamic schools, their maintenance, teachers and students in need.  It discusses jurists’ opinions regarding the legal ruling of cash Waqf and points out predominant opinions relating to the issue at hand. The study also expounds proposed practical models for cash Waqf to fund Islamic schools. The study uses descriptive, inductive and analytical methods. Based on the discussions, the study concludes that if cash Waqf is implemented in a proper way, it can play a significant and effective role in funding Islamic schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Haziman Muhamad ◽  
Hendun Abd Rahman Shah ◽  
Kamal Halili Hassan

ABSTRAK Isu eksploitasi buruh sehingga kini terus mendapat liputan media tempatan dan antarabangsa. Ia adalah salah satu bentuk pemerdagangan orang yang ditempelak masyarakat dunia. Sebagai sebuah negara yang menjadi ahli kepada International Labour Organisation (ILO), isu ini perlu dipandang serius dan dibanteras. Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji standard perburuhan antarabangsa dan peruntukan undang-undang di Malaysia berkaitan buruh paksa dan pemerdagangan orang dengan menganalisa kerangka perundangan dan isu-isu berkaitan menggunakan metodologi doktrinal dan kajian kepustakaan termasuk analisa beberapa kes-kes yang diputuskan di mahkamah. Walaupun Malaysia mempunyai undang-undang tempatan seperti Akta Anti-Pemerdagangan Orang dan Anti-penyeludupan Migran 2007 (ATIPSOM)[Akta 670] yang mencakupi aspek eksploitasi dan paksaan, begitu juga Akta Kerja 1955 [Akta 265] dan Akta Standard Minimum Perumahan dan Kemudahan Pekerja 1990 [Akta 446], dan namun terdapat dakwaan bahawa masih terdapat lacuna dalam undang-undang ini dan ianya memerlukan penambahbaikan bagi menangani isu eksploitasi buruh atau amalan buruh paksa di Malaysia dengan jayanya. Dapat disimpulkan bahawa oleh kerana terma buruh paksa tidak didefinisikan dalam mana-mana undang-undang di Malaysia  ia menyebabkan ketidakjelasan dan kesukaran dalam pemakaian dan penguatkuasaan undang-undang. Justeru, amat penting untuk memahami dengan tepat sesuatu terma yang dimaksudkan dalam perundangan bagi memastikan sejauh mana ekstremnya eksploitasi buruh atau amalan buruh paksa dalam konteks negara Malaysia

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-120
Mohd Ridwan Talib

This paper aims to analyse the aftermath of Kim Jong Nam’s assassination on the diplomatic relations between Malaysia and North Korea along with the historical evolution of diplomatic relations between both countries since Malaysia’s independence. Little is known about the nature of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and North Korea, especially when public perceptions dictate that both countries barely share any similarities. In appreciating the implications of the murder case from the perspective of international law, an analysis is carried out on the history of diplomatic relations between Putrajaya and Pyongyang. A further study is conducted on the factors which attract Malaysia and North Korea to forge and strengthen their diplomatic relations. Malaysia’s inclusive foreign policy is highlighted via her participation in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in 1970 which promotes peaceful engagement with all countries regardless of their political allegiance, including the Communist-led regime in North Korea. The task of preserving regional safety and bolstering economic prosperity are top on Putrajaya’s priority list. With the volume of bilateral trade between Malaysia and North Korea is steadily increasing and Pyongyang’s continuous provocations of her Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), peaceful engagements with the aim of repairing the damaged diplomatic relations is the best option for both countries. This study concludes that although the relationship between the two nations is severed, it is crucial for Malaysia to consider reviving and enhancing bilateral relations with North Korea, hence benefiting Putrajaya in outlining Malaysia’s future foreign policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-74
Muhammad Aunurrochim Mas'ad Saleh ◽  
Luqman Sharif@Hamzah

Luqatah (lost and found) is a property such as cash money, jewelleries, accessories, etc found in a place which is not owned by anyone, not guarded and the person who found it does not know the owner. Luqathah is one of the issues that are often found in daily life. This, most likely due to negligence on the side of the property’s owner. This study was conducted to find out the extent of understanding and awareness of USIM’s students on the concept of luqatah, especially when they find the dropped items and what they should do. This study used qualitative methods as well as quantitative one that aim to explain the object of study, based on direct observation, experience that aims to produce figures and measurable. The study found that hukum of returning dropped items in Islam is strongly recommended and required to take good care of them. Only 48.3 percent out of 118 respondents were knowledgeable about the meaning of luqatah. 44.1 percent out of 118 respondents will find out the owner of luqatah properties if they found them dropped. 74.6 percent out of 118 respondents were not well known how to manage the luqatah property.

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