Widya Duta: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Agama dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya
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Published By Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar

2620-3146, 1978-1075

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
I Made Sukma Muniksu

Living in a social and religious life, you will find very rapid differences in communication between Deaf and Hearing Friends. So that each individual must respect and respect each other. In this way, religious harmony will be realized. Listeners can learn BISINDO so they can communicate with Deaf Friends. Listening friends can learn starting from the easiest, namely recognizing letters and numbers. Because through letters and numbers can provide symbols that are very useful in communication. Communication is a basic human activity. There is not an individual who will not be involved in communication. In this relationship in communication, it is in the form of tolerance and information between religious communities which are the core elements of limited religious harmony within the internal environment of a religion. Meanwhile, horizontal relationships, or patterns of human relations with each other or humans with surrounding communities of different cultures, races, religions, be it in the form of social cooperation or individual patterns with individuals to build a stronger sense of brotherhood. A society with a social and religious life definitely needs communication. Even though the communication occurred between Listening Friends and Deaf Friends. All activities that occur in religious life cannot be separated from the communication from the communicator to the communicant. A deaf friend who uses BISINDO as a communicant has the right to know what information he gets from other people. In a diverse life, Teman Deaf also has the right to receive religious teachings that he believes in.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Ida Ayu Dwita Krisna Ari ◽  
Made Ika Kusuma Dewi

Clothing has become an important part of the lifestyle and has become a fashion trend in Balinese society. Clothing is very closely related to the human self, through clothing can reveal many things about the identity of the wearer from the appearance reflected how the social status and personality of the wearer. Currently, the t-shirt is a popular clothing used by people from all walks of life because it is easy to clean and the model remains eternal from time to time. T-shirts have several conveniences, apart from being cheap, comfortable to wear, easy to clean, mobile, functional, and can be used as souvenirs, and so on, this makes business people and politicians realize that t-shirts can be used as a gift. an effective and efficient promotional media, apart from being a means of advertising t-shirts, it is also used as a medium to spread political understanding. Of the several functions possessed by the t-shirt, it is related to the function of the t-shirt as a medium for delivering messages and aspirations. Currently, several types of t-shirts have emerged that carry the aspirations of several groups of people who empathize with the case that befell the drummer for the Superman Is Dead band, I Gede Ari Astina, or who is familiarly called Jerink, later shortened to JRX. Regarding this case, many JRX sympathizers thought that he did not deserve to be punished, without holding mediation to bridge the problem between JRX and IDI Bali which he criticized, but the JRX case went straight to the legal process so that it was considered by some groups of society as an act. silence the aspirations of the small people who try to voice injustice in this country, therefore several individual formation practices have emerged that determine their common social orientation, this community movement group has the same ideology and so that they can act structurally so that it is in line with their ideology. stretcher, then in the process of marking the ideology, several t-shirt designs emerged with the theme “free JRX” with various variants, designs, colors that emerged from several groups that had the same ideology

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Ida Bagus Putu Supriadi

This research was designed qualitatively descriptively because the field phenomenon that wanted to be expressed was in the form of subjective experience and knowledge of the informants, then analyzed to obtain intersubjective conclusions. Aims to identify and interpret field data based on the view of transcendental communication. Postpositivistic paradigm with a phenomenological approach to communication. The material object of the procession is ngereh for the monks in Bali, while the formal object is the application of the concept of transcendental communication. The use of qualitative design means that this research emphasizes more on reality with interactive, plural dimensions, and the existence of an exchange of social experiences that can be interpreted individually. Hinduism (Bali) is a tantrayana religion. All activities of practicing tattwa and morals are in the form of religious events, which use the traditional ritual. One of the religious events, which contain the practice of divinity is the use of statues/pretima in the form of a temple bhatara which is worshiped in temples in Bali and several temples outside Bali. Before becoming a priest, a newly created pretime/barong/rangda, a purification ritual (sacralization) must be carried out to get the panugrahan as a priest's tapakan. This chilling procession for the bhatara's tread is the object of this research, and four important things have been found. First, at each stage of the ritual a transcendental communication event occurs. Second, the transcendental communication component in the context of the ngereh procession at the bhatara's footprint in Bali includes the procession actors (pengereh) and supernatural/supernatural powers (who act as communicators and communicants alternately). Mantras or sehe that are spoken and mudras that are made mystically (act as messages), as a means of upakara as a yantra or communication medium. Third, the context of transcendental communication that can be identified for the tapakan bhatara is: the context of communication when the mangala/stakeholder/sangging performs the prayascita ceremony. when  the mangala/stakeholder/sangging performed the ngatep and mintonin ceremonies, and when the mangala/stakeholders/sangging performed the pasupati and ngereh ceremonies. The four effects of transcendental communication include cognitive experience/knowledge, affective experience/knowledge, and behavioral experience/knowledge

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
I Ketut Manik Asta Jaya

This study aims to examine more deeply the benefits of Whatsapp communication media to optimize the performance of journalists in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic. Especially now that the whole world including Indonesia is still in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, thus requiring all activities to be limited while still implementing health protocols. In the midst of this condition, technological advances with various features are a solution to keep carrying out various activities, especially the profession as a journalist. This study uses a quantitative approach because it uses research strategies such as survey activities that require statistical data. The results of this study indicate the high use of the Whatsapp application by respondents who are all journalists. In fact, one of the results of the questionnaire distributed through Google Forms shows that 100 percent of respondents choose the use of the Whatsapp application compared to applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Meet and other applications. These results show that the Whatsapp application supports the performance of journalists, especially in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic. In addition, the dominant respondents also choose the Whatsapp application to disseminate news links, compared to social media such as Facebook, Twitter and others. This result also causes many features in the Whatsapp application that support performance as a journalist. There are several features in the Whatsapp application: 1. Can send text messages, 2. Receive and send photos from live cameras or albums, 3. Send videos, 4. Exchange documents both in the form of files and others and various other features

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Ni Nyoman Suastini

Biyukukung ceremony was carried out by Balinese people who worked in agriculture, especially rice farming. This ceremony was related with Balinese people’s effort religiously to gained prosperity for their rice in the field. As a rice farmer, Balinese people often had adversity in their field, liked damaged by pests, lacked of water, and more. As a religious people, they used this ceremony to avoid any adversity. Biyukukung ceremony was carried out by farmers, started from prepared the facilities like banten and other which related with the ceremony. The meaning of this ceremony was an expression of farmers’ thankful to God in the form of his manifestation as Dewi Sri and Dewa Wisnu which provided safety and growth the rice fertilely, protected from the pests, and other damaged. That was why Balinese people carried out the ceremony which had inherited by every generation. This ceremony also made different meaning of agriculture group, which was not only about farming. Moreover, the mean was combined the concept of Hindu’s theology and farming. This tradition then became a unified in farming system, so that the religion ceremony and farming activity be related to each other. Balinese people always depended to God for their safety, so that all of their action, included farming, was related. This relation made Bali unique, there was no line between religion and culture in their daily life. Thus, “Biyukukung Ceremony” had function and meaning to prayed the rice growth fertilely and also the field safety, so that the farmers could harvest well according to their expectation

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Komang Trisna Dewi

This research is a qualitative research that aims to describe "manyamabraya" tourism based on local genius in the Mengali Traditional Village, Sawan-Buleleng District. The research data were collected using documentation, interview, and observation techniques with research instruments in the form of interview guides and observation sheets. The data collected was then analyzed descriptively qualitatively by following the interactive analysis method proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994). This study concludes that, (1) "Manyamabraya" tourism based on local genius in the Mengali Traditional Village is a tourism concept that provides the opportunity for tourists to be directly involved in the socio-cultural life of the community in the Mengali Traditional Village, (2) This tour was developed because of the natural and cultural potential which is very suitable to be developed into a cultural-based tourist destination, as well as the weakness of the community's economy has encouraged creative ideas to develop this "manyamabraya" tourism, (3) The "manyamabraya" tourism is managed directly independently by the community of the Mengali Indigenous Village, starting from providing accommodation, tourist activities, food, drinks and entertainment

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Putu Eka Sura Adnyana ◽  
Ni Made Yuliarmini

The concept of beauty attached to a woman's body does not only occur in the real world but also in literary works. Beauty myths form interpretations to women in the analyzed Smara Tantra kakawin. Beauty myths intimidate women in such a systematic and organized way. As long as women think that being beautiful according to the representation of society's glasses is an absolute necessity. Kakawin Smara Tantra, which is quite famous among Balinese people, only sees from the point of view of men the beautiful construction of women. Beauty myths created in kakawin Smara Tantra have shackled women so that women no longer respect themselves and only focus on physical form. Although the true beauty of women is not only radiated from the physical but must be balanced with beauty that comes from within (inner beauty).

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
I Wayan Nuriarta ◽  
I Gede Agus Indram Bayu Artha ◽  
Ni Putu Dhea Pramesti ◽  
Pande Putu Sastra Wibawa

This paper was written to read visual signs and verbal marks contained in the cartoon Sompret by I Wayan Sadha. I Wayan Sadha's Sompret cartoon has its uniqueness as a work of visual communication. The uniqueness is that the visual communication of this cartoon presents illustrations, typography, and layouts with a deep appreciation of Balinese culture. The illustration presents a Balinese wearing a headdress is a representation of a Balinese in traditional culture. The illustration of a Balinese without a headdress is a representation of a Balinese who is in the modern culture. The typography used utilizes the display font to present the conversation and clarify the description of the image. The letters are used to explain the issue raised as Sadha's opinion and point of view on the Bali issues. Sadha's Sompret Cartoons only use lines, no color, so his works appeared as black and white cartoons. Sompret cartoons used the symmetrical balance composition and hidden balance layout, the perspective of human eye level, and the perspective of a bird's eye. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. Semiotic theory is used in this research and focus on denotation and connotation meaning. Denotationally, the Sompret cartoon of Sadha presents a narrative of events based on the issue raised related to Balinese traditional culture and the flow of globalization. The work is created in a one-panel cartoon. The story of this cartoon sometimes with conversations of several characters or only illustrations of the characters without any conversation. With the narrative being built, the meaning of the connotation can be read. The connotations meaning of Sompret cartoons as opinion cartoons is showing the flow of globalization or modern culture in the middle of the strength of the Balinese traditional culture. Connotatively this cartoon can be read as a development of globalization in Bali.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Hari Harsananda ◽  
Ida Bagus Subrahmaniam Saitya

The presence of mass media in the current era of globalization is nothing special, various kinds of media appear, grow and develop like mushrooms in the rainy season, especially with the internet that allows connections between individuals in this world. The media enter into people's lives and have an influence on one's beliefs, this is in line with the opinion of Jhon Vivian who said that mass media is a facility that carries messages to the public. A person's religious behavior arises because of an internal urge, which then gets an influence from the environment. In subsequent developments, religious behavior is much influenced by factors of religious experience, personality, psychological elements and others. Human life experiences several phases in the level of development of the religious soul in itself, including the children's phase, the adolescent phase, the adult phase, and the advanced phase. Each phase has its own characteristics and uniqueness. One of the formers of religious character in these phases is the mass media. Mass media in the present era is not only a complement but also a part of life. This media has both positive and negative influences on humans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Niluh Wiwik Eka Putri

One of the Balih-balihan arts is bondres. Bondres is often performed in ritual activities in Bali. Bondres is used as a communication medium that can educate the public with unique packaging such as displaying funny characters, as well as fresh humor. The implementation of ceremonial traditions and arts for Balinese Hindus is inherent. Bondres Dangdang Ketekung still exists in the midst of the development of communication technology, it can be proven by the fact that they often fill events in various activities in Buleleng Regency. With still active Dangdang Ketekung, it indicates if the community is entertained by his jokes. In addition, Dangdang Ketekung also uses social media such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to be better known by the wider community, especially the younger generation. The communication of education implemented in the Dangdang Ketekung bondres mask performance is expected to be able to make an important contribution in understanding and practicing the interactions and actions of all individuals involved. In their performances, they understand communication models such as dialogic, persuasive and educative. So that the teachings of education can be conveyed to the public. One of them is about the teachings of Tri Kaya Parisudha, Tri Kita Karana, and topics that are currently trand.

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