2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Maimun Maimun ◽  
Ahmad Lahmi ◽  
Syaflin Halim

Researchers found problems in the practice of the role of teachers and parents during online learning for students. Based on these conditions, the role of teachers and parents becomes what students need during learning. Therefore, the author raised this qualitative research with the title `The Role of Teachers and Parents in Learning Morals during the Covid-19 Pandemic at MTsN 2 Pasaman: A Case Study of Student Interest in Learning.` Problem formulation: (1) What is the role of teachers and other people? parents in online learning of morals during the covid 19 pandemic to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? (2) What is the role of teachers and parents in fostering interest in religious learning, especially moral aqidah to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman. (2) The role of teachers and parents in cultivating interest in learning Islam, especially the moral creed towards the students of MTsN 2 Pasaman.Research method: This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Descriptive research aims to make research results real, accurate, and systematic about a series of real events and characteristics of certain regions and communities. Data collection techniques apply interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of this study were determined by the level of knowledge, the presence of parents, and interaction. So, students who have parents with religious knowledge are also good, and are more at home, then the role of parents can be given as a whole in learning morals. On the other hand, students who have parents with less knowledge or religious knowledge, and are busy working, have a limited role in learning activities for their children's morals and beliefs. Parents provide motivation, messages, advice, sanctions (punishments) and rewards (rewards) to their children. This is done to foster interest in learning the religion of their children who study at school or at home. Therefore, parents have performed their roles as motivators, educators, discipline enforcers, and regulators or controllers. All of these roles are carried out differently for each parent, depending on the level of knowledge and religious basis, as well as the intensity of the meeting between parents and children in interacting while at home.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 96
Nurfaliza Nurfaliza ◽  
Nur Eka Kusuma Hindrasti

Online learning leaves behind as problems that make students' learning spirit decrease. Giving encouragement and motive to students is expected to be able to adjust even though the situation is difficult to compromise. This is what happened to one of the students of SMP Negeri 3 Bintan Timur who felt that during online learning his learning achievements improved and learning motivation was a factor that influenced the success gained. This study is a case study with qualitative approach that seeks to explore the motives of the subject in improving learning outcomes, especially in online learning. Researchers collected data using interview techniques directly to subjects and parents as well as questionnaires through google forms to teachers and friends of the subject, with a total of two people each. Furthermore, data processing is done by analyzing students' problems, then seeking information from sources or people closest to the subject and finally finding the motives of the subject in improving learning achievement. The results showed that the provision of learning motivation can improve the learning outcomes of the subject, this is proven by the subject successfully becoming an outstanding student in the classroom. The purpose of this research is to explore the motivation of learning the subject and know the role of parents, teachers and friends in providing learning motivation. With this research can contribute to students, teachers and parents that the motivation of learning is very necessary to grow in order to strengthen the desired goals can be achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-186
Ria Fajrin Rizqy Ana

The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of parents in fostering student interest in online learning at SDN Kamulan 01. The type of research used was qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects in this study were parents and fifth grade students of SDN Kamulan 01, totaling 25 students. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation methods. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the role of parents was indispensable in fostering student interest in learning. The role of parents in fostering student interest in learning shows a total score of 1014 with a percentage of 85% and is in the very high category. Students' learning interest in online learning shows a total score of 765 with a percentage of 77% and is included in the high category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Ester Magdalena Kembuan ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

<p class="abstrak">Technology helps people. It makes it easier for them to find and use information. It also helps schools in educating children and this study focuses on the Anak Bangsa elementary school in Manado. Technology, and audio-visual media, help students learn, and it is the role of teachers to guide students in understanding technology and provide direction to them in using it well. It is also the role of parents to guide and direct their children in using technology and to help them avoid abusing technology. Addiction is one of the things that adversely affects the development of a child, therefore good cooperation between parents and teachers is needed to help develop children, both in school and at home, to be wise users of technology and audio-visual media. </p><p class="abstrak"><strong>ABSTRAK </strong>Teknologi membantu masyarakat sebagai kebutuhan kehidupan mereka, dimana kecanggihan teknologi memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat untuk memperoleh informasi serta mengembangkan diri mereka, begitupun dalam pendidikan, dalam penelitian ini ialah sekolah dasar karya anak bangsa di Manado. Adapun audio-visual dalam dunia pendidikan untuk membantu para murid dalam pembelajaran, karena itu peran guru sangat diperlukan dalam membimbing para siswa untuk mengenal teknologi dengan baik, serta memberikan arahan kepada mereka untuk bisa memanfaatkan teknologi dengan baik, begitupun peran orang tua dalam perkembangan anak sangat diperlukan untuk memberikan mereka arahan serta perhatian yang baik, karena peran orang tua memberikan nilai yang baik untuk mengindari anak dengan penyalahgunaaan teknologi. Kecanduan ialah salah satu hal yang berdampak buruk untuk perkembangan seorang anak, oleh karena itu diperlukan kerja sama antara orang tua dan guru yang baik untuk mambantu perkembangan seorang anak baik dalam dunia pendidikannya, serta kesharian nya. Karena itu akan sangat mempengaruhi masa depan mereka.</p>

Hazar Hekmat Malluhi ◽  
Nayel Musa Alomran

Schools and community engagement are seen as effective factors for making schools a thoughtful place. This case- study employed mixed methodology to explore the phenomena of parent involvement and to know the exact characteristics of the leadership style in the school. This case study examined and described school leaders’ perspectives, attitudes and practices towards parents’ involvement in an Abu Dhabi primary school using a variety of data sources including, interviews, open-ended teachers’ questionnaires, school self-assessment surveys and mothers’ council self-assessment surveys. The findings revealed that the school leaders effectively employ multiple collaborative, shared and transformational leadership practices to improve parent/family volunteering. Teachers and parents have good communications. The mothers’ council and the administration enhanced many different parental activities. There are some barriers in parents ‘participation like language and the lack of the awareness of important role of parents in the school. The implications of this study revolve around the important roles the school leaders have in helping parents feel supported and encouraging family volunteering. The school leaders have to increase the encouragement of parents’ involvement in general and family volunteering in particular. This study is a calling for a shift from random acts of parents’ involvement to coherent, comprehensive, continuous, systematic and equitable family volunteering approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  

Covid-19 virus has an impact on various field, one which is in education field, so that the Indonesian Goverment made a policy of replacing face to face learning with distance learning or known as online learning. In online learning, parents have a double role as a parent and as a teacher for children in accompany childrend in online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Lack of understanding of the importance of accompanying children to learn during online learning causes parents to pay less attention to their role in accompanying children during online learning. The aim of this reasearch is to know the role of parents to accompanying children in online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. The research use qualitative methods with case study research type. This research was conducted in Temulus Village, Mejobo District, Kudus Regency, with 5 parents and 5 children who attend 1 Temulus Elemantary School, who living around in environment researcher. Data collection techiques in this research was observation, interviews and documentation.  This research use descriptive qualitative data analysis with triangulation methods as a validity test. The step of data analysis is reduction, presentation of data, and conclusions. The result of the role of parents in online learning during th eCovid-19 pandemic is a.) the role  as caregivers and educators; b) the role as mentors; c) the role as motivators; d) the role as facilitators. Therefore, parents should provide time and attention in accompanying children to leaen during online learning. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 42
Al Hudri ◽  
Hunainah Hunainah

This study aims to determine the role of school residents in the formation of the religious character of students in Al Husna Islamic Elementary School and Al Qudwah Elementary School. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research (field research). The research was conducted in two places, namely (1) Al Husna Rangkasbitung Islamic Elementary School and Al Qudwah Integrated Elementary School Kalanganyar. Data were collected by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study are; (1) religious character is needed and must be possessed by students to face changing times and moral degradation. The formation of religious character can be assessed from the aspect of the spiritual attitude of students. (2) the role of school residents such as principals, teachers and parents is very important in shaping the character of students, educators as second parents in schools are the main motor in shaping the religious character of students. (3) the role of parents cannot be underestimated in an education, students who spend more time at home ideally parents should be able to synergize in the formation of the religious character of students when at home. (4) inhibiting factors for the formation of religious character in Islamic schools, one of which is educational policies that are not in line with the school program. (5) efforts are being made to optimize the formation of religious characters by providing education and training for teachers around character building, appreciation of students and parental liaison books.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-165
Nur Farida

The problem that prompted the authors to conduct this study is the lack ofparental role at home in instilling the values of honesty in children whichimpact on the child in school. In addition, the role of teachers in schoolsin an effort to instill the values of honesty in learning Islamic education itis still less than the maximum, especially in junior high school TakhassusAl-Quran Wonosobo. Therefore the role of parents at home and teachersat school learning Islamic education is very important in the context ofgrowing the value of honesty in children, especially in junior high schoolTakhassus Al-Quran Wonosobo. This study is a qualitative field researchwith the descriptive type of approach. Sampling by purposive sampling, iein accordance with the purpose of research conducted. Samples taken atrandom as much as 25% or 68 respondents from the general populationeighth grade junior high school Takhassus Al-Quran Wonosobo,amounting to 273 learners. The methods used to collect data include:methods of observation, interviews, document study methods, and, in thequestionnaire method. The technique of data analysis is descriptiveanalysis using qualitative techniques.The results based on interviews showed that 70% of students answered yes(positive) and supports the efforts of planting the value of honesty inlearning Islamic education in junior high school Takhassus Al-QuranWonosobo, based on calculations on any number of items showed that 67or 98.53% of students stated that they supported the planting value ofhonesty in learning Islamic education, and calculations based on eachanswer option indicates that as many as 70.15% of students expressed apositive attitude towards planting efforts in the values of honesty in juniorhigh school Takhassus Al-Qur 'an Wonosobo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-62
Alfred Bunga Data ◽  
Talizaro Tafonao ◽  
Dewi Lidya Sidabutar ◽  
Rini Sumanti Sapalakkai

Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic requires children to study at home. All student learning activities are carried out at home with guidance from parents. So that the role of parents in educating children is in the first place. Parents are the main responsibility for the education of their children. The purpose of writing this article is to see how the efforts made by parents in accompanying their children during the pandemic. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The method is, the method used is based on data obtained from the research field. In this study, besides wanting to see the child's learning process, the role and parenting pattern or mentoring of parents to their children during online learning that you want to observe carefully. Parents can apply teaching methods that involve daily activities such as making food, cleaning the house, or other things that can be created with the material being studied by the child. From the results of research on the role of parents in accompanying children during online learning, they still find various obstacles ranging from a lack of understanding of the condition of each child.   Abstrak Adanya pandemi Covid-19 mengharuskan anak untuk belajar di rumah. Seluruh kegiatan belajar siswa dilaksanakan di rumah dengan bimbingan dari orang orang tua. Sehingga peranan orang tua dalam mendidik anak berada pada urutan pertama. Orang tua merupakan penanggung jawab utama dalam pendidikan anak-anaknya. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah melihat bagaimana upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh orang tua dalam mendampingi anak selama pandemi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Metode tersebut merupakan, metode yang digunakan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari lapangan penelitian. dalam penelitian ini selain ingin melihat proses pembelajaran anak peran dan pola asuh atau pendampingan orang tua kepada anak anaknya selama pembelajaran daring yang ingin diamati secara seksama. Orang tua bisa menerapkan metode pengajaran yang melibatkan kegiatan sehari-hari seperti membuat makanan, membersihkan rumah, atau lainnya yang bisa dikreasikan dengan materi yang sedang dipelajari oleh anak. Dari hasil penelitian peran orang tua dalam mendampingi anak selama pembelajaran daring masih menemukan berbagai kendala mulai dari kurangnya pemahaman akan kondisi anak masing-masing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-164
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah ◽  
Arda Arda

The purpose of this study was to identify the role of parents in fostering children's scientific attitudes in science lessons in the midst of the pandemic situation COVID-19. The method used in this research is a case study, namely the research design used to reveal in more detail and comprehensively the situation of the object being analyzed. In addition, researchers also use qualitative case study methods used to obtain information. The results showed that the planning of planting scientific attitudes by parents was to provide opportunities for children to demonstrate scientific attitudes. The implementation of planting scientific attitudes by showing examples of scientific attitudes, providing positive reinforcement or rewards for students who show scientific attitudes, and providing opportunities for students to show scientific attitudes. The attitudes shown in the indicators of scientific attitudes studied, namely the attitude of curiosity, objective attitudes towards data and sensitive attitudes towards the environment are included in the high quality category in this study. by: (a). the ability of parents who are not sufficient in guiding / accompanying their children to study at home, especially in material that involves the experimental process in the learning process, (b). The teacher's explanation time in online learning is considered by parents to be very short which results in confusion in accompanying children to study at home, (c). inadequate facilities and infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Agus Suryana ◽  
Siti Herdiana Aulia

This study aims to determine what the roles of parents are in accompanying children during the distance learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic at Ciparigi Village, Bogor City. The method used is a case study through online interviews with thematic analysis on 5 parents. The results show that the role of parents is needed in the distance learning process. In general, the role of parents during distance learning, in addition to being a substitute for teachers at home, parents also act as facilitators, motivators, guides for children, and guide children to achieve success of learning in pandemic.  

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