2021 ◽  
pp. 75-82
Trofimcuk N.V.

The article is substantiated, that the concept of environmental culture of students is one of the most important priorities of modern training in colleges, which provides for a proper mastery of the system of scientific knowledge and practical skills, value landmarks and behavioral and activity imperatives that certify the responsible attitude towards the socio-natural environment. and the ability of harmonious interaction with it. The process of formation of ecological culture is organically inscribed in the context of training, education and personality development, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the concept of environmental education.The research is carried out on the principle of integrative approach. Its methodological basis is the generaloretical methods of scientific knowledge, the fundamental provisions of the ecological economy, the concept of sustainable development and environmental ethics.According to the purpose and objectives of the study, the following components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian and engineering colleges are distinguished: cognitive, axiological, humanistic and activity. It is revealed that the cognitive component detects human ability to strategic thinking. It contains environmental purposes and closely linked by the concept of strategic forecasting, which provides for cognitive mobilization of mental resources on the basis of comprehension of environmental risks and errors and prevention of environmental disasters.It is emphasized that the importance of an axiological component is determined by the fact that human ecology is now an urgent stage of modern humanism, represented by the system of ideological priorities and meanings, recognition of the value of man as integrity (microcosm), spirituality as a lever of transformation of human mass behavior with orientation to the implementation of sustainable development ideas and a co-evolutionary future. It is proved that the activity component characterizes the inclusion of a person in the sphere of interaction with nature, its ecological-oriented activity aimed at protecting and restoring natural resources in accordance with the level of knowledge and existing values.Summated that the distinguished components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian colleges provide for the transformation of the general forms of objective cultural reality into the individual richness of the student’s personality, and his creative potential - in the constructive actualization of general cultural achievements.Key words: ecological culture, cognitive component, axiological component, humanistic component, activity component. У статті обґрунтовано, що поняття екологічної культури студентів є одним з одним з найвагоміших пріоритетів сучасної професійної підготовки у коледжах, що передбачає належне оволодіння системою наукових знань та практичних навичок, ціннісних орієнтирів та поведінкових і діяльнісних імперативів, які засвідчують відповідальне ставлення до соціально-природного середовища та здатність гармонійної взаємодії з ним. Процес формування екологічної культури органічно вписаний у контекст навчання, виховання та розвитку особистості, що здійснюється відповідно до положень Концепції екологічної освіти.Дослідження здійснено назасадах інтегративного підходу. Його методологічною основою є загаль-нотеоретичні методи наукового пізнання, фундаментальні положення екологічної економіки, концепції сталого розвитку та екологічної етики.Відповідно до мети та завдань дослідження виокремлено наступні компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних та інженерних коледжів: когнітивний, аксіологічний, гуманістичний та діяльнісний. Розкрито, що когнітивний компонент виявляє здатність людини до стратегічного мислення. Він містить екологічне цілепокладання і тісно пов’язане із ним поняття стратегічного прогно-зування, що передбачає когнітивну мобілізацію психічних ресурсів на основі осмислення екологічних ризиків і помилок та попередження екологічних катастроф.Підкреслено, що важливість аксіологічного компонента визначається тим, що екологія людини нині є актуальною стадією сучасного гуманізму, представленого системою світоглядних пріоритетів і смислів, визнанням цінності людини як цілісності (мікрокосму), духовності як важеля трансформації масової поведінки людей з орієнтацією на реалізацію ідей сталого розвитку і коеволюційного майбутнього. Доведено, що діяльнісний компонент характеризує включення особистості у сферу взаємодії з природою, її екологоорієнтовану діяльність, спрямовану на захист та відновлення природних ресурсів відповідно до рівня сформованих знань та наявних цінностей. Резюмовано, що виокремлені компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних коледжів передбачають трансформацію загальних форм об’єктивної культурної реальності в індивідуальне багатство особистості студента, а його творчого потенціалу – у конструктивну актуалізацію загальнокультурних надбань.Ключові слова: екологічна культура, когнітивний компонент, аксіологічний компонент, гуманістичний компонент, діяльнісний компонент.

Natalia Demyanenko

Modern trends of human civilization development determine the individual educational way of person on the open education basis. A special place in supporting of personality development in the information society belongs to a tutor. A tutor is a central figure while a tutorial is an officially recognized component of the British educational system. Today this profession is actualized in many European countries. Social and personal request for a tutorial support is increasing in Ukraine. A tutorial is developing as a basis for the formation of teacher-student partnership. On the other hand, pedagogically expedient, subject-subjective, moral and aesthetic relations are a condition for the tutorial technology implementation. They form a personally oriented activity of two equal partners - a tutor and tutorant. It should be emphasized on the individual-socializing nature of tutorial. A tutor is not only responsible for the level of knowledge, but also for the formation (upbringing) of the individual. A tutorial accompaniment is a pedagogical education individualizing activity which is directed at the identification and development of educational motives and interests of the person, the search for educational resources for the creation of an individual educational program, the formation of person educational reflection. It involves the educational environment organizing, actual support for the formation and implementation of a tutor`s individual educational program; its methodical support. A tutorial support is carried out in accordance with the peculiarities of the age of the tutorants (from preschool age), provides the pedagogical provision of autonomous formulation and realization of the person's educational goals, stimulation and motivation of independent educational activity. The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education has carried out a tutor professional and pedagogical training at the National Dragomanov Pedagogical University since 2015.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
O. A. Kozyreva

Introduction. Pedagogical modeling determines the possibilities of clarifying the used scientific knowledge by teachers in the system of lifelong education and creating new scientific knowledge as a product of theorization, development of anthropologically determined relationships and focused on innovative and productive functioning of environments. The problem of using and encouraging teachers to solve problems using pedagogical modeling is of interest from the s tandpoint of the formed professional skill and scientific and pedagogical activity.Materials and methods. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used in the structure of the work: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, comparison, scientific theorization, study of the work of teachers and student students, registration method, methods of mathematical statistics. The fundamentals of the determination and refinement of the conceptual apparatus were determined in the constructs of the traditional pedagogical methodology (broad, narrow, local meanings) and in the constructs of the innovative pedagogical methodology (adaptive-productive meaning, functional-labor meaning, epistemological-personalized meaning).Results. Pedagogical modeling is determined in the context of the fulfillment of professional and labor functions – in the teacher’s activities, the practice-oriented use of pedagogical modeling predominates, in the activities of the scientific and pedagogical worker there are practical and science-based possibilities of pedagogical modeling. Pedagogical modeling is determined by the resource of personality development and the formation of a culture of individual personality work. In the structure of theorizing the quality of solving problems of forming a culture of independent work of an individual, pedagogical modeling ensures the success of achieving defined and implemented goals of an individual’s activity. Pedagogical modeling is determined by the element and construct of the formation of productivity and success of a person. The system of lifelong education reveals the orientation of the student’s personality development in the context of the formed meanings and technologies of training and education.Discussion and Conclusions. Pedagogical modeling in the professional activity of a teacher and a scientific and pedagogical worker has a general system of theorizing results, but different directions and constructs of creating new didactic and professional pedagogical knowledge. The quality of using pedagogical modeling reveals the prospects for the development of the individual, lifelong education and society as a whole.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-302
Elena Vasilievna Barcaeva

This paper presents a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature devoted to the problem of preschoolers readiness for social orientation. The author examines the key concepts of the study: socialization, social orientation, readiness, readiness for social and domestic orientation and readiness for social and domestic orientation with regard to preschoolers. The paper characterizes preschool age as a sensitive period of social and household orientation readiness development. The paper describes main neoplasms of age, social situation of development, as well as specificity of the leading activity. The author considers the concept of readiness structure. The paper also presents main structural components of readiness for social orientation in relation to preschool age: personal, cognitive and activity. The paper reveals the components of readiness for social orientation of preschoolers and characterizes the essence of each component. The personal component of readiness for social and domestic orientation of preschoolers includes: value orientation, motivation, emotional well-being, qualities that characterize the properties of the individual. Cognitive component of readiness for social orientation of preschoolers is represented by primary ideas about the natural and social world, primary mathematical concepts, primary socio-cultural ideas and primary ideas about social and domestic activities. The activity component of readiness for social and household orientation of preschoolers is characterized by general intellectual, general labor, social and household, communicative skills.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 506-522
Yasemin Ozdem-Yilmaz ◽  
Bulent Cavas

The aim of this research is to investigate the aspects of science education, which are pedagogically desirable for the individual in the society of 21st century. The research was conducted by Curricular Delphi Study method in three rounds with international comparisons. In the first round, an open-ended survey was used, and in the next two rounds the instrument was structured to answer the refined research questions of the study, such as the priorities and practices towards the inquiry-based science education. The paper reports on the findings of a survey collected from 125 stakeholders of science education, including scientists, science educators, and education administrators from Turkey. In the results of the differentiated analyses according to the sample groups, all stakeholders emphasize the role of science education in the survival of a country. They all put a great emphasis on the curriculum. The stakeholders emphasized the significance of engagement with the interdisciplinary relations of the sciences, their findings and their perspectives with regard to their role in enhancing individual intellectual personality development. It is suggested that scientific inquiry includes the ability to consolidate the inquiry processes with scientific knowledge, scientific reasoning and critical thinking to advance scientific knowledge. Key words: inquiry-based, science education, Delphi method.

M. M. Klunnikova

The work is devoted to the consideration of improving the quality of teaching students the discipline “Numerical methods” through the development of the cognitive component of computational thinking based on blended learning. The article presents a methodology for the formation of computational thinking of mathematics students, based on the visualization of algorithmic design schemes and the activation of the cognitive independence of students. The characteristic of computational thinking is given, the content and structure of computational thinking are shown. It is argued that a student with such a mind is able to manifest himself in his professional field in the best possible way. The results of the application of the technique are described. To determine the level of development of the cognitive component of computational thinking, a diagnostic model has been developed based on measuring the content, operational and motivational components. It is shown that the proposed method of developing computational thinking of students, taking into account the individual characteristics of students’ thinking, meaningfully based on the theoretical and practical aspects of studying the discipline, increases the effectiveness of learning the course “Numerical methods”. The materials of the article are of practical value for teachers of mathematical disciplines who use information and telecommunication technologies in their professional activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Jyoti Narayan Patra ◽  
Jayanta Mete

Values are like seeds that sprout, become saplings, grow into trees and spread their branches all around. To be able to think right, to feel the right kind of emotions and to act in the desirable manner are the prime phases of personality development. Building up of values system starts with the individual, moves on to the family and community, reorienting systems, structures and institutions, spreading throughout the land and ultimately embracing the planet as a whole. The culture of inclusivity is particularly relevant and important in the context of our society, nation and making education a right for all children.

Victoriia Mykytenko

The basic elements of the national security of the individual, society and the state that are to be taken into account in the development and implementation of the practice of the management of doctrines and strategies for sustainable development are revealed. The complex of potential factor determinants and motivational factors of de-evolutionary development of the national socio-economic system at the present stage of its functioning are determined. The methodological substantiation of the specificity of modern processes of state development of Ukraine on its key meta-spaces is accomplished. The formalization of the interconnection and interdependence of spatial management of natural resource assets has been made on six planes: ideological; political; spiritual-moral and politico-ideological; institutional; value-ideological; the goal is conceptual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 2239
Marzena Kramarz ◽  
Edyta Przybylska

Multimodal freight transport in cities is a complex, valid, and vitally important problem. It is more seldom underlined in scientific studies and included in cities’ strategies that devote more attention to passenger transport than freight transport. The increased utilization of multimodal transport matches current transport policy and at the same time, it is one of the most important challenges put before cities striving to achieve sustainable development. In this case, the paper embarks upon the problem of relations between multimodal transport development and the sustainable development of the cities. The objective of the paper is an analysis of the impact of the selected city of the Upper Silesian metropolis on the development of multimodal freight transport and an assessment of the impact of the development of multimodal transport on the sustainable development of the cities of the Upper Silesian metropolis. The authors developed three research questions in order to implement the adopted objective. The process of looking for the answer included four stages. Within the first and second stages, the literature studies and experts’ research allowed for identifying key factors of the multimodal transport development that a city may have an impact on. In the third stage, the research was two-fold and was based on a questionnaire and scenario analysis. Due to the individual character of each of the cities, scenarios were developed for Katowice, being the main economic center of Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis. As a result of the research, factors have been identified that must be included in a strategy of a city that strives for sustainable development. The last stage of the research focused on the initial concept of the multimodal transport development impact assessment on sustainable development of the cities. Conclusions developed at individual stages allowed for answering the research questions.

Gloria Krahn

Accounting for about 15% of the world’s population, persons with disabilities constitute a critical population. Despite a substantial knowledge base in disability and public health, persons with disabilities have been remarkably invisible within general global public health. Public health’s view of disability is shifting from regarding disability only as an outcome to prevent, to using disability as a demographic characteristic that identifies a population experiencing a range of inequities. Alternative models of disability reflect how disability has been viewed over time. These models vary in their underlying values and assumptions, whether the locus of disability is the individual or the environment or their interaction, who designates “disability,” and the focus of intervention outcomes. The United Nations flagship report on Disability and Sustainable Development Goals, 2018 documents that, as a group, the lives of persons with disabilities are marked by large disparities in Sustainable Development Goal indicators. These include increased likelihood of experiencing poverty, hunger, poor health, and unemployment, and greater likelihood of encountering barriers to education and literacy, clean water and sanitation, energy, and information technology. Overall, persons with disabilities experience greater inequalities, and this is particularly experienced by women and girls with disabilities. The COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters have highlighted the gaps in equality and consequent vulnerability of this population. Global disability data have improved dramatically during the decade from 2010 to 2020 with the advent of standardized disability question sets (Washington Group) and model surveys (Model Disability Survey). New studies from the Global South and North identify areas and strategies for interventions that can effectively advance the Sustainable Development Goals. This call-to-action outlines strategies for increasing visibility and improving wellbeing of persons with disabilities, particularly in the Global South. Increased visibility of the disability population within the global public health community can be achieved through active engagement of persons with disabilities. Improved collection of disability data and routine analysis by disability status can provide information vital to planning and policies. A twin-track approach can provide direction for interventions—inclusion in mainstream programs where possible, use of disability-specific and rehabilitation approaches where necessary. The article ends by outlining ways that multiple roles can increase the inclusion of persons with disabilities in global public health.

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-23
Roger Guy

The population of America's local, state, and federal prisons increased by nearly 340 percent between 1980 and 2005 (Paparozzi and Demichele 2008). Much of this increase reflects policy intended to get tough on criminals by locking them up longer and removing discretionary power of judges. Therefore, community corrections (i.e., probation and parole) have assumed increased attention recently as more prisoners are diverted and placed on probation and others are released through mandatory parole. One of the most measurable goals of community corrections is a reduction in recidivism. Much of what works today has its origins in symbolic interaction theory. Most social learning occurs through what Albert Bandura referred to as “observational learning.” One component of this approach as applied to community corrections involves parole officers modeling behavior for the offender. Research has shown us that successful modeling requires skill on the part of parole officers in order for the process of observational learning to occur. The second component in therapeutic intervention in corrections is that the client/offender must have the opportunity to reinforce the new behavior. Research suggests that this “role playing” should occur in a nonthreatening environment, with the offender receiving reinforcement for positive prosocial/noncriminal behavior and immediate disapproval for antisocial behavior. Finally, this paper will propose an integrative approach for prisoner reentry that extends this process of resocialization to include broader involvement of social institutions and the community.

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