hazard class
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 126-130
V. E. Burak

The article is devoted to the study of a possibility of designating the boundaries of sanitary zones (distancing) for traffic arteries outside settlements within the right-of-way.The study was conducted regarding the current Russian laws, projects of possible changes in legislation and draft amendments. It offers definitions of the right-of-way and of sanitary zone and highlights topics that have not yet been regulated.At the same time, the research methods are of universal character and after introducing other regulatory parameters may be applied for similar research in other countries as well.Calculations and field studies allowed to find that within the railway right-of-way and with the existing train traffic intensity, equivalent continuous sound pressure level in aggregate does not exceed the established maximum permissible level of 80dBA for personnel performing their labour functions within the railway rightof-way.A growth in the Leq/LAeq on the right-of-way from 80,0 to 95,0 dBA may lead to an increase in the hazard class (subclass).An analysis of the actual results of a special assessment of working conditions at JSC Russian Railways showed in the vast majority of cases the acceptability of working conditions evaluated according to noise factor measured at the workplaces of employees working during full or part-time shift on the right-of-way. Hazardous working conditions at the level of some subclasses for certain professions (operator of track measurement, railway track worker) arise rather due to indicators of severity of the labour process. 

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Tigistu Yisihak Ukumo ◽  
Adane Abebe ◽  
Tarun Kumar Lohani ◽  
Muluneh Legesse Edamo

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to prepare flood hazard map and show the extent of flood hazard under climate change scenarios in Woybo River catchment. The hydraulic model, Hydrologic Engineering Center - River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) was used to simulate the floods under future climate scenarios. The impact of climate changes on severity of flooding was evaluated for the mid-term (2041–2070) and long-term (2071–2100) with relative to a baseline period (1971–2000). Design/methodology/approach Future climate scenarios were constructed from the bias corrected outputs of five regional climate models and the inflow hydrographs for 10, 25, 50 and 100 years design floods were derived from the flow which generated from HEC-hydrological modeling system; that was an input for the HEC-RAS model to generate the flood hazard maps in the catchment. Findings The results of this research show that 25.68% of the study area can be classified as very high hazard class while 28.56% of the area is under high hazard. It was also found that 20.20% is under moderate hazard and about 25.56% is under low hazard class in future under high emission scenario. The projected area to be flooded in far future relative to the baseline period is 66.3 ha of land which accounts for 62.82% from the total area. This study suggested that agricultural/crop land located at the right side of the Woybo River near the flood plain would be affected more with the 25, 50 and 100 years design floods. Originality/value Multiple climate models were assessed properly and the ensemble mean was used to prepare flood hazard map using HEC-RAS modeling.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-119
Qowam Mutashim Maulana ◽  
Zaenal Kusuma ◽  
Kurniawan Sigitt Wicaksono

The land problem that commonly occurs in Ranu Pani Watershed is erosion. Ranu Pani Watershed is an area located in the mountains with very high soil erosion. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct good management in the upstream and downstream areas. The first step before carrying out the management is to analyze the occurrence of erosion in the Ranu Pani Watershed. The purpose of this research was to predict the potential erosion and the distribution of spatial data.. The results of the research showed that the erosivity value in the Ranu Pani Watershed was 961.44 and heavy to very heavy class (0.50-0.77) of erodibility, soil texture was dominated by silt, fine granular soil structure, and moderate dominant permeability. 56.80% of the area (158.27 ha) has a slop class III (15-30%) with the land cover are natural forest with lots of litter, grasslands, shrubs, and fields of onions and potatoes. Land management is managed cultivation follows the contour line but without conservation. The result of the calculation showed that almost all areas have potential erosion value exceed the permissible erosion determination, with the potential erosion value are 1.92-4246.28 tha-1 yr-1, the range of permissible erosion value are 0.029- 1.2 tha-1 yr-1, and the erosion hazard index value is 1.57-143442.49. The results of the spatial analysis showed that 64.39% of the area (179.41 ha) has a very heavy erosion hazard class and 69.50% of the area (193.66 ha) has a very high erosion hazard index.

Vladislav Kats ◽  
Liubov Adamtsevich

Technical condition monitoring of building structures located on hazardous facilities is a necessary requirement for their sustainable functioning. In this regard, the problem of development intellectual monitoring systems that allow to detect and classify operating defects by the hazardous level becomes very urgent. The study presents an approach of building decision support system (DSS) for detecting defects in building structures and estimation of their hazard class. Proposed approach is based on multi-criteria assessment of consecutive measurements acquired by acoustic emission method. A distinctive characteristic of the proposed approach is the ability to take into account the evolution of defects by mapping each AE time-series to diagnostic features matrix and analysing these matrices in sliding windows with overlay. Each matrix is validated by two criteria that form the necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence the evolving defects in building structure. They include the criterion for changing the number of clusters and the criterion for changing the acoustic emission activity. Proposed method was verified on the experimental data acquired from the technical condition monitoring of the vertical oil tanks. The results obtained fromthe experiment confirm the proposal that this approach can be utilized for effectively solving the problem of conditionalmonitoring of building structures located on the hazardous facilities allowing to detect and classify defects by theirhazardous level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (4) ◽  
pp. 124-128
Inna Tkachenko ◽  
Anna Antonenko

the issue of uncontrolled pesticides application is quite acute in the system of state control over the use of chemical plant protection products and is of a global nature. Indeed, the dangerous effect of chemicals is a potential toxic effect on professional and non-professional contingents. Therefore, the study and forecasting of possible risks of negative effects of pesticides is an integral part of their implementation in the practical activities of agricultural and private farms. The aim was to predict the occurrence of acute toxic effects on workers involved in the treatment of crops with formulation based on the new insecticide spiromesifen and a representative of avermectins, abamectin. Materials and methods. To calculate the coefficients of possible inhalation poisoning, the physic-chemical properties and consumption rates of the studied active ingredients of the Oberon Rapid 240 SC formulation, the methodical approaches from State Standard wase used, and to determine the possibility of acute toxic effects, taking into account the selectivity of their action, we used the Sergeev’s S.G. method, taking into account two ways of potential entry of chemicals into the body – inhalation and dermal. Results. According to the "Hygienic classification of pesticides by the degree of hazard", spiromesifen and abamectin, as well as formulation based on them, belong to the Ⅳth hazard class according to the coefficient of possible inhalation poisoning, which was less than 0.5. In terms of inhalation and dermal coefficients of selectivity of action, the studied compounds were classified as substances with a high selectivity of action, except for the value of the coefficient of inhalation action of abamectin, which was less than 100 and made it possible to classify the compound as substances with a relatively low selectivity of action. Conclusions. The obtained data indicate a low possibility of acute poisoning when using formulations based on insecticides – spiromesifene and abamectin, as well as their relative safety in the occurrence of acute toxic effects when inhaled and in contact with the skin.

2021 ◽  
Oleg P. Pugach ◽  
Alexander M. Lunegov ◽  
Irina V. Lunegova

In the system of veterinary and sanitary measures, disinfection occupies one of the important places, contributing to ensuring the welfare of animal husbandry against infectious diseases, increasing the productivity of animals, poultry and the sanitary quality of products, raw materials and animal feed. The main purpose of disinfection is to break the epizootic chain by influencing its most important link - the factor of transmission of the causative agent of the disease from the source of infection to the susceptible organism. Based on the foregoing, we were assigned the goal of studying the characteristics of the new domestic disinfectant AQUAdez-NUK 5, and to achieve this goal, one of the tasks was to study acute toxicity. In order to study the acute toxicity of AQUAdes-NUK 5 when administered orally, experiments were carried out on male Wister white rats weighing 220-230 g. at doses of 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5500 mg / kg. For the experiments, the rats were divided into groups of 10 animals. 10 animals were used to study each dosage for each disinfectant. One group of ten animals served as a control, which was injected with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The disinfectant was injected in pure form. After administration, the laboratory animals were monitored for two weeks. The experiment took into account the death of animals and the clinical picture of intoxication. In the course of laboratory studies, we determined that AQUAdez-NUK 5 belongs to the III hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 (moderately hazardous compounds), as well as the presence of a weak irritant effect, and therefore we took appropriate safety measures during work with this disinfectant.

Tatiana V. Nurislamova ◽  
Tatyana S. Ulanova ◽  
Olga A. Mal'tseva ◽  
Tatyana V. Chinko

The oil and gas sector is an essential part of the technical and economic complex of the Russian Federation. The most significant hygienic significance in the oil and gas processing industry is the chemical factor, represented by a complicated complex of harmful substances of hazard class 1-4 with different effects on the body. The study aims to assess the content of benzene and its homologs in the blood of workers of the oil and gas processing industry due to the industrial exposure of chemical factors for five and more than 20 years. Materials and methods. Researchers carried out whole blood samples of 380 oil and gas processing industry workers. They selected two groups for comparison: the main groups of professions (observation group, n=290) and workers not employed in the technological process (comparison group, n=90). During the survey, the scientists have found that with an increase in work experience in the industry up to 10 years, the average group content of toluene, o-xylene, and p,-m-xylene in the blood of workers of the main groups of professions increased from 0.00075 mcg/cm3, 0.00028 mcg/cm3, and 0.00006 mcg/cm3, respectively, to 0.00083 mcg/cm3, 0.00039 mcg/cm3 and 0.00013 mcg/cm3 with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. Those working in the industry in contact with arenas for five and more than 20 years have an increase in the content of cyclic organic compounds in the blood up to 2 times, with an increase in the percentage of blood samples from workers of the primary professions with the content of toluene, o-xylene, and p,-m-xylene up to 83%, 26%, and 13%, respectively. This position confirms the established linear relationships and indicators of the correlation between the content of benzene and o-xylene in the blood of workers of the leading professions and work experience. Workers interacting with risk factors for more than 20 years may get occupational diseases (R2=0.82). With a work experience of more than 20 years, the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons in workers' blood is 1.5-2 times higher relative to the group of workers not engaged in the technological process. Under experimental studies, we established a correlation between the level of aromatic hydrocarbons (hazard class 1-3 with unidirectional effects on the body) in the blood and work experience in the industry. It is pretty apparent the need to introduce biomonitoring in production to assess the complex intake of substances into the body of workers.

O. Malyshevska ◽  
V. Motriuk ◽  
M. Ionda ◽  

Introduction. Annually, the volume of accumulated polymers in landfills in Ukraine is growing by more than 1 million tons, but the volume of recycled polymer packaging over the past ten years has not exceeded 3%. The goal is to establish the degree of toxicological impact on biosphere objects of polymers extracted from solid waste, to assess the safety of using household polymer waste as a secondary raw material for further processing. The task is to establish the degree of biological and toxicological safety of polymer wastes extracted from solid waste. Methods and techniques: toxicological - determination of water toxicity on acute Daphnia magna according to DSTU 4173: 2003 (ISO 6341: 1996, MOD) and chronic according to DSTU 4166: 2003 (ISO 10706: 2000, MOD), and Paramecium caudatum ciliates, soil microflora reactions (saprotrophic soil bacteria CFU / g) according to MR 2609-82, the assessment of phytotoxic effects on higher plants was carried out by vegetation methods according to ISO 17402-2008, ISO 17126-2005a, ISO 22030: 2005b, ISO 11269 -1:2012a. Results. The research results show that aqueous extracts from waste polymers extracted from solid waste and their mixture do not have a pronounced toxic effect on aquatic organisms. There is no significant effect on soil bacteria. The study of the effect of polymer waste on seed germination did not reveal phytotoxic effects for any crop. A slight phytotoxic effect was observed during the study of PVC and PS waste. Wheat and mustard were the most sensitive. The level of phytotoxic effect was within acceptable limits and did not exceed 5.67%. Evaluation of phytotoxic effects on stem length showed the presence of effects from all processed products except PVC. The impact, characterized as weak, ranged from - 2.06% (PP) to - 13.27% (PS). The effect on root length was found for samples with PS waste (-7.23%), which was characterized as weak and PVC (-43.52%) - medium. Watercress and mustard were the most sensitive plants to the effects of polymer waste. Conclusions. The studied samples of polymer waste do not show hygienically significant toxic effects on water and soil test objects, even in concentrations of 1: 1, so the impact on the above test organisms polymer waste removed from solid waste is classified as hazard class 4. According to the assessment of phytotoxic effect, polymer waste removed from solid waste is classified as hazard class 4, except for PVC - hazard class 3.

T.S. Sakhapova ◽  
K.O. Baranova ◽  
M.I. Khusnutdinov ◽  
V.A. Tikhonov

Protecting the occupational environment is a top priority in manufacturing of any kind of products and provision of various types of services. Environmental protection plays a significant role in the mining industry, as increasing extraction of minerals involves growing amounts of waste and environmental pollution. In 2019 alone, industrial waste generation in the Russian Federation peaked at 7.75 billion tonnes. AZOTTECH LLC is currently handling industrial waste associated with the production and use of chemicals for drilling and blasting operations, scrap from machine-building plants, etc. The article reports on the volumes of industrial waste of each hazard class for 2019-2020 and provides a forecast of the volumes for 2021. The reduction in volumes has been achieved through the implementation of a waste management system. In addition, the paper presents statistics on the reduction in the disposal costs, calculated according to the tariffs of each region where the company's subsidiaries are located. An analysis of the factors reducing the volume and cost of waste management has been performed. Upon implementation of the waste management structure, the costs decreased by 2.5 times, and the amount of waste was reduced by two times.

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