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Gay Tourism ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 185-200
Helena Andrade ◽  
Zélia Breda ◽  
Gorete Dinis

Turyzm ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-154
Olimjon Saidmamatov ◽  
Elbek Khodjaniyazov ◽  
Umidjon Matyakubov ◽  
Ergash Ibadullaev ◽  
Dilmurad Bekjanov ◽  

Central Asian (CA) countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) are assumed to be one of the most attractive tourist destinations since this particular geographical location holds immense potential in tourism products. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the flourishing tourism sector of these countries has been immensely affected. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of Central Asian tourists' risk attitudes toward traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic through consideration of sociodemographic characteristics. The research was conducted during January through April 2021 based on a sample of 966 respondents via an online questionnaire. In the survey, risks are divided into four main categories: health, psychological, financial and travel destination. Nominal regression was used to identify the way in which risk perception affected travel intentions during COVID-19 and the research findings indicate that Central Asian tourists’ risk perception has done so. Hygiene, disinfection and a reliable health system in destinations (21%) will be leading factors in future travel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Devi Kurniawati Homan ◽  
Aris Darisman

Bandung is the capital of west java province in Indonesia. It was referred to Paris van Java because of the beauty. Nowadays, since access to the city of Bandung is easier both domestically and international, Bandung become the travel destination. Like other travel destination in Indonesia, Bandung known as shopping and culinary tourism destination. To differentiate Bandung with other destination city in Indonesia, it need a differentiator that will help to characterize the city. A character design that used as a soft tourism campaign is needed. It will become the ambassador to persuade the target market to come and love Bandung as a city tourism destination. First of all, mascot will be a good way to represent and branding the city. The mascot should be developed to represent a culture and positive image of the city and become the pride for its citizens. Object of this study was Cepot from wayang golek Sunda. The Research covers visual aspects, philosophical and ideological. Every character designs are influenced by the culture. Each culture has different visual traditions with different ideological backgrounds. The best approach before make a character design, is to recognize the character design in every culture. How a culture affect the human figure and its visual style and the living creatures. The character culture can be found in its design history, anatomy and story. It become the basis of the new character creation. 

Ghadir Al-Sheebani ◽  
Gulbahar Abdallah

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Sumas Wongsunopparat ◽  
Shen Jing

This study aims to investigate factors influencing the Bangkok-focused tourist destination selection in China. In addition, Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo, Japan were selected for comparison by assessing four destination attributes including culture, transportation, architecture, and food. In this study, we used a sample of 400 Chinese tourists who have traveled to Bangkok. The main research issue is to reveal the first- and second-order potential factors generating significant influences on Chinese tourists’ choice of Bangkok as their destination. The aim of this study is to explore the structural relationships among the mentioned first-order and second-order latent variables, and their impact on the choice of tourist destinations in China. Due to the competitive nature of Chinese tourist destinations, we believe that there might be some potential factors that significantly affected their choice decision, therefore we applied the second-order Structural Equation Models (SEM) to capture these potentially unobservable factors. The result showed that our proposed model appeared to fit well: the RMSEA was 0.03 (<0.06) and values of GFI, AGFI, NFI, TLI, and CFI were greater than 0.9 (most of them were even larger than 0.95). More importantly, Food (F), Emotional Factor (EF) representing food and cultural indulgence, and Physical Factor (PF) representing Architecture and Transportation facility of the destination showed significant impacts on tourist destination choice as their p-values were less than 0.05. Hence, Thai food and anything that could maximize the emotional and functional values of Chinese tourists would make travel choices to become their travel destination. At the same time, it was aimed to provide some valuable suggestions for tourist cities currently under threat from COVID-19, to recover or better in the coming years, providing some evidence for future researchers to further explore this field.

Noorezatty Mohd Yusop ◽  
Sarah Ahmad Razlah ◽  
Anesha Humaira Abu Hasan ◽  
Haleesya Abu Bakar

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Tiago Rodrigues

This article aims to analyze the importance that scientific research has given to tourists’ transport, understand the perception of visitors on the adequacy of intraregional transport in the visited destinations, understand the value different type of transports assume in tourist visits, identify the most used means of locomotion in a tourist destination and evaluate the acceptance levels of a tourist transport circuit organized with crossing points at the main touristic attractions, where visitors can leave their vehicles in strategically located car depots. In this case study, 226 valid respondents were considered. The main conclusion of this research is that Portuguese visitors do not consider adequate the supply of public and collective transportation in the national destinations they visit. Not only, most travellers do not use this type of transport to reach a travel destination as, once there, they won’t use it. Different factors influence the choice of the travel transportation but if the destination provides efficient supply of collective transportation or environmental vehicles for individual use, visitors are willing to drop their vehicles in car deposits outside touristic centres.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 042-048
La Welendo ◽  
Usman Rianse ◽  
Adris A Putra ◽  
La Hatani

Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country consisting of islands, sea transportation is an absolute necessity for those living in the archipelago. The port terminal is a tool for the process of moving goods and passengers to transfer modes of movement either through sea transportation or land transportation. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of sea transportation users at the Kendari Nusantara port terminal. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive by distributing questionnaires to users of the Nusantara Kendari port terminal who want to travel between islands. The results of the study based on the characteristics of sea transportation users through the Kendari Archipelago port were obtained based on the characteristics of sea transportation users (passengers) at the port terminal.the male gender is 57.33%, the most dominant travel destination is Muna Regency at 38.67%, the reason for using fast express boats is the consideration of travel time by 52%, the purpose of the trip is dominated by educational interests by 32.67%, The frequency of using fast boats is very frequent, which is more than 4 times by 33.33%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 9170
Franklin Cordova-Buiza ◽  
Edwin Gabriel-Campos ◽  
Lucía Castaño-Prieto ◽  
Lucía García-García

Gastronomy is a fundamental aspect of culture in daily life, through which tourists can discover the cultural heritage of the places they visit. Therefore, culinary pleasure is a decisive factor in choosing a travel destination; at the same time, it is essential for shaping tourists’ satisfaction regarding their travel experience. This research seeks to study the gastronomic experiences of foreign tourists visiting the city of Puno (Peru) during the celebration of the festival of the Virgen de la Calendaria, recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage event by UNESCO. The results of this research highlighted the existence of three groups of tourists (referred to as survivors, enjoyers and experiencers) based on their perceptions of gastronomic experiences in the city. We also concluded that there are significant differences in each of the groups in terms of their motivation for visiting the city, based on gastronomy. Finally, the results allow us to conclude that the levels of tourist satisfaction are different, depending on their attitude toward gastronomy, as classified by the groupings obtained.

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