aerosol type
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Sheng-Hsiang Wang ◽  
Hsiang-Yu Huang ◽  
Che-Hsuan Lin ◽  
Shantanu Kumar Pani ◽  
Neng-Huei Lin ◽  

AbstractAerosol chemical components such as black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC) regulate aerosol optical properties, which in turn drive the atmospheric radiative forcing estimations due to aerosols. In this study, we used the long-term measurements from AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) to better understand the aerosol types and composition with respect to their seasonal and spatial variabilities in peninsular Southeast Asia (PSEA, here defined as Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar). Two methods (i.e., aerosol type cluster and aerosol component retrieval) were applied to determine the aerosol type and chemical composition during the biomass-burning (BB) season. AERONET sites in northern PSEA showed a higher AOD (aerosol optical depth) compared to that of southern PSEA. Differences in land use pattern, geographic location, and weather regime caused much of the aerosol variability over PSEA. Lower single-scattering albedo (SSA) and higher fine-mode fraction (FMF) values were observed in February and March, suggesting the predominance of BB type aerosols with finer and stronger absorbing particles during the dry season. However, we also found that the peak BB month (i.e., March) in northern PSEA may not coincide with the lowest SSA once dust particles have mixed with the other aerosols. Furthermore, we investigated two severe BB events in March of 2014 and 2015, revealing a significant BrC fraction during BB event days. On high AOD days, although the BC fraction was high, the BrC fraction remained low due to lack of aerosol aging. This study highlights the dominance of carbonaceous aerosols in the PSEA atmosphere during the BB season, while also revealing that transported dust particles and BrC aerosol aging may introduce uncertainties into the aerosol radiative forcing calculation.

2021 ◽  
Zhujun Li ◽  
David Painemal ◽  
Gregory Schuster ◽  
Marian Clayton ◽  
Richard Ferrare ◽  

Abstract. We assess the CALIPSO Version 4.2 (V4) aerosol typing and assigned lidar ratios over ocean using aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrievals from the Synergized Optical Depth of Aerosols (SODA) algorithm and retrieved columnar lidar ratio estimated by combining SODA AOD and CALIPSO attenuated backscatter (CALIPSO-SODA). Six aerosol types – clean marine, dusty marine, dust, polluted continental/smoke, polluted dust, and elevated smoke – are characterized using CALIPSO-SODA over ocean and the results are compared against the prescribed V4 lidar ratios, when only one aerosol type is present in the atmospheric column. For samples detected at 5-km or 20-km spatial resolutions and having AOD > 0.05, the CALIPSO-SODA lidar ratios are significantly different between different aerosol types, and are consistent with the type-specific values assigned in V4 to within 10 sr (except for polluted continental/smoke). This implies that the CALIPSO classification scheme generally categorizes aerosols correctly. We find remarkable daytime/nighttime regional agreement for clean marine aerosol over the open ocean (CALIPSO-SODA = 20–25 sr, V4 = 23 sr), elevated smoke over the southeast Atlantic (CALIPSO-SODA = 65–75 sr, V4 = 70 sr), and dust over the subtropical Atlantic adjacent to the African continent (CALIPSO-SODA = 40–50 sr, V4 = 44 sr). In contrast, daytime polluted continental/smoke lidar ratio is more than 20 sr smaller than the constant V4 vaue for that type, attributed in part to the challenge of classifying tenuous aerosol with low signal-to-noise ratio. Dust over most of the Atlantic Ocean features CALIPSO-SODA lidar ratios less than 40 sr, possibly suggesting the presence of dust mixed with marine aerosols or lidar ratio values that depend on source and evolution of the aerosol plume. The new dusty marine type introduced in V4 features similar magnitudes and spatial distribution as its clean marine counterpart with lidar ratio differences of less than 3 sr, and nearly identical values over the open ocean, implying that some modification of the classification scheme for the marine subtypes is warranted.

2021 ◽  
Kuo-En Chang ◽  
Ta-Chih Hsiao ◽  
Stephen M. Griffith ◽  
Yu-Ting Chen ◽  
Tang-Huang Lin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (16) ◽  
pp. 12331-12358
Yuqin Liu ◽  
Tao Lin ◽  
Juan Hong ◽  
Yonghong Wang ◽  
Lamei Shi ◽  

Abstract. Using 14 years (2007–2020) of data from passive (MODIS/Aqua) and active (CALIOP/CALIPSO) satellite measurements over China, we investigate (1) the temporal and spatial variation of aerosol properties over the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region, the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) and (2) the vertical distribution of aerosol types and extinction coefficients for different aerosol optical depth (AOD) and meteorological conditions. The results show the different spatial patterns and seasonal variations of the AOD over the three regions. Annual time series reveal the occurrence of AOD maxima in 2011 over the YRD and in 2012 over the BTH and PRD; thereafter the AOD decreases steadily. Using the CALIOP vertical feature mask, the relative frequency of occurrence (rFO) of each aerosol type in the atmospheric column is analyzed: rFOs of dust and polluted dust decrease from north to south; rFOs of clean ocean, polluted continental, clean continental and elevated smoke aerosol increase from north to south. In the vertical, the peak frequency of occurrence (FO) for each aerosol type depends on region and season and varies with AOD and meteorological conditions. In general, three distinct altitude ranges are observed with the peak FO at the surface (clean continental and clean marine aerosol), at ∼1 km (polluted dust and polluted continental aerosol) and at ∼3 km (elevated smoke aerosol), whereas dust aerosol may occur over the whole altitude range considered in this study (from the surface up to 8 km). The designation of the aerosol type in different height ranges may to some extent reflect the CALIOP aerosol type classification approach. Air mass trajectories indicate the different source regions for the three study areas and for the three different altitude ranges over each area. In this study nighttime CALIOP profiles are used. The comparison with daytime profiles shows substantial differences in the FO profiles with altitude, which suggest effects of boundary layer dynamics and aerosol transport on the vertical distribution of aerosol types, although differences due to day–night CALIOP performance cannot be ruled out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 2464
Wonei Choi ◽  
Hyeongwoo Kang ◽  
Dongho Shin ◽  
Hanlim Lee

Aerosol types in Asian capital cities were classified using a random forest (RF) satellite-based aerosol classification model during 2018–2020 in an investigation of the contributions of aerosol types, with or without Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) observations. In this study, we used the recently developed RF aerosol classification model to detect and classify aerosols into four types: pure dust, dust-dominated aerosols, strongly absorbing aerosols, and non-absorbing aerosols. Aerosol optical and microphysical properties for each aerosol type detected by the RF model were found to be reasonably consistent with those for typical aerosol types. In Asian capital cities, pollution-sourced aerosols, especially non-absorbing aerosols, were found to predominate, although Asian cities also tend to be seasonally affected by natural dust aerosols, particularly in East Asia (March–May) and South Asia (March–August). No specific seasonal effects on aerosol type were detected in Southeast Asia, where there was a predominance of non-absorbing aerosols. The aerosol types detected by the RF model were compared with those identified by other aerosol classification models. This study indicates that the satellite-based RF model may be used as an alternative in the absence of AERONET sites or observations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 6053-6077
Alejandro Baró Pérez ◽  
Abhay Devasthale ◽  
Frida A.-M. Bender ◽  
Annica M. L. Ekman

Abstract. Data derived from instruments on board the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) and CloudSat satellites as well as meteorological parameters from reanalysis are used to explore situations when moist aerosol layers overlie stratocumulus clouds over the southeast Atlantic during the biomass burning season (June to October). To separate and quantify the impacts of aerosol loading, aerosol type, and humidity on the radiative fluxes (including cloud top cooling), the data are split into different levels of aerosol and moisture loadings. The aerosol classification available from the CALIPSO products is used to compare and contrast situations with pristine air, with smoke, and with other (non-smoke) types of aerosols. A substantial number of cases with non-smoke aerosols above clouds are found to occur under similar meteorological conditions to the smoke cases. In contrast, the meteorology is substantially different for the pristine situations, making a direct comparison with the aerosol cases ambiguous. The moisture content is enhanced within the aerosol layers, but the relative humidity does not always increase monotonously with increasing optical depth. Shortwave (SW) heating rates within the moist aerosol plumes increase with increasing aerosol loading and are higher in the smoke cases compared to the non-smoke cases. However, there is no clear correlation between moisture changes and SW absorption. Cloud top cooling rates do not show a clear correlation with moisture within the overlying aerosol layers due to the strong variability of the cooling rates caused by other meteorological factors (most notably cloud top temperature). No clear influence of aerosol type or loading on cloud top cooling rates is detected. Further, there is no correlation between aerosol loading and the thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere nor the cloud top height.

Yuan Gao ◽  
Zhiqiang Zhang ◽  
Jiquan Chen ◽  
Steven George McNulty ◽  
Hang Xu ◽  

Atmospheric aerosols can influence energy allocation, environmental factors and thus canopy photosynthesis. However, the regulations of aerosol effect on ecosystem productivity are not well understood. Here, we applied aerosols optical properties to quantify the effects of aerosol type and concentration on the environmental factors and associated gross primary productivity (GPP) of a poplar (Populus sp.) plantation during June to August from 2014 to 2016 in Beijing, China. As AOD increased from 0 to 2.5, total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) decreased by 29%, while the diffuse PAR increased by 39%. Although there was no significant impact of aerosols on air temperature (p > 0.05), aerosols decreased vapor pressure deficit by more than 40%. We found that the plantation GPP changed exponentially with AOD, indicating that aerosols elevated GPP by about 37% under severe aerosol pollution (AOD ≥ 1) compared with background aerosol (AOD < 0.4). Aerosols type also had a significant effect on GPP. We concluded that aerosols could increase the GPP of the poplar plantation and the promotion effect of aerosol on poplar plantation would not be significantly reduction until AOD < 1 under the projected decrease in aerosol loading in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1268
Wonei Choi ◽  
Hanlim Lee ◽  
Daewon Kim ◽  
Serin Kim

The spatial coverage of satellite aerosol classification was improved using a random forest (RF) model trained with observational data including target (aerosol type) and input (satellite measurement) variables. The AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) aerosol-type dataset was used for the target variables. Satellite input variables with many missing data or low mean-decrease accuracy were excluded from the final input variable set, and good performance in aerosol-type classification was achieved. The performance of the RF-based model was evaluated on the basis of the wavelength dependence of single-scattering albedo (SSA) and fine-mode-fraction values from AERONET. Typical SSA wavelength dependence for individual aerosol types was consistent with that obtained for aerosol types by the RF-based model. The spatial coverage of the RF-based model was also compared with that of previously developed models in a global-scale case study. The study demonstrates that the RF-based model allows satellite aerosol classification with improved spatial coverage, with a performance similar to that of previously developed models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 4453-4470
Fernanda Córdoba ◽  
Carolina Ramírez-Romero ◽  
Diego Cabrera ◽  
Graciela B. Raga ◽  
Javier Miranda ◽  

Abstract. Most precipitation from deep clouds over the continents and in the intertropical convergence zone is strongly influenced by the presence of ice crystals whose formation requires the presence of ice nucleating particles (INPs). Although there are a large number of INP sources, the ice nucleating abilities of aerosol particles originating from oceans, deserts, and wildfires are poorly described at tropical latitudes. To fill this gap in knowledge, the National Autonomous University of Mexico micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor droplet freezing technique (UNAM-MOUDI-DFT) was constructed to measure the ice nucleating activity of aerosol samples that were collected in Sisal and Mérida, Yucatán (Mexico) under the influence of cold fronts, biomass burning (BB), and African dust (AD) intrusions during five short-term field campaigns between January 2017 and July 2018. The three different aerosol types were distinguished by their physicochemical properties. Marine aerosol (MA), BB, and AD air masses were found to contain INPs; the highest concentrations were in AD (from 0.071 to 36.07 L−1 at temperatures between −18 and −27 ∘C), followed by MA (from 0.068 to 18.90 L−1 at temperatures between −15 and −28 ∘C) and BB (from 0.063 to 10.21 L−1 at temperatures between −20 and −27 ∘C). However, MA had the highest surface active site densities (ns) between −15 and −30 ∘C. Additionally, supermicron particles contributed more than 72 % of the total INP concentration independent of aerosol type.

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