Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Psychology Series
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Published By The National University Of Ostroh Academy


Olha A. Vovchenko

The article outlines the psychological features of the age period, which is determined by the scientific category as an “adolescent crisis”. The problem of the adolescent crisis has been revealed in people with intellectual disabilities. The importance and relevance of the study is revealed first, due to the difficulties of adolescence: its dynamism, ambiguity, lack of emotional stability of the individual; secondly, due to the specifics of personality formation with intellectual disabilities; thirdly, the need to further develop effective psychological support for adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The aim of the article was to study and experimentally test the specifics of the emotional crisis of adolescence in people with intellectual disabilities. The purpose was provided by solving the following tasks: stating the peculiarities of the adolescent crisis in people with intellectual disabilities; determining the state of formation of “I-concept” and “self-image” of adolescents with intellectual disabilities; establishing the specifics of behavioral reactions and interaction of the adolescent with others (peers, the elderly) in conditions of experiencing an age crisis. Moreover, the author conducted a psychological testing procedure to study the peculiarities of the formation of the personality of a teenager with intellectual disabilities during the age crisis (adolescent crisis). M. Kuhn’s psychological testing method “Who am I?”, T. Leary’s method of diagnostics of interpersonal relations were used; conversations, observations. The purpose of using these techniques was to determine the self-image, self-presentation, self-perception and self-esteem of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. According to the results of the study, it was found that adolescents with intellectual disabilities have a process of self-knowledge and understanding of their own “I”, internal mental acts and states are underdeveloped or absent. This complicates the process of experiencing an adolescent’s crisis. As evidenced by the low level of recognition and differentiation of emotions, emotional awareness, management of their own emotions. Also critical are difficulties with the adequate expression of emotions in accordance with the situation that determines them, in particular with the manifestation and control of anger, rage, aggression and other. The further directions of research of formation of the person with infringements of intellectual development in adolescent age are outlined.

Ivanna A. Shestopal

Adolescence is a sensitive period of an individual’s way of life projection through an ability of awareness its individuality and self-reflection, self-determination in social, personal, professional and other aspects of life, designing life plans and desire of conscious future’s planning. The purpose of the research is to determine psychological peculiarities of an ability to make a life choice in measuring the self-determination of the students. The self-determination of an individual is determination of the personal orientation vectors in different modes of life activity that is based on a life-sense search. The emergence of life plans in adolescence determines set for professional self-determination of youth that is involved in social production and labor activity that provides the process of “Me” ideas specification in a profession, career and professional plans. The study has been conducted at the National University of Ostroh Academy during 2019-2020. The sample was consisted of 50 respondents aged 20-25 at their 3rd-4th years of studying at different depatments and specialties. It has been diagnosed that the general level of modern youth’s ability to make own life choice is at a low level. During making important decisions, students have shown low ability to manifest independence in the process of self-determination, to resist the influence of others on this process. Due to the weakness of established life-based values, adolescents find it difficult to figure out optimal ways of their capabilities’ realization. Young people have demonstrated sufficient ability to analyze properly all aspects of the situation during making life decisions. Students have an inability of overcoming difficulties and obstacles in life, what prevent making balanced life decisions and the implementation of self-determination at the stage of choosing a profession and mastering professional activity. The inability of overcoming difficulties and obstacles fully prevents from own potential’s realization and taking opportunities, as well as making life balanced decisions, choices and perform self-determination of adolescents in general.

Inna V. Tarasiuk

The article highlights that the phenomenon of cross-cultural interactions retains its significance and relevance during the time of rapid globalization and active migration. Intercultural conflicts often lead to social imbalance, alienation, separation, and even to the loss of national identity. Everything depends on the nature of acculturation pathways, i.e. the strategies migrants choose in order to adapt to a multicultural environment. Within the framework of cross-cultural psychology, J. Berry – an influential Canadian scholar in the field of social multiculturalism – proposed the concept in terms of intercultural relations and acculturation strategies. According to the researcher, the latter comprises two components, namely: socio-cultural attitudes and the real model of individual behavior under specific conditions, which rarely coincide. Such strategies as assimilation, separation/segregation, marginalization, and integration have been discussed in the article. By assimilation we mean the refusal from or complete loss of people’s cultural identity, traditions, language, and the consequential unification with the dominant ethnic group. Separation or segregation is defined by the absence of significant relations or contacts with the dominant ethnic group and the preservation of ethnic identity and traditions. This strategy can take the form of either segregation or separation, depending on which group (dominant or non-dominant) controls the situation. Marginalization is characterized by the feeling of alienation, the loss of the sense of identity, and the so-called acculturation stress. This strategy leads to the deprivation of cultural and psychological interactions with both the traditional and dominant cultures due to exclusion or discrimination. Integration is perceived as both the preservation of the cultural integrity of a certain group and the desire to become an essential part of a larger community. Therefore, integration can be considered the middle ground between preserving one's cultural identity and joining a dominant society. In conclusion, the integration strategy is considered the most successful. However, it should also be emphasized that such factors as a relatively low level of social prejudice, positive relationships between different cultural groups, and a wide range of cultural values within a society are vital for the effective implementation of the strategy. In further research, we intend to investigate which of the strategies mentioned international students use most during the process of their acculturation to a foreign academic environment.

Olha V. Drobot

The COVID-19 pandemic contributes to numerous transformations of mass consciousness of varying content, depth and duration. Pandemic consciousness is considered by the author as the total amount of extreme and exaggerated assessments, views and attitudes which gain independence and become a mass trend, reflecting the current state of epidemic situation. The notion of pandemic consciousness of each of the subjects of public life (an individual, a group, a class, a nation, society as a whole) has several specific features and requires analysis from a scientific standpoint. The purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of pandemic consciousness as a special state of mass consciousness of society. Research methods include analysis, synthesis, comparison, specification, generalization, analogy and method of data triangulation. Results. Pandemic consciousness is a state of mass everyday consciousness that finds its expression in the indirect reflection of everyday life, its purpose being to assist society in meeting its needs related to physical and economic survival. An attempt was made to consider the procedural structure of consciousness which consists of six main elements, including: knowledge, thinking, emotions, attention, memory and will. Theoretical analysis of the phenomenon proved that basic manifestations of pandemic consciousness are situated in the cognitive plane – the phenomenon of infodemia, conspiracy theories, magical thinking, revival of enemy archetypes and conspiracies, search for new meanings, escape from unfavorable reality, generation of new simulacra, alarmism and angst-ridden future expectations. A number of negative psychological reactions to the pandemic were detected in the emotional plane of pandemic consciousness – sensory and emotional deprivation, increased feelings of danger and helplessness, anxiety, irritability, emotional exhaustion. The use of stereotypes simplifies reality and its image during pandemics. Pandemic experiences are influenced by the dynamics of personal needs, expectations integrated by the individual. The right way to alleviate the acute states of pandemic consciousness is to change perceptions of the world, vitality, tolerance for uncertainty, and one’s own life position.The main group of verbal stimuli that activate the causal links of pandemic fears are: COVID-19, virus, epidemic, pandemic, infection, contamination, risk of infection, unmasked person, disease, hospital. Conclusions. It is concluded that the crisis that humanity is experiencing today is primarily an existential crisis. It is concluded that one of the main ways to correct the acute states of pandemic consciousness is to change perceptions of the world.

Tetiana O. Kostina ◽  
Iryna S. Bulakh

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the literature, which showed the presence of a significant number of gender biases in scientific research of the last century. Modern research, on the contrary, shows a tendency to rethink established gender stereotypes and move away from neurosexism. The desire of modern scientists to create science beyond gender stereotypes is growing. It is emphasized that in Ukraine, there is a tradition of research on gender issues. It is noted that today there is an insufficient number of psychodiagnostic tools in the Ukrainian language, which can be used to study the gender beliefs of an individual. The article aims to present the adaptation of the English-language questionnaire “Gender Bias Quiz” into Ukrainian. Research methods are: system-structural analysis, generalization of scientific literature data to the requirements of adapting the psychodiagnostic tool and evaluating its reliability, methods of mathematical statistics (Cronbach’s Alpha criterion and Pearson correlation coefficient). The reliability assessment of the “Gender Bias Quiz” questionnaire included an assessment of internal consistency and retest reliability. The procedure for adapting the psychodiagnostic tool met the necessary criteria: sufficient sample size for this type of questionnaire (n=52), representativeness of the sample (adolescence students), the required time interval between the first testing and the second one (1 month). The sample consisted of 52 students aged 17 to 24 years (M=21, SD=1.71). The results of checking the questionnaire`s reliability based on the internal consistency indicator using Cronbach's α showed its sufficient level (α=0.87).Retest reliability was checked by calculating the correlation coefficient between the results of the first test (M=39.83; SD=10.2) and the repeated test (M=39.29; SD=11.9). The correlation analysis performed showed a significant level of correlation (r=0.89 at p≤0.001), which indicates fairly high retest reliability of the psychodiagnostic tool. For the correct use of this questionnaire, some limitations were outlined: 1) the adaptation of the methodology took place on students, so it can be used in the study of gender attitudes of youth personality; application on representatives of other age categories requires an additional adaptation procedure; 2) this questionnaire does not belong to standardized psychological methods but is actually a questionnaire that studies the respondent's opinion on the gender issue; therefore, the definition of statistical norms based on the results obtained from this questionnaire is not correct in this case. It should be noted that the application of this questionnaire has significant potential in cross-cultural comparisons of gender biases of representatives of different countries and regions. The results of the questionnaire adaptation procedure showed a sufficient level of reliability of the questionnaire and confirmed the possibility of using it as a psychodiagnostic tool for studying the gender attitudes of a young person. We see the prospect of further research in expanding the boundaries of using the questionnaire: adaptation to other age categories of respondents.

Svitlana P. Derev’anko

Prolonged instability of socio-political conditions and unpredictable transformations in the modern life of many countries of the world require from the average person realization of stress-protective abilities and constant activation of an adaptive reserve. These features of modern life make increased demands on psychotherapeutic practice. One of the most recognized modern methods of psychotherapeutic care around the world is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is rapidly evolving and systematically updated with new data. We consider timely and relevant analysis of recent publications in the field of cognitive-behavioral therapy and identification of promising research topics that will serve as a basis for their further in-depth study. The purpose of the article is to determine the main directions and priority topics of research of cognitive-behavioral therapy at the present stage of its development (for the last 5 years during 2017-2021). During the research the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific sources on research issues were used; systematization, generalization of the analyzed data. According to the results of our study, two main areas were identified: theoretical and methodological (specified components of the “third wave” of cognitive-behavioral therapy; data on comparing the methodology of cognitive-behavioral therapy with other psychotherapeutic practices, including Gestalt therapy, Мusic therapy) and methodical (means of cognitive-behavioral therapy aimed at diagnosing cognitive errors – “Scale of emotional schemes of R. Likha” in adaptation by N. Sirota, questionnaire of cognitive errors by A. Freeman, R. DeVolf in adaptation by O. Bobrov and E. Faizrakhmanova, Scale of cognitive exposures R. Kovin in the adaptation of T. Kryukova, identified areas of implementation of modern training programs of cognitive-behavioral therapy – educational activities, family relationships). The obtained results can be applied in the education in order to update the work programs and educational literature on teaching the basics of cognitive-behavioral therapy. A review of current research on cognitive-behavioral therapy has shown that the priority topics of the theoretical and methodological direction are the latest trends of the third wave of cognitive-behavioral therapy, as well as a comparative analysis of cognitive-behavioral therapy and other psychotherapeutic practices. The most relevant topics of methodological direction are the development and adaptation of methodological tools of cognitive-behavioral therapy; improvement of technologies for conducting sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy in clinical practice; introduction of training programs in the paradigm of cognitive-behavioral therapy in socio-pedagogical practice. It can be generalized that modern cognitive-behavioral therapy is intensively developed and updated in accordance with the requirements of the time (integration of approaches, Internet communication, mobile applications for cognitive-behavioral therapy).

Olena A. Miroshnychenko

The article considers the  individually-typology features of Ukrainian winterers and its role in the process of adaptation to extreme living conditions. The relevance of the article is based on the fact that Ukraine for 26 years has the opportunity to explore the White Continent at the Ukrainian Antarctic Station “AcademicianVernadsky”. Wintering of the Ukrainian polar explorers is related to the protracted stay on a limit territory that requires adaptation to the social isolationsensory and psychological deprivation in wintering. The aim of the article is to present psychological studies the  individually-typology features in wintering people in Antarctica as a prerequisite for psychological adaptation of personality. The scientific developments of domestic and foreign researchers dealing with the problem of adaptation to life in extreme conditions are analyzed. The concept of psychological adaptation to life in extreme conditions is specified; the  individually-typology features of winterers are determined; some main methodological tools of psychological research are presented. The main accentuations that are characteristic of winterers are highlighted, and the peculiarities of personality behavior with different types of accentuations are described. Age groups of Ukrainian winterers are defined. The role of age differences in individual-psychological characteristics of winterers are shown in the example of ten Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions. It is proved that the most adapted is the average age group – a person at the age of 35-45. Such results allowed to determine new criteria of psychophysiological and psychological forecasting, and also confirmed necessity of application of psychological researches of Antarctic winterers.

Oksana V. Varhata ◽  
Olena V. Kuleshova ◽  
Liudmyla V. Mikheieva

The article provides the theoretical analysis of the psychological readiness of socionomic specialists for innovative professional activities in the scientific psychological literature. The methodological approaches to determining the essence of psychological readiness are outlined. The structural components of the psychological readiness of socionomic specialists for innovative professional activity are determined. The structure of the psychological readiness to the innovation professional activity includes motivating value, cognitive, operational, personal, creative, communicative, reflective components. The article reveals the definitions “readiness”, “professional readiness”, “psychological readiness”, “innovation readiness”, “psychological readiness for innovation professional activity”. The definition of psychological readiness for innovative professional activity in the context of scientific comprehension is considered. Theoretical and methodological understanding of the scientific literature allowed to determine the essence of psychological readiness for innovative professional activity as a psychological phenomenon which is characterized by the demonstration of motivation for professional activity, mastery of innovative technologies to achieve goals, ability to creative activity and high level of reflection. In the article, the psychological readiness to the innovative professional activity is understood as the complex of the personal professional qualities, which assist in professional tasks solving in the innovative sphere. The concept of psychological readiness of socionomic specialists for innovative professional activity has been improved. The article provides the empirical analysis levels of the psychological readiness of socionomic specialists for innovative professional activities. The psychological factors and the psychological barriers of the psychological readiness of socionomic specialists for innovative professional activity are determined.

Nataliia  I. Zhyhaylo ◽  
Oksana Ye. Voloshyna

This article actualises the issues of sleep disruption, awareness of youth about the importance of sleep for human body, highlights essential notions and research into the field of sleep disorders among adolescents carried out by us aiming to analyse the quality of sleep in the time of the global pandemic, occurence of nightmares and level of knowledge about the significance of sleep for human body. Insufficiency of awareness about the value of sleep, facing stress choosing to study at night, work at nighttime, leisure time at night among youth cause serious problems with health in the future. This article contains a survey of a vast array of research that give evidence of importance of sleep for human health, European recommendations on the sleep disorders treatment methods, descriptions of short medical cases, suggested by us new directions in medicine and psychology, which are developing, for solving problems in treating sleep disorders, studies carried out be us, best practises, sleep diary according to transdiagnostic approach for diagnostics and observation of recovery dynamics, methods of self-diagnosis and self-regulation etc. In conclusion, this material is a big step for increasing competencies of specialists in various directions who work with sleep disorders in medicine and psychology. Sleep disorders that are not of organic origin and require a separate or individual diagnostic protocol, night diagnosis (night diagnosis is what happens to a person at night), choice of therapies and therapeutic project for the treatment of post-traumatic sleep disorders and nightmares are described. A brief overview of our proposed new direction in medicine and psychology of somnotherapy, which is only developing in Ukraine and abroad. The term “somnotherapy” is proposed to mean not only a new direction in the treatment of sleep disorders and nightmares, but also a method of sleep treatment. As part of the new direction of “somnotherapy”, the article presents our proposed protocol of primary intervention for the treatment of sleep disorders, the algorithm of cooperation between a doctor and a psychologist-somnotherapist (patient / client route). We consider the results of the study to be a big step to increase the competence of specialists in various fields working with sleep disorders in medicine and psychology.

Oleksandr S. Marchenko ◽  
Serhii P. Biliuk ◽  
Gennadii V. Stadnikov

The article analyzes and summarizes the motivational factors of Higher Education Institution (ZVO) students to play sports. Based on the theoretical analysis, it is revealed that an essential factor in skipping physical education classes is the motivation and motivational factors of the individual. The main circumstances are laziness, low level of strong-willed potential, indifference and lack of awareness of responsibility for their health, insufficient knowledge about the benefits of physical activity, dissatisfaction with the professional level of teachers, lack of personal interest in sports in general. According to the study, the first positions of recreation for students of Western military districts are sitting at a computer and other gadgets, visiting cinemas, clubs, and not doing physical exercises. The lack of scientifically based curricula is an obstacle to improving physical education performance among students. Students are not satisfied with the monotony of classes. Students’ requests demand professional training of the future specialist and at the same time improvement of the process of educating students' physical culture.

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