Note on Ramanujan's arithmetical function τ (n)

G. H. Hardy

In his remarkable memoir ‘On certain arithmetical functions’* Ramanujan considers, among other functions of much interest, the. function τ(n) defined byThis function is important in the theory of the representation of a number as a sum of 24 squares. In factwhere r24 (n) is the number of representations;where σs(n) is the sum of the 8th powers of the divisors of n, and the sum of those of its odd divisors; and

1929 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-264 ◽  
J. R. Wilton

Let σs(n) denote the sum of the sth powers of the divisors of n,and let , where ζ(s) is the Riemann ζfunction. Ramanujan, in his paper “On certain arithmetical functions*”, proves that, ifandthen , whenever r and s are odd positive integers. He conjectures that the error term on the right of (1·1) is of the formfor every ε > 0, and that it is not of the form . He further conjectures thatfor all positive values of r and s; and this conjecture has recently been proved to be correct.

1951 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 668-678 ◽  
W. B. Pennington

1. In his paper ‘On certain arithmetical functions' Ramanujan (23) considers the function τ(n) defined by the expansionThis function appears in the discussion of an asymptotic formula for the functionand also in Ramanujan's formula for the number of representations of an integer as the sum of 24 squares. It is also of interest as the coefficient in the expansion of g(z), which plays an important part in the theory of modular functions.

1973 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-387 ◽  
Bruce C. Berndt

If f is a suitable meromorphic function, then by a classical technique in the calculus of residues, one can evaluate in closed form series of the form,Suppose that a(n) is an arithmetical function. It is natural to ask whether or not one can evaluate by contour integration(1.1)where f belongs to a suitable class of meromorphic functions. We shall give here only a partial answer for a very limited class of arithmetical functions.

J. R. Wilton

The function τ (n), defined by the equationis considered by Ramanujan* in his memoir “On certain arithmetical functions”The associated Diriċhlet seriesconverges when σ = > σ0, for a sufficiently large positive σ0.

R. A. Rankin

Suppose thatis an integral modular form of dimensions −κ, where κ > 0, and Stufe N, which vanishes at all the rational cusps of the fundamental region, and which is absolutely convergent for Thenwhere a, b, c, d are integers such that ad − bc = 1.

1938 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-315 ◽  
G. H. Hardy

This note is a sequel to two in earlier volumes of the Proceedings, the first by myself and the second by Wilton†.Suppose thatfor |z| <1; that x > 0; thatforr ≥ 0; and thatwhere τ(x) is to mean 0 if x is not an integer. Thuswhere the dash shows that the last term is to be halved when x is an integer;forr > 1; and

1989 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-445 ◽  
Gutti Jogesh Babu ◽  
Paul Erdös

AbstractLet f be an additive arithmetical function having a distribution F. For any sequence letIn this note, we determine the slowest growing function b so that Qn{b, f) tends weakly to F, for various f.

1961 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-75 ◽  
Eckford Cohen

Let σ1(n) denote the sum of the tth powers of the divisors of n, σ(n) = σ1(n). Also placewhere γ is Euler's constant, ζ(s) is the Riemann ζ-function and x ≧ 2. The function Δ(x) is the remainder term arising in the divisor problem for σ((m, n)). Cesàro proved originally [1], [6, p. 328] that Δ(x) = o(x2 log x). More recently in I [2, (3.14)] it was shown by elementary methods that . This estimate was later improved to in II [3, (3.7)]. In the present paper (§ 3) we obtain a much more substantial reduction in the order of Δ(x), by showing that Δ(x) can be expressed in terms of the remainder term in the classical Dirichlet divisor problem. On the basis of well known results for this problem, it follows easily that . The precise statement of the result for σ((m, n)) is contained in (3.2).

1992 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-115
Armel Mercier ◽  
Werner Georg Nowak

AbstractIn this article we investigate the average order of the arithmetical functionwhere p1(t), p2(t) are polynomials in Z [t], of equal degree, positive and increasing for t ≥ 1. Using the modern method for the estimation of exponential sums ("Discrete Hardy-Littlewood Method"), we establish an asymptotic result which is as sharp as the best one known for the classical divisor problem.

R. A. Rankin

Suppose that is an integral modular form of dimensions − κ, where κ > 0, and Stufe N, which vanishes at all the rational cusps of the fundamental region, and which is absolutely convergent for The purpose of this note is to prove thatThe notation employed is that of my second paper under the same general title* I refer to this paper as II.

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