Antropología forense y violaciones al Derecho Internacional Humanitario (El caso de la antigua Yugoslavia)

2021 ◽  
Edixon Quiñones Reyes

En 1989, Slobodan Milosevic, presidente de la Liga Comunista Yugoslava, implementó una reforma constitucional en la que privó del voto en el Congreso de la confederación a la república de Montenegro y a las provincias autónomas Kosovo y Vojvodina; en respuesta, las repúblicas de Eslovenia y Croacia se declararon independientes en 1991, seguidas de Macedonia y Bosnia-Herzegovina en 1992; el mismo año, en la provincia autónoma de Kosovo, los albanokosovares proclamaron la independencia y constituyeron un gobierno paralelo. Buscando mantener el control territorial por la fuerza, Milosevic emprendió campañas bélicas contra Eslovenia y Croacia en 1991, Bosnia-Herzegovina en 1992 y Kosovo en 1996, en las que se cometieron violaciones al Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH). Con el objetivo de enjuiciar a los responsables de las contravenciones al DIH en el territorio yugoslavo, la ONU instauró el Tribunal Penal Internacional para la antigua Yugoslavia (TPIY) en el año 1993. En el marco de las investigaciones del Tribunal, la antropología forense jugó un papel fundamental en la recolección de gran parte de las pruebas que fueron utilizadas para el enjuiciamiento de los implicados. Esta obra relata la disolución de la confederación yugoslava; da cuenta del origen y competencias del TPIY, y presenta una síntesis del trabajo antropológico-forense realizado por entre 1996 y 2002, enfatizando en tres operaciones forenses en las que el autor participó en el 2001.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1/2021) ◽  
pp. 103-151
Bojan Draskovic

Autor sa distance od dvadeset godina, i uz pomoć novih istorijskih izvora sagledava događaje u kojima je delimično, kao građanin učestvovao, konstatujući na samom početku da se njegovo mišljenje znatno promenilo od tog vremena. Režim Slobodana Miloševića, nije bio ni diktatorski ni tiranski, kako su ga zapadni mediji i domaća opozicija tog vremena predstavljali. On je u velikoj meri bio demokratski, i autoritativan, a u određenom smislu i liberalan. Najveći problem ovog perioda moderne srpske istorije, je njegov sukob sa Zapadom, koji nije dozvoljavao jugoslovenski kontinuitet, nego je 31. maja 1992. godine, Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji uveo međunarodne sankcije. Slobodan Milošević bio je autoritativna i snažna ličnost, koja je vladala Srbijom i SRJ u teškim uslovima međunarodne izolacije. Njegov režim bio je improvizatorski i on je opstajao u skladu sa mogućnosima. Njegovom padu u doprinela je pogrešna procena situacije ali i sukob sa srpskim radikalima i forsiranje mondijalističkog JUL-a u odnosu na njegovu izvornu stranku SPS. U petooktobarskim promenama uz pomoć nezadovoljnih građana, ali i dela vojske i policije, uz finasijsku podršku zapadnih obaveštajnih službi, u nekoj vrsti prikrivenog puča, pao je režim Slobodana Miloševića. Faktori koji su ga oborili želeli su vraćanje države u normalne tokove, ali su za to morali da plate izuzetno visoku cenu Zapadu koji je na sve načine pokušavao da kazni Srbiju i Srbe. Ipak nekdašnji lider Srbije je u Hagu doživeo političku i istorijsku rehabilitacju, i od negativne istorijske pojave postao pozitivna istorijska ličnost.

2017 ◽  
pp. 76-106
Joachim J. Savelsberg ◽  
Ryan D. King ◽  
Courtney Faue ◽  
Yu-Ju Chien

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-103
Christian Axboe Nielsen

Few countries in Europe have witnessed as much turbulence during the past quarter century as the seven states which emerged from socialist Yugoslavia after it dissolved amidst a catastrophic series of wars of succession. Although actual armed conflict only took place in Serbia (then still including Kosovo in the rump state Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) in 1998 and 1999, Serbia directly participated in the wars of Yugoslav succession beginning in 1991 in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then finally in Kosovo. For nearly a decade from 1992 until 2001 Serbia's economy languished under the combination of a kleptocratic regime, expensive and protracted military engagements and international sanctions. The long Serbian transition entered a new phase in October 2000, when Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević was ousted by a very heterogeneous political coalition whose leaders shared only an intense antipathy for Milošević. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was transformed into the short-lived state union of Serbia and Montenegro, which disappeared when Montenegro declared its independence in 2006, followed by Kosovo in 2008.

2001 ◽  
Vol 80 (3) ◽  
pp. 131
Robert Legvold ◽  
Lenard J. Cohen

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-38 ◽  
Judith Armatta

Controversy over Serbia's1 role in the decade of wars in the former Yugoslavia continues. The trial of Slobodan Milošević unearthed significant new material in documents and testimony, despite the trial's premature end with Milošević's death. While there was no legal resolution, evidence revealed at trial provides a rich resource for historians to further examine some of the major controversies arising from the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the decade of wars that ensued. This article will highlight evidence relevant to the following issues: Was Serbia opposed to disintegration and war or did Milošević seek it in his quest for power? Were the wars in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina civil wars in which Serbia was not involved except to provide humanitarian aid and negotiate for peace or was Serbia a primary protagonist? What was Serbia's role, if any, in the Srebrenica genocide?2 Was Serbia, NATO or the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) responsible for war and ethnic cleansing in Kosovo? While the trial of Milošević did not attempt to establish Serbia's or the FRY's responsibility, actions taken by Milošević as Serbia's president and de facto leader of the FRY necessarily implicate them as political entities.

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