Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10
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Published By CRC Press


axillary, on 5-10 mm long stems. Sepals 5-7 mm long, elliptical, narrow-scarious along margin. Petals 7-10 mm long, oblong-obovate or oval, narrowing into long cuneate claw, orange-colored at base, white in upper portion. Capsules 16-24 mm long, 6-10 (12) mm broad, oblong-oval or oval, pentagonal; wings 2-3 mm broad. In solonchaks and solonetzic steppes, sometimes on rocky steppe slopes. West. Sib.: AL—Go (Chuya river valley: facing Chegan river estuary—class, hab. and others in Chuya steppe).— Mid. Asia, West. China, Mongolia. Map 21. 5. Z. pterocarpum subsp. tuvinicum Peschkova, subsp. nova. A subspecie typica foliis plerumque trijugis (rarius bijugis), foliolis oblongo-linearibus, petiolis apice processu aculeoli-formi molli subindistincto albido recto vel subincurvato distinguitur. Typus. Tuva, dist. Tes-Chemensis, declive australe jugi Tannu-Ola Orientalis, 1200 m.s.m., vallis FI. Irbitei, silva salicoso-populosa variiherbosa, 3 VIII 1972, V. Chanminczun, L. Kupalova, L. Eremenko (NS, isotypus LE). Unlike type subspecies, leaves usually with 3 (rarely 2) pairs of oblong-lanceolate leaflets. Leaf petioles with faint whitish, erect or slightly curved soft spiniform shoot at tip. In arid solonetzic meadows, river valleys, nannophyte solonchak semideserts. Cen. Sib.: TU (Irbitei river valley in Tes-Khemsk region—class, hab.—Ak-Chyra settlement, bank of Amdaigyn-Khol’ lake).—Endemic. 2. Tribulus L. 1. T. terrestris L. 1753, Sp. Pl.: 387. Annual with slender weak root and (3)10-60 cm tall stems diffuse along ground and branched right from base; together with leaf petioles and pedicels, covered with long distant and short semiappressed hairs bent at tip. Leaves (1) 2-6 cm long, (0.5) 1-3 cm broad, more often opposite, paripinnate, with small lanceolate-deltoid stipules; leaflets 4-7 pairs, 3-13 mm long, 34 1-5 mm broad, oblong or oblong-elliptical, asymmetric, obtuse, on very short petiolules, more or less compactly (specially young) covered beneath with long slender appressed hairs, glabrescent with age, subglabrous on upper surface. Flowers single, axillary, on short (4-10 mm) stems. Sepals 3-5 mm long, lanceolate, hairy outside. Petals narrow-obovate, about 10 mm long,

2006 ◽  
pp. 46-55

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