scholarly journals Synergy of the Pentahelix Model to Establish Resilient Smes in Facing New Normal during Covid-19 Pandemic

Herdiana Dyah Susanti ◽  
Dian Arief Pradana ◽  
Endang Suprihatin

Coronavirus new which caused the outbreak of pneumonia and caused the closure of tourist destinations and caused many SMEs products to be returned by the souvenir center and SMEs production stopped during the Covid-19 pandemic. Banyuwangi Regency has also experienced the closure of tourist destinations starting March 2020 and has an impact on SMEs in Banyuwangi Regency, one of which is Ratu Manis SMEs. After the closure of tourist attractions, 70% of Ratu Manis SMEs products that were entrusted to the souvenir center and tourist attractions were returned. The number of SMEs Ratu Manis production has also decreased. Many exhibition events at every festival held in Banyuwangi Regency have been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Ratu Manis SMEs is trying to rise from the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic through synergy from various parties with the help of the government, academics, media and the community using the pentahelix approach. The research approach used in this research is descriptive research. The data sources used in this study are secondary and primary data sources. The data were collected using data collection techniques, namely observation and interviews with the source triangulation strategy for data validity. With penta helix synergy of industry, government, academia, media and the community sweet queen SMEs can survive to face the pandemic covid-19 and may even improve the quality of the products and sales turnover also increased from 20 kg to 40 kg per day.

Fauziah Nasution

<p><strong><em>Introduction:</em></strong> <em>The picture message policy on cigarette packets is regulated in Permenkes No. 28 of 2013 concerning the Inclusion of Warnings and Health Information on Tobacco Product Packaging. The purpose of the inclusion of pictorial health warnings (PKB) on cigarette packs is to prevent adolescents from smoking. By looking at the frightening picture on PKB, it hoped that young smokers would be motivated to quit smoking</em><em>. <strong>Method</strong>: This study used a quantitative research approach with a cross-sectional design (cross-sectional) using primary data, this research conducted in Medan City. During January - June 2019. The population in this study were adolescents aged 18-23 years. The sample of this study was 215 teenagers. Data analysis used cross-tabulation descriptive analysis than presented in the form of a frequency distribution table using SPSS 22. <strong>Results</strong>: The results of this study indicate that the majority of respondents have smoking behaviour in the 19-20 year age group. The majority of respondents stated that they smoke 1-5 cigarettes a day. Teens who stated that they were not afraid of the impact of picture messages on cigarette packs had a 3,939 times risk of smoking compared to adolescents who expressed fear of the impact of picture messages on cigarette packs <strong>Conclusion</strong>: It hoped that the government could expand the picture message on cigarette packets to increase the desire to quit smoking and reduce the number of smokers in Indonesia. The image message on cigarette packs must be enlarged in order to reduce smoking behaviour in adolescents.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-90
Nurul Mahmudah ◽  
Dea Tara Ningtyas ◽  
Supiah Supiah ◽  
Julduz R Paus

The writing of this research aims to explain the management and impact of waqf for education in SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Metro City. As for the background in this writing is the demands and expectations of the community for the greater quality of education but the capacity of the government is not yet worth the demand of the community. So the waqf movement became one of the alternatives offered to answer the challenge. Waqf movement, especially in SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan aims to improve the quality of education in accordance with Muhammadiyah jargon namely "advanced education". This research is a qualitative study with this type of case study research.  The data sources in this study consist of primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques are conducted in the form of observations, interviews and documentation. The methods of data analysis are data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of this study show that the waqf movement in SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Metro City is supported not only by Muhammadiyah cadres but from sympathizers and the general public. The waqf development strategy carried out at SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro consists of (1) the conversion (substitution) of waqf assets, (2) promotion and socialization, (3) the management of waqf assets by prioritizing the allocation of waqf with regard to the 2015-2027 plan, (4) establishing partnerships and (5) strengthening the teachings of Al-Ma'un Muhammadiyah. The impact of waqf has a profound effect on the quality of education such as the improvement of school facilities and the education system in the school. Keywords: Waqf Muhammadiyah, Advanced Education Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  memaparkan pengelolaan dan dampak wakaf bagi pendidikan di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro. Adapun yang menjadi latar belakang dalam penulisan ini adalah tuntutan dan harapan masyarakat akan kualitas pendidikan yang lebih besar namun kapasitas yag dimiliki pemerintah belum sepadan dengan permintaan masyarakat. Sehingga gerakan wakaf menjadi salah satu alternative yang ditawarkan untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut. Gerakan wakaf khususnya di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sesuai dengan jargon Muhammadiyah yakni “pendidikan berkemajuan”.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus.  Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari sumber data primer dansumber data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun metode analisis data yang dilakukan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gerakan wakaf di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro tidak hanya didukung oleh kader Muhammadiyah saja melainkan dari simpatisan dan masyarakat umum. Adapun strategi pengembangan wakaf yang dilakukan di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro terdiri dari (1) penukaran (substitusi) harta wakaf, (2) promosi dan sosialisasi, (3) pengelolaan harta wakaf dengan memprioritaskan alokasi wakaf dengan memperhatikan renstra tahun 2015-2027, (4) menjalin kemitraan dan (5) Memperkuat ajaran Al-Ma’un Muhammadiyah. Dampak wakaf sangat berpengaruh terhadap mutu pendidikan seperti peningkatan fasilitas sekolah dan sistem pendidikan di sekolah tersebut.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 325
Gek Ayu Tahta Kurnia Natha Dewi ◽  
I Nyoman Sunarta

Tibu sampi waterfall is a waterfall that has the potentiality and opportunities to be developed into a tourist attraction. However, the development of this waterfall has not been optimally reached. This study aims to determine the development of Tibu Sampi Waterfall as a tourist attraction. This study uses qualitative data with data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data sources are obtained through observation, interview and documentation techniques with the technique of determining individual sample selection. The results of this study indicate that there are internal and external obstacles in the development of Tibu Waterfall as a tourist attraction. The internal obstacles are divided into three, namely the limited capital owned by Gunung Salak village; lack of adequate human resources in the field of tourism; and lack of promotion in the development of tourist attractions. The external obstacle is lack of contributions from investors.  Of the various obstacles faced and slowing down the development of Tibu Waterfall as a tourist attraction, the community must create several efforts including the government or related parties to provide tourism education and training to the local community; to improve tourism products; to disseminate information in the form of brochures and guidebooks; to improve structuring and infrastructure; to cooperate with investors; to make local culture an attraction for tourists;  and to develope tour packages.    Keywords: Study of development, tourist attraction, Gunung Salak Village, Tibu Sampi Waterfall

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
CM Mashabela ◽  

The government of South Africa adopted Local Economic Development (LED) as part of its development policy in its quest for an inclusive economic development and growth. LED is intended to create a conducive environment for an inclusive local economy. However, unemployment and poverty rates are high in local communities with some SMMEs struggling to secure funding. Although municipalities do not create jobs directly through LED, they should, however, ensure that strategies implemented talk to inclusive economic growth, particularly the mitigation of unemployment and poverty rates. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the efficacy of LED in South African municipalities. The paper aims to evaluate and analyse the impact of implementing LED in South Africa. The quantitative research approach was adopted, and questionnaires were utilised to collect primary data. The paper found that LED in South Africa produces desired results at a low rate in that only a small fraction of the participants agrees that the municipality facilitates funding for SMMEs; only a small fraction of the participants is of the view that LED units provide adequate infrastructure and create industries. Moreover, the paper found that only a fraction of the participants is able to create job opportunities. Consequently, the paper recommends that municipalities should facilitate SMMEs funding, provide adequate infrastructure, develop industries and design LED strategies that enhance job creation. The paper argues that effective measures of implementing LED will enhance LED impact rate and fast track the prospects of inclusive economic growth in South African municipalities.

Hesti Fatmalasari ◽  
Erna Yuliandari ◽  
Dewi Gunawati

This study aims to find out: (1) Strengthening ecological citizenship in changing the behavior of people aware of the environment through the Kampung Selo Beraksi program; (2) Obstacles faced in realizing the Kampung Selo Beraksi program. This study uses qualitative research methods and descriptive research approaches. The research technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection uses interviews, observation and document analysis. Testing data validity using data triangulation and methods. Data analysis uses an interactive analysis model which includes: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Stages of research include: (1) Preparation; (2) Data collection; (3) Analysis of data; (4) Preparation of research reports. The results of this study include: (1) Strengthening ecological citizenship is needed to arouse community awareness through environmental activities, namely the Kampung Selo Beraksi program. Insightful activities in the Kampung Selo Beraksi program include garbage banks, hydroponic parks, vertical gardens, craft galleries, and outbound. Strengthening ecological citizenship in the Kampung Selo Beraksi program is a bottom up approach that is realized through the formation of environmental knowledge, environmental skills, environmental attitudes, environmental participation. (2) The obstacles faced in realizing the Kampung Selo Beraksi program come from internal and external. The barriers to the Kampung Selo Beraksi program originating from the internal include: a) limited human resources due to lack of activeness and participation of the Kampung Selo community members; b) limited sources of funds in the development of the Kampung Selo Beraksi program. Barriers to the Kampung Selo Beraksi program originating from the external include: a) obstacles from the community, namely the existence of counter-attitudes from the community and a lack of community participation; b) obstacles from the government, namely lack of attention and participation of the local government; c) obstacles from the environment, namely the location of Kampung Selo Beraksi far from the city and the maximum arrangement of the village. Keywords: Strengthening, ecological citizenship, Kampung Selo

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Miftakhul Munir

Community participation means that the community participates in and accompanies the government because in reality the government is currently the designer and organizer. Development of Islamic Religious Education (PAI), which means a process or system of hard work to change conditions that are related to the work or products of humans in building Islamic Education to be better in all its aspects and to have a wider impact and benefits than before. The purpose of this study is to describe community participation in efforts to develop Islamic Religious Education (PAI) and supporting and inhibiting factors for community participation in efforts to develop Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in Karangketug Village, Gadingrejo District, Pasuruan City. This research is a qualitative research approach. The informants of this research were the head of RW 3, the head of the RT and the surrounding community. Data collection methods in this study are observation, interviews and documentation. Sources of data used in this study are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results obtained from this study are 1) Community participation in efforts to develop Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in Karangketug Village, Gadingrejo District, Pasuruan City can be seen in terms of: first, community participation in developing various religious activities. Second, participation in providing support with religious activities. Third, participation in funding and infrastructure for Islamic Religious Education, namely by making contributions that have been mutually agreed upon and contributing to Islamic religious education infrastructure, namely in the form of equipment for samroh activities such as tambourines and so on. 2) The supporting factors for community participation in efforts to develop Islamic Religious Education (PAI) are the support from various parties including the village government, the head of RW 3, the head of RT 1, and the surrounding community. The inhibiting factors for community participation in efforts to develop Islamic Religious Education (PAI) are erratic community time together, weather, health conditions, and a small proportion of people who are lazy to participate in activities.

Edward Manahan Panggabean ◽  
Dwira Nirfalini Aulia

Indonesia memiliki ragam suku bangsa suku bangsa yang banyak. Setiap suku bangsa memiliki adat istiadat dan kebudayaaqn yang berbeda seperti lagu, tarian, rumah adat dan lain sebagaimya. Pulau Samosir merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang dikembangkan oleh pemerintah. Desa ini adalah salah satu desa yang berada di Pulau Samosir. Desa ini masih memiliki panorama alam yang indah dan sosial budaya yang sangat menarik dikembangkan dalam mendukung pariwisata. Desa Sitamiang ini belum mempunyai fasilitas yang belum memadai yang layak dan belum tersebar merata baik fasilitas umum maupun fasilitas sosial sehingga diperlukan pembangunan fasiltas secara merata unntuk mendukung Desa Sitamiang menuju Desa Wisata.Penelitian ini meenggunakan penelitian deskristif kualitatif data Primer diperoleh dengan metode observasi , wawancara, dan dokumentasi foto lapangan. Setelah melakukan hasil survey dan menganalisanya maka Penulis membagi Desa Sitamiang menjadi 3 Zona yaitu Zona 1, Zona 2, dan Zona 3. Dari pembangian tiga Zona tersebut, akhirnya dapat merancang fasilitas sosial di Desa Sitamiang yang akan memudahkan Penulis merencanakan fasilitas-fasilitas lainnya. Indonesia has many diverse ethnic groups. Each ethnic group has different customs and culture such as songs, dances, traditional houses and so on. Samosir Island is one of the tourist destinations developed by the government. This village is one of the villages in Samosir Island. The village still has beautiful natural and socio-cultural panoramas which are very interesting to be developed in supporting tourism. Sitamiang Village does not yet have adequate inadequate facilities and has not been spread evenly either public facilities or social facilities so it is necessary to build equitable facilities to support Sitamiang Village towards Tourism Village. This research uses qualitative descriptive research Primary data obtained by observation, interviews, and field photo documentation. After conducting the survey results and analyzing it, the writer divides Sitamiang Village into 3 Zones, namely Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3. From the construction of the three Zones, finally it can design social facilities in Sitamiang Village that will facilitate the Author to plan other facilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-27
Mesiono Mesiono ◽  
Rahmat Rifai Lubis

This study aims to analyze the Education Financing System in Indonesia and its relation to the tax system. The research method used in this research is qualitative by using a library research approach (library research). Data sources consist of two namely primary and secondary. Primary data sources are several government legal regulations related to financing and the tax system in Indonesia, including law number 28 of 2007 concerning general provisions and tax procedures. Law number 36 of 2008 concerning income tax, the decision of the Director General of Taxes No. KEP-87/PJ./1995, PP. RI No.144 of 2000 concerning Types of Goods and Services that are not subject to Value Added Tax and. While secondary sources are other references in the form of books, journals, and proceedings related to the research topic. Data analysis uses content analysis, which is an analysis related to the content of the literature being researched. The results of the study indicate that one of the sources of education financing in Indonesia is tax. The use of these taxes is indeed in accordance with the legality of the government that aims for the prosperity of the people as much as possible, including in this case education services. In relation to taxpayers, not all aspects of education are subject to taxpayers, this is because educational institutions are not included in profit institutions. This treatment certainly aims to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Arya Dani Setyawan ◽  
Akbar Al Masjid ◽  
Trisharsiwi Trisharsiwi

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has almost affected all human activities in this world, one of which is the field of education. Various strategies in fulfilling education are implemented through an online system according to the health protocol recommended by the government. The strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of education using this online system are dynamic in itself for both tutors and students. This study aims to review how the process of implementing education using an online system. As researchers and practitioners of education, the implementation of learning with this online system has its challenges because it cannot meet face to face directly but the material presented must be understood by students. Tamansiswa in this case still inherits the teachings of Ki Hadjar Dewantara which in its implementation are very useful in online learning needs. The method of honing, loving, fostering in the implementation of learning is expected to be an effective strategy for the implementation of learning. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach so that researchers can describe and answer problems of a current phenomenon or event. Regarding the implementation of learning with an online system, the researcher uses one of the concepts of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's teachings, namely sharpening, compassion, fostering in single variables as well as correlation and/or comparison of various variables. It can be understood that the descriptive research method is a method used to tell the situation in the field supported by facts obtained by observing and examining in-depth to find understanding and the truth of the data.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 145-166
Muhammad Fauzan Noor ◽  
Rini Koen Iswandari ◽  
Dini Zulfiani

Panrita Lopi Beach is one of the natural tourist destinations that needs to be surveyed by visitors in order to identify and determine strategies for developing tourist attractions and also marketing in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of tourists and travel patterns of tourists who visit and to determine the perception of the level of tourist satisfaction with infrastructure products, public facilities and tourism facilities in this tourist destination. The main variables used in segmenting comprise: Geographic Segmentation, Demographic Segmentation, Psychographic Segmentation, and Behavior-based Segmentation. This research is a type of survey research with a qualitative descriptive approach. I carried out data collection from primary data sources and secondary data sources. The sample used in this study is a non-probability sampling technique by accidental sampling, namely a sampling technique based on chance, anyone who coincidentally meets a researcher can be used as a sample, if it is deemed that the person who was met is suitable as a data source. Data that has been collected from research results related to typology (characteristics, travel patterns) and visitor perceptions can be analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The analyzed data comes from surveys through questionnaires that have been given to visitors, including data on visitor profiles, visitor travel patterns, and visitor perceptions about this Panrita Lopi beach.

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