scholarly journals The Plymouth laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

In The Times of 31 March 1884, it was announced that a meeting would be held that day in the rooms of the Royal Society for founding a society having for its purpose ‘the establishment and maintenance of a well-equipped laboratory at a suitable point on the English coast, similar to, if not quite so extensive as, Dr Dohm’s Zoological Station at Naples’ (M.B.A. 1887 a ). With Professor T. H. Huxley in the chair a gathering of distinguished gentlemen gave reasons why such a laboratory should be built. All stressed what its value would be from the purely scientific viewpoint, and all were agreed that both by fundamental research and by more direct investigations on our food fishes, knowledge of economic import would be gained. The last speaker, Mr George J. Romanes, said that there was one function of the proposed laboratory which had not received the attention it appeared to deserve; he meant the investigation of invertebrate physiology. ‘In the invertebrate forms of fife’, he said, ‘we saw life in its simplest shape, and in the shape which best admitted of observation and experiment, with the view of throwing light upon most of the great questions relating to the processes of life’ (M.B.A. 1887 b ).

F. S. Russell

In The Times of 31 March 1884, it was announced that a meeting would be held that day in the rooms of the Royal Society for founding a society having for its purpose ‘the establishment and maintenance of a well-equipped laboratory at a suitable point on the English coast, similar to, if not quite so extensive as, Dr Dohrn's Zoological Station at Naples’ (M.B.A., 1887a). With Prof. T. H. Huxley in the chair a gathering of distinguished gentlemen gave reasons why such a laboratory should be built. All stressed what its value would be from the purely scientific viewpoint, and all were agreed that both by fundamental research and by more direct investigations on our food fishes, knowledge of economic import would be gained. The last speaker, Mr George J. Romanes, said that there was one function of the proposed laboratory which had not received the attention it appeared to deserve; he meant the investigation of invertebrate physiology. ‘In the invertebrate forms of life’, he said, ‘we saw life in its simplest shape, and in the shape which best admitted of observation and experiment, with the view of throwing light upon most of the great questions relating to the processes of life’ (M.B.A., 1887b).

In The Times of 31 March 1884, it was announced that a meeting would be held that day in the rooms of the Royal Society for founding a society having for its purpose ‘the establishment and maintenance of a well-equipped laboratory at a suitable point on the English coast, similar to, if not quite so extensive as, Dr Dohrn’s Zoological Station at Naples’ (M. B. A. 1887 a ). With Professor T. H. Huxley in the chair a gathering of distinguished gentlemen gave reasons why such a laboratory should be built. All stressed what its value would be from the purely scientific viewpoint, and all were agreed that both by fundamental research and by more direct investigations on our food fishes, knowledge of economic import would be gained. The last speaker, Mr George J. Romanes, said that there was one function of the proposed laboratory which had not received the attention it appeared to deserve; he meant the investigation of invertebrate physiology. ‘In the inverte­brate forms of life’, he said, ‘we saw life in its simplest shape, and in the shape which best admitted of observation and experiment, with the view of throwing light upon most of the great questions relating to the processes of life’ (M. B. A. 1887 b ). As a result of this meeting a corporate society, the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, came into being. It was decided that the laboratory should be built at Plymouth where a rich and varied fauna was available. The building, which was opened on 30 June 1888 (M. B. A. 1888), is situated under the walls of Charles II’s Citadel in a commanding position overlooking the waters of Plymouth Sound.

The Council have to report with regret the deaths of Captain V. Lord, a member of the Association's staff for 28 years and well known to many workers at the laboratory as skipper of S.S. ‘Salpa’; and of Cdr. C. A. Hoodless, D.S.C., R.N.R. who was Master of R.V. ‘Sabella’ from 1948 to 1953 when he was appointed Master of the Association's new research vessel ‘Sarsia’. Cdr. Hoodless was an able and skilful seaman and did much for marine science. His burial took place at sea from R.V. ‘Sarsia’ on 16 March 1964.The Council record with great pleasure the award of the 1963 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine to Prof. A. L. Hodgkin, F.R.S., and Prof. A. F. Huxley, F.R.S. Both have been visiting research workers at the Plymouth laboratory and Prof. Hodgkin has served many times on the Council of the Association.The Council and OfficersDuring the year Major E. G. Christie-Miller resigned from his position as a Representative Governor on the Council of the Association since 1941. Major Christie-Miller gave devoted service to the Association as Honorary Treasurer from 1941 to 1956, and had been a Vice-President since 1951.Col. Sir John Carew Pole, Bt., D.S.O., T.D., has been nominated by the Fishmongers' Company in his place.Four ordinary meetings of the Council were held during the year, two in the rooms of the Royal Society, one in the rooms of the Linnean Society and one at Plymouth. At these the average attendance was seventeen.

In the ‘Times,’ March 31st, 1884, appeared the following article:Biological station, some may be inclined to think, is simply Aquarium “writ large.” The two certainly do coincide to some extent j a biological station aa a rule implies an aquarium, but it includes a great deal more. In the early days of public aquaria, some twenty-five years ago, and down indeed to more recent times, attempts were made to utilise these institutions for scientific purposes, and biologists hoped that great results would follow from their establishment. It was in 1860 that the late Mr. Lloyd designed an aquarium for Paris, and two years later a similar one for Hamburg. Others soon followed, both in this country and on the Continent, nearly all of them constructed on the method devised by Mr. Lloyd, and several of them under his direct superintendence. Probably the earliest on a large scale in this country was the well-known establishment at the Crystal Palace, to the management of which Mr. Lloyd succeeded on the death of Mr. J. K. Lord.

The Council has to record with deep regret the deaths of the following former members of Council: Mr H. G. Maurice, C.B., who had represented the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Zoological Society, and was a Vice-President; Prof. H. Gordon Jackson who had represented the British Association for the Advancement of Science; Dr R. S. Clark, a former member of the Scientific Staff of the Plymouth laboratory; and Sir Sidney F. Harmer, F.R.S., a member of Council since 1895, who had represented the Royal Society, and was a Vice-President; also Mr R. Hansford Worth and Mr Arthur W. W. Brown, Founders of the Association, the latter having been the last survivor of the original members.

The Council and the Officers. During the year the Association has suffered a heavy loss in the death of Dr Guy Wood, who had been a Governor representing the Fishmongers' Company since 1931 and had been Honorary Treasurer for the past seven years. The Council also regret to note the death of Dr Cresswell Shearer, F.R.S., a Founder of the Association.Major E. G. Christie-Miller has been nominated by the Fishmongers' Company to succeed Dr Guy Wood as a Governor, and at the meeting held in October he was elected Honorary TreasurerFour ordinary meetings of the Council were held during the year. Three of these were held in the rooms of the Royal Society and the thanks of the Association are due to the Society for this privilege. One meeting, in April, was held at Plymouth: it took place in the Grand Hotel since there were at the time unexploded bombs in and near the laboratory premises. The average attendance at the four meetings was twelve.Air Raid Damage to the Plymouth Laboratory. No additional damage of any consequence has been incurred during the year, though a few windows have been broken. The delayed action bombs which fell shortly before the April meeting were safely removed.For the first three months of the year the staff of the Laboratory was largely engaged in repairing the damage occasioned in the March raids and though much will need to be done before the buildings are fully restored most of the laboratories have been made usable.

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