scholarly journals Schrödinger equation in a general curved spacetime geometry

Qasem Exirifard ◽  
Ebrahim Karimi

In this paper, we consider relativistic quantum field theory in the presence of an external electric potential in a general curved spacetime geometry. We utilize Fermi coordinates adapted to the time-like geodesic to describe the low-energy physics in the laboratory and calculate the leading correction due to the curvature of the spacetime geometry to the Schrödinger equation. We then compute the nonvanishing probability of excitation for a hydrogen atom that falls in or is scattered by a general Schwarzschild black hole. The photon emitted from the excited state by spontaneous emission extracts energy from the black hole, increases the decay rate of the black hole and adds to the information paradox.

Mathematics ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 155 ◽  
Giovanni Modanese

In relativistic quantum field theory with local interactions, charge is locally conserved. This implies local conservation of probability for the Dirac and Klein–Gordon wavefunctions, as special cases; and in turn for non-relativistic quantum field theory and for the Schrödinger and Ginzburg–Landau equations, regarded as low energy limits. Quantum mechanics, however, is wider than quantum field theory, as an effective model of reality. For instance, fractional quantum mechanics and Schrödinger equations with non-local terms have been successfully employed in several applications. The non-locality of these formalisms is strictly related to the problem of time in quantum mechanics. We explicitly compute, for continuum wave packets, the terms of the fractional Schrödinger equation and the non-local Schrödinger equation by Lenzi et al. that break local current conservation. Additionally, we discuss the physical significance of these terms. The results are especially relevant for the electromagnetic coupling of these wavefunctions. A connection with the non-local Gorkov equation for superconductors and their proximity effect is also outlined.

A coherent self-contained account of the equations governing the perturbations of the Schwarzschild black hole is given. In particular, the relations between the equations of Bardeen & Press, of Zerilli and of Regge & Wheeler are explicitly established. The equations governing the perturbations of the vacuum Schwarzschild metric - the Schwarzschild black hole-have been the subject of many investigations (Regge & Wheeler 1957; Vishveshwara 1970; Edelstein & Vishveshwara 1970; Zerilli 1970 a, b ; Fackerell 1971; Bardeen & Press 1972; Friedman 1973). Nevertheless, there continues to be some elements of mystery shrouding the subject. Thus, Zerilli (1970a) showed that the equations governing the perturbation, properly analysed into spherical harmonics (belonging to the different l values) and with a time dependence iot , can be reduced to a one dimensional Schrodinger equation of the form

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