design science research
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This article reports on an investigation into how to improve problem formulation and ideation in Design Science Research (DSR) within the mHealth domain. A Systematic Literature Review of problem formulation in published mHealth DSR papers found that problem formulation is often only weakly performed, with shortcomings in stakeholder analysis, patient-centricity, clinical input, use of kernel theory, and problem analysis. The study proposes using Coloured Cognitive Mapping for DSR (CCM4DSR) as a tool to improve problem formulation in mHealth DSR. A case study using CCM4DSR found that using CCM4DSR provided a more comprehensive problem formulation and analysis, highlighting aspects that, until CCM4DSR was used, weren’t apparent to the research team and which served as a better basis for mHealth feature ideation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-26
Aline Campelo Blank Freitas ◽  
Edar da Silva Añaña ◽  
Fábio Kellermann Schramm

Resumo O valor do produto, como percebido pelo usuário, envolve interações complexas entre escolhas que estes realizam, em face de um grande conjunto de atributos positivos e negativos. Nesse contexto, é possível destacar a ausência de um procedimento que aproxime o valor recebido pelo usuário do seu valor desejado. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é propor um método para captura e priorização de requisitos de usuários para subsidiar o processo de concepção e projeto de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social (EHIS), com base em um estudo de caso no âmbito do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida-Entidades. Como estratégia de pesquisa optou-se pela Design Science Research. O trabalho foi dividido em três fases, além de uma revisão de literatura. Na fase exploratória, adaptou-se a técnica de análise conjunta baseada em escolhas, para a realidade da pesquisa. A fase de desenvolvimento contemplou as seguintes etapas: (a)captura dos requisitos; (b) hierarquização e priorização desses requisitos e; (c) relação entre os modelos de preferência, e os tipos de família dos futuros usuários de habitações de interesse social (HIS). Com base na última fase, de análise e reflexão, foi proposto um método para captura e priorização de requisitos de usuários, com vistas à disponibilização desses requisitos para subsidiar o processo de concepção e projeto de EHIS.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Srinimalan Balakrishnan Selvakumaran ◽  
Daniel Mark Hall

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of an end-to-end simplified and automated reconstruction pipeline for digital building assets using the design science research approach. Current methods to create digital assets by capturing the state of existing buildings can provide high accuracy but are time-consuming, expensive and difficult. Design/methodology/approach Using design science research, this research identifies the need for a crowdsourced and cloud-based approach to reconstruct digital building assets. The research then develops and tests a fully functional smartphone application prototype. The proposed end-to-end smartphone workflow begins with data capture and ends with user applications. Findings The resulting implementation can achieve a realistic three-dimensional (3D) model characterized by different typologies, minimal trade-off in accuracy and low processing costs. By crowdsourcing the images, the proposed approach can reduce costs for asset reconstruction by an estimated 93% compared to manual modeling and 80% compared to locally processed reconstruction algorithms. Practical implications The resulting implementation achieves “good enough” reconstruction of as-is 3D models with minimal tradeoffs in accuracy compared to automated approaches and 15× cost savings compared to a manual approach. Potential facility management use cases include the issue and information tracking, 3D mark-up and multi-model configurators. Originality/value Through user engagement, development, testing and validation, this work demonstrates the feasibility and impact of a novel crowdsourced and cloud-based approach for the reconstruction of digital building assets.

2022 ◽  
Tuure Tuunanen ◽  
Matti Rossi ◽  
Richard Baskerville

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