problem analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This article reports on an investigation into how to improve problem formulation and ideation in Design Science Research (DSR) within the mHealth domain. A Systematic Literature Review of problem formulation in published mHealth DSR papers found that problem formulation is often only weakly performed, with shortcomings in stakeholder analysis, patient-centricity, clinical input, use of kernel theory, and problem analysis. The study proposes using Coloured Cognitive Mapping for DSR (CCM4DSR) as a tool to improve problem formulation in mHealth DSR. A case study using CCM4DSR found that using CCM4DSR provided a more comprehensive problem formulation and analysis, highlighting aspects that, until CCM4DSR was used, weren’t apparent to the research team and which served as a better basis for mHealth feature ideation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-295
Aleksandra Kulpa-Puczyńska

The article and its undertaken matter are part of the discussion on the pro-innovative nature of a university – featuring examples of (mainly educational) activities which boost innovation on the university campus and beyond, and referring to trends occurring in the analysed areas. The presented content has been limited to the social dimension of innovation, which among other things, changes the way of perceiving the world and interpersonal relations, also in terms of organization of workspaces and (co)working methods. The purpose of the article is also to draw attention to the participation of students, academic teachers in various activities (also pro-innovative ones) taking place within a non-traditional social infrastructure. Problem analysis was based on literature studies, including reports on research on innovation as well as on the author’s professional experience related to new spaces of education – and an attempt to answer the question: “Can cooperation within the described spaces strengthen pro-innovative attitudes, including the attitudes of future pedagogues?”

Maraza-Quispe Benjamín ◽  
Enrique Damián Valderrama-Chauca ◽  
Lenin Henry Cari-Mogrovejo ◽  
Jorge Milton Apaza-Huanca ◽  

The present research aims to implement a predictive model in the KNIME platform to analyze and compare the prediction of academic performance using data from a Learning Management System (LMS), identifying students at academic risk in order to generate timely and timely interventions. The CRISP-DM methodology was used, structured in six phases: Problem analysis, data analysis, data understanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluation and implementation. Based on the analysis of online learning behavior through 22 behavioral indicators observed in the LMS of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the National University of San Agustin. These indicators are distributed in five dimensions: Academic Performance, Access, Homework, Social Aspects and Quizzes. The model has been implemented in the KNIME platform using the Simple Regression Tree Learner training algorithm. The total population consists of 30,000 student records from which a sample of 1,000 records has been taken by simple random sampling. The accuracy of the model for early prediction of students' academic performance is evaluated, the 22 observed behavioral indicators are compared with the means of academic performance in three courses. The prediction results of the implemented model are satisfactory where the mean absolute error compared to the mean of the first course was 3. 813 and with an accuracy of 89.7%, the mean absolute error compared to the mean of the second course was 2.809 with an accuracy of 94.2% and the mean absolute error compared to the mean of the third course was 2.779 with an accuracy of 93.8%. These results demonstrate that the proposed model can be used to predict students' future academic performance from an LMS data set.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Zulfan Zulfan ◽  
Nailis Sa’adah ◽  
Said Mustafa ◽  
Munawir Munawir ◽  
Erdiwansyah Erdiwansyah ◽  

The spread of the COVID-19 virus has been widespread all over the world since its discovery in 2019. However, the spread of this virus can be prevented by means of health protocols conforming to World Health Organization standards. The Indonesian government continues to educate the public, especially school-aged children, to understand how to implement the health protocol. On the basis of the foregoing, it is necessary to carry out research on the creation of an interactive media based on multimedia content that can be used to educate on COVID-19 prevention, specifically for elementary school children. The research begins with problem analysis, storyboard writing, creating 3D animation characters, and merging all content into a complete 3D animation video. The results of this study are 3D animated multimedia content which presents 3D animated scenes on the application of health protocols such as hand washing with soap, wear masks and keep distance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Nurdin Nurdin ◽  
Mas'ud Muhamadiyah ◽  
Asdar Asdar

 Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan bahan ajar yang dapat digunakan di sekolah dasar, yang memenuhi kriteria seperti; kelayakan, keefektifan, kepraktisan bahan ajar menemukan ide pokok berbasis model pembelajaran discovery learning bagi siswa siswa SD Galangan Kapal 2 Kota Makassar.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D), meliputi; (1) tahap analisis masalah dan penentuan solusi, sebagai acuan merumuskan solusi; (2) tahap analisis kebutuhan, yakni perumusan hal-hal yang digunakan terkait pengembangan bahan ajar; (3) tahap perancangan, yakni penyusunan draf untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar; (4) tahap pengembangan, yakni mencipta bahan ajar kemudian dilakukan uji validasi oleh tim validator; dan (5) tahap implementasi, yakni penggunaan bahan ajar dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang sesungguhnya, kemudian dilakukan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia Menemukan Ide Pokok Berbasis Model Pembelajaran discovery learning yang dikembangkan peneliti, dinyatakan layak, efektif, dan praktis digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, khususnya aspek keterampilan membaca pada siswa kelas V SD Inpres Galangan Kapal 2 kota Makassar. This research aims to develop teaching materials that can be used in elementary schools, which fulfilled the criteria such as; feasibility, effectiveness, practicality of teaching materials to find out the main idea based on discovery learning model for students of SD Inpres Galangan Kapal II Makassar City. This research and development (R & D) includes:  (1) the stage of problem analysis and the solution determination, as a reference for formulating solution; (2) the need analysis stage, as the formulation of things needed related to the development of teaching materials; (3) the design stage, as the preparation of a draft to produce teaching materials; (4) the development stage, as creating teaching materials, then conducting a validation test by the validator team; and (5) the implementation stage, as the use of teaching materials in actual learning activities, then an evaluation was carried out. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the teaching materials about finding the main idea based on the discovery learning model developed by the researchers were declared feasible, effective, and practical to be used in Indonesian language learning, especially the aspect of reading skill for the fifth-grade students of SD Inpres Galangan Kapal 2, Makassar City.

Sergii O. Kravchenko ◽  
Olena L. Yevmieshkina ◽  
Volodymyr I. Hornyk ◽  
Valentyna V. Karlova ◽  
Kseniia O. Velykykh

The systematically organized state strategic planning is the crucial factor of effective public governance. However, main problems of such planning in Ukraine may be noted as absence of the systematic forecasting and long-term strategic planning, undetermined links and mechanisms of coordination between strategic documents, lack of clear and unified standards, procedures and functions' distribution between actors in planning process. Therefore, the aim of this study consists in determination of modernization directions of the state strategic planning in Ukraine by means of the integrated planning system formation. The definition of "state strategic planning" is proposed in this study with using comparative analysis of various approaches and viewpoints concerning strategic management and strategic planning. The proposed definition and problem analysis of current organization structures and procedures of planning in Ukraine assume as a basis of recommended modernization directions to form the System of State Strategic Planning in Ukraine. The appropriate system of strategic planning documents in Ukraine at national, regional and sectoral levels is suggested with using hierarchy analysis across these levels and analysis of the current set of Ukrainian approved documents in proper field. Special attention is given to national level because national strategic directions and goals constitute general framework for strategic documents at other levels. The 10-years Development Strategy of Ukraine is proposed as the main strategic document of national level. The study generalizes methodological principles, and develops institutional mechanism for making and executing mentioned Strategy, proposes the functions' distribution between governmental and other actors involved in this mechanism

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Nur Khamilatusy Sholekhah ◽  
Chriswardani Suryawati ◽  
Henry Setyawan ◽  
M. Zen Rahfiludin

Dian Anggraini ◽  
Eti Nur Qori'ah ◽  
Fera Dwi Prasetyaningrum ◽  
Ahmad Khoiri ◽  
Ikhwandi Arifin

The holistic, integrative program is needed for excellent schools because this program offers a variety of integrative services that support school programs to be more optimal. The service aims to know the implementation of a holistic, integrative program to support school culture at SMP Istiqamah Sambas Purbalingga, Central Java. The service method with case studies is based on findings in the field through direct observation data collection techniques and interviews with school principals, teachers, and students. The activity results show that the implementation begins with problem analysis, socialization, monitoring and evaluation of the program, and follow-up. SMP Istiqamah Sambas shows a good school culture based on monitoring and evaluating the holistic, integrative program of more than 75% achieved for each service indicator so that the holistic, integrative program effectively improves the superior school culture

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-222
Zainul Efendy ◽  
Mia Nurhayati Idris ◽  

Transaction and promotion processes are very important in a trading activity, so it takes a system or application to manage the process to be more efficient. This research aims to produce an application that can provide transaction and promotion service solutions in Padang green market cafes. Application development methods use prototypes with problem analysis stages, creating application design models and testing. Hierarchy input process output (HIPO) is a diagram that is a design application that has been created starting from data entry, data process, and reports. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and Context Diagram (CD) are to model data structures and relationships between data. Furthermore, this system evalusion is tested using blackbox testing that serves to find out how far the component components or modules on the system are working. The results of this research are in the form of applications or information systems to facilitate the transaction process at Kafe Green Market Padang. The system consists of the main page, login page, data entry menu, transaction menu, and payment confirmation menu. The evaluation results show that the system is already running well, because every component of the system when used there is no error. So that this system can be used and utilized by users.

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