Sapientiana: a Sapientia Szerzetesi Hittudományi Főiskola folyóirata
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Published By Sapientia Szerzetesi Hittudomanyi Foiskola

2060-3231, 2732-0103

Zsolt Cziglányi

A világ ideológiai megosztottsága egyre nyilvánvalóbban jelen van az egyházban is. A viták felerősödésével újra jelentős kérdéssé vált a Szentírás értelmezése. E tanulmány azt igyekszik körüljárni, milyen ellentmondások nehezítik a Szentírás értelmezését, mi okozza ezeket a problémákat, fel lehet-e oldani őket, és ha igen, hogyan. Az első részben az írásértelmezés természetével foglalkozom, és azt igyekszem megmutatni, milyen bizonytalanságok és kétértelműségek nehezítik az interpretáció folyamatát. A második részben az exegézis két gyakorlati vetületére reflektálok: a módszerek alkalmazhatóságának korlátaira és a Szentírásból való érvelés nehézségeire.

Miklós Papp

The idea of conscience is a key concept in both Western and Eastern theologies. Beyond fundamental similarities in content, the specific accents in Eastern Orthodox theology are also worth considering. Here, the phenomenon of conscience is never simply treated as an ethical, philosophical or psychological entity, but the patristic, liturgical and spiritual dimensions are also an essential part of the discussion, which is in this manner always theonomous. Instead of a law-centered approach, Orthodox theology is personalistic and liturgical: conscience is the sanctuary of an encounter with God. It is God’s gift, yet it needs training within an ecclesial setting with the help of prayer, the theology of the fathers, Christian ascetic practices, the affective ethics of the liturgy, the contemplation of icons and the recital of Church hymns.

Viktória Hedvig Deák

This paper aims to study the past thirty years of the history of religious orders in Hungary from the point of view of history and theology: from 1990 onwards the re-organization of religious life in Hungary had started, after 40 years of dispersion by the Communist state. The essay seeks to answer questions concerning the results of such restart of religious life: the restart was realized but did the reform happen too? Which models of religious life shaped the revival of consecrated life in Hungary? How the reform intended by Vatican II had an effect (or not) on it? What kind of theological questions should have been answered for a successful restart?

Dávid Péter Garai

This article explores the life of a lay person, Sándor Bálint (1904-1980), who lived an exemplary Christian life and whose process of beatification is currently underway. As a renowned professor and researcher of religious ethnography, a devoted politician, as well as a faithful Christian, Bálint served his country and every person he met with persistent and humble love. His life can be seen as a true realisation of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council concerning sainthood and the role of lay persons in the Church and society.

Róbert Somos

Discussing the Last Supper Origen emphasizes the symbolic character of the bread and wine in his Commentary on Matthew. Bread and wine are nourishments, more precisely, spiritual nourishments, teachings delivered by the Logos-Christ. There is a hierarchy between the bread and wine, because the bread is connected to the ethical level of the teaching available to the Jews and Pagans, while the wine is reserved for the Christians who know the mystery of Jesus. The symbolic character of the Eucharist is not a simple conventional link between the natural nourishment and teaching but the physical bread and wine possess active divine power working according to the plan of providence.

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