scholarly journals PKMS Braille Digital Marketing UMKM Al Mumtaz Eduwisata Difabel Penyandang Disabilitas Tunanetra dan Daksa Ringan Era New Normal di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-26
Putri Robiatul Adawiyah ◽  
Hadi Jatmiko

This PKM aims to solve the problems of Al Mumtaz problems with Disabilities Using Technology Based on Community Inclusion and Disabilities, People with Disabilities who are Blind and Mild Daksa Era of New Normal in Banyuwangi Regency. Braille Digital Marketing Umkm Al Mumtaz Disability Education Using AI Technology Based on Community Inclusion and Disabilities People with Visual and Mild Disabilities Era New Normal in Banyuwangi Regency, aims to overcome the problem of disabilities A / Blind and mild D (1) Lack of Partner knowledge related to Digital Marketing 2) Decrease in consumers using Al Mumtaz Disability Tourism Edu services and Decreased Handicraft Sales during the epidemic period (3) Unavailability of Braille Digital Marketing Module, no media aids that make it easier for A / blind and mild disabilities in marketing innovation for handicraft products ( 4) The lack of access to information and special AI technology media for the blind in terms of improving the quality and marketing of handicraft products. The activities carried out are by holding Braille Digital Marketing training and simulations using the Braille Digital Marketing Module, including training for Braille Digital Marketing workshops using the Braille Module, collaborating with other supporting partners who have computers and braille printers in compiling the Braille Digital Marketing Module, partner assistance ( UMKM Al Mumtaz) in optimizing potential. The resulting output is the increased understanding of the training participants, the Al Mumtaz youtube account of online media publications and print media, dedication articles in the form of national journals, photos and videos of activity documentation, blogs and websites.

Digital marketing is intensifying in India with rapid velocity. Many Indian insurers are now migrating from conventional marketing to digital marketing for competing with one another. Digital marketing refers to the advertising strategy through digital channels such as search engines (google, bing, yahoo), social media (facebook), email, SMS and mobile apps. Digital marketing can also be referred as the use of ICT that provide access to information through telecommunications. This includes the world wide web, wired and wireless networks, mobile phones and other communication mediumsDigital marketing includes both Business to Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) services For businesses, digital marketing helps in cost savings, increase opportunities and promote conveniences. The choices are more for the customers in how they compare, pay, interact and avail various services.It is always a challenge for the insures in marketing their products as it involves speaking with uncertainties which many people refuses to discuss. When the insures opt for digital marketing, through interactive and customized online tools, enable the prospective customers to primarily identify their risk and decide either they can retain or transfer their risk. Also the prospective customers can calculate the consideration called premium to be paid by them. Through the digital platform, the insurers can concentrate on service excellence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Septi Anti ◽  
Fitriatus Solikah ◽  
Sholehatul Mardiyah

Waroeng Kopi Singgah is a coffee shop that focuses on selling coffee on Pilang Street No.200, Wonoayu Sidoarjo. The sales location is strategic, but during this pandemic period it has decreased so that there is a lack of interest in visitors to come to the coffee shop to stop by. The purpose of implementing this program is to increase knowledge about making suitable product brands, knowledge about how to market through digital marketing, an increase in products with various variants, and an increase in turnover after selling through various online media. To achieve the expected goal, a series of activities were carried out using the PAR (Particitory action research) approach method, with various stages in its implementation, namely 1). Planning, this stage is carried out offline observation and identification of problems that are being experienced by the owner of the Singgah coffee shop. 2). Implementation, carrying out a series of activities from rebranding to marketing through digital marketing, and 3). Evaluation, assessment of the work program implemented. The result of the implementation of this activity is the presence of a new logo reflecting the stopover coffee shop, the existence of two coffee variants, namely arabica and robusta. In addition, there is promotion by making digital marketing through online media such as nstagram and shopee. Through a series of activities, it is hoped that there will be an increase in turnover and wider product recognition through online media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 449-455
V.H. Valentino ◽  
Heri Satria Setiawan ◽  
Muhammad Tri Habibie ◽  
Retna Ningsih ◽  
Dona Katrina ◽  

There are many learning media during the Covid 19 pandemic, some use online media and offline media, online media are also of many kinds, some are in the form of videos, pictures or writing, but there are also many learning media that combine all learning media, examples are online media youtube, with youtube media students will be able to view learning material repeatedly because videos can be downloaded. The method used in research is to use the literature review method, a method that can help in this study because it can find new problems in future research. The problem raised in this research is wanting to know the right media and making comparisons of online and offline media during the new normal period after the COVID-19 pandemic. This research produces data that can prove that the right media is in the new normal period, this is done to common interests and the nation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 958-970 ◽  

Within the online media universe, there are many underlying communities. These may be defined, for example, through politics, location, health, occupation, extracurricular interests or retail habits. Government departments, charities and commercial organisations can benefit greatly from insights about the structure of these communities; the move to customer-centred practices requires knowledge of the customer base. Motivated by this issue, we address the fundamental question of whether a sub-network looks like a collection of individuals who have effectively been picked at random from the whole, or instead forms a distinctive community with a new, discernible structure. In the former case, to spread a message to the intended user base it may be best to use traditional broadcast media (TV, billboard), whereas in the latter case a more targeted approach could be more effective. In this work, we therefore formalise a concept of testing for sub-structure and apply it to social interaction data. First, we develop a statistical test to determine whether a given sub-network (induced sub-graph) is likely to have been generated by sampling nodes from the full network uniformly at random. This tackles an interesting inverse alternative to the more widely studied “forward” problem. We then apply the test to a Twitter reciprocated mentions network where a range of brand name based sub-networks are created via tweet content. We correlate the computed results against the independent views of 16 digital marketing professionals. We conclude that there is great potential for social media based analytics to quantify, compare and interpret online brand allegiances systematically, in real time and at large scale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
David Gunarso B. S ◽  
Fero Natanael ◽  
Inocensius Jason Enrico ◽  
Lestari Maliki ◽  
Thomas Valentino

Dengan adanya pandemi COVID-19, sektor ekonomi Indonesia, terutama UMKM, mengalami kesulitan untuk bersaing dalam mempertahankan bisnisnya. Perilaku Konsumen yang skeptis, terutama di bidang makanan dan minuman, menjadi sebuah tantangan yang besar dalam mengembangkan bisnis tersebut. Di satu sisi, penggunaan internet di Indonesia memiliki salah satu angka terbesar. Media sosial Instagram telah menjadi tempat terbaik dalam menjual produk makanan dan minuman. Instagram memiliki banyak fitur yang dapat digunakan dalam memasarkan produk. Penjadwalan kalender digital marketing dapat menjawab dan membantu UMKM dalam sektor makanan dan minuman. Salah satu cara menyusun penjadwalan konten media sosial adalah dengan kerangka kerja SOSTAC dan SCAMPER untuk menciptakan kalender digital marketing.

Charlotte Kätzel ◽  
Carolin Durst

ZusammenfassungDie Corona-Krise hat immer noch massive Auswirkungen auf das Gros der gesellschaftlichen Bereiche – auch auf den der schulischen und universitären Bildung. In diesem Zusammenhang gab es bereits vielfältige Diskussionen in deren Rahmen dem deutschen Bildungssektor häufig angekreidet wurde, er sei nicht in der Lage, einer Pandemie dieses Ausmaßes derzeit eine adäquate Reaktion entgegenzusetzen, die nicht nur den Schutz der Lernenden, sondern auch deren schulisches bzw. universitäres Vorankommen sicherstellt.Dabei mangelt es den Bildungseinrichtungen angesichts der Umsetzung einer funktionierenden digitalen Lehre oft nicht nur an einer geeigneten IT-Infrastruktur, sondern auch an entsprechend ausgebildeten Dozenten sowie den richtigen didaktischen Methoden und Tools.Dass digitales Lehren, Lernen und Zusammenarbeiten aber auch funktionieren kann, zeigt dieser Beitrag anhand des Beispiels des neuen Master-Studiengangs Digital Marketing an der Hochschule Ansbach für angewandte Wissenschaften. Mit der Hilfe von agilen Blended Learning Methoden konnte der Studiengang nicht nur erfolgreich trotz der Erschwernisse des Corona-Wintersemesters 2020/21 eingeführt werden, sondern auch eine sichere und effektive Lehr-Lern-Situation für die Studierenden und Lehrenden etabliert werden. Digitale Vorträge, Workshops und Präsentationen sind auch für Unternehmen zum New Normal geworden. Wie Unternehmen von den die angewandten Strategien und eingesetzten Tools der Hochschule Ansbach profitieren können, zeigt dieser Beitrag.

Galina A Podzorova ◽  
Valeriya Kirillova ◽  
Nataliya Pleshkova ◽  
N. Gryaznova

The current development of the digital economy determines the relevance of digital marketing as an innovative technology of service promotion. The research features a set of marketing tools used by NST company to promote services. The  research objective was to develop recommendations for the implementation of digital marketing technology in the company. The study used methods of economic and comparative analysis. The authors analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional marketing tools used by NST and proposed tools of digital marketing, such as website development, SEO-optimization, contextual advertising, and the project of a new business card with a QR-code. A combined use of various digital marketing tools gives a much greater effect, thus attracting more customers and improving the efficiency of the company. The recommendations can be successfully used by other organizations wishing to promote their production and services in the modern market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Ivana Markov-Čikić ◽  
Slaviša Veselinović

Using the example of a major basketball sporting event such as the 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup, we can clearly see how sport, as a particularly dynamic social field, has found its foothold in online media such as Adria Media Group platforms thanks to companies like Roda, which have become a part of the experience of major sports competitions, thus establishing a special relationship with consumers. The Roda commercial was present for over 16 days, 768 hours, or 3,987,456,000 seconds, a figure that is unimaginable on classic media such as nation-wide TV channels. In addition to the quantitative benefit mentioned above, it is important to note that the relations with Roda consumers, namely 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup audience and AMG internet media audience have improved qualitatively because in the virtual market consumers become creators of the offer and from the very beginning direct the features of what they will buy.

Al-Khidmat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Arief Rahmana ◽  
Muchammad Fauzi ◽  
Annisa Maharani Suyono

AbstrakKondisi perekonomian Indonesia saat ini terdampak oleh situasi pandemi Covid-19 akibatnya banyak pelaku usaha pada UMKM yang mengalami keterpurukan. Sementara itu, pemerintah berupaya untuk memulihkan perekonomian Indonesia melalui fase new normal. Dengan demikian, pelaku usaha harus bisa beradaptasi dengan berbagai perubahan tersebut. Diantaranya dengan mengembangkan usahanya melalui pemasaran digital yang mendukung agar produk yang dihasilkan bisa di akses dari rumah. Penyuluhan dan pendampingan perlu dilakukan bagi masyarakat sebagai pelaku usaha yang berada di Kelurahan Margasari Kecamatan Buah Batu Kota Bandung dalam menjalankan bisnisnya di era new normal saat ini. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini diawali dengan survey lapangan oleh mahasiswa pada hari Rabu tanggal 10 Maret 2021 ke-6 UMKM. Pada tanggal 15 dan 16 Maret 2021 dilaksanakan penyuluhan Strategi Pemasaran Berbasis Digital untuk UMKM di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dan pada tanggal 17 Maret 2021 dilaksanakan pendampingan langsung ke rumah warga yang menjalankan UMKM. Hasil dari kegiatan PkM 86,67% menurut UMKM terbantu dengan adanya kegiatan PkM melalui; 86,67% menurut UMKM mendapatkan pencerahan untuk mengembangkan usaha di masa Pandemi Covid-19; 80% menurut UMKM paham tentang pemasaran produk dengan bantuan teknologi digital. 73,33% menurut UMKM terbantu dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital dalam mengembangakan UMKM.  AbstractThe current condition of the Indonesian economy is affected by the Covid-19 pandemic situation as a result of which many business actors at MSMEs are experiencing a downturn. Meanwhile, the government is trying to restore Indonesia's economy through a new normal phase. Thus, business actors must be able to adapt to these various changes. Among them by developing their business through digital marketing that supports the products produced can be accessed from home. Counseling and assistance need to be done for the community as business actors who are in Margasari Village, Buah Batu District, Bandung City in carrying out their business in the current new normal era. This Community Service (PkM) activity begins with a field survey by students on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, the 6th UMKM. On March 15 and 16, 2021, there was counseling on Digital-Based Marketing Strategies for MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic and on March 17, 2021, direct assistance was carried out to the homes of residents who run MSMEs. The results of PkM activities are 86.67% according to MSMEs being helped by PkM activities through; 86.67% according to MSMEs got enlightenment to develop businesses during the Covid-19 Pandemic; 80% according to MSMEs understand product marketing with the help of digital technology. 73.33% according to MSMEs it was helped by the use of digital technology in developing MSMEs.

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