Dowden, John Wheeler, (1866–8 March 1936), Vice-President Royal College Surgeons, Edinburgh; Hon. Fellow Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Manager, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, since 1931; Consulting Surgeon, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and Consulting Surgeon, Chalmers Hospital, Edin.; Chairman of Governors Merchiston Castle School, Colinton; late Surgeon to Chalmers Hospital, Edinburgh; late Examiner in Surgery, Durham University; Examiner in Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Hon. Member Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh

Copeman, Sydney Arthur Monckton, (21 Feb. 1862–11 April 1947), Medical Officer, retired, Ministry of Health; ex-Member LCC (Hampstead); formerly Member Hampstead Borough Council (late Chairman Public Health and other Committees); late Senior Medical Inspector HM Local Government Board; Vice-President (late President), Epidemiological Section, Royal Society of Medicine; late Member of Council, Royal College of Physicians, London, and Zoological Society; Member of Faculty of Medicine, and Chairman of Board of Studies in Hygiene, University of London; Emeritus Lecturer on Public Health, Westminster Hospital; Knight of Grace, Order of St John of Jerusalem and Member of Chapter-General of the Order; Lt-Col in charge of Hygiene Department, Royal Army Medical College, 1916–17; late Divisional Sanitary Officer, 2nd London Division, Territorial Force; TD; Chadwick Lecturer in Hygiene, 1914; late Examiner in Public Health and in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, University of Bristol; Examiner in Public Health, Royal College of Physicians; Examiner in Hygiene and Public Health, University of Leeds; in State Medicine, University of London, and in Public Health, Royal College of Surgeons, England; Milroy Lecturer, 1898, Royal College of Physicians, London; Research Scholar and Special Commissioner, British Medical Association; Government Delegate to Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, and USA in connection with investigations undertaken for Home Office, Board of Trade, Local Government Board, and Ministry of Health; Member of various Departmental Committees; Member of Livery, Apothecaries Company and Freeman of City of London; Joint Founder (1891) of Medical Research Club; Buchanan Gold Medallist, Royal Society of London, 1902; Cameron Prizeman, University of Edinburgh, 1899; Fothergillian Gold Medallist, Medical Society of London, 1899; Jenner Medallist, Royal Society of Medicine, 1925; invented Glycerinated Lymph, officially adopted, 1898, and now in general use in this and other countries for anti-smallpox vaccination; Gold Medallist, International Faculty of Sciences, 1938; Hon. Fellow Hunterian Society, 1938; joint patron of living of Hadleigh, Essex

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