A Road less traveled by: End‐of‐life care in the pediatric heart transplant journey

2022 ◽  
Roxanne Kirsch
Circulation ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (Suppl_3) ◽  
Melissa K Cousino ◽  
Sunkyung Yu ◽  
Elizabeth Blume ◽  
Heather T Henderson ◽  
Seth Hollander ◽  

Introduction: The Institute of Medicine called for scientific investigation and the development of guidelines to improve end of life care for pediatric patients with serious illnesses. Despite high morbidity and mortality in pediatric heart transplantation (HTx), research on the end of life care needs of this population is extremely limited. Aims: This study aimed to describe the circumstances surrounding death of pediatric HTx patients and examine associations between location of death and technological interventions at end-of-life with demographic, disease, and HTx-related factors. Methods: This retrospective analysis of the Pediatric Heart Transplant Society registry utilized descriptive statistics and standard univariate analysis to examine associations between location of death and patient factors. Results: Of 9,217 registry entries, 2,804 (30%) deaths occurred; 1,310 while awaiting HTx; 1,494 post-HTx. Location of death was only recorded for 1,113 patients which included 804 waitlist deaths; 89% occurred in the hospital, primarily in ICU settings (74%) with most requiring mechanical ventilation (77%). A subset (39%) were supported by ECMO/VAD at time of death with 69% receiving inotrope support. Location of death was captured for 309 post-HTx patients with only 22% occurring in hospital; primarily in the ICU (74%) with half receiving mechanical ventilation (52%) and a smaller proportion supported by ECMO/VAD (18%) or inotropes (21%) at time of death. Overall, location of death was not associated with patient sex, race, ethnicity, insurance type, or primary etiology. Out of hospital death was associated with older patient age (p<0.01). Family decision to withdraw life-sustaining interventions was included as a contributing cause of death in 5.4% of waitlist cases and 3.5% of post-HTx cases. Conclusions: Death occurred in ~1/3 of patients captured in this pediatric HTx registry. ICU deaths with high use of technological interventions were common, particularly in waitlisted patients, but family decision to discontinue interventions was infrequently cited. Findings underscore the need for palliative care interventions and improved research strategies to better understand end of life in pre- and post-HTx pediatric populations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 173-186 ◽  
Deborah Hinson ◽  
Aaron J. Goldsmith ◽  
Joseph Murray

This article addresses the unique roles of social work and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in end-of-life and hospice care settings. The four levels of hospice care are explained. Suggested social work and SLP interventions for end-of-life nutrition and approaches to patient communication are offered. Case studies are used to illustrate the specialized roles that social work and SLP have in end-of-life care settings.

Pflege ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-182
Mandy Lohe ◽  
Manja Zimmermann ◽  
Christiane Luderer ◽  
Katharina Sadowski

Als Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens sind stationäre Hospize in Deutschland zur Qualitätssicherung und internen Qualitätsentwicklung verpflichtet. Die Bedeutung der Patientenzufriedenheit als einer der indirekten Indikatoren zur Beurteilung der Pflege- und Betreuungsqualität ist mittlerweile unumstritten. Eine subjektive Bewertung des Hospizes durch den Gast selbst birgt sowohl praktische als auch ethische Probleme. Eine Befragung der Angehörigen empfiehlt sich. Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Evaluation stationärer Hospize aus der Sicht hinterbliebener Angehöriger. Mit dessen Hilfe soll die Frage, wie Angehörige die Begleitung und Pflege beurteilen, die ihnen sowie ihrem verstorbenen Familienmitglied durch das Hospiz zuteil wurde, beantwortet werden. Die Konstruktion der Fragen erfolgte auf Basis bestehender Konzepte zum Assessment der end-of-life care und einer Analyse aller identifizierten Instrumente zur Evaluation stationärer Hospize aus der Perspektive hinterbliebener Angehöriger. Die Fragebogenentwicklung umfasste neben der umfassenden Literaturrecherche die Bildung eines Itempools, die Itemauswahl, die kritische Diskussion der Fragen im Expertenkreis sowie einen standardisierten und kognitiven Pretest. Entstanden ist ein fünfdimensionaler Fragebogen, der physische, psychologische, soziale, spirituelle und versorgungsorganisatorische Aspekte der end-of-life care integriert. Das Instrument umfasst 53 Items in Form überwiegend geschlossener Fragen.

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