scholarly journals Posthearing Developmental Refinement of Temporal Processing in Principal Neurons of the Medial Superior Olive

2005 ◽  
Vol 25 (35) ◽  
pp. 7887-7895 ◽  
L. L. Scott
1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 1553-1565 ◽  
Benedikt Grothe ◽  
Thomas J. Park ◽  
Gerd Schuller

Grothe, Benedikt, Thomas J. Park, and Gerd Schuller. Medial superior olive in the free-tailed bat: response to pure tones and amplitude-modulated tones. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 1553–1565, 1997. In mammals with good low-frequency hearing and a moderate to large interear distance, neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO) are sensitive to interaural time differences (ITDs). Most small mammals, however, do not hear low frequencies and do not experience significant ITDs, suggesting that their MSOs participate in functions other than ITD coding. In one bat species, the mustached bat, the MSO is a functionally monaural nucleus, acting as a low-pass filter for the rate of sinusoidally amplitude-modulated (SAM) stimuli. We investigated whether the more typical binaural MSO of the Mexican free-tailed bat also acts as an SAM filter. We recorded from 60 MSO neurons with their best frequencies covering the entire audiogram of this bat. The majority revealed bilateral excitation and indirect evidence for inhibition (EI/EI; 55%). The remaining neurons exhibited reduced inputs, mostly lacking ipsilateral inputs (28% I/EI; 12% O/EI; 5% EI/O). Most neurons (64%) responded with a phasic discharge to pure tones; the remaining neurons exhibited an additional sustained component. For stimulation with pure tones, two thirds of the cells exhibited monotonic rate-level functions for ipsilateral, contralateral, or binaural stimulation. In contrast, nearly all neurons exhibited nonmonotonic rate-level functions when tested with SAM stimuli. Eighty-eight percent of the neurons responded with a phase-locked discharge to SAM stimuli at low modulation rates and exhibited low-pass filter characteristics in the modulation transfer function (MTF) for ipsilateral, contralateral, and binaural stimulation. The MTF for ipsilateral stimulation usually did not match that for contralateral stimulation. Introducing interaural intensity differences (IIDs) changed the MTF in unpredictable ways. We also found that responses to SAMs depended on the carrier frequency. In some neurons we measured the time course of the ipsilaterally and contralaterally evoked inhibition by presenting brief frequency-modulated sweeps at different ITDs. The duration and timing of inhibition could be related to the SAM cutoff for binaural stimulation. We conclude that the response of the MSO in the free-tailed bat is created by a complex interaction of inhibition and excitation. The different time constants of inputs create a low-pass filter for SAM stimuli. However, the MSO output is an integrated response to the temporal structure of a stimulus as well as its azimuthal position, i.e., IIDs. There are no in vivo results concerning filter characteristics in a “classical” MSO, but our data confirm an earlier speculation about this interdependence based on data accessed from a gerbil brain slice preparation.

2003 ◽  
Vol 23 (19) ◽  
pp. 7438-7449 ◽  
Douglas L. Oliver ◽  
Gretchen E. Beckius ◽  
Deborah C. Bishop ◽  
William C. Loftus ◽  
Ranjan Batra

2001 ◽  
Vol 162 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 134-145 ◽  
Margaret Barnes-Davies ◽  
Steven Owens ◽  
Ian D. Forsythe

1996 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 2137-2156 ◽  
P. X. Joris

1. Spike rates of cells in the cat's lateral superior olive (LSO) depend on interaural level differences (ILDs) and envelope interaural time differences (ITDs) of amplitude-modulated tones presented to both ears. We previously proposed that these sensitivities arise from a common mechanism, which is the IE binaural interaction (Inhibited by the contralateral and Excited by the ipsilateral ear). As a further test of that proposal and to gain a better understanding of the importance of this ITD-sensitivity, responses to monaural and binaural modulation are compared here over a range of modulation frequencies. 2. At low modulation frequencies, LSO-IE cells respond maximally when the envelopes of the amplitude-modulated stimuli at the two ears are out-of-phase by a half-cycle. This phase difference changes in a systematic way, which varies from cell to cell, when modulation frequency is increased. Mean interaural phase, measured over a range of modulation frequencies, was subjected to a characteristic delay analysis. Two measures were extracted: characteristic delay, which reflects differences in conduction delay between ipsi- and contralateral pathways, and characteristic phase, which reflects their sign of interaction. Most characteristic delays were within the physiological range of ITDs. There was a small bias toward positive delays, indicating a longer conduction time for the contralateral pathway. Characteristic phases were tightly distributed approximately 0.5 cycles, consistent with the proposed IE mechanism for ITD-sensitivity. 3. Increases in the modulation frequency of binaural stimuli beyond approximately 300 Hz consistently caused a profound decrease in average spike rate, as well as a decrease in the modulation of spike rate by ITD. The upper limit of ITD-sensitivity was 800 Hz. Sensitivity to envelope ITDs therefore is limited to a much lower range of frequencies than sensitivity to ITDs in fine-structure, e.g., as found in the medial superior olive (MSO), which operates up to several kilo Hertz. 4. A small sample of high-frequency EE cells (excited by both ears) in MSO also was tested with binaural amplitude-modulated stimuli. MSO-EE cells showed weak envelope ITD-sensitivity over a limited range of modulation frequencies. Consistent with the EE interaction, characteristic phases clustered approximately 0 cycles. 5. Mean interaural phase was compared with the phase of responses to monaural modulation. The difference between the ipsilateral and contralateral phases correlated well with the phase measured binaurally, both for LSO and MSO cells. 6. Many features of LSO-IE responses were mimicked by the simplest possible computer model, consisting of subtraction and rectification of low-pass filtered envelope waveforms. Differences between model and physiological results are suggestive of a temporal limitation in the binaural interaction that creates the ITD-sensitivity. 7. These results provide additional evidence for LSO ITD-sensitivity paralleling human psychophysical results. The stimulus boundaries within which ITD-sensitivity occurs suggest that it has a limited role in free-field conditions. It is traditionally thought that, to contribute to the perceived change in spatial location of a sound source, the LSO needs to show a change in overall firing rate summed across cells. This is achieved with small ILDs, but requires large ITDs, because the latter cue is less potent in single cells and has varied effects across cells by virtue of differences in characteristic delay.

Alisha L. Nabel ◽  
Alexander R. Callan ◽  
Sarah A. Gleiss ◽  
Nikolaos Kladisios ◽  
Christian Leibold ◽  

1990 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 465-488 ◽  
T. C. Yin ◽  
J. C. Chan

1. We studied the sensitivity of cells in the medial superior olive (MSO) of the anesthetized cat to variations in interaural phase differences (IPDs) of low-frequency tones and in interaural time differences (ITDs) of tones and broad-band noise signals. Our sample consisted of 39 cells histologically localized to the MSO. 2. All but one of the cells had characteristic frequencies less than 3 kHz, and 79% were sensitive to ITDs and IPDs. More than one-half (56%) of the cells responded to monaural stimulation of either ear, and both the binaural and monaural responses were highly phase locked. All of the cells that were sensitive to IPDs and monaurally driven by either ear responded in accord with that predicted by the coincidence model of Jeffress, as judged by comparisons of the phases at which the monaural and binaural responses occurred. The optimal IPDs were tightly clustered between 0.0 and 0.2 cycles. Most cells exhibited facilitation of the response at favorable ITDs and inhibition at unfavorable ITDs compared with the monaural responses. 3. Cells in the MSO exhibited characteristic delay, as judged by a linear relationship between the mean interaural phase and stimulating frequency. Characteristic phases were clustered near 0 indicating the most cells responded maximally when the two input tones were in phase. With the use of the binaural beat stimulus we found no differential selectivity for either the direction or speed of interaural phase changes. 4. The cells were also sensitive to ITDs of broad-band noise signals. The ITD curve in response to broad-band noise was similar to that predicted by the composite curve, which was calculated by linearly summating the tonal responses over the frequencies in the response area of the cell. Most (93%) of the peaks of the composite curves were between 0 and +400 microseconds, corresponding to locations in the contralateral sound field. Moreover, computer cross correlations of the monaural spike trains were similar to the ITD curve generated binaurally for both correlated and uncorrelated noise signals to the two ears. Thus our data suggest that the cells in the MSO behave much like cross-correlators. 5. By combining data from different animals and lcoating each cell on a standard MSO, we found evidence for a spatial map of ITDs across the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis of the MSO.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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