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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 149-152
Article Editorial

News from the archives. An article in Rail Business [Zheleznodorozhnoe Delo] introduced 110 years ago to the readers the report of O. A. Struve, presented at the Solemn General Meeting of the members of the Imperial Russian Technical Society on April 15, 1911 on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the beginning of railways in Russia, chaired by the Honorary Chairman of the Society His Imperial Highness Grand Prince Alexander Mikhailovich.The publication of the report will be continued in the next issue.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-14

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 7

Conceptual appropriation is central to the teaching-learning and development processes. The intellectual stage is expressed by writing, verbalization and the use of the object under construction, among other means of expression. This paper discusses the conceptual appropriation by means of the creation of collaborative situations in which the argumentative language mediates the construction of knowledge. Supported by Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory, Discussion Circle is an activity that consists of presenting some conceptual questions for the class to discuss in small groups initially, and then in a larger group, as a general meeting. Hence, we present the central ideas and theoretical support for the development of this activity and comment on a practice that took place during a course of Basic Statistics, part of the Teaching Program in Mathematics. Results indicate the conceptual development of students, which allows for the improvement of elementary school mathematics’ teacher education in terms of statistics studies, which is a strategic matter of importance for the broadening of society’s knowledge about this area. Abstract: Portuguese No processo de ensino-aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, a apropriação conceitual é central. O estágio intelectual se expressa, entre outras formas, pela escrita, verbalização e uso do objeto em construção. Este artigo discute a apropriação conceitual por meio da criação de situações colaborativas em que a linguagem da argumentação medeia a construção do conhecimento. A atividade Roda de Conversa, apoiada na teoria Histórico-Cultural de Vygotsky, consiste em propor algumas questões conceituais para a classe discutir, inicialmente em pequenos grupos e, a seguir, em uma reunião geral. Apresentamos as ideias centrais e os suportes teóricos para o desenvolvimento dessa atividade e comentamos sobre uma realização prática ocorrida em uma disciplina de Estatística Básica do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática. Os resultados encontrados indicam o desenvolvimento conceitual dos estudantes, colaborando com a melhoria da formação estatística do professor de Matemática da Educação Básica, questão estratégica na ampliação do conhecimento da sociedade sobre a área.

V Deshko ◽  
M. Shovkaliuk ◽  
N. Honcharov ◽  
N. Politykina

The cost of thermal energy production is constantly growing, on average, tariffs in the regions of Ukraine have tripled in recent years. The component of payment for heating in utility costs is the main one for most apartment buildings, but due to the peculiarities of district heating systems, residents do not have an impact on heat consumption, and there is a problem of uneven heat distribution: some rooms are overheated, others unheated. The normative documents of Ukraine indicate the installation of metering and regulation of energy consumption as one of the main measures to increase the level of energy efficiency of buildings. Modernization of heating engineering systems with the installation of thermostats and heat distributors is one of the most discussed energy saving measures at the general meeting of condominiums, which is of interest to most residents of buildings in operation. Experience shows that after the installation of such devices, the consumption of thermal energy by buildings is reduced, which leads to a reduction in heating costs. The relevance of the topic of this article is to study modern methods of individual distribution of thermal energy in apartment buildings, in particular in houses with a vertical heating system. The object of the study is an existing apartment building in Kyiv, where, starting in 2019, thermal energy distributors were put into operation. The subject of the study is the methods of heat distribution between apartments and the analysis of the practical results of the implementation of such a project in the existing serial building in Kyiv. The following research tasks were set:  collection of general information about thermal energy distributors, their types and principles of operation; analysis of the current regulatory framework regarding the problem of individual accounting of thermal energy; analysis of the method of heat energy distribution adopted in Ukraine with identification of the main problems that arise during its application; analysis of practical results of thermal energy distribution in an apartment building in Kyiv.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (12) ◽  
R Pascual ◽  
P Acevedo ◽  
M Apollonio ◽  
JA Blanco‐Aguiar ◽  

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