normative documents
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Олег Владимирович Сорокин

В статье анализируются смысловые значения отношения к Родине в культурном пространстве российской молодёжи. Большая часть смысловых компонентов отношения к Родине связаны с историей российского народа и находят своё выражение в национальном характере в форме духовно-нравственных ценностей. Данные базовые компоненты отражены в нормативных документах, регулирующих процесс воспитания подрастающего поколения. В роли таких ценностей выступает исполнение нравственного долга перед Отечеством в форме служения ему и готовности его защищать. Другая часть смысловых компонентов отношения к Родине формируется в рамках молодёжных субкультур. Данные смыслы рождаются в процессе переосмысления молодыми людьми своего отношения к феномену «Родина». Результатом этого процесса становится переконструирование социальной реальности молодёжными группами в соответствии с их символическими универсумами. Анализируются данные, полученные в ходе проведенного социологического исследования, о связи ментальных и современных черт национального характера с отклоняющимся смыслом образа Родины в культурном пространстве молодёжи. Отмечается, что современные черты в большей степени связаны с отклоняющимся смыслом формирования отношения к Родине, чем с ментальными чертами. The paper analyses the meanings of attitudes towards the Homeland in the cultural space of Russian youth. Some of the semantic components of the relationship to the Motherland are largely associated with the history of the Russian people and find their expression in the national character in the form of spiritual and moral values. These basic components are reflected in the normative documents governing the upbringing of the younger generation. The role of such values is the fulfillment of moral duty to the Motherland in the form of service to it and readiness to defend it. Another part of the semantic components of attitudes towards the Motherland is formed within the framework of youth subcultures. These meanings are born in the process of young people's reconsideration of their attitude to this phenomenon. The result of this process is a reconstruction of social reality by youth groups according to their symbolic universes. The publication analyzes the data obtained during sociological study on the relationship between mental and modern traits of national character with the deviant meaning of the image of the Motherland in the cultural space of young people. The research shows that contemporary traits are connected with the deviant meaning of forming attitudes towards the Homeland rather than with mental traits.

Mingtao Ding ◽  
Aleksandr L. Shnyparkov ◽  
Pavel B. Grebennikov ◽  
Timur I. Khismatullin ◽  
Sergey A. Sokratov

The requirements of the debris flows’ parameters assessments vary from country to country. They are based on different theoretical and empirical constructions and are validated by data from different regions. This makes difficult comparison of the reported results on estimated debris flows activity and extent. The Russian normative documents for the debris flows’ parameters calculations are based on empirically-measured parameters in wide range of geological and climatic conditions at the territory of former USSR, but still not cover all the possible conditions of debris flow formation. An attempt was made to check applicability of the Russian empirical constructions for the conditions of the debris flows formation in Yunnan, China, where unique long-term dataset of debris flows characteristics is collected by the Dongchuan Debris Flow Observation and Research Station. The results show, that in general the accepted in Russia methodology of calculation of the parameters of debris flows of certain probability corresponded well to the observed in Dongchuan debris flows characteristics. Some discrepancies (in the average debris flow depth) can be explained by unknown exact return period of the actually observed debris flows. This allowed to conclude that the presently adopted empirical dependencies based on country-wide (USSR) empirical data can be extrapolated up to the monsoon climate and geological conditions of Yunnan province.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 67-75
Andrey Minakov ◽  
S. Nikolenko ◽  
Svetlana Sazonova

These technical conditions of multi-apartment buildings are a huge digital array for making important management decisions both within the boundaries of individual territories of the municipality, and for planning budget expenditures within the municipality, the subject of the federation and the country as a whole. Aspects of the formation of data on apartment buildings in various information systems are considered. The basics of ensuring the reliability of the presented data are considered. It is noted in the work that for many years, during the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, the requirements of technical regulations and normative documents for the maintenance and operation of apartment buildings are not fully complied with by the operating organizations. The deadlines for replacing systems and equipment that have worked out the deadline are not met. It is noted that federal legislators and the Government of the Russian Federation have not determined a general procedure for monitoring the technical condition of apartment buildings and have not formed a general approach to assessing their technical condition, the obligation of owners of premises of apartment buildings to finance these works, their frequency has not been determined. It was revealed that the data obtained during the monitoring of the technical condition of apartment buildings combined in federal and regional information systems would be an objective marker in the formation of state and municipal programs in the field of reducing the housing stock unsuitable for living. financing of monitoring.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (0) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Mindaugas Zakarka

This article represents traffic loads on the road structure distribution and evaluation of the vertical and horizontal stresses formation in the soil embankment. This evaluation allows to predict the depth and intensity of the propagation of additional stresses resulting from traffic loads. The calculations were performed in accordance with four normative documents applied in Lithuania, which define the loads on the road structure. The obtained results showed that the area to which the load is distributed has the greatest influence on the intensity of stresses and the distance of propagation. The maximum horizontal stress in the embankment was found to be no more than 70 kPa and the maximum stress propagation depth did not exceed 0.9 m. The results can be applied to a triaxial test apparatus to restore horizontal stresses in the embankment. It is recommended to select a lateral pressure from 20 kPa to 70 kPa for tests provided with triaxial test device. The mechanical properties of the soil determined with triaxial test device and recommended lateral pressure would be representative of the test results obtained in the field of embankment.

Anastasiya S. Lapina

The paper shows that the dynamically occurring changes in education dictate all new requirements for teachers, for the fulfillment of which it is necessary to integrate their efforts within the professional and pedagogical community. The aim of the study was to study the role of the professional pedagogical community in the activities of the teacher. With the help of content analysis of scientific articles, numerous and disparate categories describing the concept of a professional pedagogical community were considered, their synthesis was made in the form of a mental map, the analysis of which made it possible to clarify the influence of the ethos of the professional pedagogical community on the content of the activity of an individual teacher. Based on a review of the functions carried out by the teacher, given in the normative documents regulating the activities of the educational sphere, the substantiation of the requirements for the teachers competencies is given. The comparison of professional tasks solved by teachers (methodological, informational and communicative-regulatory directions) made it possible to find their consistency with the tasks of the professional pedagogical community (self-development and community management, development of the teaching profession in general), which makes it a promising tool for solving modern pedagogical problems. The developed mental map, which clearly demonstrates the relationship between the characteristics used to describe the professional pedagogical community, can be used by researchers to further study the phenomenon of the professional pedagogical community.

Olha Anisimova ◽  
Halyna Lukash ◽  
Iryna Vyshynska

The purpose of the article is to find out the significance of the state standard for the design of documentsDSTU 4163: 2020 in the system of valid documents on reference and unification of documentary texts; toanalyze the new state standard DSTU 4163: 2020 in comparison with its analog of 2003, the Resolution ofthe Cabinet of Ministers, to identify discrepancies in their texts and to make proposals for their elimination.The study emphasizes that this DSTU, like other national standards, over time has lost its binding legal statusand has become a recommendation, and the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers continue to be binding.The methodology of research is based on the application of the principles of systematicity, scientificity, andhistoricism and makes it possible to trace the development of normative documentation. Classical methodsof analysis, synthesis, and comparison help to compare the texts of several documents, creating a system ofscientific information. It is through the use of special and general philosophical research methods that it ispossible to analyze normative documents in the context of their practicality and relevance. The scientificnovelty of the study is to determine the features of the requirements for the design of documents in the newstandard and justify their feasibility in relation to current needs. The comparative analysis of texts of documentsis carried out and discrepancies of registration of examples and the text of DSTU are revealed. Conclusions.The main feature and difference of DSTU 4163: 2020 from other documents that determine the procedureand requirements for the execution of documents is its extension to all types of documentation created in theactivities of various organizations, regardless of their carrier. The new standard has been improved to meettoday’s requirements, focusing not only on paper documents but also on electronic ones, as they now occupya leading position in any activity.Keywords: office work, unification of documentary texts, state standard, electronic document

S. Iu. Sokoliuk ◽  
O. V. Zharun ◽  
O. S. Tupchii

In the context of complex political and socio-economic processes, that are characterized by the stratification of the property status of various segments of the population, by the growth of customs offenses, by the aggravation of the influence of destabilizing trends on the economic security of the state, the issue of creating an effective state system of customs and legal regulation of foreign economic activity of business entities becomes relevant. The variety of nomenclature of goods transported across the customs border, and the peculiarities of foreign economic operations determines the implementation of customs and legal regulation by a large number of state authorities, each of which, within the limits of their competence, is entitled to issue normative documents in the field of foreign economic activity and provide permits for foreign trade operations. The fulfillment of a foreign trade obligation is subject to both the terms of the agreement and the provisions of the normative sources of international trade law, and the customs of commercial turnover. Among the customs produced by many years of experience in international trade, the customs are distinguished, which have become general provisions, which in the civil doctrine are called the principles of fulfilling obligations. When drawing up an agreement, it is important to establish which state law will govern relations under a specific agreement, since there are significant differences in resolving the same issues in the law of different countries. The foreign trade sale and purchase agreement is the most common legal form of foreign economic agreement, which mediates the relationship between Ukrainian and foreign entrepreneurs. Its development in accordance with the principles of implementation, the development of conditions and obligations of the parties, the implementation requires special knowledge and skills, taking into account the specific features of the external market.

S. L. Kalachev ◽  
I. A. Makhotina

The article shows elements and key principles of the concept of sustainable development and points out to steps made by Russian and the EU targeted at introducing the concept within the frames of state functioning. The authors provide information about the latest changes in state policy in the field of ecologic development of Russia and characterize the course in the sphere of sustainable ecologic development. In the system of sustainable development indicators the authors identify such power figures as consumption of power resources and emission of used gases, for instance CO2 to the atmosphere. Statistics concerning the amount of power resource consumption and air pollution by CO2 emissions in developed countries was included in the article. Principle normative documents used to regulate power optimization and power efficiency in Russia, EAEC and the EU were analyzed. The EU experience dealing with digital information support of customers aimed at improving power efficiency was studied and data of electric power saving and cutting CO2 emission stipulated by EU directives was also considered. Examples of steps meant to motivate power efficient habits of the population in the Russian Federation were given

I. Pustovoitova

Іn the article the decision of problem of counteraction to the illegal booty of jewels of оrganogenic formation is presented by his legalization and analysis rows of normative documents that set the special order of the use of bowels of the earth for this aim. It is indicated that among crimes that trench upon the natural resources of country, most latent, and to the volume, the least investigational is exactly this type of criminal offence. The concept of amber is given in a publication, and it is indicated in what the duties of users of bowels of the earth, and also the certain basic requirements during working mine of minerals and the basic requirements, consist in industry of guard of bowels of the earth Procedure is exposed and in detail taking title of sing the bowels of the earth is described for mining, in particular, she is begun with development in accordance with the current landed legislation of project organization of the use of land in relation to talk in of lot land for mining, realization of examination and estimation of the found out supplies of minerals all right established by the State Commission of Ukraine for Mineral Resources, obtaining a single subsoil use permit after coordination with the competent authorities, approval of the project for the development of a mineral deposit, obtaining land for subsoil use and ends at the time of state registration of property rights to the land. Socio-economic and legal factors of the problem of illegal amber mining are determined. The attempts of the legislator to regulate the issue of amber mining from its illegal fishing by developing numerous bills, issuing decrees and orders have been studied. Their shortcomings and positive directions are revealed. The socioeconomic and legal preconditions for illegal extraction of precious stones of organogenic formation are indicated.

Liudmyla Berezovska

The article highlights the theoretical principles of training master’s students majoring in 012 “Preschool Education” on teaching professional methods; legislative and normative documents on the peculiarities of training specialists in higher education institutions are considered. The purpose of the article is to characterize the content component of the preparation of master’s students for teaching in the field of preschool education, in particular professional methods. It is emphasized that the quality of professional activity of all categories of specialists working in the system of preschool education depends on the system of training future teachers in the field of preschool education. The study provides a thorough analysis of the initial discipline “Technologies for teaching professional methods of preschool education”. The working program of the discipline is analysed and the list of topics of lectures is given. The article reveals the content, methods, technologies and forms of work with master’s students at lectures, seminars and practical classes. The concept of “professional competence”, “methodological competence” is defined. In the course of the research, some difficulties encountered by master’s students during the performance of practical tasks are presented; means of increase of methodical competence and levels of its formation at students are defined. It is noted that the effectiveness of training future teachers of preschool education depends on a number of factors, including the use of innovative forms of the educational process, the introduction of modern training technologies, educational programs, research, improvement of practical skills by modelling professional situations, self-education and self-development student. Teaching the discipline “Technologies of teaching professional methods of preschool education” is aimed at forming the readiness of graduate students to teach in higher education. Keywords: professional competence; methodical competence; master’s students; modern information technologies; teaching activity; professional methods; work program; preschool education.

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