The Return of the Native
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Published By Oxford University Press

9780199537044, 9780191920943

Thomas Hardy

Clym’s grief became mitigated by wearing itself out. His strength returned, and a month after the visit of Thomasin he might have been seen walking about the garden. Endurance and despair, equanimity and gloom, the tints of health and the pallor of death mingled...

Thomas Hardy

In the meantime Eustacia, left alone in her cottage at Alderworth, had become considerably depressed by the posture of affairs. The consequences which might result from Clym’s discovery that his mother had been turned from his door that day were not such as she...

Thomas Hardy

He in the meantime had aroused himself from sleep, sat up, and looked around. Eustacia was sitting in a chair hard by him, and though she held a book in her hand she had not looked into it for some time. “Well, indeed,” said Clym,...

Thomas Hardy

Those words of Thomasin, which seemed so little but meant so much, remained in the ears of Diggory Venn. “Help me to keep him home in the evenings.” On this occasion Venn had arrived on Egdon Heath only to cross to the other side: he...

Thomas Hardy

All that evening smart sounds denoting an active packing up came from Yeobright’s room to the ears of his mother downstairs. Next morning he departed from the house and again proceeded across the heath. A long day’s march was before him, his object being to...

Thomas Hardy

The next evening the mummers were assembled in the same spot, awaiting the entrance of the Turkish Knight. “Twenty minutes after eight by the Quiet Woman, and Charley not come.” “Ten minutes past by Blooms-End.” “It wants ten minutes to, by Grandfer Cantle’s watch.” “And...

Thomas Hardy

The reddleman had left Eustacia’s presence with desponding views on Thomasin’s future happiness; but he was awakened to the fact that one other channel remained untried by seeing, as he followed the way to his van, the form of Mrs Yeobright slowly walking towards...

Thomas Hardy

Thomasin looked as if quite overcome by her aunt’s change of manner. “It means just what it seems to mean: I am—not married,” she replied faintly. “Excuse me—for humiliating you, aunt, by this mishap: I am sorry for it. But I cannot help it.”... “Me?...

Thomas Hardy

Along the road walked an old man. He was white headed as a mountain, bowed in the shoulders, and faded in general aspect. He wore a glazed hat, an ancient boat-cloak, and shoes, his brass buttons bearing an anchor upon their face. In his...

Thomas Hardy

The story of the deaths of Eustacia and Wildeve was told throughout Egdon, and far beyond, for many weeks and months. All the known incidents of their love were enlarged, distorted, touched up, and modified, till the original reality bore but a slight resemblance...

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