Construction of the extremal function for a functional on the classH ω (n)

1997 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 430-439
D. V. Gorbachev
1992 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 441-447
Ronen Peretz

Letf(z)=∑k=0∞akzk,a0≠0be analytic in the unit disc. Any infinite complex vectorθ=(θ0,θ1,θ2,…)such that|θk|=1,k=0,1,2,…, induces a functionfθ(z)=∑k=0∞akθkzkwhich is still analytic in the unit disc.In this paper we study the problem of maximizing thep-means:∫02π|fθ(reiϕ)|pdϕover all possible vectorsθand for values ofrclose to0and for allp<2.It is proved that a maximizing function isf1(z)=−|a0|+∑k=1∞|ak|zkand thatrcould be taken to be any positive number which is smaller than the radius of the largest disc centered at the origin which can be inscribed in the zero sets off1. This problem is originated by a well known majorant problem for Fourier coefficients that was studied by Hardy and Littlewood.One consequence of our paper is that forp<2the extremal function for the Hardy-Littlewood problem should be−|a0|+∑k=1∞|ak|zk.We also give some applications to derive some sharp inequalities for the classes of Schlicht functions and of functions of positive real part.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 (5) ◽  
pp. 807-815 ◽  
Codruţ Grosu ◽  
Jan Hladký

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (07) ◽  
pp. 1450064 ◽  
Samaneh G. Hamidi ◽  
Jay M. Jahangiri

In 1984, Libera and Zlotkiewicz proved that the inverse of the square-root transform of the Koebe function is the extremal function for the inverses of odd univalent functions. The purpose of this paper is to point out that this is not the case for the m-fold symmetric bi-starlike functions by demonstrating the unpredictability of the coefficients of such functions.

O. P. Ahuja ◽  
H. Silverman

The convolution of two functionsf(z)=∑n=0∞anznandg(z)=∑n=0∞bnzndefined as(f∗g)(z)=∑n=0∞anbnzn. Forf(z)=z−∑n=2∞anznandg(z)=z/(1−z)2(1−γ), the extremal function for the class of functions starlike of orderγ, we investigate functionsh, whereh(z)=(f∗g)(z), which satisfy the inequality|(zh′/h)−1|/|(zh′/h)+(1-2α)|<β,0≤α<1,0<β≤1for allzin the unit disk. Such functionsfare said to beγ-prestarlike of orderαand typeβ. We characterize this family in terms of its coefficients, and then determine extreme points, distortion theorems, and radii of univalence, starlikeness, and convexity. All results are sharp.

1968 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 273-276
Kikuji Matsumoto

Let S denote the class of univalent functions f(z) in the unit disc D: | z | < 1 with the following expansion: (1) f(z) = z + a2z2 + a3z3 + · · · · anzn + · ··.We denote by fn(z) the extremal function in S which gives the maximum value of the real part of an and by Dn the image of D under w = fn(z).

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-160

Let A be the class of analytic functions f(z) in the open unit disk U which satisfy f(0) = 0 and f 0(0) = 1. Applying the extremal function for the subclass S∗(α) of A, new classes P∗(α) and Q∗(α) are considered using certain subordinations. The object of the present paper is to discuss some interesting properties for f(z) belonging to the classes P∗(α) and Q∗(α)

2006 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-417 ◽  

We complete the determination of how far convex maps can deform discs in each of the three classical geometries. The euclidean case was settled by Nehari in 1976, and the spherical case by Mejía and Pommerenke in 2000. We find the sharp bound on the Schwarzian derivative of a hyperbolically convex function and thus complete the hyperbolic case. This problem was first posed by Ma and Minda in a series of papers published in the 1980s. Mejía and Pommerenke then produced partial results and a conjecture as to the extremal function in 2000. Their function maps onto a domain bounded by two proper geodesic sides, a ‘hyperbolic strip’. Applying a generalization of the Julia variation and a critical Step Down Lemma, we show that there is an extremal function mapping onto a domain with at most two geodesic sides. We then verify using special function theory that, among the remaining candidates, the two-sided domain of Mejía and Pommerenke is in fact extremal. This correlates nicely with the euclidean and spherically convex cases in which the extremal is known to be a map onto a two-sided ‘strip’.

10.37236/6735 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
P. A. CrowdMath

Let $ex(n, P)$ be the maximum possible number of ones in any 0-1 matrix of dimensions $n \times n$ that avoids $P$. Matrix $P$ is called minimally non-linear if $ex(n, P) \neq O(n)$ but $ex(n, P') = O(n)$ for every proper subpattern $P'$ of $P$. We prove that the ratio between the length and width of any minimally non-linear 0-1 matrix is at most $4$, and that a minimally non-linear 0-1 matrix with $k$ rows has at most $5k-3$ ones. We also obtain an upper bound on the number of minimally non-linear 0-1 matrices with $k$ rows.In addition, we prove corresponding bounds for minimally non-linear ordered graphs. The minimal non-linearity that we investigate for ordered graphs is for the extremal function $ex_{<}(n, G)$, which is the maximum possible number of edges in any ordered graph on $n$ vertices with no ordered subgraph isomorphic to $G$.

10.37236/7801 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
Jesse Geneson ◽  
Shen-Fu Tsai

The extremal function $ex(n, P)$ is the maximum possible number of ones in any 0-1 matrix with $n$ rows and $n$ columns that avoids $P$. A 0-1 matrix $P$ is called minimally nonlinear if $ex(n, P) = \omega(n)$ but $ex(n, P') = O(n)$ for every $P'$ that is contained in $P$ but not equal to $P$. Bounds on the number of ones and the number of columns in a minimally nonlinear 0-1 matrix with $k$ rows were found in (CrowdMath, 2018). In this paper, we improve the upper bound on the number of ones in a minimally nonlinear 0-1 matrix with $k$ rows from $5k-3$ to $4k-4$. As a corollary, this improves the upper bound on the number of columns in a minimally nonlinear 0-1 matrix with $k$ rows from $4k-2$ to $4k-4$. We also prove that there are not more than four ones in the top and bottom rows of a minimally nonlinear matrix and that there are not more than six ones in any other row of a minimally nonlinear matrix. Furthermore, we prove that if a minimally nonlinear 0-1 matrix has ones in the same row with exactly $d$ columns between them, then within these columns there are at most $2d-1$ rows above and $2d-1$ rows below with ones.

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