Meloderma desmazieresii. [Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria].

D. W. Minter

Abstract A description is provided for Meloderma desmazieresii. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Pinus banksiana, P. cembra, P. excelsa, P. flexilis, P. monticola, P. nigra, P. parviflora, P. peuce, P. radiata, P. resinosa, P. rigida, P. strobus, P. sylvestris, P. wallichiana. DISEASE: Needle blight of pines GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Europe (UK, Ireland, France, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Romania, USSR, Yugoslavia); North America (USA, Canada); South America (Uruguay); Asia (India, Pakistan); Australia. Very probably a recent introduction to South America and Australia (46, 1351; 51, 1991). TRANSMISSION: By ascospores discharged from infected needles during damp weather.

D. W. Minter

Abstract A description is provided for Davisomycella ampla. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Pinus banksiana, P. contorta, P. strobus, P. pinaster, P. radiata. DISEASE: Jack pine needle blight. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: North America (USA, Canada); South America (Brazil); New Zealand. TRANSMISSION: By air-borne ascospores.


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Phaeoisariopsis bataticola (Cif. & Bruner) M.B. Ellis. Host: sweet potato (Ipomoea spp.). Information is given on the geographical distribution in NORTH AMERICA, USA, Florida, CENTRAL AMERICA & WEST INDIES, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, SOUTH AMERICA, Venezuela.


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Spiroplasma kunkelii Whitcomb, Chen et al. Bacteria. Hosts: maize (Zea mays), sweetcorn (Zea mays subsp. mays), teosinte (Zea mexicana) and perennial teosinte (Zea perennis). Information is given on the geographical distribution in North America (Mexico, USA, California, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Texas), Central America and Caribbean (Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama), South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela).


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Plum bark necrosis stem pitting-associated virus (Closteroviridae: Ampelovirus). Hosts: Prunus spp. Information is given on the geographical distribution in Africa (Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia), Asia (China, Hainan, Hubei, Shandong, Japan, Honshu, Jordan, Pakistan, Korea Republic, Turkey), Europe (Bulgaria, France, Italy, Serbia, Spain), North America (USA, California, District of Columbia), Oceania (Australia) and South America (Chile).

J. N. Kapoor

Abstract A description is provided for Podosphaera leucotricha. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On Malus spp., chiefly on M. pumila (apple), peach (Prunus persica), quince (Cydonia ualgaris) and Photinia spp. also attacked (Hirata, 1966). Also reported on almond fruit (43, 2544). DISEASE: Powdery mildew of apple. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa (? Kenya, Rhodaia, South Africa, Tanzania); Asia (China, India, Israel, Japan, U.S.S.R.); Australia and New Zealand, Europe (widely distributed) North America (Canada and U.S.A.); South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru). (CMI map 118). TRANSMISSION: Overwinters on host as dormant mycdium in blossom buds. The role of deistothecia in overwintering is doubtful. Spread by wind-borne conidia (Anderson, 1956).


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Physoderma alfalfae (Pat. & Lagerh.) Karling. Hosts: Lucerne (Medicago sativa) and Medicago spp. Information is given on the geographical distribution in ASIA, India (Punjab), Iran, Israel, Pakistan, AUSTRALASIA & OCEANIA, Australia, New Zealand, EUROPE, Belgium, Britain, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, NORTH AMERICA, Canada (British Columbia), Mexico, USA, SOUTH AMERICA, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru.


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Botrytis tulipae Lind. Hosts: on Tulip (Tulipa). Information is given on the geographical distribution in ASIA, Japan, Korea, Philippines, AUSTRALASIA & OCEANIA, Australia, New Zealand, EUROPE, Austria, Belgium, Britain (Jersey) (Guernsey), Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, USSR, Yugoslavia, NORTH AMERICA, Canada, USA, SOUTH AMERICA, Argentina, Chile.


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Pyrenophora avenae Ito & Kuribay. Hosts: Oats (Avena). Information is given on the geographical distribution in AFRICA, Angola, Egypt, Kenya, Malagasy Republic, Morocco, South Africa, ASIA, China (Kiangsu), India, Israel, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Taiwan, Turkey, USSR (Soviet Far East, Tashkent, Tomsk), AUSTRALASIA & OCEANIA, Australia, New Zealand, EUROPE, Austria, Britain & Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Irish Republic, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden, USSR (Latvia) (Byelorussia), NORTH AMERICA, Canada (general), USA (general), SOUTH AMERICA, Argentina (Buenos Aires), Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala.


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Gnomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Ces. & De Not. Hosts: Walnut (Juglans spp.). Information is given on the geographical distribution in AFRICA, South Africa, ASIA, India (Kashmir), Iran, Israel, Lebanon, USSR (Central Asia), EUROPE, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Irish Republic, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, USSR (Caucasus, Ukraine), Yugoslavia, NORTH AMERICA, Canada (NB, Ontario), (NS, Quebec), USA, SOUTH AMERICA, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay.


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Puccinia caricina DC. Hosts: Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) and other R. spp., Carex. Information is given on the geographical distribution in AFRICA, Egypt, ASIA, China, India, Iran, Japan, USSR (Siberia), AUSTRALASIA & OCEANIA, Australia (Queensland), EUROPE, Austria, Belgium, Britain & Northern Ireland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Irish Republic, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, USSR (Estonia), (Latvia), (Lithuania), Yugoslavia, NORTH AMERICA, Canada (general), USA, SOUTH AMERICA, Argentina, Falkland Islands.

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