We report headache induced BOLD changes in an atypical case of trigeminal autonomic cephalgia (TAC). A 68-year-old patient was imaged using fMRi during three attacks of a periorbital head-pain with a average duration of 3 min. During the attacks, left sided conjunctival injection, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, facial sweating and hypersalivation were apparent. These attacks were usually partly responsive to oxygen administration but otherwise refractory to any drug. The patient described either attacks with a duration of one minute or less or longer attacks persisting for maximum of 20 min with headaches occurring up to 100 times a day. When considering the symptoms, frequency, duration and therapeutic response of the patient's headache, no clear-cut classification to one of the subtypes of trigeminal autonomic cephalgias (cluster headache, paroxysmal hemicrania, SUNCT) or trigeminal neuralgia was possible. The cerebral activation pattern was similar but not identical to those previously observed in cluster headache and SUNCT with a prominent activation in the hypothalamic grey matter. This case study underlines the conceptual value of the term TAC for the group of headaches focusing around the trigeminal-autonomic reflex. Our results emphasize the importance of the hypothalamus as key region in the pathophysiology of this entity.