4. Clothing Bodies/Making Priests: The Sacramental Vision of J. F. Powers, Alfred Alcorn, and Louise Erdrich

2020 ◽  
pp. 92-119
Laura Schaefli

The colonization of Aboriginal peoples in North America involved systematic efforts to control and eradicate Indigenous knowledges and cultures. However, Aboriginal peoples have resisted colonization through creative expression; creating space for the exploration and critique of the myriad identities informed by this relationship. This study focuses on work by prominent American and Canadian authors Louise Erdrich, Tomson Highway, and Daniel David Moses. Erdrich, who self‐identifies as Chippewa with mixed European ancestry, is best known for the interconnections of short narratives between and within her novels. Tomson Highway, a Cree novelist and playwright, is most famous for his cycles of“rez” playsdetailing life on a fictional Ontario reserve. Daniel David Moses, member of the Delaware First Nation in Brantford, Ontario and acclaimed Canadian playwright, is best known for his parody of non‐Aboriginal constructions of the “authentic Indian” in his work. These authors use political destruction of normative categories, particularly gender transgression, but also past and present, here and there, material reality and the spirit realm to create space for the playful exploration of Indigenous identities. I explore the ways in which gender transgression is nested in larger themes of playful category destruction and creative reconstruction to open up issues of political importance to these authors. By exploring these themes in conjunction with author biographies and interviews, I identify the political motives and implications of category transgression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-92
Lisa Asedillo

This article explores writing and scholarship on the theology of struggle developed by Protestants and Catholics in the Philippines during the 1970s-90s. Its focus is on popular writing—including pamphlets, liturgical resources, newsletters, magazines, newspaper articles, conference briefings, songs, popular education and workshop modules, and recorded talks—as well as scholarly arguments that articulate the biblical, theological, and ethical components of the theology of struggle as understood by Christians who were immersed in Philippine people’s movements for sovereignty and democracy. These materials were produced by Christians who were directly involved in the everyday struggles of the poor. At the same time, the theology of struggle also projects a “sacramental” vision and collective commitment towards a new social order where the suffering of the masses is met with eschatological, proleptic justice—the new heaven and the new earth, where old things have passed away and the new creation has come. It is within the struggle against those who deal unjustly that spirituality becomes a “sacrament”—a point and a place in time where God is encountered and where God’s redeeming love and grace for the world is experienced.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 48-56
Mumtaz Ahmad ◽  
Nighat Ahmad ◽  
Amara Javed

This article, evaluating the usefulness and applicability of the ecofeminist tenets upon the environmental fiction of Erdrich and Morrison, creates a new understanding of the preservation of the environment for engendering a more egalitarian relationship between humanity and nature. It presents the critique of the ways Toni Morrison and Louise Erdrich engage with the environmental themes and motifs using the historical connections of their communities with nature as a reference point via eco-performative texts. The overall scheme of the article, therefore, denies the anthropocentric approach upheld by the Euro-American world towards the environment and glorifies the biocentric approach revered and celebrated by the Native American and AfroAmerican lifestyle, emphasizing that in the cosmic scheme of nature, not just humans but non-humans, nature and environment are equal partners. The study concludes that Morrison and Erdrich have stressed in their fiction the ecocritical recognition of the inevitable interdependence of man and nature. Their fiction asserts that considering environmental issues to be human issues can positively affect the human attitude towards nature/environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (11) ◽  
pp. 145-160
Silvia Martínez-Falquina

Przestrzenie żałoby, przestrzenie autonomii: przestrzeń opowieści w The Round House Louise Erdrich Artykuł jest przyczynkiem do debaty na temat odrodzenia rdzennych Amerykanów w kontekście kolonialnego wywłaszczenia i wykorzenienia. Jest odpowiedzią na potrzebę wyjścia poza uproszczone reprezentacje rdzennych Amerykanów i ich ziemi. Sposobem na to może być uznanie powiązania pomiędzy tożsamością rozumianą jako bycie-w-ziemi a zakorzenioną normatywnością. Artykuł analizuje powieść The Round House (2012) autorstwa Louise Erdrich z plemienia Anishinaabe, koncentrując się na symbolice, opisach i tematyce powiązanych z ponownym opowiadaniem tożsamości i ziemi rdzennych Amerykanów. Te elementy czynią z powieści dekolonizujący palimpsest złożony z odrębnych, lecz misternie powiązanych warstw. Esej dowodzi, że powieść Erdrich za pomocą słów kreśli nową mapę Ameryki, na której jej rdzenni mieszkańcy odzyskują swą podmiotowość i prawo do żalu. Ponadto The Round House zauważa złożone powiązania pomiędzy rdzennymi Amerykanami a stylem życia kolonialnych najeźdźców i redefiniuje pojęcie suwerenności.

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