scholarly journals Riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezė gydant laivelio pseudoartrozę

2003 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Arūnas Jankauskas

Arūnas JankauskasVilniaus universiteto Ortopedijos, traumatologijosir plastinės chirurgijos klinikaVilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinė ligoninėŠiltnamių g. 29, LT-2043 VilniusEl paštas: [email protected] Įvadas / tikslas VU Ortopedijos, traumatologijos ir plastinės chirurgijos klinikoje riešo potrauminis kolapsas, atsiradęs po laivelio pseudoartrozės, gydomas riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezės metodu. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezės vėlyvuosius rezultatus ir išsiaiškinti, ar tikslinga šiuo metodu gydyti laivelio pseudoartrozę. Ligoniai ir metodai Straipsnyje pateikiami 31 paciento, operuoto 1992–2002 metais Vilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinėje ligoninėje, vėlyvieji gydymo rezultatai. Gydant laivelio pseudoartrozę ir riešo potrauminį kolapsą, įvykusį po laivelio pseudoartrozės, šiems pacientams buvo atlikta riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezė. Riešo sąnario judesiai buvo vertinami "neutralaus nulio" metodu. Plaštakos jėga buvo matuojama Jamar II dinamometru. Rentgenologiškai laivelio pseudoartrozė klasifikuota S. L. Filan ir T. J. Herbert būdu. Pseudoartrozės vietai apibūdinti taikyta Mayo klasifikacija. Riešo sąnario aukštis vertintas pagal Y. Youm indeksą. Šoninės projekcijos rentgenogramoje matuoti kampai tarp riešakaulių išilginių ašių. Buvo ieškoma riešo nugarinio nestabilumo požymių. Riešo aukščio sumažėjimas vadintas riešo potrauminiu kolapsu. Riešo potrauminis kolapsas buvo skirstomas į tris stadijas. Rankos neįgalumo klausimynu DASH subjektyviai įvertinta gyvenimo kokybė. Po riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezės retrospektyviai įvertintas skausmas. Naudota skausmo skalė VAS. Riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezės indikacijos buvo D4 tipo laivelio pseudoartrozė pagal S. L. Filan ir T. J. Herbert klasifikaciją ir riešo potrauminis kolapsas. Rezultatai Patikimai sumažėjo skausmas, vertinamas pagal skausmo skalę (p < 0,001). Patikimai padidėjo tiesimo ir lenkimo judesių suma (p = 0,009), atitraukimo ir pritraukimo judesių suma (p < 0,001), plaštakos jėga (p < 0,001). Riešo potrauminis kolapsas diagnozuotas 30 (97%) atvejų. Nustatytas tiesioginis riešo potrauminio kolapso ryšys su vėlyvaisiais rezultatais. Riešo potrauminio kolapso stadija koreliavo su tiesimo ir lenkimo judesių amplitude po operacijos (p = 0,008), plaštakos jėga po operacijos (p = 0,05), skausmo skale (p = 0,04). Rankos neįgalumo klausimyno taškų vidurkis buvo 28,9 ± 12,8. Nustatytas šio klausimyno rezultatų patikimas ryšys su skausmo skale (p = 0,001) ir traumuotos plaštakos jėga po operacijos (p = 0,006). Lytis, amžius, dominuojančios rankos pažeidimas, pseudoartrozės trukmė, pooperacinio laikotarpio trukmė, pseudoartrozės vieta ir tipas, viso laivelio arba jo dalies pašalinimas įtakos riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezės rezultatams neturėjo. Pseudoartrozės tipas koreliavo su pseudoartrozės trukme ir vieta (p < 0,001). Išvados Riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezė yra patikima potrauminio kolapso, įvykusio po laivelio pseudoartrozės, gydymo metodika. Riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezės rezultatai tiesiogiai priklauso nuo potrauminio kolapso stadijos. Prasminiai žodžiai: laivelio pseudoartrozė, potrauminis riešo kolapsas, riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezė Midcarpal arthrodesis in treatment of scaphoid nonunion Arūnas Jankauskas Background / objective At the Vilnius University Department of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Plastic Surgery midcarpal arthrodesis is used for the treatment of posttraumatic carpal collapse. The aim of the study was to evaluate late postoperative results concerning midcarpal arthrodesis and determine the suitability of the method for the treatment of scaphoid pseudoarthrosis. Methods In this study patients surgically treated for scaphoid pseudarthrosis at Vilnius University Emergency Hospital from 1992 till 2002 were analyzed. The object of the study was scaphoid nonunion advanced collapses (SNAC wrist). In assessing the late results of midcarpal arthrodesis, 31 patients took part. The age of pseudarthrosis varied from 1 to 32 years. The follow-up time ranged from 1 to 7 years. Movement of the carpal joint was assessed by the method of "neutral zero". Grip strength was measured with a Jamar II dynamometer. PA and lateral X-rays were analyzed. Scaphoid pseudarthroses were classified according to S. L. Filan and T. J. Herbert and Mayo. In PA X-rays carpal height was measured by the Youm index. In lateral X-ray views, angles between the carpal bone longitudinal axes were measured. In the cases when the angle between the scaphoid and the lunate was greater than 70°, between the radius and the lunate greater than 10°, between the capitate and the lunate less than 10°, the condition was called dorsal intercalated segment instability (DISI). Carpal height reduction due to scaphoid pseudoarthrosis was called scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC wrist). Posttraumatic carpal collapse was divided into 3 stages. The patient's daily activities and general quality of life were estimated with the DASH (Disability of arm, shoulder, hand) questionnaire. Pain was evaluated by a visual analogue scale (VAS 0–100). Indications for midcarpal arthrodesis were D4 type scaphoid pseudarthrosis according to S.L. Filan and T. J. Herbert as well as to SNAC. Results 1. Pain significantly decreased in comparison with the preoperative situation (p < 0.001). 2. The flexion–extension ROM increased significantly (p = 0.009) and reached 52% of healthy hand flexion-extension range. 3. The abduction–adduction ROM increased significantly (p < 0.001) and reached 57% of healthy wrist abduction-adduction movement. 4. Grip strength increased significantly (p < 0.001) and was equal to 72% of the opposite side. 5. Posttraumatic carpal collapse was diagnosed in 30 cases (97%). The severity of the SNAC correlated significantly with the late results. The grade of posttraumatic carpal collapse correlated with flexion–extension movement range postoperatively (p = 0.008), grip strength after operation (p = 0.005), pain scale (p = 0.004). 6. The total DASH score reached 28.9 ± 12.8. A reliable relation was noted between this questionnaire results and pain scale (p = 0.001), injured wrist grip strength after operation (p = 0.006). 7. Gender, age, dominated arm disability, pseudarthrosis age, postoperative period duration, pseudarthrosis localization, pseudarthrosis classification according to S. L. Filan and T. J. Herbert, complete or partial scaphoid excision had no influence on the results. 8. Pseudoarthrosis type correlated with pseudoarthrosis age and localization (p < 0.001). Conclusions Midcarpal arthrodesis is a reliable method of treatment of scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse. Midcarpal arthrodesis results directly depend on the grade of posttraumatic collapse. Keywords: scaphoid nonunion, posttraumatic carpal collapse, midcarpal arthrodesis

2003 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Arūnas Jankauskas

Arūnas JankauskasVilniaus universiteto Ortopedijos, traumatologijosir plastinės chirurgijos klinikaVilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinė ligoninėŠiltnamių g. 29, LT-2043 VilniusEl paštas: [email protected] Esant nestabiliai laivelio pseudoartrozei, riešo sąnarys neišvengiamai deformuojasi, prasideda artrozė ir sumažėja sąnario aukštis. Tokia riešo sąnario būklė vadinama riešo kolapsu. Degeneraciniai pokyčiai pasireiškia varginamais skausmais, kontraktūra ir plaštakos jėgos susilpnėjimu. Artrozė prasideda ties stipinkaulio yline atauga ir pasiekusi antrą stadiją išplinta stipininiame laivelio sąnaryje. Trečios stadijos artrozė pažeidžia riešo vidurinį sąnarį, tačiau stipininis mėnulio sąnarys lieka nepakitęs. Dėl antros ir trečios stadijos artrozės išplitimo rekonstruoti laivelį netikslinga. Reikia likviduoti artrozės židinius ir stabilizuoti riešo sąnarį taisyklingoje padėtyje. Pašalinamas laivelis ir atkuriamas riešo aukštis. Atliekama riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezė. Stipininio mėnulio sąnario judesiai išsaugomi. Prasminiai žodžiai: laivelio pseudoartrozė, riešo kolapsas, riešo vidurinio sąnario artrodezė Scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse: development and treatment plan Arūnas Jankauskas Longstanding and untreatet scaphoid nonunion leads to painful destruction of the wrist with carpal collapse (scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse). The severity of degenerative arthrosis is classified into three stages and can be treated operatively. The reconstruction of the scaphoid or scapholunate ligament in stages II and III is not a reasonable option. With complete excision of the scaphoid and fusion of the midcarpal joint, all arthritic joint surfaces are eliminated and motion is preserved in the radiolunate joint, which is usually spared of degenerative changes. Keywords: scaphoid nonunion, carpal collapse, midcarpal arthrodesis

2019 ◽  
Vol 08 (04) ◽  
pp. 264-267 ◽  
J. C. Botelheiro ◽  
Silvia Silverio ◽  
Ana Luísa Neto

Purpose To review the results of shortening osteotomies of the radius in our stage IIIB Kienbock's disease patients. Materials and Methods In the past 30 years, we treated 52 cases of Kienbock's disease by a shortening osteotomy of the radius, of which 21 already had carpal collapse. All patient charts and X-rays were reviewed, but only the cases already with carpal collapse (stage IIIB) are presented here. Results All patients improved after surgery. Pain, on a scale of 0 to 3, generally 2 or 3 before surgery (median: 2.3), was normally 1 or 0 afterward (median: 0.9); median flexion–extension of the wrist improved from 77 to 99 degrees; and grip strength of the other hand improved from 26 to 76%. The last clinical and radiological review was performed 1 to 23 years after surgery (median: 8 years). Conclusion Advanced Kienbock’s disease with carpal collapse is not a contraindication for carpal-sparing surgery radial shortening osteotomy.

Joints ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 06 (01) ◽  
pp. 037-041
Simona Odella ◽  
Amos Querenghi ◽  
Francesco Locatelli ◽  
Ugo Dacatra ◽  
Elia Creta ◽  

Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and the safety of performing a four-bone arthrodesis (FBA) with dorsal locking plate in patients suffering from stage III scapholunate advanced collapse/scaphoid nonunion advance collapse (SLAC/SNAC) wrist. Methods We evaluated retrospectively 20 patients surgically treated by a FBA with the use of locking dorsal plate. All the patients were clinically evaluated at follow-up for grip strength, range of motion, and pain (visual analog scale), and with the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand score and the Mayo wrist score. Imaging evaluation was performed on standard X-rays. Results The mean follow-up was 6 years (range: 1–11 years). During follow-up, the patients showed good clinical outcomes in terms of pain relief and grip strength. Revision surgery was necessary only in one case because of screws loosening. In all cases, a solid bone fusion was achieved except in one patient, who presented a healing of lunocapitate joint. This condition did not affect the clinical outcomes. Conclusion FBA performed using a dorsal locking plate is a salvage procedure effective in treating stage III SLAC/SNAC wrist. In our study, this technique provided good clinical outcomes at mid-term follow-up with a very low complication rate. Level of Evidence Level IV, therapeutic case series.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Takahito Kojima ◽  
Masataka Yasuda ◽  
Shunpei Hama ◽  
Makoto Fukuda ◽  
Kenta Minato

We report the case of a 69-year-old male patient with extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon rupture associated with a scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC) wrist. He could not actively extend the left thumb interphalangeal joint and visited our institution for an examination. Plain X-rays revealed advanced stage SNAC and an enlarged soft tissue shadow owing to dorsal ridge growth. The patient was diagnosed with EPL tendon subcutaneous rupture due to SNAC. During surgery, the EPL tendon was found to be absent, a proximal-type scaphoid nonunion was detected, and bone growth to the dorsal part of the dorsal ridge was observed. Considering that the EPL tendon rupture was associated with the bone growth, we performed scaphoid lunate advanced collapse (SLAC) reconstruction and extensor indicis proprius tendon transfer which needed a revision tendon surgery afterward. To the best of our knowledge, EPL tendon ruptures caused by SLAC or SNAC are considered rare and have not yet been reported.

Ignacio Rellán ◽  
Gerardo Luis Gallucci ◽  
Jorge Guillermo Boretto ◽  
Agustín Donndorff ◽  
Ezequiel Ernesto Zaidenberg ◽  

Objetivo: Reportar la tasa de consolidación y los resultados de una serie de 22 pacientes con seudoartrosis del polo proximal del escafoides tratados con un bloqueo óseo metafisario asociado a un tornillo autocompresivo anterógrado.Materiales y Métodos: Serie prospectiva de pacientes con seudoartrosis del polo proximal del escafoides en quienes se constató un sangrado intraoperatorio en ambos fragmentos. Se excluyó a los pacientes con desplazamiento, cambios degenerativos, fragmentación del polo proximal, cavitación del foco, pérdida de altura, necrosis y aquellos con inestabilidad carpiana. Se tomaron radiografías e imágenes por tomografía computarizada para evaluar su consolidación; se registraron la movilidad y la fuerza de puño, y los pacientes completaron una escala analógica visual para dolor en reposo, dolor en actividad, estado subjetivo funcional y el cuestionario DASH.Resultados: La serie incluyó 18 pacientes. Diecisiete presentaron consolidación. El seguimiento promedio fue de 22 meses y la movilidad final promedio fue: flexión 87%, extensión 84%, desviación radial 78%, desviación cubital 84% y fuerza de puño 85%. El puntaje promedio de la escala analógica visual fue 0 para dolor en reposo; 2, para dolor en actividad y 9 para función, en tanto que el puntaje DASH promedio fue de 8.Conclusiones: Con esta técnica confiable y sencilla, obtuvimos una tasa de consolidación del 95% y un muy buen resultado funcional. El bloqueo óseo metafisario asociado a un tornillo anterógrado constituye una alternativa válida y eficaz para tratar la seudoartrosis del polo proximal del escafoides, vital en pacientes cuidadosamente seleccionados. ABSTRACTObjective: To report the consolidation rate and the outcomes of a series of 22 patientswith proximal pole scaphoid nonunion treated with a metaphyseal core decompressionand an anterograde self-compressing screw.Methods: We present a prospective series of patients with proximal pole scaphoidnonunion and confirmation of intraoperative bleeding in both fragments. Patientspresenting with displacement, degenerative changes, proximal pole fragmentation,cavitation at the fracture site, reduced bone length, and necrosis, as well as those withcarpal instability, were excluded. X-rays and computed tomography scans wereperformed to assess consolidation; range of motion and grip strength were recorded, andpatients completed a visual analogue scale for pain at rest, pain during activity, andsubjective functional status, as well as a DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder andHand) questionnaire.Results: Eighteen patients were included. Union was observed in 17 patients. Theaverage follow-up time was 22 months, and the average final range of motion was asfollows: 87% for flexion, 84% for extension, 78% for radial deviation, 84% for ulnardeviation, and 85% for grip strength. The average score on the visual analogue scalewas 0 for pain at rest, 2 for pain during activity, and 9 for function, while the averageDASH score was 8.Conclusions: Using this simple and reliable technique, we obtained a 95% union andvery good functional results. Metaphyseal core decompression with an antegrade screwis a valid and effective alternative for treatment of proximal pole scaphoid nonunion incarefully selected patients.

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