A Class of Reflexive Symmetric Bk-Spaces

1969 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 602-608 ◽  
D. J. H. Garling

We denote by ω the linear space of all sequences of real or complex numbers. A linear subspace of ω is called a sequence space. A sequence space E is a BK-space (9) if it is equipped with a norm under which: first, E is a Banach space and second, each of the coordinate maps x → xi is continuous. Let ∑ be the group of all permutations of Z+ = {1, 2, 3, …}. If x ∈ ω and σ ∈ ∑, the sequence xσ is defined by (xσ)i = xσ(i)). A sequence space E is symmetric if xσ ∈ E whenever x ∈ E and σ ∈ ∑. Accounts of symmetric sequence spaces occur in (3; 7; 8).

1967 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 997-1019 ◽  
D. J. H. Garling

We denote by ω the linear space of all sequences of real or complex numbers. A linear subspace of ω is called a sequence space. A subset A of ω is solid if whenever x ∈ A and |yi| ≤ |xi| for each i, then y ∈ A. The theory of solid sequence spaces, topologized in a variety of ways, has been developed in considerable detail, in particular by Köthe and Toeplitz (13) and subsequently by Köthe (see, for example (12)). These results have been generalized to function spaces by Dieudonné(6), to vector-valued sequence spaces by Pietsch (18), to vector spaces with a Boolean algebra of projections by Cooper ((4), (5)), and in the real case, to partially-ordered spaces by Luxemburg and Zaanen (see, for example (14)) and Fremlin (8). This last generalization shows that many of the properties of solid sequence spaces depend upon their order structure, rather than upon their structure as sequence spaces.

Mathematics ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 268 ◽  
Kuddusi Kayaduman ◽  
Fevzi Yaşar

In 1978, the domain of the Nörlund matrix on the classical sequence spaces lp and l∞ was introduced by Wang, where 1 ≤ p < ∞. Tuğ and Başar studied the matrix domain of Nörlund mean on the sequence spaces f0 and f in 2016. Additionally, Tuğ defined and investigated a new sequence space as the domain of the Nörlund matrix on the space of bounded variation sequences in 2017. In this article, we defined new space and and examined the domain of the Nörlund mean on the bs and cs, which are bounded and convergent series, respectively. We also examined their inclusion relations. We defined the norms over them and investigated whether these new spaces provide conditions of Banach space. Finally, we determined their α­, β­, γ­duals, and characterized their matrix transformations on this space and into this space.

1992 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 271-276
J. Zhu

The question “Does a Banach space with a symmetric basis and weak cotype 2 (or Orlicz) property have cotype 2?” is being seriously considered but is still open though the similar question for the r.i. function space on [0, 1] has an affirmative answer. (If X is a r.i. function space on [0, 1] and has weak cotype 2 (or Orlicz) property then it must have cotype 2.) In this note we prove that for Lorentz sequence spaces d(a, 1) they both hold.

1966 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 1281-1293 ◽  
William Ruckle

It is known that every Banach space which possesses a Schauder basis is essentially a space of sequences (6, Section 11.4). The primary objectives of this paper are: (1) to illustrate the close connection between sectionally bounded BK spaces and Banach spaces which have a Schauder basis, and (2) to consider some results in these theories in such a way as to render them easy and natural. In order to reach the largest number of readers we shall use (6) as the sole basis of our discussion. References to other authors are made in order to direct the reader to the original source of a theorem or to a related discussion.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-166 ◽  
K. Chandrasekhara Rao

This paper is a continuation of [1]. We begin with the notations for the sequence spaces considered in this paper. Let Γ be the space of sequences x = {xp} of complex numbers such that |xp|1/p⃗0 as p⃗∞. Γ can also be regarded as the space of integral functions f(z) = . The sequence space Γ is a vector space over the complex numbers with seminorms

2011 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
Çiğdem Bektaş

AbstractIn this paper we define the sequence space ℓ M(Δυm, p, q, s) on a seminormed complex linear space, by using a sequence of Orlicz functions. We study some algebraic and topological properties. We prove some inclusion relations involving ℓ M(Δυm, p, q, s). spaces

2002 ◽  
Vol 30 (7) ◽  
pp. 383-392 ◽  
Suthep Suantai ◽  
Winate Sanhan

Theβ-dual of a vector-valued sequence space is defined and studied. We show that if anX-valued sequence spaceEis a BK-space having AK property, then the dual space ofEand itsβ-dual are isometrically isomorphic. We also give characterizations ofβ-dual of vector-valued sequence spaces of Maddoxℓ(X,p),ℓ∞(X,p),c0(X,p), andc(X,p).

1978 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-84
B. L. R. Shawyer

In this note, we continue the investigations of [3], proving another analogue of the maximum modulus theorem, this time for the sequence space bv, and we investigate maximal functions for such theorems. As in [3], we use the notation f∈MM if f is analytic in the disk |z| <1, continuous for |z| ≤ 1 and satisfies |f(z)| ≤ 1 on |z| = 1. We also write f∈SL if f∈MM and f(0) = 0. Whenever x={xk} is a sequence of complex numbers, we write f(x) = {f(xk)}.In [3], we proved analogues of the maximum modulus theorem for the sequence spaces 5, m and c, and analogues of the Schwarz Lemma for the sequence spaces c0, lp and bv0. We begin this note with the sequence space bv.

2003 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-200 ◽  
Suthep Suantai

Abstract We define a generalized Cesáro sequence space and consider it equipped with the Luxemburg norm under which it is a Banach space, and we show that it is locally uniformly rotund.

2011 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-203
M. Gupta ◽  
L. R. Acharya

In this paper we establish relationships of the approximation numbers of matrix transformations acting between the vector-valued sequence spaces spaces of the type $\lambda(X)$ defined corresponding to a scalar-valued sequence space $\lambda$ and a Banach space $(X,\|.\|)$ as $$\lambda(X)=\{\overline x=\{x_i\}: x_i\in X, \forall~i\in \mathbb{N},~\{\|x_i\|_X\}\in \lambda\};$$ with those of their component operators. This study leads to a characterization of a diagonal operator to be approximable. Further, we compute the approximation numbers of inclusion maps acting between $\ell^p(X)$ spaces for $1\leq p\leq \infty$.

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