git quotient
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Andrew Clarke ◽  
Carl Tipler

For $(X,\,L)$ a polarized toric variety and $G\subset \mathrm {Aut}(X,\,L)$ a torus, denote by $Y$ the GIT quotient $X/\!\!/G$ . We define a family of fully faithful functors from the category of torus equivariant reflexive sheaves on $Y$ to the category of torus equivariant reflexive sheaves on $X$ . We show, under a genericity assumption on $G$ , that slope stability is preserved by these functors if and only if the pair $((X,\,L),\,G)$ satisfies a combinatorial criterion. As an application, when $(X,\,L)$ is a polarized toric orbifold of dimension $n$ , we relate stable equivariant reflexive sheaves on certain $(n-1)$ -dimensional weighted projective spaces to stable equivariant reflexive sheaves on $(X,\,L)$ .

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Špela Špenko ◽  
Michel Van den Bergh

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-127
Han-Bom Moon ◽  
Luca Schaffler

We describe a compactification by KSBA stable pairs of the five-dimensional moduli space of K3 surfaces with a purely non-symplectic automorphism of order four and $U(2)\oplus D_4^{\oplus 2}$ lattice polarization. These K3 surfaces can be realized as the minimal resolution of the double cover of $\mathbb {P}^{1}\times \mathbb {P}^{1}$ branched along a specific $(4,\,4)$ curve. We show that, up to a finite group action, this stable pairs compactification is isomorphic to Kirwan's partial desingularization of the GIT quotient $(\mathbb {P}^{1})^{8}{/\!/}\mathrm {SL}_2$ with the symmetric linearization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 (2) ◽  
pp. 399-468
Gwyn Bellamy ◽  
Alastair Craw

Abstract For a finite subgroup $$\Gamma \subset \mathrm {SL}(2,\mathbb {C})$$ Γ ⊂ SL ( 2 , C ) and for $$n\ge 1$$ n ≥ 1 , we use variation of GIT quotient for Nakajima quiver varieties to study the birational geometry of the Hilbert scheme of n points on the minimal resolution S of the Kleinian singularity $$\mathbb {C}^2/\Gamma $$ C 2 / Γ . It is well known that $$X:={{\,\mathrm{{\mathrm {Hilb}}}\,}}^{[n]}(S)$$ X : = Hilb [ n ] ( S ) is a projective, crepant resolution of the symplectic singularity $$\mathbb {C}^{2n}/\Gamma _n$$ C 2 n / Γ n , where $$\Gamma _n=\Gamma \wr \mathfrak {S}_n$$ Γ n = Γ ≀ S n is the wreath product. We prove that every projective, crepant resolution of $$\mathbb {C}^{2n}/\Gamma _n$$ C 2 n / Γ n can be realised as the fine moduli space of $$\theta $$ θ -stable $$\Pi $$ Π -modules for a fixed dimension vector, where $$\Pi $$ Π is the framed preprojective algebra of $$\Gamma $$ Γ and $$\theta $$ θ is a choice of generic stability condition. Our approach uses the linearisation map from GIT to relate wall crossing in the space of $$\theta $$ θ -stability conditions to birational transformations of X over $$\mathbb {C}^{2n}/\Gamma _n$$ C 2 n / Γ n . As a corollary, we describe completely the ample and movable cones of X over $$\mathbb {C}^{2n}/\Gamma _n$$ C 2 n / Γ n , and show that the Mori chamber decomposition of the movable cone is determined by an extended Catalan hyperplane arrangement of the ADE root system associated to $$\Gamma $$ Γ by the McKay correspondence. In the appendix, we show that morphisms of quiver varieties induced by variation of GIT quotient are semismall, generalising a result of Nakajima in the case where the quiver variety is smooth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (02) ◽  
pp. 2050013 ◽  
Olivier Debarre ◽  
Alexander Kuznetsov

We describe the moduli stack of Gushel–Mukai varieties as a global quotient stack and its coarse moduli space as the corresponding GIT quotient. The construction is based on a comprehensive study of the relation between this stack and the stack of so-called Lagrangian data defined in our previous works; roughly speaking, we show that the former is a generalized root stack of the latter. As an application, we define the period map for Gushel–Mukai varieties and construct some complete nonisotrivial families of smooth Gushel–Mukai varieties. In an appendix, we describe a generalization of the root stack construction used in our approach to the moduli stack.

2018 ◽  
Vol 371 (6) ◽  
pp. 4251-4276 ◽  
Patricio Gallardo

2017 ◽  
Vol 2019 (18) ◽  
pp. 5777-5810 ◽  
W Donovan

Abstract For a balanced wall crossing in geometric invariant theory (GIT), there exist derived equivalences between the corresponding GIT quotients if certain numerical conditions are satisfied. Given such a wall crossing, I construct a perverse sheaf of categories on a disk, singular at a point, with half-monodromies recovering these equivalences, and with behaviour at the singular point controlled by a GIT quotient stack associated to the wall. Taking complexified Grothendieck groups gives a perverse sheaf of vector spaces: I characterize when this is an intersection cohomology complex of a local system on the punctured disk.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (14) ◽  
pp. 1750098
Ronan Terpereau ◽  
Alfonso Zamora

Given an infinite reductive algebraic group [Formula: see text], we consider [Formula: see text]-equivariant coherent sheaves with prescribed multiplicities, called [Formula: see text]-constellations, for which two stability notions arise. The first one is analogous to the [Formula: see text]-stability defined for quiver representations by King [Moduli of representations of finite-dimensional algebras, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser.[Formula: see text]2) 45(180) (1994) 515–530] and for [Formula: see text]-constellations by Craw and Ishii [Flops of [Formula: see text]-Hilb and equivalences of derived categories by variation of GIT quotient, Duke Math. J. 124(2) (2004) 259–307], but depending on infinitely many parameters. The second one comes from Geometric Invariant Theory in the construction of a moduli space for [Formula: see text]-constellations, and depends on some finite subset [Formula: see text] of the isomorphy classes of irreducible representations of [Formula: see text]. We show that these two stability notions do not coincide, answering negatively a question raised in [Becker and Terpereau, Moduli spaces of [Formula: see text]-constellations, Transform. Groups 20(2) (2015) 335–366]. Also, we construct Harder–Narasimhan filtrations for [Formula: see text]-constellations with respect to both stability notions (namely, the [Formula: see text]-HN and [Formula: see text]-HN filtrations). Even though these filtrations do not coincide in general, we prove that they are strongly related: the [Formula: see text]-HN filtration is a subfiltration of the [Formula: see text]-HN filtration, and the polygons of the [Formula: see text]-HN filtrations converge to the polygon of the [Formula: see text]-HN filtration when [Formula: see text] grows.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 1550086 ◽  
N. Beck

In order to unify the construction of the moduli space of vector bundles with different types of global decorations, such as Higgs bundles, framed vector bundles and conic bundles, A. H. W. Schmitt introduced the concept of a swamp. In this work, we consider vector bundles with both a global and a local decoration over a fixed point of the base. This generalizes the notion of parabolic vector bundles, vector bundles with a level structure and parabolic Higgs bundles. We introduce a notion of stability and construct the coarse moduli space for these objects as the GIT-quotient of a parameter space. In the case of parabolic vector bundles and vector bundles with a level structure our stability concept reproduces the known ones. Thus, our work unifies the construction of their moduli spaces.

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