ars moriendi
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2021 ◽  
pp. 43-82
Dorota Wojda

This paper focuses on Witold Wirpsza’s Letters from the volume Second Resistance. Poems 1960–1964 (1965) and shows how irony becomes a deconstruction of dying, and at the same time of itself and of literary communication in general. The persiflage-oriented ars moriendi turns out to be a diagnosis directed against the discourses of thanatology, operating in institutions of power, medicine or religion (public letters) and family (private letters). Wirpsza designed it as a play of signs and communication noise in which meanings embedded in surface and deeper semantic levels intersect and contradict each other. This is accomplished by writing about death through epistolary, postal, philatelic tropes, concerning message, mediation and transmission. What are particularly important are the metaliterary parts, parabases intensifying the irony, which contain the vision of a postage  stamp robbery as reality transformed into signs. The interpretation of the Letters reveals that the deconstructive irony makes epistolary poetry a literary event – the letter, writing that is to be stolen, killed, read by the reader in her or his own way.

Michelle Heib ◽  
Jonas Weiß ◽  
Carina Saggau ◽  
Justus Hoyer ◽  
Johaiber Fuchslocher Chico ◽  

Teología ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (136) ◽  
pp. 61-72
María Marcela Mazzini ◽  

Initium ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Márta Kukri

Die vorliegende Untersuchung erzielt die paläographische Beschreibung und dabei den Vergleich vier frühneuzeitlicher Handschriften. Alle vier Texte befinden sich im Kodex mit der Signatur St. Pölten 066. Das Germanistische Seminar der Eötvös-József-Collegium befasst sich mit dem Band im Rahmen der Opusculum tripartitum-Forschung, in der Handschrift sind nämlich zwei Teile des Werkes überliefert. Obwohl die zwei Textteile zu demselben Werk gehören, folgen sie einander im Kodex nicht unmittelbar. Zwischen dem zweiten und dem dritten Kapitel des Opusculum tripartitums befinden sich zwei weitere Texte, nämlich das von Thomas Peuntner verfasste Beichtbüchlein und ein von einem anonymen Autor stammender Beichtspiegel. Die Erscheinung ist im österreichischen Überlieferungsgut des Opusculum tripartitums einzigartig, denn in allen anderen Codices wurden die Textteile unmittelbar nacheinander abgeschrieben. Ferner können einem die gravierenden Unterschiede zwischen den Abschreiberhänden des zweiten und des dritten Teils des Opusculum tripartitums ins Auge fallen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die zwei Schrifttypen miteinander verglichen, wobei auf die einzelnen Buchstaben, die Diakritika, die Interpunktion, die Rubrizierungen und die Rolle der Lagenstruktur des Bandes näher eingegangen wird.

2021 ◽  
pp. 339-344
Rachel Cope ◽  
Amy Harris ◽  
Jane Hinckley

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 638-659
D. Scott Hendrickson

Abstract This article examines the key themes in Juan Eusebio Nieremberg’s Partida a la eternidad and its relationship to the Jesuit production of ars moriendi tracts in early modern Spain. Special attention is given to the intended readership of this and other similar texts, the focus Nieremberg places on the reading of devotional books and treatises, and the manner in which Jesuit death manuals came to reflect the emerging apostolic goals and the spiritual tradition in the Society of Jesus around the time of its first centenary. Here, the author highlights Nieremberg’s inclusion of imaginative and visual contemplations, his approach to condemnation and hell, and the rhetoric he develops around the joy and delight readers are invited to experience in the actual, or imagined, states of illness and dying.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 695
Agnieszka Janiak ◽  
Marcin Gierczyk

It is evident that a change is happening, a breakthrough, in perceptions of death; the next episode is being unveiled. After the stages Philippe Aries named death of the tame and then death of the wild, people today are finally experiencing the humanizing of death, which we call sharing death, whose influence is worth deep analysis. Our hypothesis is that today, Ars moriendi, meeting the needs of the dying, may be learned from the so-called death teachers, whose message is growing noticeably in society. This research shows a certain reversal of social roles that are worth noting and accepting. In the past, a priest was a guide and a teacher in the face of dying and death; today, he has the opportunity to learn Ars moriendi from contemporary teachers of dying, to imagine an empty chair standing by a dying person.

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