Journal of K-theory K-theory and its Applications to Algebra Geometry and Topology
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Published By Cambridge University Press

1865-5394, 1865-2433

Dimitri Ara

AbstractWe introduce a notion of n-quasi-categories as fibrant objects of a model category structure on presheaves on Joyal's n-cell category Θn. Our definition comes from an idea of Cisinski and Joyal. However, we show that this idea has to be slightly modified to get a reasonable notion. We construct two Quillen equivalences between the model category of n-quasi-categories and the model category of Rezk Θn-spaces, showing that n-quasi-categories are a model for (∞, n)-categories. For n = 1, we recover the two Quillen equivalences defined by Joyal and Tierney between quasi-categories and complete Segal spaces.

Isamu Iwanari

AbstractIn this paper we begin studying tannakian constructions in ∞-categories and combine them with the theory of motivic categories developed by Hanamura, Levine, and Voevodsky. This paper is the first in a series of papers. For the purposes above, we first construct a derived affine group scheme and its representation category from a symmetric monoidal ∞-category, which we shall call the tannakization of a symmetric monoidal ∞-category. It can be viewed as an ∞-categorical generalization of work of Joyal-Street and Nori. Next we apply it to the stable ∞-category of mixed motives equipped with the realization functor of a mixed Weil cohomology. We construct a derived motivic Galois group which represents the automorphism group of the realization functor, and whose representation category satisfies an appropriate universal property. As a consequence, we construct an underived motivic Galois group of mixed motives, which is a pro-algebraic group and has nice properties. Also, we present basic properties of derived affine group schemes in the Appendix.

Thomas Nikolaus

AbstractThe theory of dendroidal sets has been developed to serve as a combinatorial model for homotopy coherent operads, see [MW07, CM13b]. An ∞-operad is a dendroidal setDsatisfying certain lifting conditions.In this paper we give a definition of K-groupsKn(D) for a dendroidal setD. These groups generalize the K-theory of symmetric monoidal (resp. permutative) categories and algebraic K-theory of rings. We establish some useful properties like invariance under the appropriate equivalences and long exact sequences which allow us to compute these groups in some examples. Using results from [Heu11b] and [BN12] we show that theK-theory groups ofDcan be realized as homotopy groups of a K-theory spectrum.

Sara E. Arklint ◽  
Rasmus Bentmann ◽  
Takeshi Katsura

AbstractWe show that filtered K-theory is equivalent to a substantially smaller invariant for all real-rank-zero C*-algebras with certain primitive ideal spaces—including the infinitely many so-called accordion spaces for which filtered K-theory is known to be a complete invariant. As a consequence, we give a characterization of purely infinite Cuntz–Krieger algebras whose primitive ideal space is an accordion space.

Kay Rülling ◽  
Takao Yamazaki

AbstractWe prove that the K-group of reciprocity functors, defined by F. Ivorra and the first author, vanishes over a perfect field as soon as one of the reciprocity functors is and one is an abelian variety.

Ivan Horozov ◽  
Matt Kerr

AbstractIn this paper we introduce new local symbols, which we call 4-function local symbols. We formulate reciprocity laws for them. These reciprocity laws are proven using a new method - multidimensional iterated integrals. Besides providing reciprocity laws for the new 4-function local symbols, the same method works for proving reciprocity laws for the Parshin symbol. Both the new 4-function local symbols and the Parshin symbol can be expressed as a finite product of newly defined bi-local symbols, each of which satisfies a reciprocity law. TheK-theoretic variant of the first 4-function local symbol is defined in the Appendix. It differs by a sign from the one defined via iterated integrals. Both the sign and theK-theoretic variant of the 4-function local symbol satisfy reciprocity laws, whose proof is based on MilnorK-theory (see the Appendix). The relation of the 4-function local symbols to the double free loop space of the surface is given by iterated integrals over membranes.

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