Comment on Philipp Dann: Some Remarks on the Methodology of the “Constitutional Law” of the European Union

Artur Kozłowski
Javier Tajadura Tejada

Este artículo analiza en primer lugar el significado de la secesión en el Derecho Internacional y en el Derecho Constitucional. Asimismo, examina cómo se aborda el fenómeno de la secesión en el Derecho comunitario europeo. Esto obliga a estudiar dos tipos de problemas: por un lado, el de la secesión de un Estado miembro respecto de la propia Unión; por otro, el de la fragmentación de un Estado miembro por la secesión de una parte de su territorio. La conclusión es que la conservación o fragmentación de un Estado miembro de la Unión Europea no es un asunto interno: la secesión de partes de un territorio afecta al sistema político europeo en su conjunto, en la medida en que es una forma de integración federal donde no caben actos unilaterales que quebranten el principio de lealtad federal de la Unión y la ciudadanía europea que ha ido conformándose en las últimas décadas.This article analyzes the meaning of secession in international and constitutional law. It also examines the phenomenon of secession in European law. This requires studying two types of problems: the secession of a member state of the European Union and the fragmentation of a Member State for the secession of part of its territory. The conclusion is that conservation or fragmentation of a Member State of the European Union is not an internal matter. In our opinión, the political and legal system of the Union can be characterized also federally, which prevents the national and regional authorities to carry out unilateral acts that go against the principle of Community federal loyalty and European citizenship.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Carlos María López Espadafor

Abstract: One of the basic preliminary issues that would contribute to a better development of EU Tax Law should consist on a definition, within its own judicial discipline, of the material principles of Tax Justice. We cannot expect to make progress in the technical development of the community tax rules and in the enlargement of their scope of action, without having previously defined certain taxation parameters. These, in turn, could be seen as a reassurance by the taxpayers of the various Member States of the European Union regarding its tax rules. It should be able to define some principles that were somewhat similar to those included in the Constitutions or the Constitutional Law of the various member States.Keywords: law, European Union, states, tax justice, European taxpayers.Resumen: Una de las cuestiones preliminaries básicas que contribuirían a un mejor desarrollo del Derecho Tributario de la Unión Europea, sería la concreción de una definición, sin perjuicio de su propia disciplina jurisprudencial, de los principios materiales de justicia tributaria. No podemos pretender progresar en el desarrollo técnico de las normas tributarias comunitarias y en una ampliación del alcance de su actuación sin haber definido previamente ciertos parámetros tributarios. Éstos, a su vez, podrían verse como una garantía para los contribuyentes de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea con respecto a sus Ordenamientos jurídico-tributarios internos. Esto podría desembocar en la definición de algunos principios que en cierto modo serían paralelos a los recogidos en las Constituciones de los Estados miembros.Palabras clave: derecho, Unión Europea, estados, justicia tributaria, contribuyentes europeos.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-24
Francisco Balaguer Callejón

This article intends to reflect on the concept of constitutional identities of states in the frame of the dialectic relationship between the legal order of the European Union and the national legal orders. Both the conflictual dimension of the constitutional identity and the relations of confluence that that can maximize are explored. It concludes with an open and flexible understanding of the concept of constitutional identity which can benefit the evolution of the national constitutional law in an Europeist sense and the progressive transformation of the European legal system in aconstitutional sense.

2009 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1551-1560
Giuseppe Martinico

Recently the GermanBundesverfassungsgericht(Federal Constitutional Court) knocked on the European Union's door with its impressive judgment on the Lisbon Treaty, recalling all the weight of the German scholarship tradition steeped in the German dogmatic flavor: the attention to the history of sovereignty and the attempt to catch all the European Union constitutional system's life revealed the systemic approach peculiar to the German dogmatic scholarship.

Catherine Barnard ◽  
Emilija Leinarte

This chapter addresses the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement dealing with the protection of citizens’ rights. It explains the scope of application and the content of the rights afforded to EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU after Brexit. The chapter also looks at the enforcement of citizens’ rights, both in the EU and the UK. While the rights of EU citizens already in the UK, and rights of UK citizens in the EU, are fairly generously protected under the WA, the mechanism for enforcement of such rights raises questions of effectiveness. Moreover, the special jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concerning Part Two of the Withdrawal Agreement, while a logical outcome from the perspective of EU constitutional law, will disappoint those who supported the UK government’s insistence that ending the jurisdiction of the CJEU was one of the UK’s red lines during the Article 50 TEU negotiations.

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