Azimuthal variation of teleseismic P-wave travel times

1968 ◽  
Vol 58 (6) ◽  
pp. 1879-1897
K. L. Kaila ◽  
P. R. Reddy ◽  
Hari Narain

ABSTRACT P-wave travel times of 39 shallow earthquakes and three nuclear explosions with epicenters in the North in Himalayas, Tibet, China and USSR as recorded in Indian observatories have been analyzed statistically by the method of weighting observations. The travel times from Δ = 2° to 50° can be represented by four straight line segments indicating abrupt velocity changes around 19°, 22° and 33° respectively. The P-wave velocity at the top of the mantle has been found to be 8.31 ± 0.02 km/sec. Inferred upper mantle structure reveals three velocity discontinuities in the upper mantle at depths (below the crust) of 380 ± 20, 580 ± 50 and 1000 ± 120 km with velocities below the discontinuities as 9.47 ± 0.06, 10.15 ± 0.07 and 11.40 ± 0.08 km/sec respectively. The J-B residuals up to Δ = 19° are mostly negative varying from 1 to 10 seconds with a dependence on Δ values indicating a different upper mantle velocity in the Himalayan region as compared to that used by Jeffreys-Bullen in their tables (1940). Between 19° to 33° there is a reasonably good agreement between the J-B curve and the observation points. From Δ = 33° to 50° the J-B residuals are mostly positive with an average excess value of about 4 sec.

1969 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 1201-1212
David E. James ◽  
I. Selwyn Sacks ◽  
Eduardo Lazo L. ◽  
Pablo Aparicio G.

abstract Mathematical instability in four-parameter least squares hypocenter solutions arises primarily from the fact that the four computed variables—origin time (T0), focal depth (h), latitude (θ), and longitude (λ)—are not strictly independent. Specifically, T0 exhibits a non-independent relationship with the geometric parameters. For small networks (< 10–15 stations), the lack of independence between T0 and the other variables results in unstable least-squares solutions. This instability is manifest most clearly by the fact that different station subsets of the observational network produce significantly different solutions for the same earthquake. The instability can be eliminated by computing T0 independently for each station using the formula ( T 0 ) i = ( T p ) i − V k ( T s − p ) i V p , where Tp = P-wave arrival time, Vk = S-P velocity, Vp = P-wave velocity, and Ts-p = time interval between P and S arrivals. An average value of T0 can be obtained from the individually calculated origin times and the P-wave travel times calculated. The variables ϕ, λ and z are then computed by the usual least-squares procedure using P-wave travel times only. The method is iterative and an average T0 is recalculated in the course of each iteration. Fundamental properties of travel times within the Earth impose definite limitations upon the accuracy of the locations. Low values of the derivative dTp/dh at epicentral distances of a few degrees introduce a large uncertainty in focal depth, particularly for shallow (0–60 km) earthquakes. There is normally little error in epicenter, however, even for solutions in which depth is poorly determined. The dimensions and geometric configuration of the network in relation to the epicenter and the proximity of the epicenter to any one station are controlling factors in predicting the minimum uncertainty for any given hypocenter solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Xihui Shao ◽  
Ying Liu ◽  
Xiaofeng Tian ◽  
Huajian Yao ◽  

2020 ◽  
Marcel Paffrath ◽  
Wolfgang Friederich ◽  

<p>We perform a teleseismic P-wave travel time tomography to examine geometry and slab structure of the upper mantle beneath the Alpine orogen. Vertical component data of the extraordinary dense seismic network AlpArray are used which were recorded at over 600 temporary and permanent broadband stations deployed by 24 different European institutions in the greater Alpine region, reaching from the Massif Central to the Pannonian Basin and from the Po plain to the river Main. Mantle phases of 347 teleseismic events between 2015 and 2019 of magnitude 5.5 and higher are evaluated automatically for direct and core diffracted P arrivals using a combination of higher-order statistics picking algorithms and signal cross correlation. The resulting database contains over 170.000 highly accurate absolute P picks that were manually revised for each event. The travel time residuals exhibit very consistent and reproducible spatial patterns, already pointing at high velocity slabs in the mantle.</p><p>For predicting P-wave travel times, we consider a large computational box encompassing the Alpine region up to a depth of 600 km within which we allow 3D-variations of P-wave velocity. Outside this box we assume a spherically symmetric earth and apply the Tau-P method to calculate travel times and ray paths. These are injected at the boundaries of the regional box and continued using the fast marching method. We invert differences between observed and predicted travel times for P-wave velocities inside the box. Velocity is discretized on a regular grid with an average spacing of about 25 km. The misfit reduction reaches values of up to 75% depending on damping and smoothing parameters.</p><p>The resulting model shows several steeply dipping high velocity anomalies following the Alpine arc. The most prominent structure stretches from the western Alps into the Apennines mountain range reaching depths of over 500 km. Two further anomalies extending down to a depth of 300 km are located below the central and eastern Alps, separated by a clear gap below the western part of the Tauern window. Further to the east the model indicates a possible high-velocity connection between the eastern Alps and the Dinarides. Regarding the lateral position of the central and eastern Alpine slabs, our results confirm previous studies. However, there are differences regarding depth extent, dip angles and dip directions. Both structures dip very steeply with a tendency towards northward dipping. We perform various general, as well as purpose-built resolution tests, to verify the capabilities of our setup to resolve slab gaps as well as different possible slab dipping directions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Marcel Paffrath ◽  
Wolfgang Friederich ◽  

<p>We perform a teleseismic P-wave travel time tomography to examine geometry and slab structure of the upper mantle beneath the Alpine orogen. Vertical component data of the extraordinary dense seismic network AlpArray are used which were recorded at over 600 temporary and permanent broadband stations deployed by 24 different European institutions in the greater Alpine region, reaching from the Massif Central to the Pannonian Basin and from the Po plain to the river Main. Mantle phases of 370 teleseismic events between 2015 and 2019 of magnitude 5.5 and higher are evaluated automatically for direct and core diffracted P arrivals using a combination of higher-order statistics picking algorithms and signal cross correlation. The resulting database contains over 170.000 highly accurate absolute P picks that were manually revised for each event. The travel time residuals exhibit very consistent and reproducible spatial patterns, already pointing at high velocity slabs in the mantle.</p><p>For predicting P-wave travel times we consider a large computational box encompassing the Alpine region up to a depth of 600 km within which we allow 3D-variations of P-wave velocity. To account for influences of the strongly heterogeneous crust that cannot be resolved with teleseismic data, we integrate a complex three-dimensional crustal model directly into our model. Outside the box we assume a spherically symmetric earth and apply the Tau-P method to calculate travel times and ray paths. These are injected at the boundaries of the regional box and continued using the fast marching method (Rawlinson et al. 2005). We invert differences between observed and predicted traveltimes for P-wave velocities inside the box. Velocity is discretized on a regular grid with a spacing of about 25x25x15 km. The misfit reduction reaches values of over 80% depending on damping and smoothing parameters.</p><p>The resulting model shows several steeply dipping high velocity anomalies following the Alpine arc. The most prominent structure stretches from the western Alps into the Apennines mountain range reaching depths of over 500 km. Two further anomalies of high complexity extending down to a depth of 300 km are located below the central and eastern Alps, both being detached from the lithosphere and separated by a clear gap below the western part of the Tauern window. The central anomaly shows mainly southwards dipping, whereas the eastern anomaly is mainly dipping to the northeast. We compare our results to former studies, confirming lateral positions of the anomalies. However, the new results can benefit from the superior resolution capabilities of the dense AlpArray seismic network, providing more accurate insights into depth extent, dip angle and directions. We perform various general, as well as purpose-built resolution tests, to verify the capabilities of our setup to resolve slab gaps as well as different possible slab dipping directions.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 101 (4) ◽  
pp. 1938-1947 ◽  
J. D. Griffin ◽  
R. L. Nowack ◽  
W.-P. Chen ◽  
T.-L. Tseng

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