fundamental properties
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (POPL) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Delia Kesner

This paper introduces a functional term calculus, called pn, that captures the essence of the operational semantics of Intuitionistic Linear Logic Proof-Nets with a faithful degree of granularity, both statically and dynamically. On the static side, we identify an equivalence relation on pn-terms which is sound and complete with respect to the classical notion of structural equivalence for proof-nets. On the dynamic side, we show that every single (exponential) step in the term calculus translates to a different single (exponential) step in the graphical formalism, thus capturing the original Girard’s granularity of proof-nets but on the level of terms. We also show some fundamental properties of the calculus such as confluence, strong normalization, preservation of β-strong normalization and the existence of a strong bisimulation that captures pairs of pn-terms having the same graph reduction.

Hemanta Kalita ◽  
Bipan Hazarika

The objective of this paper is to construct canonical Orlicz class and study their fundamental properties. Also, we prove that this space contains Henstock–Kurzweil integrable functions.

2022 ◽  
Junya Kato ◽  
Gouhei Tanaka ◽  
Ryosho Nakane ◽  
Akira Hirose

We propose reconstructive reservoir computing (RRC) for anomaly detection working for time-series signals. This paper investigates its fundamental properties with experiments employing echo state networks (ESNs). The RRC model is a reconstructor to replicate a normal input time-series signal with no delay or a certain delay (delay ≥ 0). In its anomaly detection process, we evaluate instantaneous reconstruction error defined as the difference between input and output signals at each time. Experiments with a sound dataset from industrial machines demonstrate that the error is low for normal signals while it becomes higher for abnormal ones, showing successful anomaly detection. It is notable that the RRC models’ behavior is very different from that of conventional anomaly detection models, that is, those based on forecasting (delay < 0). The error of the proposed reconstructor is explicitly lower than that of a forecaster, resulting in superior distinction between normal and abnormal states. We show that the RRC model is effective over a large range of reservoir parameters. We also illustrate the distribution of the output weights optimized through a training to discuss their roles in the reconstruction. Then, we investigate the influence of the neuronal leaking rate and the delay time shift amount on the transient response and the reconstruction error, showing high effectiveness of the reconstructor in anomaly detection. The proposed RRC will play a significant role for anomaly detection in the present and future sensor network society

2022 ◽  
Junya Kato ◽  
Gouhei Tanaka ◽  
Ryosho Nakane ◽  
Akira Hirose

We propose reconstructive reservoir computing (RRC) for anomaly detection working for time-series signals. This paper investigates its fundamental properties with experiments employing echo state networks (ESNs). The RRC model is a reconstructor to replicate a normal input time-series signal with no delay or a certain delay (delay ≥ 0). In its anomaly detection process, we evaluate instantaneous reconstruction error defined as the difference between input and output signals at each time. Experiments with a sound dataset from industrial machines demonstrate that the error is low for normal signals while it becomes higher for abnormal ones, showing successful anomaly detection. It is notable that the RRC models’ behavior is very different from that of conventional anomaly detection models, that is, those based on forecasting (delay < 0). The error of the proposed reconstructor is explicitly lower than that of a forecaster, resulting in superior distinction between normal and abnormal states. We show that the RRC model is effective over a large range of reservoir parameters. We also illustrate the distribution of the output weights optimized through a training to discuss their roles in the reconstruction. Then, we investigate the influence of the neuronal leaking rate and the delay time shift amount on the transient response and the reconstruction error, showing high effectiveness of the reconstructor in anomaly detection. The proposed RRC will play a significant role for anomaly detection in the present and future sensor network society

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 01002
Panagiota Foka ◽  
Aristeidis Mamaras ◽  
Damir Skrjiel ◽  
Joao Seco ◽  
Christian Graeff ◽  

The aim of the new Particle Therapy MasterClass (PTMC) was to develop an educational and training environment in which anyone can learn about fundamental and applied research in particle therapy. The PTMC was recently integrated into the International MasterClass 2021 online programme that attracted 1500 students from 37 institutes in 20 countries, worldwide. The PTMC focuses on the topic of cancer treatment, a particularly sensitive and socially relevant topic. The main idea is to (a) provide a basic understanding of cancer radiation therapy, (b) demonstrate that fundamental properties of particle interactions with matter, which are used for detection in physics experiments, are also the basis for treating cancer tumours; and (c) show that the same accelerator technologies are used in both, research laboratories and therapy centres. For the hands-on session, the open-source professional treatment planning software matRad is used, developed for research and training by the German Cancer Research Center – DKFZ. Ultimately, students are shown “what physics has to do with medicine” and what are the various possibilities that physics and STEM studies may open up for job opportunities in fields that are lacking expert personnel.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 298
Marilena Vivona ◽  
Filippo Giannazzo ◽  
Fabrizio Roccaforte

Silicon carbide (4H-SiC) Schottky diodes have reached a mature level of technology and are today essential elements in many applications of power electronics. In this context, the study of Schottky barriers on 4H-SiC is of primary importance, since a deeper understanding of the metal/4H-SiC interface is the prerequisite to improving the electrical properties of these devices. To this aim, over the last three decades, many efforts have been devoted to developing the technology for 4H-SiC-based Schottky diodes. In this review paper, after a brief introduction to the fundamental properties and electrical characterization of metal/4H-SiC Schottky barriers, an overview of the best-established materials and processing for the fabrication of Schottky contacts to 4H-SiC is given. Afterwards, besides the consolidated approaches, a variety of nonconventional methods proposed in literature to control the Schottky barrier properties for specific applications is presented. Besides the possibility of gaining insight into the physical characteristics of the Schottky contact, this subject is of particular interest for the device makers, in order to develop a new class of Schottky diodes with superior characteristics.

А.Н. Чугунекова

Статья посвящена выявлению глаголов движения в текстах хакасских героических сказаний. Данное исследование проведено на материале опубликованных текстов «Албынчы», «Алтын Арыг», записанных от популярного народного сказителя Хакасии С. П. Кадышева (1885–1997), и «Ай Хуучин» (сказитель П. В. Курбижеков). Актуальность исследования связана с возрастающим интересом к месту и роли пространственных идей в форме национальной лингвокультуры. Известно, что пространство и время как фундаментальные свойства бытия определяют специфику ментальности этнического коллектива, обусловливают уникальность временных и пространственных планов жизнедеятельности. В каждом языке существуют свои средства выражения и своя система способов выражения пространственных представлений. Одним из них являются глаголы движения. Целью статьи является выявление и описание глаголов движения, функционирующих в текстах героических сказаний хакасов. В задачи исследования входят: выявление глаголов движения, характерных только для текстов героических сказаний; определение семантики и грамматического значения этих глаголов. При решении поставленных задач были привлечены метод сплошной выборки примеров, предусматривающий подбор примеров для анализа и выписывание из текстов героических сказаний подряд всех встречающихся в нём примеров анализируемого типа; описательный метод для выявления глаголов движения и их последовательного описания с точки зрения их структуры и функционирования. Метод дистрибутивного анализа позволил выявить сочетаемостные особенности глаголов движения. Исследование проводилось в рамках антропоцентрической парадигмы знаний, естественной точкой отсчета которой является представление о человеке и о языке в человеке. В результате исследования выявлены и проанализированы глаголы движения, функционирующие в текстах героических сказаний хакасского языка; определены грамматические значения глагольной лексики в героических сказаниях хакасского языка; определены актуальные для языка героического эпоса глаголы со значением движения. Полученные результаты исследования могут найти применение при чтении лекционных курсов по хакасскому и другим тюркским языкам на филологических факультетах вузов, при составлении учебно-методических пособий, словарей, а также при сравнительно-типологических исследованиях. The article is devoted to the identification of verbs of movement in the texts of Khakas heroic legends. This study is based on the published texts Albynchy, Altyn Aryg, recorded from the popular epicteller of Khakasia S. P. Kadyshev (1885–1997) and Ai Huuchin (epicteller P. V. Kurbizhekov). The relevance of the research is related to the growing interest in the place and role of spatial ideas in the form of national linguistic culture. It is known that space and time as fundamental properties of being determine the specifics of the mentality of an ethnic group, determine the uniqueness of the time and spatial plans of life. Each language has its own means of expression and its own system of ways of expressing spatial representations. One of them is the verbs of movement. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe the verbs of movement that function in the texts of the heroic legends of the Khakas. The tasks of the research include: identification of verbs of movement that are characteristic only for the texts of heroic tales; determining the semantics and grammatical meaning of these verbs. In solving the tasks set, the method of continuous sampling of examples was recognized (providing for the selection of examples for analysis and writing out from the texts of heroic tales in a row all the examples of the analyzed type found in it), descriptive (for identifying verbs of movement and their consistent description in terms of their structure and functioning) method. The method of distributive analysis made it possible to identify combinable features of verbs of movement. The study was conducted within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm of knowledge, the natural starting point of which is the idea of a person and of a language in a person. As a result of the research, the verbs of movement functioning in the texts of the Khakas heroic tales were identified and analyzed; the grammatical meanings of the verbal vocabulary in the heroic tales of the Khakas language were determined; the verbs with the meaning of movement that are relevant for the language of the heroic epic were determined. The results of the study can be used in the reading of lecture courses on the Khakas and other Turkic languages at the philological faculties of universities, in the preparation of teaching aids, dictionaries, as well as in comparative typological studies.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Jan Ozimek ◽  
Krzysztof Pielichowski

Advanced organic-inorganic materials-composites, nanocomposites, and hybrids with various compositions offer unique properties required for biomedical applications. One of the most promising inorganic (nano)additives are polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS); their biocompatibility, non-toxicity, and phase separation ability that modifies the material porosity are fundamental properties required in modern biomedical applications. When incorporated, chemically or physically, into polyurethane matrices, they substantially change polymer properties, including mechanical properties, surface characteristics, and bioactivity. Hence, this review is dedicated to POSS-PU composites that have recently been developed for applications in the biomedical field. First, different modes of POSS incorporation into PU structure have been presented, then recent developments of PU/POSS hybrids as bio-active composites for scaffolds, cardiovascular stents, valves, and membranes, as well as in bio-imaging and cancer treatment, have been described. Finally, characterization and methods of modification routes of polyurethane-based materials with silsesquioxanes were presented.

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