scholarly journals Commitment versus discretion in a political economy model of fiscal and monetary policy interaction

2016 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
pp. 17-29 ◽  
David S. Miller
2009 ◽  
Vol 13 (S1) ◽  
pp. 133-150 ◽  
Sanjay K. Chugh

I demonstrate that the precise timing of financial markets and goods markets in a simple cash good/credit good model does not matter for the main results in the Ramsey literature on optimal fiscal and monetary policy. In Ramsey models based on Lucas and Stokey [Journal of Monetary Economics12, 55–93 (1983)] and Chari, Christiano, and Kehoe [Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking23, 519–539 (1991)], nominal money holdings are freely adjustable in response to shocks in the period in which they will be used to purchase consumption. In contrast, under Svensson [Journal of Political Economy93, 919–944 (1985)] timing, nominal balances cannot be adjusted in the period they will be used. The broad finding is that benchmark Ramsey results are not very sensitive to this slight, ultimately ad hoc, modification. In particular, optimal inflation continues to display very high variability just as in the original models, although this can differ depending on exactly which exogenous processes are driving the economy. That the basic results in the Ramsey literature are not sensitive to the choice of cash/credit timing is reassuring as Ramsey analysis is applied to an ever-expanding set of model environments.

2007 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 378-381 ◽  

Colin Hay's combative response is a welcome engagement with our ideas. Let us first set out where the battle lines are drawn. The most important points in Hay's shot across our bows relate to accommodating the notion of complexity; defining Keynesianism; invoking Labour's past; the relationship between fiscal and monetary policy; and the evidential basis for our argument.The first point involves admitting complexity when characterizing a political economy. In essence, we agree with Hay about the need to admit complexity into the explanation and characterization of New Labour's political economy, but he does not recognize in our account that this has been successfully achieved, nor do we see it in how he characterizes the relationship between New Labour and neo-liberalism. This is in part a disagreement about how to operationalize the insight about the need to admit greater complexity into the analysis of the political economy of New Labour's macroeconomic policy making. For example, our account of complexity accepts that, under a particular set of monetary policy conditions, which are not in any straightforward sense Keynesian, it is nevertheless legitimate and useful to consider the ‘Keynesianness’ of the fiscal policy regime. Hay, by contrast, sees this as a dubious manœuvre, no doubt fuelled by the unspecified ‘normative bias’ he detects in our work and refers to enigmatically but repeatedly.Similarly, we recognize that Hay has identified the need to admit complexity into analysis. However, in our reading of his work there remains a sense that, in the final analysis, New Labour's is a neo-liberal political economy.

2005 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-386 ◽  
Firman Mochtar

Paper ini menganalisa interaksi kebijakan fiskal dan moneter di Indonesia pada masa sebelum dan sesudah krisis, dengan melakukan estimasi atas quasy fiscal activity (QFA) Bank Indonesia dan mengurai interaksi antara kebijakan fiskal dan moneter. Penulis menemukan bahwa selama masa krisis, aktifitas ini (QFA) ada dan dilakukan oleh bank sentral Indonesia. Hal ini berbeda dengan masa sebelum krisis dimana QFA memiliki besaran yang netral. Dalam kaitan interaksi kebijakan fiskalmoneter, fakta ini menunjukkan dominasi kebijakan fiskal pada masa setelah krisis. Analisa interaksi antara kebijakan fiskal dan moneter ini membawa implikasi kebijakan di Indonesia yakni perlunya disiplin dalam kebijakan fiskal dan perlunya komitmen untuk mempertahankan sustainability kebijakan tersebut. Kegagalan mencapai kebijakan fiskal yang optimal akan mengurangi efektifitas kebijakan moneter dalam rangka mengontrol inflasi meski dalam kerangka inflation targeting yang secara parsial sudah diimplementasikan oleh Bank Indonesia.Keyword: Quasi Fiscal Activities, Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Inflation TargetingJEL: E11, E31, E52, E62

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